cr HiQW.i.iimw 'ffwlttflfM ,)JyM -....w'5"1'''' , - . t I . I I ( nnil cytitjiitiud ho unceasingly, (hut many wcro provctueii irom putting In their wheat. The winter waa uncommonly cold, tho spring ruins ccused in April and then commenced the dry weather, which continuod without ruin in niuny places, sufficient to bo of much benefit to thu crops, until they wore ready to bu harvested; consequently tho present crop cannot exceed threo fifths of an avorago This in a great moat u re enn be avoided imio to come. Let us orsanizo an Airicu Amusino Duel. Hadcn-Baden, which has been so long ono of tho temples of roily, would seem if tho chronicles of tho place which tho newspapers supply may bo trusted to havo taken a tono and temper at one moral and practical. Tho codo of tho gam ing iuuic in, apparently, failing irom lis au thority, with the threatened deposition or the gaming talilo itself. Two strangers, an En-! gllshmun ami Prussian, quarrelled, accord in fug to a very common incident, over heir play, , and uitrccd in tho usual course to fire iitbnn nnnllinr. as thn rpraxrniantl nunni of settling a dispute. The Englishman was so lucky as to win tho nrstiire, and so unlucky ns to miss his adversary. Tho lattor had on ly now to shoot his man at his case, and pre pared to take his aim accordingly, when 'the Englishman cried out, "Stop, stop I'll buy your shot." The ilnprcssion mado wbh that of tho novelty of tho proposal the second, that it contained tho preliminaries of a mu- many prontamo transaction. Tho conditions tural Society, with any number, say if no mom aro wining to become members, with ivo ; let us adopt a rulo by which wo will cultivate our farms. Let us experiment hero for a moment; say that five funners in Yamhill county form themselves into an ag ricultural socioty, with a constitution and by laws, let them now their wheat ut different times, say from tho first of June to tho first f Novcmbor ; let them sow red or spring wheat in tho full, let them sow both white and rod wheat in tho spring, let them offer aof the arrangement wcro accordingly enter premium for the greutest number of bushelN cd upon, am) tho two leading element were produced to tho acre, let laudublo induce-1 that the Englishman was rich and tho Prus. ments to industry und economy bo awarded, man a good shot. The redemption w"as val If such a course of farming won adopted, tho u-d ut 6 100(1, und the parties returned to tho drought never could effect the wheal crops city alike satisfied with their bargain. Tho m as to make grain scarce ; the curly sow. case was worth reporting, and wo aro glad it d wioat would bo made before the drought was tlm Englishman who set tho first exam could effect it ; the harvest would bo easier pic of tins clear insight into the rationale of and safer, for the reason they would com- duelling. jthcnrcum. mrnce in Juno and end in September. Let tho agricultural society thus formed delil.. I0ut. Wp havo received a letter from rata upon Ilia advantages and .Jiailvuiiiu. HloominL'ton. Iowa, of tho 7th which gesorull plans that may be proposed to them, bluivH ,iat ..)r democrats havo suffered let them act m unison and be consistent, und ,,P,s..Vf.s t , diviflcil on local causes, und uiry vuii )iui iiiuii iiwii jiriuu ijiun ineir wo hut NEW OOODti. TUHT-RECR1VED Mr "Bark Jam" P sale at the Store of Smm. M MafeseJrDtnimPaals M Blue Drill 4-4 do do , Blue Bhhtiaf Needles, Piae, Thread, tec. Umbrellas, ladia Robber Huepeadegi TuwWeas Paist Brushes, BuUom Hand-paper, Sickle, Ink Knives, Chalk Line, Gimlet Serve, Gla, Soap lit & 2d q'ty Shaving Soap, Uro. Sugar Halt, LawpbUck, Fitch HpenB Oil, Linseed ck. Kpt's Turpentine Illack and White Lead, with ' A small aaKirtraent of Hardware. For tale on reasonable tern. Aog. 5th, 1847. FOR SALE sewing; oui nicQucra: overcoat, Bottom: Men's and Boy's HaU and sift Glared Car; Ladies Bonnet; double and siafie Itiae Irear, Braces and Bills; Ch'ueel; Gowns, Cawa e; Carpenter' Pincers; Rules; Auger; Sere wajBteeVj Tacta; Hparaun; Woor batcher, nooaaaM tuafSSf Strap Ilmra; brass and irou Basis; Wats easTm Che nsd Till Lock: Boh: Bpc4eenava; 1 Hon; Hind Axer, Inn Square; Uooswa Asm; rasa) MiU 8m; Buck Saw; Vice; LaaVee; BtrasMac Tin Plain: Shoe Panche: Minclnc Knives; Jack KnlvesjlSteel Peru; Razor; Shaving Sew; Otoe; hand Paper, wood pocket Comb; Cheat Haaeseac Cloak Paw; Trace and Log Chain; Cast and Ge- mt Bitty Cast now; Mid-iron; Wagon saws; ijtMeeej uti; naaaion; iinaie; naaaie vagi; dm glea; Gil the; brass and wood Clock. August 4, 1847. 14 If Ota Yc! Oh Yes! EvcrjriMeJjr. Kmmtm m. nmmmmmmmmammmm vmgm vwy, tm , iM iAjrMaWM.Ar" f- r .. 'm sVPsia"lgaHgHgggv7Hr " -i Mahaar Mtlli, nVJfJimp&Wmt" 'I PMMIla aTJsaWfcJWJP sfMi jMPWPP 9tHHBf PMMsV aVHajH 4TPWbV Jpawsal sMwWpHW AwMNPf f At tke alrink Store, OrcNi CMjr. iM'wpi L2?lfcf! IT ' !2W' KENTUCKY JEANS; Ganbrooaa;BUM Btrifs; CMsakb CiMis, ftailasMsavXLlJ 'ill' V brown and bleached Cottonc BmsM MaVst HilliTsa-4VjagaV Wimm MM mm, .WWrn " .ais wmmm asM ns auaaaaV aWaBMaaJl raaas. as awJstasi asTssaaj vsaaBsa) asa saws sawspssa, cj ssasswai aapaa ijm avavaaajraaaiaavf w laasasaaKl . nwwmwwwmmi.j!tM3 nsl"r' 23 lliaiaaw. Caaa. JimTMmm.,9kmm. Wash ' ' '. salai, Bfcarawai Wk nmmmmSmm, Casi- ' -M Maaad. Tea CadaUa. Kssai Lsaa-.Tlliisil i .-. BiMB aalaslaV'.v; l.i-. PSaawfVaM- wheat and if it i.s a fuir price they tan ol tain it. I fear that I have loo long trcHpass:d ukjii you and the public, notwithstanding the iin-l-ortauce of tho .subject, to receive that at tention which it mcrit, and if I would not bu considered a trespasser, be glad to cuter ..! - w- eomo near Iomiil' the Lccislatliro. fWlIlE underu'enrd havine entered into coeartaar- Enough is known, however, to secure us a - 'P at Clackamas City, would inform their In ,r i U- r " l"" dcm.oc'aUo nrioai' branche., a rollow..AII kind, of wniaght H 10 tariff delegation from this Htoto in Con-J Mill work, and farming uteiuila. Ironing new and if. gressnutl the Senate of tho Cnitcd States." pairing old Wagon, Cart, Dearbon, dec Edge f IJmoii. Tool of ercry kind made and repaired, aleo cast steel L In i ii.ti. .'-..' u u - .a nwuing ziuzcia, uciw u cui v ur, aam n wimj moro minutely into the details of tho benefits tXrLowlon, in 1840, had a iwpulation 0f'riJon n3rw.tedJt0",," ..f an agricultural society in Oregon. J.STHI.OBO-o greater number than that of le7JwhTS?eeon.'nn'0r ch"P'"-' I'LOIMJH HOY. all other cities of England and Wales togcth- NORRISS X. CUTTIIW. er. Boston, in 1815, had reached 114,300, LT.l-.hlm llurritt savs that tin a tie o .. ...l... ...i i' . r . , , ,. , r- ., ,. .. , . on averaco annual increase of 7 percent. tin produce hlllppcd from tin I lllteil Staes ..,?, onnnnn : . . ' . . i- ic ,i .i . since 18 10. 'JOU.OOO emigrants were expect- to six months , he past year, , ' ,, .VTV -IRmVL . . r, C expect. Clackamas City, July M, 1847. lX Eliia Roger, coinpi't i BILL FOR DIVORCE. was 3D,000,000, of which 8:10,000,000 was in cotton A.MEKH A.NU I.N Kl'SHIA. (VI. Toild forms us thut the i radinu and uorkin in- ; on ropoin 1810, bringing with them capital e.x- A WMCATiON will be m ' reeding 8 20,000,000. StthA .C,,ack?,?,M V."0"'1,' " ' ' I of tho October 1 enn lliercof, PI'LICAl'iON will be made by comptahkSJkt e court, on the aast asry to be held on IM let Monday in October 1847, upon petition filed, far a the entire ruilroad line from St. I'etorsburgh fall Mr llcnrv .Smith, nn enterprising mil- 'wen ' complairyint nml defendant to Warsaw, (140 miles) wasghen to Ainun. ler of ho Hov. in this counlv, tent aix bar.ihetr,TityTd,hni,tlhi' ' .v .,.. . ' . . . . , -,. ,-. ,.-'.,",,' , uey, that if the said petition is not answered i can contraetors. J his contract amounts to rols of Ins choicest Mipcrhno Genesee flour, on or lefore tho cnlluTc of ihewid caiM ati Ko.i. l'l.oi'lt ami A KoYAi. PRICE. Lasti decree lo diwolve tho bondi of matrimony contracted This is or alter er denied rnllinrv nriliAuii.l riilHui mtaAi tnn. i i. ii . i i. i . ........ .... . ., . -. .-.--. h w. ... . .- .. n..v lour ami a nun minions oi uoiiarti, ami was inaniiiaciurril at Ins null m Wheatland, the aid petition will be token a coiifad aud a de given to Americuu Omtraotori-Jii the face of Monroe Co., toQucen Victoria, and for which crc(S rendered accordingly. t ho couiDotlt on ol all r.urone. wit hout sccu- in clue time, ho received from Her Mniesiv A- w'Sf'-'tr. iwnyui, .:... tr: : ..: m :?.. I.i ...r.....i.i- n..i .. .. ". Loiiiuiiiiiuiii muiiiuii:. ,1111; uiiiiiiuniiuiu nine sum oi inrcn inousaiiu dollars, i no I our was nut tin in hurh v hn. .XL cafe, ummwmgk Tea'CeeWfcNam Tea rets, ae, - rzL9mii ff 'MBiaV'.vi Imv --- - H. kb-kdSu TV gB Msv r w 'W gtaaHBBBBBBBBBBU Mea's aasi key's Beeeer ateft,.Ca(ea CekJec Oreas,& A' . uiuuii Aise 90 Taw ef Ceral at rirlliai 1ULBOW, LkWTOJX, eV Co. CeCa;llaelilT.Ii7 " ' X Ut Tt :. IHEi WlhB laewBJ assftr wtsaBBiMlMhBBa r!SmllmVmTSmVT M;lkBsjaasB.ijni fTfttgmfil Zitmim Vmi ra.laeaeskasal a'aeaY laBas pmtOmjm0midymimtHtm':m'.Mmwmi, priee kt waeei eJafrekeTaTchiCfc't City, Jape 8f 1847. '-: -'lBn Nkw I'iiojkct. The London ntv . iir.w iuiukct. i no iouion oorres-i. , , , ., . , ,.; , , nondent of tho Charleston iS. C. Courier. M81":' lmr'L ncai)y. varnished, mcloscl in wrilna ns Aillnwa "UCKS, Now I will tell you something now. A company is started under very influential Auj;. 5, 1847. Solicitor fur Complainant. 14 It fsflHE drrtJfiiif wM BnniaU - - -1------ M. aWeai ia 'b'aeHrer. le hilt atiissai'tlasj. aad waSaftsryt aeaMtsj at U, M he riieaH ready Female School. London and forwarded direct to tho Queen utTgP Third Session of Mrs. NT. HI. ,, -M- ThsmfaaiV rlieol, in this city, will . "i. . . . . ., ronmience on Monday July the 5lh and wtRcon- v .:. i.. iirilllliuiu t AIIVIIIIII'lll I11JU11 I1U Ulllll .:..A .1.. .H L. Ill .U. I L u... u . tlm fll Icnt'tllfl. rnA.v tn l.n.. H..!AJ l..l . ..... i r t ... . t. f patronage, Tor carrying on a branch or com-1 V. . v , -v ""","' "'" "" prweaii aiuorougn ipn eoucauon, are laagni w ncrrial enturnrisc which has dwinilednwnv ,uJUJ',y s palate sr mccly that in addition lothw Sclwol, together with Plain and Ornamental "o aTiririoC.' it ii caliche .'.Irhisl, 'n.plo remuneration for his flventure,, nh,f. and Painting in Mec4ia4a Whalo and Seal l-'ishery Company," and i.s J V rc't! ' rey,vc'' a" cr ;' 0n sSKl bo Kiven, not only to the Utrf title tells you its object. Tho first inten- j.'0,,d"' for ,hr thousand barrels moro ''of,eclua, IIl4Bwe,neut of the pupils but aUoto, their .:,... :-i - u. n.n.. i i.:i i the same hort, which ho has promptly for- moral and manner. It i Mr. Thornton's dcasa to null in lu uiuduluii iiiu v. I utiiii.iiiii a inni'i . i . . . v I IIUBL'UUII! 111U LIIUtJIIlLIIllI in ll'IV. I ..... -I.....I. I I. ...:n I I.i.. "UMII.I ii'mt iiuiiuBt itiiuiiiiuiicii. ii trill iruuuuiy hereafter cntor upon tho South Sou Fishery, whoroin the Amrricoiis, as ymi well know, have for many y ing, and the llritish 1 ho prospectus but it will bo ai ( )ue of tho IlariiigN is at tho head of it, and ' practico for u con.siderablo timn to attend on Joshua Bates, their itbln American partner,, the ou of .Mcheinot Ali. Nothing was ar- is amongst tho directors. , ranged as to kes or tho salary of tho M. D., TT, r. r.i hi Ull,'l twoor three days beforo'lbrahim Pacha I omscHau.-A Correspondent of tho U. WIH t0 ,. j, thc ,, WQm b. (.azottosnys: ,,..., (810,000.) to Dr. Lnllomant. This sum was I havo seen tho Hanker llothscluld sever- ij,n. ,..;,.' j ,:r. ... n- t - " 11 IK Ill0',.in t.n.l l. I...M.1! ....I I.I. .L ' I ...... ....u ....., uuiiuiii i-uaiiL-s nriui Ul mil' InitAiiiM Pacha and his Doctor's Bill. ears been steadily progress-i h generally known that Ibrahim Pacha ns steadily retrograding. , spent a few months in thn south of Franco is not yet boloro tho public, '"r me ncnciitot nisiieaiiii, and that an emi vertiscd in a day or two.- - unit medical man, Dr. Lallemant, loft his Inake this a permanent School : and her naxt Miceeai and long experience n a teacher, enablo her to ken i that alio will giyo general aatiifactiou. l'upiu will be charged from the time of their enter ing the School, uutill the clone of tha Setwon. For further particular, inquire of Mm. Thornton. Ktrr.aKNCKn. MiExccttenrGeo. Abernethy, i lion. . A. Skinner, Oregon City. Rev. lleo. Gary, j Dr. Marcu Whitman, Wallawalla. Oregon City, Juno !tth, 1847. ly C til times driving about the city. uhout in stylo, wilh.i,:.. f,.0 0,nu i. ' . .i . ..r . If !. . niiwiini I nillllUIVll Ul UU.VUUI. Carriage. lo IS It lit- C-IIUIUO. , It was n KOlirnn nf rnn. vv. n, with marked Jewish l!nn , ti, '. , , ,, ..,i.,i.?. ., " "'" tiiHiut uiuuu lliu Hir. one who holds u.uortgago on the city of Jc-'lilUTt ,, ,,0 f , p , ' rusalein lAnselmo, the most celebrated ofin,i i,,, .i,.,.,,, , '.r..n ... thn brothors. Ho rides oll'iccrs attending his ilo bald-headed ma features und it is said dors not deceive his looKs-ut any raio, no noes not ma m m lmUa p the donation nnmed very goo i repute wiui j yaor unna. no ,, ,0 t)n ,()UrnC(l p,V8icnn whothe nana, a was .iiuiisiiimi niiiio Ieo,uro,, ,mhPr Batl8ed with tlw total ro- tnnoago, in wluoh ho is rcprcstyited nn giy ,.civci vhh.,kU 8:U) ou0, mg a beggar woman by tho wuy-sido n kreu- ( .er tho smallest German coin. .She i.s made . " An editor out west has married n girl named Church. He snvs ho linn enioved moro linppiucsi sinco m joined the Church, titan ever i:c Knew m nil his lifo before Fsaxk Wakd. William M. Smith, Ward k Smith, COMirilSBEOIV iHERCHANTB, San Fkancisco, r)tf California nia. I.nud ClaiM for 8r1o. THE mlwcribcr otFer for ale the land claim situa ted at tha lower mouth of the Willamette, ea ilisa fimifl himlf nflli. !.. I. !u tu...1!a.l vices ol Dr. hallemant, but yet ho did notand adioininffiiirintitinrii.iM.k'nuMn., , but sent B20,-' located the town of PI)itiouih. From the assay to exclaim "Clod reward you n thousand fold!" Ilo immediately replies, after reck- ouing up in his head: "How much Imvu 1 1 then sixteen florins nnd forty kreuzers !" ' local advautoge attending aaid claim, it will ultiaaate- iv ui'como very valuable, on acrount or the mctioa. hillly of q good road for the fanner in'lalatin PhUae, Ymnhitl, Hickrenll and Mary's Hirer Settlemeaat to iraiwport Iheiriurpliis produco direct to the ColaatMa rior, at a point wheio thiDnini! can receive their ear- goes direct, from the flouring mills about to be created. ivt icium nj.piy uregeaiMy. - w. ;. rvAUir, Agent for Felix U. Doum. i July 31.11? 17. 13 U ay at ait HC IMMn 0t BUMtMeC OK 9BJIvWeMHff A9CVWHL 6 :o8. . NoT.iiriSfC4 T anc :w,j: f1 mzZUTA'ZZ SeiteUo "-' '--'- - -- ujuekaaVSiiai 7aH ci3i'7.i . M rr fTjilsti - rv a ereaeiBiijn weal. i - -"i - N.B. A f.wIUpMlre Walee-en USe aa-t. tna. .. l . Oregon City, Hay , 1847. g-tf , fTHB eeoead seaeeaef lee CWkiaaeeCiry Beheel JL wiil nwsii.ii en Msday smk Jeiy ISali aa4 coatlaaw twehre week. AM the Waaaaes aeaeJJv taagM te CMaaeai icieel. will be attended toT' Paftwelef atteeitM wUI ke aeid to the IaeeMaetual. MeiaJaadnyaiealVUtoeikseiav i The Priaeiaal baViaw bad aarcral vena. eaasHiM la tofHftadia fat tneBtatoa and tiiaw liiHai ef Baaiaf waeaeei wettay. er peJreaaft, wmM.mftAt u KfwaHMi iiiwui KaawiaaT. ne is. m awry i Fertersas, Jaiy 9th, 1847 aaahrto .ARL0B Ml W KjfHf MM Hi IMMMIM MMi fasT aMsftaMI Mbb4 MsatTttM SiT1 ilMatoiataafiii. taagMl NaaAer8MiWtoee; TT" W. HANB.Mi.lf.l ,K1 '144 aamaaawejf' a BSSSJJSFlsam l aajfJaJaJaTlaajrW ) TaBJMvFhre the uplrallia a tfcree wilke, ek mm a i sic weatha, tto'eaMatota sam ame rigkt to dJsnataias. 'If aattaitejt. rSTjT.-i - , .. . .iti'ii'ii fMttftjr aaaan of tixtoea MMt'er sl , BWWB ft NNsl B CT.Mlkkideef JO v nite bhtk asHres payawsa aiMMKr mtt 4 ?. cttonBja.i Kieato! KS '1 - AH l 4 mffi&i l. ;T I imiiibTi "ll LJ