r S iv t r f THE SPECTATOR. oko. u cvaar, Burro w. r. troDsoM, wikter. Oregon City, AflMt ft, 1847. ij.ii j.r-'-'M I, ir gr-TTascT,sj-AsaajTgarrrr-jrrnTJiy . m Oregon mul lu United Ntntv. t ' NkcU'liw ol Oregon, No. 3. BSr I BefortttheHiUicntionoriiolhcr.aMTilinltoBeth- An Imjidkkt at Waluwalla. f ! probable that we will reccito nni overland, from i w" commenced these sketches, without any order jfll Ununited (State. ThU intelligence cannot fad of ' whatever. Mitipty to illustrate, however roughly, same Hr beiag of aa intensely intrrresting character, a. It will ' I"'1-"" ' ly f Oregon to endeavor to res- tgKfVW lacouatiwwiUi the doings of Uie last Congress, the cue from obliuon somewhat of that adventurous life I'mreww iim warwim flirueoanu seme punuc pa- -- .. . pectatlon a to an extension oAlie, jurisdiction of tlw "'" ,,,dccd wp f"idthero l much to chronicle In United States over this country. At present all in re- '"" wny Bnu we Halter ounwlf that wr. y ""l bo lationto this last iiro.1 important matter is mere eon- altogether unsuccessful in presenting them lo our read jcclurc, although the few scrap of new and whin- eri in such a shape as may ciumre their partial preser poringe of rumorthat reach us ii.due e u to draw Uie "N'011- w"en we '""" ,,olw lni, our liiuiwdlatB ob most favomblu inference. Wo incluio to I ho opinion ' jt ' achieved. As the history of thin counUy Is yet that the first satisfactory infonualio.t we shall "hate to bo wnlicu, tin revival of "tiling, that were" may upon the aubiect. will be throuch llio arrival in our powibly bo of acme utility. midst of a portion of Uint authority which wo have m , V Wolluwulla wo. one among tho earliest posts long desired and anxiously lookod for. We hao icv established we.t of the Itocky Mountain, by the North eral Indian reooiL nlrendv ahonl a lawe mounted nnr. ' W" Company, mid with tho union of tho two compa. ty of white- being on this tide of the lllue Mountain., , " ' col,rMJ lmwl1 " ,,,e conlro1 of ,h" ,,ua",' destined forlhii country, hut then they are only Indian i nuhy. vmih me mange 01 circuuw.nc report, aa wn have said, and these people bniug awaro :iJlllt ,l 1,,or" "tciiKHo occupation of the coun ofourcxpectati.n in this respect, might possibly tm-1 " "" mortnhco ha. co.iderably diminished. A. dcrtake to gratify us at the expense of truth. If, how-' McKinlcy rU.. thn agent of the II. II. Company in vr. th ., .hnul.l Mi. u,'il,n,,i u. rm,i,nim " tin. city, wui 111 charge of Fort Wallawalla for aever- in coUBi4ath; indeed a number of our , of a U. 45. Territorial (io,ern.ent ,n Oregon, or the ). '' " "r I""'"" PJ'n"-- t0 of rial Citizen, ara prepved to auUcribo lib- ' reception of any .atUfac.ory m.elligenco relative (J,ere- rac.l.ng oecurrenc- that t.k place there .lurmg U vnixi ol in uimiiui.iniiioii 01 iw oimii. . iirai uroiiiid lhiiHt,ilie Neriwn e, Slime 'our own or- Wo cannot bring our mind to llietonclnion that Ihography) and Wallawalla.. were of a brat- and wurliku rliararler, im. laiier leiuure na ith cuiwu- To CoaajtaeoNDwrra-Wo have concluded Mr. Gray' narration in.thk paper. We nun tay that iu leaith waa an objection, we dktike very much to have an article no long aa to oblige us to divide its publica tion. It wonldbe a favor if otu correspondents, whom we an always glad to hear from, would bear in mind that "brevity k tho soul of wit" t t Road Akovxo titk Faixb. The construction of a road around tho Fall, oa the eastern bank of the Willamette, condncting from Main street to the graue ry above, is tnoat iaJoeatial citixeaa an prepared orally towards the accompUehment of so laudable an J to. it would be n greuom diiup)ointment to our cili object It fa a matter, however, that does not affect ! "n generally mid a mt diriieurteuiug circ uuwtance, the iatereets of this city alone, but more immediately a - .. L, a . - - f tin. rnlrinlitf. nftlprt of I nvrmiiipnt in rfi rtirtr.. to ZT. '" TZir-Zru:, . , , T .Uv b . murk another ifar of Mr. W. ' -,...) H,e,H,l N er by the.r eont.vt with civi.i.a- , HIO IVfM IBjUVj WVWsl WMa4 VMVsviJ miiiwih, .-.. r not nnattended with gnat danger to life and property administration. There could not be a decent apology to secure a convenient landing for produce and mcr- for it. The pccch-renow ned iue.tion of poeioii u chandaw above the falls. Even "at the present tage dif posed of n!l-it at tho .acralico of principle and m- of water la our river, which mutt recede considerably terest, and although tho sweet imli. and happy cir- yet, and at a time too, when it is most desirablo that j cumstancea of rnan-perfecting jeiief hae U-en de- "everyeility should be aSbrded in the receipt of pro- ttmjed for a -eafon by the daik rloudn .f tenihle war, dace and the shiaraeitt of foods for points above this dl it would ill couifwrt with thn pou rriul mid ui.iuiti- nlM. iki, flMrent can onlv be nuda bv running llio cent character of a J - 'I w w- rf -rf ;. gauntlet of the rapids which, to say the least, is emi 'NMHre. V O. I. c. Spirit rri perfect ! on yon hoary hills, Or mid the flowery ftelde and dusky dells, As Summer's eve its psnsivenesa instills And serious thought hi solemn silence swells, We love to meet Thee, and to commune thus ; To gate on charms we fear not to adore, Whose lovlineta can ne'et create in us Desires whoso satisfaction we deplore. With dear delight our souU exulting roam To Thee, and drink thy nulet beauty In ; Returning, rife with whoUme knowledge, home For that probation fulure blis. will win. Spirit Mysterious! whose bright beauty reigns Thought very soul throughout this mundano lite, Marvel on marvel well thy throne maintain And dares the dreaming of thn sage and seer. Spirit sublime of ocean, earth and air! Whose time-tried teniae i. the human heart, Whose power existing, bleing, every where, Unbind, the Cythereun tone of Art ; Though man forsake thee he shall come again, Yield Thee joy-cflerinn from hi. heart so brave, And nobly say in breaking error's chain, Earth's lord no louger will be earth' low slave! Spirit whose joy is smile of sunny skies, Whose couch i. earth whero spring doth sprinkle ilow- em, Whom voico come whispering in tho zephyr', sigh Or nil with meluiy llio wondland bowers ; ourage sjnjrit of lovely being wo ore Ihino! it than j Thy pure perfection am a. sunlight gle I o guide ns niiwanl to that light uivil The undcliuabie of out dim dreams. nation liko the L'nited Statu if she could not afford lu xti i:d to thix" of her cili neatly hazardous. The ascent from the basiu to tiro ( whoso allegiance win love hu Urn tested bv tmii. Still they art dirtingtinheil for their eo ,! il. i.. fufiner tnl. f..r some trails nobler than I I hy pme perfection are as sunlight gleam ,..,. Mr. In,nbmn. the t,redrcrr of Mr. McK.llley. T" "? ' ''..wn'i' lo ,,'.nt W d,vine' had exiienerYced smno harsh treatment from the Indi- , an-. InMi.gi.n on-- . tn oeriwer.l and J For Urn "regon Spectator. Iun.1 b then. ... an md-nor to obbge him to git. a , ( Vb ,f m jf ...ghrrpne.. forthnrr'tnes..,, wh.eh however U,ey ourtilI(. nl H,nc.-, I would lifc nul,,!. as Mr r.mbru....nei,lalpr.rxed decidtdly .... , J ,,,,,., ,)f ,.', f ,r M.f ,H-nor to Ii.h Pli)Nrai str.-n.ih R h,f.Mioil or ,tt(l to ,f. famn of Oregon. It s aim the .Summer of 1-11. we Ubeve.that a . . ".'" ,. , , , ,. , ,i,-.,, . I " ll'l III WSrj! , 'IVIUMI l .SSW1S.HW l I . I.. ,f IliHsi.ii ill .rrinf wllnir I hitt MlhH . . . , . . ' nanary or tsstill water, is a herculean labor, expen- almost every variety of r.rcumMame. the IiUwim "'v"" '""'"" ' ., J .. , , is to atiiiiiilaU' the IiirimTs ol I r'(,on I erri ... - . .... .!. (kp,n.iiu.l -luf f if 1 hi nllnw allnji. .ill- iljv enter- 1 . . . : . 1 1 . aire aad attaatfsd with delay. I-ook at Uie subject in ' which our luthew nsiteu iiitir lur. to w 11 the lugh "" -1 turv tua liuiuiuii! cmLTiinnf mm .t-ui, to pro .-.i;.w.n..mro. J nndth.faiu follow, protection of her laws. .,1 n,e mnana aniropnaieu .,,..,.. , ,... , , ir imerralM, Miliancu the valUH ol j -m , - ing the covsm of the river, and high enough above iu level to be made accessable at all stages of water, priwnliss gnat advantages, and beyond question wdl prove highly boashViil in increasing and accelerating hiwiaeas Sfinlinas As it must facilitate the receipt of aroiaee, tho farmer is directly interested in the ua dertakiaf , aad should ate his influenco in its favor. nrfiilslinn papees for the advancement of this en terprise way bo foaad at the different stores in this city, and we MttrUeatly believe that in a short space of tiino a waTniint amount will havo been subscribed to au thorise the commencement of the work. Before tho work fa began, however, it is contemplated to Isold u general meeting of the subscribers for the purpose of properly contracting for the performance of the necen aary labor. In anothercoluinn we have published an orticlenp- muo xaiue a picre .,.. ., , .. thfir pnxlucls, Irwen tho Inlior ami contril.- on Oregon, which we tal.e from the New York Tn- n loU" ". )"B memn, me suuian. nu ... tP , ,,0 C(llIlrort or till- limmraMc pror-.s- T .. 1 . . .1 . .1 -. r. ,1... ..... Ihelianiioi laniiigiHereit wiirnort ,urj nim i. ... bj)(1 0f ((j pAUMKB. purie of making whip handles. This practice, hod ', As 'hcnt is the htuplc production of our b?cn positively foib'dden a the wow! waaol M0Kt I country, ntid our soil tun) uliinutu uru atJmi. lar kind and of tricc to tho company. . JjM ralily ndaptnl to its production, it vonw to in. an exKvtiilat.oii with the young Chief taKg tiut ,c furnicr hlioulil ndopt that plan best Mr. T , a Clerk 111 tho Company's employ, receiv- caluitlutc-tl to product- llii' yrcutriit (luantity ed a signal affront which occasioned a rencounter and t 0j- imiin, with till' fjrt'Bti'Mt Cf'rlninty of u bune, n paper inimical ti. tho present adiiiinistratiou. Wo givo the article t our rendets merely to show a phaso of the publ.c mind at lioni", and how near wo came to the achieMiieut of on.- msl.fi lat xe.xr. Yet we cannot ICV the extract nn without :i marking, that, however well wo may appear to gouru ourselviii, we are heartily tired of our .u.mi indejieiiil'Mice and would yii Id it up rejoicingly brc nuse ct nurf.uth ill (niuethiug 1 nioro hu ' the chontisement of the Indian. At this time Uiere ( suru cr0p. Hitherto, the farmon, in Urcon or., euUtantial. Nor c.u. wv what good could1 we I',ialB hM tt ,!ou" h,,M Bl "' F"rt ,an? "' . IVii cultivafd tlldr lUniM Utld-r H;culllirl mc rwultid fron'i thn ban . ,tl.'.,hni.nt of "a Fort of ' "'uub'' UuM"T wcr" l,,,,lw'd ,,y "tok'"1 el disadvantageous circumitanc-H. i lio n.'W . Ill . ......-..-.., .T . 4?'. e.mHi ...Allium lit A jsttf riait .. f at... ,... lm nniiiiiLillrili ri ll... Entry at the .Mouth of th l-.i,umh.a." It would i "'"" "i""" """" - k iicsiui iim t-.,,,, ,. ,...-,,m0 ... . .. ... .... ... iii wincLn.lirm :.m i.f rrreiit coiixtruclioii and ,u..wili. i.iinii.niuti'lv ntlor nrrivuif 111 tin have been highly m,o!ii.'ti-iii with the diaracteroi "'" ,. 1 " 'i'- , J , . , Skktcres or Oaegox. Our last article under this caption 'has occasioned tho following explanatory epistle: CuTsor Plains, July 3d, 1847. G. L. Cimav Eso Sir, I notice in your Sketches of Oregon, No. 3, a paragraph indicating that it came from tho laws drafted by tho Legislative Committee, of which r had the honor to bo one. Now sir, so far aa that paragraph goes till it comes to the proviso, it U correct aad the legitimate production of tho commit tee, but the provtM was never penned by any one of the committee and never entered upon any paper be longing to their deliberations. It was produced at Champoeg on the 5th of July, nearly at tho clow of all tho proceedings and at the suggestion of Key. Ja on Lee, by Mr. LcBreton himself. Of there facLi I 'have once given my testimony on oath, as also some ' two or three more of tho same committee, we dixcl'-.im the proviso as belougiiijr to our proceedings. It was introduced near the close of the proceedings in tho ourClovermiicnitosuvnothihg about the feasibility of ! " '- "of were mey unui a counlry, compels I ifiu to nuoiii hi cil n courM Michamef,.ure. Taxation, though ,t may bo hidden " "' Cons,uenlly.lwas,co,n,-.nil.velyfl-J.k. ( of fur. MM." OH Will lliaiiru bread for then.- I It... .1 . . Ill", u tieiCIICfltsn IKniltuu. I u. ., nan ....v.. wn ... ; ni',t.-, iilll .,... ..l ... mi.i.i.vinit .. u. , , eversomufh by 1U1 mdictlieni, without representulioii " l""l' I ... I 1 .1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 I ... . , 1 -i next day tho Indians, tome of cblIi tribo, crowded in- . con.si'UUCIIt y the lailils havo to Imj lirokcn orncn lUciiur.alent in proticlii.il ami privileges, i a '"""J"'0" ' ,.,,..', V ,, ft .. ,,, . .. 1 , , , ., ... , , . . ,. ., to the establishment to revenge thcinselvc in the death Male III ill" falL lifter tllO rainy HCBhon ha- ,malt.r winch our forefathers ,etthd,n the battle-held "' .. , . , . , ' ,. .l nr ,1... ,! f il, Hn...i. ...... I . 1 1 1 lt.. .... . ...I ..... !.. .... Ul .ir. I . lUIMIIECHUHl Ol-IClUIHIHIHIH.J Wll ...... 1 ., ' " "- ft " " i . . .". ...i ...,. .1... ' ranr in u'liwdi iliov-rnn is to In; hnrvi'strii itKrU.nh to iitiestiun the justice or Liirrertne-ei i.f that """""" . .. , .1 r . l....AiL nfilm rnrnuiFclinii. 1 ' J ...1.1. 1.. ti 1...1. ,,.,,. , it., i-'nri 1 iiii.nifirr. n inno 110TI1011 01 mo laruicrs 1 nvi settlement. Mi.li Kev may h-in harmony with the "'uu'""- " - " "" -.-," -- o , V . .. . ,;! . ,.. ' ,'. , ....... , . weroo, .-01k in the field eviii could their prisence . hnd to mw their wlica(VMIiile it was rainni", '"'""'"" '"'", ". " " "' ...... ..,r....i ..v 1,.. .,.. 'n. i..,iins and tin land upon MnclMI was sown wry ..... .. I.. - f.......l ... ... .....1. ....I ... .T. .. . I1H.U .... ..... ..-" " "- - ..- - 1 . ... ... Olll it ICIIUIUI, .-HOI lUI.IIUL'.l 111 lIUlll UIIU IU. rACIUIS.J I ' would havo any rther ! ndeiiry thtin the advance. 'I' tnail of human ni:liis Cie 111 thut which of right bc'ongHto us and tlieu tail: nlx.iit taxation. ItiH unnecessary In Mate perhaps, that tho "iiimIoI of law' which tIof. the Trihiuu arliclo wan knock- cd into pi two or threo yean ngu. 1 ITj Our corrcisoiidciit "l'ioughlM." iu mother rol ... 1-- ... mini, makes torn good suggeMiomielitliio I11 the firm-1 tho saxages defeated. It wan at tun junetiiro that .ilr. ation of an Agricultural socuty 1.1 Oregon. Such a ' McKiuley suddfiily dart, d Hum thn crowd that snr- siiana of a resolution, considered at Ilia time bv mvfclf Miety, nroiietly i.-Miduclid, would certainly be of . wuiuleit mm, mm me niij-jiii-iig nsmi. uu-Mon-nwin, and at least a part of my aosociatea as binding only up- greaiscrv.ee to the runner, and do much in develop- w.ied upon a keg of powder a steel ami Hint and re 0 tho citiiens to rttptct Uie Miuion't claims, which , , Ul0 j,,, lllM:ificaUoni tho country weii in thn turning instantly .laccd llio keg in the eniro of the to the honor of Uie llicn settlers of Oregon has been , " t nnd k,10C(,., , 1(.s ad-it w.11 all the work of wero brandishing their weapons and seemed lo I fully J IIIUUilV, or wan .mil llio llionm 01 April to avarcof their siiiK-rionty and disiss-d to exercise it in. w thn sain.-, and in many of llio ludds 1. summary manner. Air. ady had Mr. McKinlry suf- i "Veil as lni as May have ihev ln-cn compel- II II IU PUW Hllt'Ut ) Utint,tJMVIIl J IIIU v.1 Vf- thus produced have fallen hort or reward, ing the laborer, as was anticipated. Yet notwithstanding all this, wheat has been pro. diiceil in n ureal ahtindancu to supply the fercd indignities and young T was defending him. M'lf as well as ho was able, with Ins ImcK against uie wall, when by mm of iIiom; brilliant un.l lucky thoughts generally occasioned by great emergencies, thn wholo uppearuuci) of things ian changed ami the object of kept sacred, for not ouo pf them to my kuowledgu jiavo to this day violated it in any way. This correction and explanation I deem necessary to tho cause of truth and which I hopo you will givo a your next article. I remain yours &c. W. II. GRAY. It is very proper, doubtless, that tliia explanation hould be made public, yet it xvill be found a difficult .matter we apprehend, to keep the provivo spoken of ex pungtdi whether it waa adopted informally or not, it ...... UwaT .Iij. ln1 t.nttlttfl n.niil In l&l.l. Bv the by. ainco Uie publication of our la.t sketch ! ,muw '" ",irt til' n" yha,UV w,tk ,ml- 'l 1,L ( ',,,,rl ... had various iuauiries mado us bv letter and ' ' l,ro!'abl unl ai ,0 ",u "' i'l'l. f ' otherwise, aa to what we meant und to whom wo allu resnect. "' " " . a moment. Tliern ho stowl ucr tho upeued Keg of Huui.nr IIojii:. Our fanners nro now hu-ily en- p.,w Ucr. with u Unit and Heel m citlur hand und a gaged in harvesting. The crop, gowrally, promise n ll;Mn mam ,lf i,,,!;.,, around h.m. more ab.uid.int yield than has heeii expected, indeed, 1 ,ijf,lW ,aid he, "kill him if you will," pointing to notwitaitaniJing the numerous tlisudvahtiigcsthul hate been expericucud, wu do not think the yield will Im Iom than that of last y ear. wants ol the people and to ullortl it large surplus. Without further discussing the subject, h t me hero venltiro tho assertion, "thai there is m eoimtrij on litis continent where industry if more iihiimlantly rewarded, than in Oregon." If this he true, let us stimulate our-iclves with that industrious 7.eal and en ergv, so well calculated to make us huppy and indeieu.lent, or at least as much so its health and an ample conipoteuco will inakit us. lift us o:-gan.o ngriciiiiurni societies. I HT'l'lie regnlur August Term 01 tho County Cinn 1 miwiioiier's Court of CIui'iiiiiiihh Couuty. will r.uiii. - , W,ut that moment . jn alt. Two ol 1.1 j t0f,,,ir ,mu Ill( 7n!Cy t.0,ver.lO Willi .. . .. .. I. .1 M. .. . . c . . . . . . !ed in our remarks relative to an independent form of government 7a reply we can only say that we meant nothing more than vhat we said, and wo do not know that any good can bo accomplished in making niitttcm more personal thaa wo have already mado them. (Ergeveralof tho young bachelors about town have been largely interested la tho stovo buslncse reccutly. Cradles nnd bedstead" I what can it mean? can die when thero urn hi ininy hrarm In die with us." The proposed slaughter was 0:1 too exleliiln ll seillo for llio ludiuni), it pmiu si::id ll.em, they tiirui'd in disiiiuyiiud nished prcr,p.taley from llio homo. Tiim by presence of iiiitnl und cool tlelermiuiition wim the. cllii-ion of bliHiil uetntid ami the authority of .Mr. MnKmlvy oil thiel of the poit greatly augmented. It h needli'M to slate that dillWuicei .u;u sunn luljiisted to the suliofuctiou of nil iiiu.-in il. iiM.m. i ineut of taxes lor lt-17, and if uny (ouuLtinii is to Im muilc therein It must ho aiTonipl'rhed prior t'i Ihe ao ceptauco of tho sumo. T.ierofoio the cit.eiis ol our county should profor their objections, if they hmo any, ' (J ,'Tlirro was quite-mi mtereMiiig uisplay on yes. in time. Tho AmcHmr'H book in ly bo examined on ' lerdav, ut thn school of Mr, T. I'. rowers, in this city , application to llio County Clcrl-, t.'eo. I Curry. in Un exuminution of thn rrholum as to their ucmiiru- menlH in thn vuriou hriinulirsor harning. It was u Hoiirco.of much gralifirallon to llio parents whoso e. prewiiou of urUiilifieil satisfaction nt llio advancement of their children urn highly coniplimcu'.aiy of llic ubili tiea of .Mr. i'owen ai a tcucl.or. BTWe tiudcrst.iiiil thut Mr. Muss'i) I.nery Stablo nr.. commodulioii'i are now very complete. Ili.i i-itubli-li-ment is tin: only one of the Kind in town, und merits encouragement. J regard to improving iu the production of grain ami tin muiiner ot cultivating our larms devise pliiu, adopt ways and means to pro. diico the greatest and surest quantity nl wheat to thn acre and for obtaining thohiglicsi and bust price for tho article when produced. I am honestly of opinion, that thn forego ing .suggestions nre worthy of investigation hy the farniorsof Oregon and tlio present ump now heing harvested, speaks volumes lo lie producer. let us for u moment investignii' th cause of the deficit in tho present crop. Was not the fall of 1810 as Into its Novi-m. her uncommonly dry, so thut tho farmri could not well hrenk their lands ? There fore, they were compelled to wait for rain. When llio rain commenced, it was io heavy M..