Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 22, 1847, Image 3

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' & u'.'t, JPCRSaBBBBBBl
.' g'gfaiaaasl
WsIMMPssbsW TAil
For Ida Oregon Spectator.
EtfvtcaUsM, If. 4.
My dour friend, be watchful over tho lei,
urn time of your child. Lc not your eon
pass Ilia time wandering about the streets,
and connecting himself with the idle and
dissolute. Ono bad habit formed in the
Htrvct with 1 evil company haa a tendency
more iniuFioua to tha fnnrala than all that
can be thought of by tho combined eflbrta of
mo siay-at-hoinc scholars on the play ground
of the aohool. The old proverb ia strictly
true on thia point, that "an ounce of proven
tion ia worth a pound of cure." A I havo
heretofore etated that the influenco of the
mother ia unbounded, tol aay of the father
that when he has pioporfy restrained those
feeling In hia children which have a tendon
y to lead them into vioioua company, he
-will find a hapnv reward in loving, affection-
ie, ana connaentiai ctuiaron. WhatA a
pleasure it must be to the aced father aad
metkaf, a their bob or daughter, ia the omw
of Ufa having occasion to act upon their own
responsibility, calia on Iherii tor that advioe
whioh lliev were wont to hear in their minor!.
ty. Dohold a happy example of reverence
for age in the councils of the Aborigines oil
8ay not that tho restraints are too severe,
that it is too confining to your child : how
much better that that child be kept in sub-
jpction for a few yoars, than to Itc allowed a
freedom of intercourse unbounded. Hring
him undor and keep him in subjection through
hia own moral fadings so far as you can,
and you enable him with an upright and
fcarlcs spirit to must temptation, and stand
forth on the side of duty through after lifo.
How much easier it is for any one to say
"I havo never dono sc, I am unwilling to
try what I havo no reason to think will oe
for my good ;" than to say that although I
havo dono it, I will not do it again. '
temptation onco yielded to is very difficult
10 resist at another time. My dear friend
you have been tried, you know the bad con
sequences of corrupt associations, you well
know that proverbial prase daily exemplified
in the experience of every individual, that,
"Evil communications corrupt good man
ncrs." Then preserve your children from
the peqUdoue ejects of strut eompamy. Se
lect tor them those wit lr whom they shall
sociate, with tho same care that you observe
in selecting acquaintances for your son or
daughter when about to enter the social cir.
clo in order to act for themselves. Bo
careful as in selecting ahusband for your
(laughter, or a witctor your son. Ho not a
dospot, but admonish, adviso and if necessa
ry command them in this duty. "A youth
Is known by tho company ho keeps," but if
no has not mo experience or ago to assist
him in the formation of his first acquaint
ances how many sore trials ho has to undor-
go before his discretion is mature enough to
cnaDie nun to distinguish between the truth
and falsity f friends. To whom will a du-
tiful ohild go sooner for advico and counsol
in this case, than to his parents, wiser than
whom he finds none amongst all his friends.
Then my dear friend seo well to your child's
associates, and fear not tho hardship of the
ottort. aour reward will bo lound in a du
tiful and afieotionato child, and a respects
bio and useful citizen hereafter.
c. w. s.
Economy, June 30, 1847.
Ms. Editor havo lately received several
letters from the United States, written about
the 37th September. 1848. and containing
some Items of intelligence, not hitherto known
ia Oregon. Mr. Charles Beat writes me, un
der tho above date, from Barry, Clay conn,
ty, and state of Missduri, that, a few weeks
before the adjournment or congress," our
friond, tho Hon. David R. Atchison, senator
from Mo., had been elected president of the
senate pro tern. This handsome eompliatsnt
will be fully appreciated by tho friends of
that High-minded and talented young sena
tor in Oregon. , Mr. B. also states that the
laws of the United States would be extended
over Oregon, so soon as congress should meet;
and that tho bill for that purpose had passed
congress at tho previous scsskm, but at so
lata an hour, that it was not signed by the
"proper officers." I presume 'my fries!
eowtisne twelve week AM the srsasfsM ssssJry
tstsjatla Ctmmin Btkttk was so attaiisd f. ,
VtUcMUt aMeatloB wtt hs fiat tha latsfcehwl,
Mail sad PIimL1 hsasssaf let ssssk
. Tu Prinntaa havUir had iaTStSI YSOJB aBsHSBSS
iahJTfo-4ot tba futw asBtfcsBf otofesas
asaking Ms sslM-l wsrUry 'of psirsnngo, wsasa asass
tho ottontien of PMsnotisueralrr.! Us f fa wsassat
sdbmyisg uwt las location k a wry estfoisos
Beth for health aad eonvssiencs. .Tfiestoy-yiaaii
Mm school wMsesaWsrraafsd oasbesssstassfBT
ed pUne, sad every thing done far ths good of the
For Urns, nppty to
July 9th, 1847
RL08 W. SHANE, Principal.
19 u.
Ours is anoblo language, a beautiful lan
guage. I can tolerate a Germanism for
family sako ; but he who uses, a Latin or
French phrase where a auro old J5rigish
word does as well, ought to bo hanged, drawn
and quartered for high treason against hia
mother tongue.- Soulhcy.
Com plimmts. Soon after tho restoration
of Charles 2d, ho gavo audience to an envoy
from tho ompemr of Moroco. By dint of
consulting dictionaries and grammars, tho
nvoy had Acquired what ho supposed a
competent knowledge of EngJUh. ami deliver
4(1 a congratulatory address, whioh ran as
follows: "May it plcasoyour Majesty,
May you long enjoy your speculative muni
tion, and as a tree was onco your ropt roott,
may a treo always bo ready for your Majcs-
tv. Utv von anit vour noiinnilfors Jutna to.
gcihrr,nd may you never want any god
thine that can bo kid hold of. May youT
sceptre be strong in your rojalJUl, and may
all youf subjeotsa down before it. May
"your progeny be as numerous, as the stars,
nnd may tlie God of pur fathers pickle, your
the same. In upper Missouri, the cavern
neat bad purchased great numbers-of oxen,
wagott, horses, and cattle, for the use of the
anny. Some 100 wagons had started from
Fort Leavenworth in one day, where there
were from SOOO to 3000 troops. Col. Alex
ander W. Doniphan of Liberty, Mo., had or
ganised a regiment of mounted volunteers,
whose services had been acceDted bv the go
vernment. It waa said that Judge Semple of
Illinois, would receive tho appointment of
governor or Oregon. 1 he Oregon regiment
of dragoons was about being raised, and
there were two companies of them then at
Jefferson Barracks. This regiment was to
be a splondid one, and to bo commanded by
P. F- Smith of Now Orleans. My friend
very truly exclaims, " how your hearts will
beat, when you see Col. Smith and his regi
ment unfurl the beautiful aUrs and stripes in
Oregon." These dragoons were to have led
the last spring for Oregon. A mail from
Santa Fe every two weeks was in full oper-
ation. It had been auite sicklv in the unner
ooMsties of Missouri during the summer of I
IBM. These are the principal items of in
(brmatioB of a public nature contained in my
friend's letter, and they are at your service.
Your obedient eervaat u.
Tho average cost of American railroads
is 20,835 80 per mile. Their number is
70, and aggregate length 3,723 miles. The
Reading railroad 00 miles in 1810, trans
ported 1,300,000 tons of coal, equivalent to
more than three timos tho cotton crop of the
United States, and equal to tho freights of
10,000 ships of GOO tons each. The coinage
of the United States for 1813 waa 3,750,
447. gold; 91,873,300, silver; 938,018,
Re-appearance or a Submebgbd Isl
and. The Oswego Advertiser states that
Gull Island, situated about two milca from
the northern shore of Lake Ontario, between
Port Hopo and Cobourg, haa ro-appca.'cd. It
haa been aubmcrged seven years.
We fixed that Chap. A few days ago,
a gentleman (?) camo into our sanctum and
took off hia hat, and picked up a picco of
manuscript and commenced reading very
closely. Wo reached over and took a lettor
out of his hat, unfolded and commenced
reading it. Ho was so busy that ho did not
discover how wo wero paying him in hia own
coin, until we asked iiim what it was his
correspondent wan writing to him about a
woman r "Why look hero squire" says be,
"you surely aro not reading iny private let
ters V "Cortainly, air," said wo "vou are
reading our private manuscripts." He was
plagued begged us not to mention his name,
promised to do so no more, and wo quit oven.
iMarfhc Intelligence
July -till, Bark Ilcnty, Bray, 21) days from Oultu.
" Gib, Dark Janet, Dtlng, 24 da) from "
July 15lh, Dark Columbia, Duncan, for Oaliu.
u m m Toulon, Crosby m
Ship Brutus, Adams, " "
" Mount Vemon, Given, San Francisco.
Dark Whitos, Usbton. " "
FaisMfcn per brii Usury-Geo. C. Lawtoa aad
a. 6. rose
MARRIED On the 8th last., by the Rev. Lswls
Iiubbwiii. Mr. JOHN MINTO tb Miss MARTHA
ANN, daughter of K. W. Mooarw.ef the Clatsop
OatMOt CIstfSM ffSMT BStlC,
THE SBSsetftst offcisfot sals the Usd ohhw sHaa
tod at tho tower mosOi'of the WiIsbssMs; as
the SouUi book ofUMChMsAU.iiBawdiater hetow
as U&lHliK,eim(H.M.Kli)m,mU
hJmZajb Uw of Flssssislli, Ffjaa fhs.aiaay
f the
asd Manr'a.strrer BeMleBsaai a
trsatpott thelrsarslus sfoasce direct talk Csaaskia
rim, at a peist where sMsfiaf cam receive hM ear-;
MOirectremiitenoMnafBauw weswei sibbi.
For,,tonasaMhr to tho-aeotirrai umm vwy.
DfeawkvCoatea Flaaasl, Miasaad l
whws aadeslefed. esMsa aaafsl
af taaSsSjasaffSal fakpajaajkBBSat TUSMSa BBBBadsBaV faBBSSBBBaBBa1
... JWiH. i'tim
inVtaaaVsjaV DfKaVa WasWf Vvbmsbbsb1
aad Giower, whals aad iMBfli OR.
P DbhPUU C.bs.M.,.W '
CastM, feWls, . ' """ . '
July Slot 18-17.
Agent fur Faux G. Doau.
Jeeae Lovelady,
Moneiia uawtimay. ,
A FFLICATION will be made by comptainoat to
2m. the Folk County Circuit Court, on the lust day
of the September Term Uiereoi, to do new on we jk
Monday in BeDtembtr 18-17. upon petition filed, for a
decree to diawlre the bonda of matrimony contracted
between said complainant and defendant. This is
therefore to notify oaki defendant, her agent or attor
ney, that if the eaid petition is not answered or denied
on or before the csUinz of tho said cauee at sold term,
the said petition wilt be taken as confessed and a de
cree rendered accordingly-
.NK3M1TI1 &, UJU),
rJoticitars for Complainant
July 8, 1847. lg flt
ALL persons are forbid trurtisg the crew of lbs '
hip ML Vemon, as so debts of their csssnwU
bis will be paid. Those persons harboring tasSB w
be dealt wiUtocoordinf touw.
j. v. uivssn.
Oregon City, July 5th 1847
New ArimaaewsBteat.
IUV. nullnuJ ll hny. hn haM
- 32rjtirltZ-Am.' taafV Waa amTWlHI.
aad will eXarge nothing at all, as he will expect ready
pay ia all caan. Hones Bouftit and Bold as asaaL
N. B. $300 of Oregon Scrip wjinted ia exohoage
tor uoraee, or payment oi oumanuinirmccotuiw.
. V, MOSS.
Willamette Folln, Nov. 2fi, 184R Zht.
Marvin R. Alderman. Coniyi'l. 1
r: e Dili, ron Ditokcs.
India Alderman. Defend'!. J
A PPLICATION will be made by complainant to
Jm. ihn Yamhill Circuit Court, on the tint day of
the September term thereof, to be held at alls or X ani
bill river, on tho 3d Monday in September, 1847, upon
petition filed, for a decree to dismvs uie oonas w mat
rimony contracted bet wren mud complainant and ds
fcudant. Tbuiis therefore to notify said defendant,
her nvtnt or attorney, that if t ft said petition not as
swersd or denied, on or before the calting of said cause
at sold term, the said petitiou wiU be taken as coniess
ed, and a decree rendered accordingly.
I hereby notify the defendant, hei agent or attorney
that I shall not apply to the Clackamas county Csart,
us I have removed mv remoence to xoinuui county.
i.n aI.bII mI.M nnnlirHltnn fa tliat court.
June 10, 1847. ' 10--4t
Famale School.
The TIiItsI tttreolcm of Mrs. N. IK.
TkvrmteiH'M Sckeel, in this city, will
commeneo on Monday July the 5ih sad will eoav
tinne elereu weeks. All Uie branch usually com
prised in u thorough English education, are taught in
this School, together with Plain and OrnaawntaJ
Needle Work, Drawing, and Painting in Meootiats
1 I. US.... ' I ,.. t ..
Strict attention will be iriven, not only to the Intel
lectual improvement of the pupik, but also to their
morale and manners, 1 1 is .tint. 1 nomion s acwgn to
make this a permanent School; and her past success
and long experience as a teacher, enoblo her to hops
that she will give general satisfaction.
Pupils wiU be charged irom uio time oi ineir euior-
ing the School, untlll the close of the brauon r
further particulars, inquire of Mrs. Thornton. ,
lib Excellency, Geo. Abemethy, )
Hon. A. A. ssinner, ? urcgon i ny.
Itev. Geo. Gary, )
Dr. Marcus Whitman, WaUawalto.
Oregon City, June 114th, 1847. ly G
and for
Cjaeela per
JUST RECEIVED, per bark Toulon,
salo at tha Store of John H. Couch,
Kremlins, ( pantaloon stinT; ) 9 cases assorted Prists;
9 boles Brawn Shorting! 9 bates Whit Cottra DriU
hwt il bales Ulue Cotton BhUtiwr: 00 kess Nslie.as-
sorted ; 1 case Mill HawF-tM Mill Saw Files ; A kegs
superior Tobacco ; 9 cases uems. hue Boots; I case
heavy Beeiees.
Also a fresh supply of Tea, sugar, moi
Sundries. ,
Juno 24. 197.
eaWsVUs sa-
sfPMw sw.fRPMM MW
teMhiwssgassMam;lBr' V ' '' f
sasaav aaiiiiai
afsas wvwa-s.
i, &
JU u
fKSSmSSk!.-''' M
RakaaLjMMi ' ;3
iBsiV...iv 'i
i " war '
mgmmrm ,
j 3. r
I ' afMBWHs' ' il
' BafsaatVisiisVyTlT'it-Hr '
wsh im,hM&gS&&W':w ' t i
"sssbbsbbbBsbsjb ' YM
sBSTassBsssssBss ai sBassBaasBiaawa 4BBBBalBBBaBBaaas isssBaaaTjgaSeaaaa Rj
aeJTSsaj. lssselarsssB7aasT assrMaJ II aj ,,. r 'M
at & A Sam B m SaTa BSaBHaBBBBi . at Vf tr T fViajaTSJ
aBBaBBaVaaBBsl SBBBBaBaBssV BMasBBal . laTsaSBBaL aTBJSjHjHBaShB Saa-SXaW j'j. Zjr JM
Rsiiwa, assssssisi JijmjJtBmm0:m , r 'im
mmrm, tiilyssMaliPsTaiRMfW lt&dM
wkMHMmt-mm?m' wut - , .m
drea's pef Boots, sots' Us.
Besta, roea's Sfs ifssss, a.
" ' r
awssfls. tBsSBdssi. wash v
asBilsjaawkCaa. 'J,C '
ia i W ' I . 4 . v'spX-
35 r
8k and firor osait CSsfss'
SliaJsMss. Cuss, Grstsas,
Bssks. Sktissaesj. Ms Fasa, Bis
die Momlds, Tea CasVfiesu Kssss
Tea Pots. ae.
a .aaaT - - 1
80tt aAi JasMM. ,. ' ';
Lsdies peg aad sewed Bssts, YJi ssa iiWsssV; eW-
'a tMsB
ml Cssaiar
Mob's aad boy
Ktores aad taaasi,
Oveas.se. -
Auean Toss si Cstsl at 1
Oregon City, Marsh 7.1847 v (- 8
I ft
BBsas sajsMwaay aass as wva sbbbr saasBBBaisBs as $ S
bsslsaV wsgias.sssf JlPfJp JEbMJW!!" - "1
VwvbbsbY VsjbbIbbb sbV Blah avsaaasRs vbsbsb) RaW !aBaaRPar' " 3
mjWTWm H WJsvsVsbbb rsavssavaBf sBssBsHsatKSsfls Wm )?''
BB S" awW'TW m BWapaaH.' JSBBBBBSBSBSBWWW - Ta . . a
- . .r .(iTToTiSJi i
' - t f,B "J
fir i
as be delirsred at skksr sas i
Take the loft hand rood abode saw aasl a aasf i
from Orsgsa CHy aai ysu wiliasla
i to maw
Ahe, 40,008
ft of Itasser, for
at a
price for wheat delivered at Oregon cay.
w. iiuixtr.
Multnomah City, Job 8, 1847;
Parxa H. Bcssbtt. A..L. Lwssor
Attonbtyt ami OtwmtMtn MIam,
Aasl SUcltn fsTBtaaiaiir.
ILL nrwiiesiaevlessBB'ia aVt ssrsssi CW
CWt VRwasi a uiWVJal AV VRnissna aapji bbbj bbbbj
HCseat at Ongsa Caj. - -V-W-VU '
an. IsU 1847. .
that ho hasresssrsd
the lot adjacent to A-,
eabsjks,saa an
aksHMief thei
' - . i
XbssasB SSH
sMsasr the exsasv sssmbL VTM i "
F. P. haaieooMlassLassjBsAatssasaalisHs-
of gifts, MoWlasaa Isilnss, Wiasjsaassirifcc.
Soitasls for !adtes astire: Alss sasi OMk'aasI
SeawiUiasaaaMletaf ftss'eaMlssaSlti: Vl' ,
Tanas, eash sr assrsved esdsss. 1Xl '
V.B. A fevrsgsssi Levsr Wssslas da tas assss
Uroea. itN.
Oregon CKy, May 13, 1W7. ' " tf
Fbakk Wasp.
War It
ft-' . r .
. mmm wmm9 m -
. i ':..
San PAKciseo,-''J
PiintlBi Maltt
AT Na , CsBsawnial Row, a
of Priate.sssMvrvriK Al
per and rMisJs, rsMs, a. eVe.
y tu
tassxpiratisa of tarn atsssas, sUsssmprif.set
said at tho eipirsliBB of a Bsssass,:laS' bsIiIibi ro
errs tho right to inisll If nsUalswa, s4
peraaauss. - ks . "
BT Advertiserttents lasMtod st ess AsWoostiay
(teas per S4MM of abaasa aass sr Issfcte , o.
rwrTsssw wm saBsssajoxv aBPBBVBsvaBBi i
sAKUklsaf JOB WOl
Tr. i
ll-tfc MatthoassftsaBBaui wyl
sFysajwsowsajrw""' ,
. jS
vl it 'il "