Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 22, 1847, Image 2

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r.'1Sw- T
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.iLiM;.'.. , .
deOUMKBts. sW.,
fcbfir business la coi
4r '.. . ,
"f W President, calling.
,wmm tho Secretary of
noa3t war with Mexico
Jtw'gioottqii oro.whe
wwiwioim u. it wm
IihiHui; cinmunioated
0mm oHeed doors.
swr. uarragn, oi rem
to the floor, rote
irsflsWoA length, in favor of Uie
Hi Went WitOmii.exAmlBHtlaaorika
' deeVMrtea. and diMMMi M U
.tM. TeMidMr.Dtmklfc
r-apw ww W5.w.
mmn u . s areeaiui im i
mu , ra Hweu wjm muca
Joenerrittbf tho
wan Mailed totoltr.'.taiaikaari
of it- He.iTililil
4-BbBbbbb) aBaBttWBaw
,JW w11
ooeatderation, It wjMfti
M The war wm not h of.
l-wttwbHr to enforce justice oa
'aenawasaJtoeether areraatura.
. "net exactly haree with tke views of hie
oevntic ftfcatToa this ssisjsot: Be ete
Wiethe considered equity and thekw.
nVaisnrt of ua. ThaV
tan' we should nunish Mexiao. and
ianVnaiification for the wisaas nw hive
-rx-A (in.i .! ata
v- mca. xnees ciaima aia aoi
look to conquest.
4 Tho riffht of the Exeoutive
ierer man to catabuah r '"-nil fevaaf
laeats, which he has dose; but leJUoJfM
rights may alter and amend theau Heoaa.
leaded that the meeeexe was striotly la aa.
'. . .- '"a ' . :
ooraaaoe wm national law. Mr. w
of South Carolina, then cava hie
tfatfot the law of nation Mr.
Kewtacky, obtained the floor.
'question was informally paeeed orer.
'eru esecnuve commnntcattone um
ed; and the Houee adjowned to'
Mavin oner to aiiow the l
'vta&ty to appoint the usual
From the ftew York Courier and
Tor, of 15th Oct.. we take the
atlye to the moneUry aflhire of the Vaitod
"Tho finances of tho counfty
'without marked alteration. The I
of the Treasury was in this oity for
days last week, endeavoring to prdcune fteai
the banks for a year the sum or m4jmmjtmt
it'0oercent. Ho waeentirelv unenaeees.
I ful, as no offers were made to! take aW
amount or Treasury notes at lees than atffl
oem. vrno oi ine moat pronuaeai.
fa, Wall street offered to take four
.af.aW.FaiaSaatm PEfufa
TOftHiiliP ' 'ValiBaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaBVaVaVaVaVaVaMBVaH
.Mtai.afaiadBl 'j&. AaaVJaVaVaVaVaTaVaVaVaPaVaVaaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaaHamJaMaWia'aSamak tflat
'mtmru MM MBmM
iflft 1ISHKK1&&
.lij-mij -
aiae awed, wm mrmrm Mkm-m mmmUm
LiLl.lJ fcT'iy m aarBalvi aaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaGik.TI-!aV..-.T7 . ' .
aaaaM aaaK Jaiap-eai u -BaBBBBBBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Bav iBBaaiS) aaaMt mm
7IRT"fl" .TT.JBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiFaBaaaaPl-aB aawweasaw MRU!
.. gSaraaBaaaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaWa
ffoW JKwmmw hseatin
'Vv-.v71EaaBBaBBaBBaBBaa1aBBaBBaBBWaaBBaBBaBBlM aaMaaaaV
illM ??!!!. BBaa.aa.aaHBBBVaBa.aa.aa.aa.aa.aa.aaf
Sfflra-'ft iffiaBBlBBanananafcaVnnfeaBsWtlW
L2L-ZI laataalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaa
lOJIil l5l BMBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaB
EbBbbVbBbV Wtojy WfM"
waappit ji4? saBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBaakaaKiaftaBaiBaBBaBMkBaB.M WHkaMi
waraBBPTI, BaBBBBBaaaaaaasa
i'.' ''."'iaaBBBBBBBi.''jt aaai iaa
--j..j-j. il; Tnti'n JBBBaBaBaaaaHIBVvBVkJlffaaBaBaBalVaaaaBa'
ierg-?rr i i ia a-tafAMPiiiWiWlpwpilWiMWipWi
.rF?T hBBBBaBaaniBaBMka-v.vraaBvUI'waVTKa
ic. .aai w.i ---aBBaaaBaBRaawK 'BBBBBBBBBBBiU'kW naBBBBBBBBara awaBaaa (.BaaaaBBBBBP
H.aM Bl!p!aPMi ViP ;fJ"
"I.TTT aaBaBaaaaaaaK.! VI '.aaBBBk.. l,,r. lwTaaaBaV I. . i7. aBBaaV BaaaaaakaBB f
aVaal TT9BB1 HU liBBM-yv'' WaBF v'JBBlBaipaja
ga lXi;-:ka:':-'"" ''iaiHBra'
' af ai;t'act"aaaaTwpjyyai.aaj,l1 LyweTBBaaaBBBBBjr
- -- z: w .vai" v-? t Htrri'Sr' hi
. -ifg ,. kj , il , .i .. u .r-an m
- MM(a: iiX'Ji BBK-7 3V -" " .M lV'BBBaBaBaaBBI
ll .'. " .. H!l.WJ:1. tt ji ' ' "
-irf -. a,r ariJiSM.I-r:lSliV-I5MBMPiW
m. T m9 a- -- r m ,rvr. TBBEaw -
- k r MDHunaa mni.'Hri r k ;. bhi
pvapnaw awra? vL'taav7 i''f I jakl
mmJm 3 'J, 'W-BBV?mf&aUV - WfaaaaWVeMWrMar
7! JBBDBCuBL JSkiaaW.vi -fi , ,vi rf,. itV BBBBnmAl aaJ
q aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i1 vt - - w- j t aaaaavaaaaaHaaaaaaaai aaanaananaai
riTaaaBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaaai ?jt- -iraatlLj
FhtoMVy- -Bl-a-aa-a-a--aWT3-marr-iWff7r'
ooaaBattoas. 7t&tiMMmMmmkMJu''9iFi1r
4 '?"IBP"aBBBBBBBBBBBallBWg.; 7V 'JiaaBaaWWWrTBalitolMiipi
t. -aaaSaBBBfBaBaBaBaBaBBLr.v ' 'j'i-rHtaE-K
nalJ 'fT BaWBaaBaBaBaBW. jit k at.,?' . BBBBBaBBBBB
BBBBBaaBaaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaW4' ' ' aai ibb bmbbb-ihw
meat.' BBBaa
MMllltBl C.a.faaala.b
iinaaaMar; -
- - f I "PP
."iB- il
) h.'a l
. ' f . ...
t that rate; but the proposmon waeairaaja
torfly declined by the Seoretary. wha h4
sed to offer any thins more than ne aer
This.1 we have reason to believe, was ,hW
last attempt at negotiation upon the n
The Secretary probably "intends to.
Treasury notes beariag o per ocnt.
as funds may do called lor, and to
in circulation as long as may bai
Had the Government not alrend
notes bearing no interest; and thus
ted their value, the requisite ame
Maaaaly be raised in this way!
net ualikely that even now, a large
or the five
Sreat in extent, is in a sound obaditiea.. Tito
emand for exchanges has been limited,' M
the tendency, at present, is downward. Tha
advices by tho rtibernia, whioh arrived
the 3d inst., with news to the 10th Mt
ed a still further advance in'flour, of J
to 85 cents per. barrel. This hewar,,MB
since been partly lost, and the muh.imm
'at rates somewhat reduced frem thfip
aarly part or the month.
Si "li"i
mmmu. mmwy itfejnag u
lataf the depth
'fa' Ml outside
arraM of the
wHk )aa tide, the water flows
4iaflaBaBhear: the cur.
Ifea'iMd tide aearly neatralixe
tM rise of the tide, about six
lifc prevail from the north, north.
MBT'waatt'aad moderate during the
mmm m wiator, from west to
Wm)'mmmj. Temperature of the
at ia that ef Buroee, fa the samo
facthesaawseasoM. Sccuri.
liipaa food as any harbor that I
beaaio of the same else." .
Wafer Bay, to the aorthward, is
UMUeiamMa river, and
for the entrance
oflhaCafajosie river, as a sea.
rto aaaa eaeeat Newport, on
of the Uaked Stales, ia point
winds, defhMWiity, prox.
or eaaaeity as, a harher for
RMsataaa Power, with
uf alioto, bueys, Ifghte,
ItwWba found one or
ef the AJsMlrtlon of
Mh shelter the mm oTUis
i MsefesiaiiBUa f lbs eaaesnuivs
YoksiMl Cenm.
BL.i .afcnJgaHa ay ita'
roent notes may be
usinees generally, tboajh apf)
m ,Jm-W
ft" i,1W'ii.
:'" X:!-iri
fvr.'v .tBaaaa
yWu .-si
BBaBBBasuiiLv .,w
Great Britain hae 84,016 v
ZKZ -' - ..J A.k.i. tt.u.1 -.'
rBBBBBTI '" !" -
14 ine umiea otafes aavo
equal to 3,416,900 teas.
,7Hvs(wal M0,6(WtoM.
j" .. ---i-.t
I BBS. ,SBwaiiKai
j. ' m . s. . - a
I lawo aiadeauch comparieon ac
,aad adthat the mouth of tho
to tho hottor harbor, aftd has mam
over tho harbor of New York,
liol aoiato which constitute a
h has deeoof water on tho bar,
and a half tathome, without the
. which ii there eaid to be
1110,' Ibe New York harbor has
r towaaisi without the ad.
which fo six feet. The
adfiiiiTl.ii is half a mile across,
Of Wow Tork is about threo qusr-
aat. Tho ohaaael oa tho bar, in
on Um Columbia, is about six
atmaaft ffaatalaiBs thai ovairaBsV an1
IfVI WPaaj asBBj niivwwm)
'foot at tho widest, and then
4m each aide; while the chan-
at Saadv Hook U but alut
foot aafaheaU rapidly: The
iboliar iootraight at the Co..
of New York is crooked. As
iMSffafA K lb? Columbia
aajMK themselves, ono tho
I, auwovercu uy uopi.
- made tho souiidinus,
deep onouKaf for ships
ethsrf the north, or old chan
od. or raihbr formina an el.
,d,(iouh tot any ships aHcr
toifV Both these channels urc
iwllwo thoueand feet wide or
M from shoals ; while tho New
r ttroatins tho bar, aro
and beset with slioaln.
.changes of courses in
Mllty to tlte sea tho i'o.
Ik inmniiwHiiT i
K piltof tho eea into
akw'ftot out at oncu
abre easily cludo
I aro'isatyi in tho
ps, and room
j aow oaaaas
"Tho' winds at tho mouth of the Culurii.
bia aro marked rrgular and iteady, blowing
six months ono way, and six months anotli
er; whilothe winifs at New York ere entire
ly variable, and cannot be calculated upon
by the mariner for nny time. The mouth
or tho Columbia is free from ice, and also
from great heat, tho tctnperaturo never fall,
tng below tho frcexing point, nor rising abov
tho summer' warmth. The current of thu
river is sakl to ho Mrong, but I cannot '
that it offers any HcrioiiH obstacle. Tho break
ers on, each sido of the channel sroalso
represented to lw very greet; but with n
channel so wide and a bar no narrow, and
free from rocks and shoals, these would Imi
nothing to experienced mariners. Taking
the mouth of tho Columbia as it now is, in a
stato of nature, without the aid of pilotx,
buoys, beacons, light houses, and steam tow
boats, I deem it a good harbor : with tho aid
of those advantages, I would deem it a' far
better harbor than New York, and capable of
containing an unlimited number of ships'
fUtisoAD to trs PAcino We MMvthrs by tho
psptn fom the Slate that poMfe ihiiwsbS wm be
tag generally held (yg hout the valley ef Um Ml
aaipei, fer the parpeae of meBMriaUsliig Coagnei in
favor of Whhaey'a project of rmHreed to the Pacific.
Mr. Whitney was in St. Look in November last, where
he adotased a large public meeting upon the merita of
hi enterprW
We conceive that a great mietake is made ia the
dircraaon aa to the ttrninut of the road. The com
paratire merit of two point only are epoken of San
Frandeco and Maxallan. Thrra honld be a point of
termination in Oregon as well et in California ; tho
natural adrantagta of tho country It formation and
reaonrce and the general inUrttt of the people urge
thio the principle of common jut ice demand it
Oregon will be the rant agricultural aection of the Pa
cific world and require the exteneion of every facility
in the dtetribution of her neceeaarie, of life.
0We learn that there will be a very large emigra
tion from Oregon to California, aa eooa aa mean of
traaepnrlattOB can be aecured. Nearly lbs entire
emigration to Oregon last year, are aslng siwage
to come to laitfonua ceiiorsM aisr.
ThkaaafalM a anything eaa well be. DewbtleM
of the "California Bur" aro ia Um habit of
drawing largely anon lick Inuglaloa far their facta,
have bad to refute each amertion. It aJbrde as sin
cere nteaawe to aaaare the "Califocaia Star" that "the
entire emigration to Oregon last year," o far fruu
"making arrangement to come to California," am ex
cellently well eatierled with the country and coaW not
be induced to giro up their attain land-eUime in Ore.
gon.tven for a reeidence la ptrtdiric&l California
And a rttidtntt I all that that country at present
can offer it emigrant, aa thee of last year can abund
antly teetify, who were not allowed eo mncb a a
"aqualterV portion of tittatubbora soil to call their ran.
f f emigranle understood their intereot, there weald bo
but few of them-iHtrto-CIltfornJa under ia preaent
regiMfFor the benefit or onrSfrienae ef the "Star"
we inform them, a we have already puUahed, that
the entire emigration from Oregon to California dur
ing Uie peat ecaaon, did not amount to fifty, pereon
and there are no move who care abeot going there
for a while yet
Lcrraae Fbom Oaaoox. Wo perceive, by thn
State paper that we have received, the pnbticatlon o f
much iatereeting information about Oregon, contained
in letter from Gov. Abemethy, Mesas. Job Dsrden
and Wealcy Shannon. Mr. A. Davideea with wtrefii
many of our reader are doabtlee aemtalnled, deliver
ed a lecture upon Oregon hi Springfield III. by Inviu
lion of the citizen, bortty after his return from thi
eountry.a lengthy eAetraetaf Wasstrsanaajrai tho
Springfield Journal ; it i very truthfal and replete with
uneful information.
The Love or Freedom. Nono can lovo
freedom heartily but good men: the rout
lovo not freedom, but license, which never
hath more hcojio, or mora indulgence thajt
under tyrants. Henco it is, that tyrants am
not oil oiKnded by, nor stand natch in doubt
of, bad men, ns being all naturally servile ;
but in wfioin virtuo and true worth most U
emnicin, iiiciii hiuv it'nr in vtiruvai, an iiv
right their maRtors; against them lies
their hatred nnd BUnpioion. Milton.
f-ji'K VCt,
:..& wt
UBBBBBeaiatil '.,.vt'a ...fol. , .. ,
An inhabitant of Corfu, who recently re
turned from Spitxburgon, after an absence of
twonty.cight years, found his wif'o in good
health, but the tn'doto of three hiuband!
Tho animal cxpeuses of queen victoriu'M
household,- independent of servants pay, i:i