Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 24, 1847, Image 4

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. I U
For the Ore 5011 Spectator.
,Mak Ml, Mr Lady, U10' in foreign clime,
)jp mmnu, a wanarcrer nui 1 roam,
mavaKm m tici, vc uiai ihijbo ut uiuu
Ml every thousht of distant home :
when all my old attachment dwell,
tat hem, and younu emotion crew.
ItaatSje the valued-friends I lotcd so well,
OB m Action, tho' in number few.
JeuW Bay, June 1847. L'umm.
For tho Oregon Sperlator.
E4acatlM, No. 3.
Now, if ever, wc should exert ourselves
to the .Utmost in framing good and wholesome
laws, and in placing over us men of known,
starling worth, as guardians of our rights.
We Mould be vigilant in every duty, watch
ing elective franchise with eagle-eyed
okwrvknee, in order that the ballot box nmv
dsnoaftd to our children pure, and clear of
any corruption. We should in the lounda
tien of this to-be-mighty arm of our great
xqpubUo, work with great care, and not place
tarda pillars of such a character as will
jtopatd the futuro c.xistcnco of the building.
la Order to do this we should ask whom those
paflpaaa are to be who will succeed us in the
management of our national affairs. Upon
whom will our mantle full ; our children, or
those of the stranger. If wo depend upon
oitr children to succeed us, let us train them
fat the work, mentally, mora!!;'. nd physi
cally. Let us watch closely the opening
flower, and attend to its wants that it come
not forth sickly, and fading e'er it has time
lor developcmcnt. What the next genera
tion is to be, the youth of the present time
are showing us. What a perxm is during
the years intervening between childhood mid
manhood, that person will be in nil the future.
The character is formed Ik fore the pcr.-on
arrives to mature age. There nmy bo some
difference of feeling on account of coniini:
in contact with the cold deceptive world.
The feelings may in some manner be blunt
ed the character however will remain the
same. Let us then be urgent and industri
ous in the education of those who are now
under our charge. Allow not the present
opportunity to pass without improvement. If
you have not a teacher, a good teacher to in
struct your children, do it yourself. Make
no excuse for the want of time. If your
child -was sick, would you lose time 111 mak
ing all duo exertion whether or not there
were a physician at hand If your proper
ty was about to be wrested from your hands
and your children loft pcnnylcss, would you
xpare any pains in order to retain it in your
possession ? Then my friend let not :hc ed
ucation or ypur child bo lacking in early
life or youth for the want of a proper amount
of exertion. To. whom do all of our great
men owe their present standing and liiliu
cno but to their mothers. The mother is in
fallible in the eyes oflhc little one she can
not .r, the ideas she may advance are re
ceived as infallibly correct. Then what an
opportunity is here offered for the mother to
advance her child in the first rudiments of
education. Let her as she goes about her
work encourage the little one in its enquiries.
Where is tho child who docs not ask a thou
sand little questions daily. Put it not oil" as
an impertinent enquirer, or as too talkative ;
but answer it's questions so as to draw from
it ideas of it's own, and carefully assist it in
tho developcmcnt of it's mental faculties.
Teach it tho names and uses of things 'join
trehensible by it's infantile mind. Mother
remember thai the ideas you now advance lo
your child will not be forgotten, 110 not even if
your child should be so wayward as toappa
rently lose all sense of love for your or his
own character. How many times have wc
heard tho confession of a wuyward son thut
"my mother's hands still rest on ir.y head,"
"her prayers are continually troubling mr."
Yes dear mother, well do wo remember the
lime when you fat us down u our A, 15, (',
und then urged us to a continuation ot tin
Suffering of Cnllforitlti KtalgraHU.
The following report which wo extract
from the California Star, mado by Lieut. S.
!'. Woodworth, U. S. Navy, who had com
mand of the party of men sent to tho relief
of the emigrants in the mountains, exhibits
the result of the labors of the expedition.
He has accomplished more than could have
been expected under the circumstances:
S,n lutANcisco, April 1st, 1847.
Sin : 1 have but this moment arrived in
dipt. Sutter's launch from Fort Sacramen
to, after n passngo of two and a half day
and learning that your paper is about going
to press, I hasten to drop you a fow lines.
Mr. McKinstrv has already informed you
of the result of the last expedition, in which
I brought in 17 of the sufferers. In my last
report from the mountains, I stated that one
of my men by the name of Clark, (left at
tho cabins by Mr. Reed) was lost in tho snow
storm in which Mr. Heed and party suffered
so severely. I am happy to stalo that he
was rescued by the last party of fivo men
that I sent he had succeeded in killing a
bear, and had subsisted oti the meat until tho
day before the timely aid arrived, and has
come in safely as also live others from the
cabiti ; hkewie 11 of the 11 persons left by
Mr. Heed on the mad, viz: Mr. Brinn, wife
and five children; :) children of Mr. Graves,
one of which u as nit infant at the breast,
and Marv Donner, a girl about 11 years of
age; three it the latter children having been
packed on the backs of Oakley, Stark, and
Stone ; the otlter li e were, il children of Mr.
(!eo. OniHiur, between the ages of 1 anil 4
yeurs, girl ; John IJuptiste. a Spanish boy,
in the employment or Mr. Donner. und Si
mon .Murphy, a boy of (i years of oge.
The persons left on the road by Mr Heed,
were lirinn, wife and "1 children, Mrs. (J raves
and I children, Mary and Isaac Don nor
The day that -Mr. Heed left them, the boy
Nunc Donner died, and the same night Mn.
(S raves and one of her children died ; the
remaining sufferers continued two days with
ouf food but on the third day were obliged to
report to the only alternative, that of eating
the dead; they commenced on the two chil
dren, an 1 when my party reached them,
which was on the fith day, they were eating
Mrs. Graves, und had already eaten the
breast, heart, liver and lungs, when a time-
ly supplv of food and assistance reached
them. Tho night previous Mary Donner
fell into the fire and burned her foot so se
verely, that amputation will be necessary in
order to ..avc her life.
I have hastened down here with sonic of
the sufferers who required immediato incdi
mountains 4 times, been twice over on Ju
ba River, and can say that 1. never enjoyed
better health, but have suffered a little from
the cold, and rather hard fare.
I herewith subjoin a schedule of the per
sons saved and those that have perished since
tho original party first arrived at the foot of
tho California mountains, and wore ovorta.
kon by the snows.
Tho whole party consisted of HI souls.
Started with Eddy ds Poster, 18 Came in, 7
Ulover, 31 " " ID
I'rm II. Bumbtt. A. 1 Luvkjov
AttoiMyi ami OoaiMllon at Law,
Aael ftellcltera 1st Chsiscer)-,
"VMTILIi practice in civil cases in the several Cir-
ww cul
cult Courts lit Oregon Territory, and in the
oun at uregou uity.
1847. 05tf
Burma Court at Oreftm City.
Jan. J.
Came in with myself,
cul attendance. Among them aro two of
my men, Henry Dunn and Charles Cady,
with feet badly frozen. I have brought Ma.
ry Donner and her brother down that they
may obtain medienl aid ; the Spanish boy
and Howard Oakley came down as nurses.
When I left the mountains thero were still
remaining ut the cabins, Mr. Kiesbury und
George Donner, the only two men, Mrs. Geo.
Donner, one child, and Mrs. Murphy ; Mrs.
Murphy, Mr. Donner und tho child could
not Nurvivc many days when wo left, but
Mr. Kiesbury and Mrs. Donner could sub.
sist upon the rcmuiuing bodies yet some ten
days. Tho snow ut the cabins was going off
rapidly, hut in Mcur valley and on the Juba
River, it was yet twenty feet deep on tho
When I arrived at Johnson's on tho 23d,
I found u letter from Mr. McKinstry, stating
that the bourcr, J. Sel, 11s also D. Tucker,
John Rhodes, and 12. Catil-moycr, wero wil
ling to return to the cabins, und endeavor
to save the rumuiiiiiig few. I immediately
organized another party consisting of John
Rhodes, John Stura, IS. Cuffemeyer, John
S 1 and Daniel Tucker, Mr. Foster und tho
."on of Mr. Greaves volunteering to return
with them, und despatched thcrn immediate.
ly lurnislung them horses, provisions, &c.
Total, A4 45
Thus you will perceivo, that through the
instrumentality of the expedition filed out
for the relief of tho sufferers, 38 souls have
been rescued from inevitable death, and at
least 2 others, making in all 40 ; and relief
nas been afforded to the whole number, 44
persons. Yet it has not been effected with
out great suffering and hardships by the men
employed in this arduous duty. Mr. Reed
has suffered much himself from' frost and
over exertion, having carried one of his chil
dren over the snows on his back.
As I shall bo obliged to. return again to
tho 'Fort,' 1 will forward to you immediate
ly upon the arrival of tho party now out, the
result of their labors.
In haste, I must conclude, very respect
fully, S. E. WOODWORTH,
P'd. Mid'n. U. 8. N.,
Commanding Expedition to tho California
Funk Wakd. William M. Smith.
War fc faith,
com mi am ion merchant,
San .Fkamcisco,
Otf California. )
I. B. HcClarg Co.
ALEXANDER G. ABELL, lJ00?.t.'t?"W'
HENRY CI1EVER, $8imiciil.uus.
Nor. 19, 184& flltf
Waft ui Otrt Tfra.
BAR IRON.sallahW for Wagon and Carl Tiro,
assorted arses, for aalo at tin Brick Sits, Ore.
foe City. Oct 15, IMG. lUlf
the Brick Store. Oreson C'ilv.
Oct 15, 1840.
I Otf
aood way wo had began. Who hi ready to and I hope ere thU thut they have succeeded
second tho appeals of tho wn in bohalfof a in saving two of thoto reinuiniiig thero; the
thorough education? is it not the mother? other three, Geo. Donner, Mrs. Murphy and
lUm fet W mowers vj wrvgim rumcjnnn m , iu unim 1 u nw wiiiik cun uu avcil, oven
.should they ho alive, us it u ill bo impossible
to remove them, they being so very feeble,
and othunviso ill. When 1 arrived ut Fort
Sucrumcnto, I despatched Win. Thompson
to meet the party on their return, with a
fresh supply of coffee, .sugur, cocoa, &c.
Since tho MH of February I have been
twenty-four days in the miow. I mav nav.
without seeing lund huvo traveled ovor 140
miles on the snow on foot, currying a pack'
on wvj rue, nave crossed Ueur River
their ttrengtli, and the next generation will la
im enument to, as well as an assistant in the
mr&iiing abroad the fame of this growing rc
MlMfc, In the nursery begin the arduous
task; .daily, hourly persevere in your work,
aad in-due tlmo you will reap the reuunl
ilue for yonr exortions.
To be continual.
dCrVta laving down tho law, ns the cli
ent & whWho floored his counselor,
THE nVWmemtmBSUt offer for oalo on
reaaoaable terras, at their Btokk in Oregon City,
Lbe following article, vti:
Silk, Mouaelalne do Laine, Caihmerro, Caahmcre
do Ecoiw, Balxarinof, MimUm, Lawns, brown and
bleached CoUona, Cambric, Tartan and not wool
Shawl, Canton Flannel, ladies and inissea cotton Hoe,
white and colored, cotton and silk Handkerchiefs,
Mohair Mitts, cotton and lace Cap, Uee Edging aad
liertkn, Cassimerts, Doe Skin Gambroons, Ate
Meloises, Sugar, Cofee, Nutmegs, grand Popper
and Ginger, whale aad sperm Oil, Hall, te. uc
Crockery Ware.
x Dishes, Plates, Caps aad Hancers, China Tee Setts,
Bowls, Mugs, Pitchers, plain and cut glass Tiuableis,
Castors, Salts, 4c
Bureau, Bedsteads, Chain, Writing Desks, ladies'
Work-boxes, Looking Ulasses, ac.
Planes, Rules, hand and back Saws, Sad Iran.
Chisel, Gouges, Trace Chains, Bolts, Nails, Spikes,
carpeuter' Compasses, Raton, Hand Vices, Files,
focket and 1'cn Knives, TaUe Knives and Forks,
Sensor, Padlocks, chert and door Locks, Gimlets,
luaorted Brad, Bras Nails, Percussion Cap, Saace
Pan, Bellows, measuring Tapes, Axes, Hatchets,
Spoke Shave, Steelyards, Shovels and Tongs, Wood
Screws, Braces and Biti, Iron Spoons, Powder Flasks,
Shot Helta, Shear, Hand Bells, ac.
Tin Watw
Six and four quart Coffee Pots, four quart Pails,
Strainers, Cups, Graters, Scoops, Cullenders, Wash
Basins, Skimmers, Milk Pans, Dippem, Tunnels, Can
dle Moulds, Tea Caddies, Nurse Lamps, Britannia
Tea Pots, .
Bootf and Bne.
Ladies per and sewed Boots, Kid raa round, chll
dren'a peg Boots, bora Up Brogaa's, man's thick
Boots, men's kip Boots, ax.
Men's and boy' Beaver Hats, Clocks, Cooking
Stoves and funnel, Soap, Window Glass, Dutch
Ovr:i, frc.
A i,so 20 Ton of Coral at Portland.
Oregon City, March 37. 1847 5tf
If otic.
THE undersigned ba Uii day farmed a co-partnership
for the transaction of General Commis
sion Basines at Oregon City and Portland, under the
name aad style of F.W. Pettyrrore At Co.
A. E. WIlJiON.
Oregon City, Nor. 10th, 1H4G. 2.11 f.
fWlllE tMMiskned will j'uruWi the brat accommo.
dalion in. hi poner, to both Man and Hone.
and will ckargt noming at all, a he will expect ready
pay in all cases. Hone Bought and Sold as usual
N. B. $900 of OrsfoaScripwBiited in exchange
for Horses, or payment of oststanding accounts.
8. W, MOSS.
Willamette Fall, Nor. 9G, 184G. S3tf.
Frimti, Mits.
AT No. 9, Commercial Row, a large aieortment
of PrinU, some very rich. Also, Drawing Pa
per and Pencils, Paints, &. sic
FKEVV PRIGG respectfully informs the public,
'that he has removed his office to Main street.
the lot adjacent to A. Hood Esq., where he will keep
on hand, sch an aaaortmeal of the above, a the fa
cilities of the country aflurd.
F P. has also on hand, a small but choice selection
of Silks, Moussellne de Lainee, Balzarinr, Barege, dec.
Suitable for ladies attire. Also Gents. Cravat and
Scarfs, with a small lot of fine clothing.
Terras, cash or approved order.
N. B. A few English Lever Watches on tho above
Oregon City, May 13, 18-17. 8 tf
Isaac A. Flint, Compl't,
Sarah E. Flint, Defend
APPLICATION will be made by compwinant to
the Polk County Circuit Court, on the first day
of the September Term thereof, to be held on the 1st
Monday in September 18 (7, upon petition filed, for a
decree to dissolve the bonds of matrimony contracted
between said complainant and defendant This I
therefore to notify said defendant, her ageat sr attor
ney, that if Urasaid petition la net answered or denied
on or before the calling of the said cause at said term,
Uie said petition will be taken as confessed aad a de
cree rendered uccordmzly.
May 13, 1847.
'Solicitors for Complainant
8 It
Notlov to the Farntn.
THE undersigned baa purchased the lower Ferry
aero the Willamette River at Oregon City, for
the term of fifteen month, and wishes to inform the
public generally that he will ferry'every thing at re
duced prices for ready pay. Wheat two oeuU per
buihel, wagons fifty cents per trip, rasa sad mm
twenty cents a trip, lumber and every thing eke in
proportion. Wheat and all kinds of produce will be
received in navment Punctual attendance will be
given to prevent detaining any person. Wheat will
also be delivered at either one of the raUk for the above
named price.
Take the left hand road about one and a half miles
frets Oregon City and yu will find a first rate road
down to Multnomah city.
Also, 40,000 ft of lumber, for sale at a reduced
price for wheat delivered at Oregon City.
Multnomah City ."June 8, 1847. 10 6m
ACOnPLETE assortment, superior quality,
at No. 9. CoMUKScut, Row.
Oregon City, April 15, 1647, Ctf
Marvin R. Alderman, CowpTt, )
t. n Bill roa Divoacr.
India Alderman, Defend!.' J
APPLICATION will be made by complainant to
the Yamhill Circuit Court, on the met da v of
the September term thereof, to be held at Falls of Yam
hill river, on the 3d Monday in September, 1847, upon
petition filed, for a decree to dissolve the bonds of mat
rimony contrcr tort between said complaisant and de
fendant Thii t therefore to notify said defendant,
her agent or attorney, Uiat if Uie said petition is not an
swered or denied, a or before Uie colling of said causn
at said term, the said petition will be taken as confess
ed, and a decree rendered accordingly.
I hereby notify Uie defendont, hei agent or attorney
that I shall act apply to the Clackamas county Court,
as I have removed my residence to Yamhill county,
and shall make application to that court
June 10, 1847. 10 4 1
The Oregon Hpecfatter.
TssMs-Fire dollars in advance ; if not paid until
Uie expiration of Uiren month, six dollars, and If not
paid at the expiration of six mouth, the director re
seive Uie right to discontinue. If paid In flash, $4
pur annum.
ID" Advertisement inserted at one dollar sad fifty
cents per square of sixteen lines or less, for the (M
insertion, and seventy-five cent for eaclftuJawquent
iuserUoa. A liberal deduction to yearly advertisers.
ETA1I kinds of JOB WORKhandsomery execut
td at the shortest notice payment ia advaaee
I sr f
-" -,-,