Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 10, 1847, Image 4

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From Me Watekata.
la Barnah'shtathf aland,
WIwm IravattyraUa,
Wkaaa chrisUaa bcralds iUnd,
To aavs bnaaertal aoub;
A bud of tMava, a numerous horde,
lafe the akores their fixed abode.
They watch the pining boat,
And plunder all the stans,
And murder all that float,
By Irawaddy'a shares;
Yet all their daafcof darker ahada,
"- AwUceaaad aid thejpayneat niade.
If in tela favarM anx
Sack llceaaa atari obtain,
AH woald with1 aeal withetaad, "
To paiga away tha ataia :
One general voice, one enbrt atrong,
Woaid aMasdte to craah the wrong.
Yet hen la freodom'a land,
A aorer evil Uvea,
And worke with powerful hand,
While law itaaanclion give;
Make roan a brute, despoils of wealth,
Destroys the life, as well os health.
Our dearest earthly friends,
Are slain before our face,
While law its sanction lend,
To help the murderer's case ;
Rise evnry aonl, and aim the blow,
With Heaven's aid to crush the foe.
On the basks of the Irawaddy, a large stream
dwell a large number of thieves, who by pa)ing a
certain sum to government are permitted to remain un
raoJested Am. Baptist Magazine.
and says she, 'Mr. Hitchcock, lu git up and
sco what in tho world is tho mailer with Kale,
for sho is kicking most powerfully.' 'Lay
still, Peggy Kato will tnko care of herself,
I guess.' Wal, tho next morning, 'bout day
light, Bradley, with bridlb in hand, cum to
tho stable, and, as true as tho Hook of Gen
csis, when ho saw tho" old roan's aides, sturn
and head, ho cursed und swore worse ihtin
you did, Mister, when I came down on your
toes. Artex breakfast that morning Joo Da.
vis cunt to my house, and nays ho, 'Bradley's
old roan is nearly dead she's out all to pie
ces and can scarcely move.' 'I want t'o
know (says I) how on airth did it happen f"
Now Joo Davis was a member of tiio same
church with Bradley, and whilst wo were
talking up cum that cverlastin' hypocrite,
and aays he, 'Mr. Hitchcock, my old roan is
ruined!" 'Du tell,' says I. 'She is, cut all
to pieces,' says he ; 'do you know whether
she was in your stable, Mr. Hitchcock, Inst
night!' Wal, Mister, with this I let out ;
Do I kiww it? (the yunkeo herein illus.
(ration, mude a sudden advance upon the
dandy, who made w ay for him unconsciously,
it were) Do I know it, you nnjouleri,
KIcklB a l'aakec.
A very handsome friend of ours, who
u few weeks ago was poked out of a com.
Ihrtablo office up the rivor, has betaken him
.self to Bangor, lor a time, to recover from tho
wound inflicted upon his feelings by our"un
principled and immolating administration."
Chanco of air must have had an instant
effect upon his spirits, for, from Galena, he
writes us an amusing letter, which, among
other things, tolls of a desperate quarrel that
took placoon board of the boat between a real
live dandy tourist, and a real live yankec
settler. Tho latter trod on the toes of the
former; whereupon the former, threatened
to "kick out of tho cabin" tholattcr ;
"You'll kick tnc out of this cubing ?"
"Yes. sir. I'll kick you out of this cabin !"
"You'll kick me Mr. Hitchcock out of this
"Yes, sir, I'll kick you, Mr. Hitchcock!"
"Well, I guess," said tho yankce, very
coolly, after being perfectly satisfied that it
was himself who stood in such imminent per.
il of assault "I guess, since you talk of
'kicking, you've never Heard mo ten nuout
old Bradley and my marc, there, to hum ?"
"No, sir, nor do I wjsh "
"Wal, guess it won't sot you back much,
any how, as kioking's generally best to be
considered on. You seoold Bradley, is one
oftrwsoiucTimontpus, long faced hypocrites,
fho put on a religious suit ovory Sabbath
morning, and with a good deal of screwing
manago to keep it on till after sermon in
the afternoon; and as I was a Univorsalist,
ho alters picked mo out as a subject for rcli
gious conversation ar.d tho durned hypo,
.rite would talk about heaven, hell and the
devil tho crucifixion and prayer, without
oven winking. Wal, ho had an old roan
mare that would jump over any fourteen rail
fence in Illinois, and open any door in my
barn that hadn't a padlock on 1(7 Tu or
three times 1 found her in my stable, and told
Bradley about it, and ho was 'very sorry'
'an unruly animal' 'would watch her,' and
a hull lot of suoh things, all said in a very
.serious mannor, with a face twico as long
as old Deacon Farrar's, on Sacrament day.
I know all the timo ho was lying, and so 1
watched liim and his old roan tu ; and for
thrco nights regular, old roan camo to my
stable about bod time, and just at daylight
Bradley would como, bridlo her and rido off.
I then tools my old mare down to a black
waith's shop, and had somo shoes mode with
Moorks" about four inches long, and had 'em
hailed on to her hind feet. Your heels, mis.
tar, ain't nuthiug to W I took her home,
ive her about ten feet bailor, and tied her
right in tho centre of tho atablo, fed hor with
otto about nino o'clock, und after taking a
smo4 ajnoko, went to bed, knowing that my
Sfcnwrfwan a truth tolling animal, and tliut
Jm'4 fjiW good report of horself in tho
lawnwi 'I hadn't got fairly to sleep boforn
tlht Md 'fitian hunched mo and wanted to
i-' illl-i. n!.il. tunatlin mnttnrnut nt tlin
now wbwwi ..-... -- -
2k)f. I, go tu sleep Peggy, it is noil.-
Jitot'KeW'--"0 '" kick,nP off fl,CB' '
sliad-bellied, squush-headed, old nk'ht-ow
you! you liajMiookin', coru-uribbiu', fod.
dcr.fudgiu', cent-shavin', w hittlin'.of.nothin'
vou!' Kute kicks like a mere diiml) beast.
' but I've reduced the thing to a scinicd''
The yankce had not ceused to udvance, or
the dandy, in his astonishment, to retreat ;
and now the motion of the hitter being .accel
erated liv an apparent demonstration on the
part of the former to "suit the action to the
I til " in r.iml tiiitiuj.l I flw, ,.vMnl Imll "
,, wiu, tiKi .ut.in. iiiim. i in tin s"-v i. . ii... i,
tumbling backwards over a pile of bagga
und tearm-' the knees ot Ins punts, as
scrambled up, n perfect scream of lauglit -r
, stuniiiuu him from ull sides. The defeat was
total ; a few moments uftcrwards he was
seen dragging his own trunk ashore, while
Mr. Hitchcock finished his story on the boil
er-deck. St. Ioitit Reveille.
she hunohod mo agin,
A Bloody Business : Glohy. Thick as
standing corn and gorgeous us a field of
flowers, stood the Beloochcs in .their many
colored garments and turbans. They filled
the broad deep bed of tho Fullaillce, they
clustered on both banks, and .oovcied the
plain beyond. Guarding their heads with
their dark shields, tney shook their sharp
swords, 'beaming in the sun ; their shouts
rolled likcapcnlof thunder, as, with frantic
gestures, they rushed forwards, and, full
ugainst thefront of tho Twenty-second, dash
ed with demoniac strength and ferocity.
But with shouts as loud und shrieks as wild
and fierce as theirs, mid hearts as big und
arms as strong, the Irish soldiers met them
with that queen of weapons, the musket, and
sent their formost masses rolling back in
Now the Beloochcs closed their dense
masses, and again tho shouts and the rolling
fire, of musketry and tho dreadful rush of the
swordsmen were heard and seen along the
whole line; and such a fight ensued us lias
seldom been known or told of in tho records
of war. For oventhoso wild warriors came
close up, sword nnd shield in advance, striv.
ing in ull the fierceness of their volor to
break into tho opposing ranks; no liro of
small arms, no push of bayonets, no sweep
ing discharges of grape from tho guns, which
were planted in ono mass on tho right, could
drive tho gallunt follows back. They guve
their breasts to tho shot ; they leaped upon
tho guns, und wcro blown away by twenties
at a time; their dead went down tho steep
slopo by hundreds, but tho gaps in their
ma-tscs wcro continually filled up from the
rear : tho survivors of tho front rank still
pressed forwards with unabated fury, and tho
buvonets und tho sword clashed in full and
frequent conflict. Napier! Conquest of
A Haitv Rkmrt. Tho great Dr. Had.
cliffu, of London, hud, a great objection to
paying his bills. A pavior, uftor long and
fruitless uttemptsto get his accounts settled,
cuught tho Doctor just getting out of his cur
riagu tit his own door, and demanded tho li
quidation of hia debt. "Why you rascal,"
snid tho Doctor, "do you pretend to bo paid
for such u piece of work ? Why you have
spoiled my pavement, and then covered it
over with earth to hide your bad work."
"Doctor," soid tho puviof, mine is not tho
only bad work that tho earth hides." "You
dog you, ' said Uadoliff, "are you a wit 7
You mast bo poor como .in, you shall be
PrliK'laal Officers of Ctoverasacat,
1781). Goorgo Washington, of Virginia.
171)7. John Adams, of Massauhu'ctls.
1801. Thomas JofTerson, of Virginia.
1801). James Mudison, of Virginia. '
1817. James Monroe, of Virgiuin.
1825. John Quincy Adams, of Murs.
1&20. Andrew Jackson, of Tennesson.
18117. Martin Van Burcn, of Now York.
1841. Wm. II. Harrison, of Ohio. (Died.)
1841. John Tyler, of Virginia.
1845. James K. Polk, of Tennessee
Vice Prexiilenta.
1781). John Adams, of Massachusetts.
1797. Thomas Jefferson, of Virginin.
IC01. Aaron Burr, of New York.
HO."). George (.Minion, of New York.
I8IM. Kldridge (Jerry, of Muss.
1017. Daniel I). Tompkins, of Now York.
1S'2.'. John (.'. Cilhouu, of South Curoliuu.
In. Martin Van Burni. of New York.
H!I7. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky.
IS II. John Tjlor, of Virginia.
1815. George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania.
Seen tnric of State.
1780. ThomuS' Jefferson, of Virginia.
1701. Kiluiunn Randolph, of Virginia.
1705. Timothy 1'iekering, of Maus.
1800. John Marshall, of Virginia.
1801. James Madison, of Virginiu.
1809. Robert Smith, of Mnr land.
1611. Juiiien Monroe, of Virginia.
1818. John Q. Aduurs, of Massachusetts.
IV-W. Henry Clay, of Kentucky.
la!IO. Martin un Burcn, of Now York.
lIU. Iudunrd Livingston, of Louisiana.
18IW. Louis McLuni',of Delaware.
18515. John Forsyth, of Georgia.
1811. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts.
184'-'.' -,ll I I'pshur, of Virginia.
1844. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina.
1845. James Richardson, of Pennsylvania.
Secretaries of thr Treasury.
1781). Alexander I lumilton, of New York.
1790. Samuel Dexter, of Massachusetts.
1801. Oliver Wulcott, of Virginia.
1802. Albert Gallatin, of Pennsylvania.
1814. Gt-fjrge W. Campbell, of 'Tenn.
1814. Alex. J. Dallas, ol Pennsylvania.
1817. William II. Crawford, of Georgia.
1825. Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania.
18J0. Samuel D. Ingram, of Pennsylvania.
18111. Louis McLanc, of Delaware.
IH!i:j. Wm. J. Dunne, of Pennsylvania.
1831. Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire.
1811. Thomas Kwing, of Ohio.
1841. Walter Forward, of Pennsylvania.
1842. John C. Spencer, of Now York.
1841. Gto. M. Bibb, of Kentucky.
18..'. Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi.
Secretaries of War.
1789. Henry Knox, of Massachusetts.
171)1. Timothy Pickering, of Mass.
179(1. James Mullenry, of Maryland.
1800. Sumiicl Dexter, of Masxuchusr u.s.
1801. Roger Griswold, of Connection.
1801. Henry Dearborn, of Massachusetts.
1809. William Kustis, of Massachusetts.
I8ia. John Strong, of New York.
1815. William II. Crawford, of Georgia.
1810. I. Shelby, of Ky. (Did not accept.)
1817. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina.
1825. JiuncH Barbour, of Virginia.
1828. Peter B. Porter, of New York.
1820. John II. I'.aton, of Tennessee
JWSl. Lewis Cass, of Ohio.
1837! Joel R. Poinsett, of South Carolina.
1841. Johu Bell, of Tennessee.
1841. J. McLean, of Ohio. (Did not accept.)
1841. John C. Spencer, of Now York.
1843. James L. Portor, of Pennsylvania.
1844. William Wilkins, of Pennsylvania.
1845. William L. Marcy, of Now York.
Secretaries of the Navy.
1708. George Cabot, of Massachusetts.
1708. Benjamin Stoddard, of Maryland.
1802. Rohoit Smith, of Maryland.
1805. Jacob Crowinshield, of Mass.
1H0O. Paul Humiltoii, of South Carolinu.
1812. William Jones, of Pennsylvania.
1814. Benjamin Crownshicld, of Muss.
1818. Smith Thompson, of Now York.
1824J3um'l L. Southurd, of New Jersey.
1828. John Branch, of North Curolina.
I6JU. Lnvi Woodbury, of Now Hampshire
1834. Muhlou Dickson, of Now Jorsoy.
1837. James K. Paulding, of Now York.
1841. Georgo Badger, of North Carolina.
1841. Abel P. Upshur, of Virginia.
1843. David, Hcnshaw, of Massachusetts.
1844. Thomas W. Gilmer, of Virginin.
1844. John Y. Mason, of Virginiu.
1815. Geo. Bancroft, of Massachusetts.
Poslmaitcrs General.
1780. Samuel Osgood, of Massachusetts
I70P. T. Pickering, ol Massachusetts.
1705. Joseph Huborshrmi, ofGeorgiii.
1802. Gidetn Granger, of Nw York.
1814. Return J. Meigs, Jr., of Ohio,
1821. John McLean, of Ohio.
1829. Willium T. Hurry, f Kentucky
18:10. Amos Keudull, ot Kentucky. $
1810. John M. Niles, of Connecticut.
1811. Frunois Granger, of New York.
1811. Charles A. Wicklilf, of Kentucky.
1815. Cave Johnson, of Kentucky.
Chief Justices of the Supreme Court.
1789. John Jay, oi New York.
1790. William Gushing, of Massachusetts.
1700. Oliver Klsworlh, of Connrcticut.
1800. John Marshall, of Virginia.
18U0. Roger B. Taney, of Murylund.
Attorney (irmrul.
1789. Kdmund Randolph, of Virginia.
1794. Willium Bindfonl, of Pennsylvania.
1795. Cliurles Lee, of Virginia.
1801. Lovi Lincoln, of Massachusetts.
1805. Robert Smith, of Maryland.
1800. John Breel.1 liritlg", of KmtuTikv.
1807. Ciesur A. Rodney, of Delaware.
1811. Willium A. Pickney, or Peiiu.
1814. Richnrd Rush, of Pi'iiii.
1817. William Wirt, of Virginia.
1829. J. McPherson Berrien, of Georgia.
18.11. Roger II. Tuney, of .Maryland.
I8:i5. Benjamin F. Butler, of New York.
1m:I7. Henry D. Gilpin, of Pennsylvania.
1811. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky.
J841. II. S. Legare, of South Carolina.
I7b9 to 1TUG
I7U7 to IfcUO
I (-01 10 It-OH
leO'J tolbIC
Ih 1 7 lo If24
le'J: lu 1634
le' lo 18311
141 to 1044
813,eb7,C'J!J SB
3l,34i?,35l 19
4l.l01.ti78 fi
II 1,(14144 fcG
101,363,50!) C3
500UM3 31
5670,4(1 62
39,713,755 II
18425,417 35
17,514,950 28
29621 07 H-2
131,72931 il
tt4,l,'j5a 99
1'ubltc Debt
936,09250 93
18,957,962 69
KM28.937 78
104,366,111 W
45303,533 43
57,754,103 51
ll'JO 38
6.176.5& 19
5,i9i m
3039,144 30
4 39,568.307 13
Siioks in Fhanck. There ore 100,000,
000 shoes made annually in France. Tho
salaries paid to the men making them,
amount to .'100,000,000 francs. Tho value
of the leathern gloves annually manufactur
ed in France is, 10,100,000 francs, and this
business affords employment to 10,000 work
men. Quaint Idea of Plkasukk in IIuaven.
Jeremy Taylor, speaking of tho widow of a
blacksmith, who was constantly laboring to
procure the necessaries of life, thus beauti
fully hut quaintly, portrays her character:
"Thus she lived, poor, (tatient and resign,
ed. Her heart wus a passion-flower, bear
in" within it tho crown of thorns and tho
I cross of Christ. Her ideas of Huuvcii worn
' few nnd simple. She rejected the doctrinci
that it was the place ot constant activiiy.aiil
not of repose, and believed, that when shu
at length reached it she should work no
more, Out sit nhrays in a clean tchitc apron,
and shig pvilms."
Gf.ntm:mi:n, Pay I'p! Somo writer re
marks that "Mu n owes woman u vast moral
debt, which hus been accumulating both in
principal und interest since tho foundation of
the world, and unless ho sooi; begins to
liquiduto it in somo shape, he will become a
bunk runt in tho eyes of Heaven." Wo
should liko tho writer lo point out whoro in
stalments ore receivable
Last Wouns. Commodore Hlliott, when
apparently unconscious, culled a friend to
linn and said, "1 urn aliout to be launched
into Eternity stand by mo and keep my
head to tho Onion."
A Lakk of Blooii. Dr. Dick, estimates
tho number of thoso who havo perished di
rcelly or indirectly, by war at fourteen thou
sand millions. Klihu Burritt, tho learned
blacksmith, has taken tho cslimutu of Dr.
Dick, unci assuming tho nvorago quantity of
blood in a common r.!.vu person, stales that
tho veins of thoso fourtoen thousand millions
would fill a circular luko of mora than sev
enteen miles in circumference, and ten feet
deep, in which all. the navies in tho world
might float I