1 w mmmmmmmmmmm r tw r-wj'jTsr' r m ojjr K ra?iV VVr. . ,.. 'Vtln7 it ! u'l -saBBBsUS-i . VT'VT c ' f 4 FS.' 1 o. - 1 HmmI Aagek. iro.ua Keeeivw, aadiM deliver to oar if, This tale f IltnM Ik buster for truth." A friend of ours as good a man as, ever SITmi tff i ! r?,07iJ T Wing lho -hell., . shell lEtwempti. who delights In obeying, so far as the Impor. . .A,. whh ,.. or so other scent- footloM of human nature will permit, the dl vine.Mmmandment, "Love one another," whoae mhd la a intelligent and powerful as - at aoniji lolty and humane hae a bcauti l&u philosophy, ia whloh it ( as exquisite i- pisaeure fcr hint to entrust his faith. He suddenly enquired of us one day, after a long alienee, while his mild and expressive eye rested upon us in an intensity or antici ration , "Do you believe in spirits?" Our answer was not immediately to the point, nor by no means satisfactory; wo intended as much, in order to have him dis course upon his delightful speculations. "We are living almost continually," ho remarked, "fn the spirit world; wo are in constant communication with it, but unfortu nately for us, there are two classes of spirits good and evil. They exercise a will over us, at times, for vice or virtue, and often our mind's eye 'in such a questionable shape,' that one Is prompted to exclaim Stay Wmimt If tase lust say sMsa),ar mm sjsefce, SMBtelM." , And they do speak to us, sometimes, in the terrible language of fearful passion, for W arfdevUs to ourselves, Wkea ws w3i taaaat the frailty of tw powers.'. They speak to us in a commanding voice, i waso spirit oiovii, mma mvisiuiy icau un uii, free excitement to excitement, to perform their infernal blddinr to do the deed of fuilt aad (shame that a lifetime of al substance mav bo bought at the rate of I five. for a shilling. But there is a reason ftr this Inconsistcn cy which we will here try to explain. It is customary in California to preserve all the egg shelis, by blowing out the substance, cd in-filled with cologne, or some othor scent ed water, or ribbon of various colors, cut up into very small pieces, and then the hole at each end ol tlio egg shell Is stopper u with wax, or should this article be alAcul W prucuiu, wmuii very uucii w vrnwo-m small piccooftollow will answer tho purpose. Tlio egg shell thus prepared is enhanced in value ; and wo have heard of their hav- ing been sold as lush as a dollar cacn ; one or more of these are broken over tho heads of any person who may happen to bo on friendly terms with tho urasscssor, without any distinction ol ace, sex, or quality : and dances or fandangos are often got up by the young folks. Tor the express purposo or break ing egg shells on the heads of the opposite sexes. What the signification of this may be, we are not aware, or whothcr-it has any signifi cation or note anil although we have not been remiss in making enquiries, of persons whom we supposed would be the most likely to afford us tho necessary information on the ftubject; all we have been able to learn is this: That a Turkaskcd a Spaniard at what time of the year bis countrymen were the most foolish; the Spaniard answered, "tho thrco days before Ash Wednesday, bo- vuuse that was the tuno that each one nflront cd his friend by Mriking him en the bead.' For the Oregon Spectator. Obituary. Dirt suddenly, at my residence near the Willam- .! ifttti.. nn tliM 30lh nf Mav. at HtMta nf Ilia hiiirf. uswune imk iiicumc oi rccu-' , . ., .7 . . v.Zni,rnVT. . , X- ' iiiAi .. tn.rM.ltr ..nt.i. Ii (. f lK. . " " -" " iA,asaa!M years WW SWW WWWSWVW VMBSVmW WW W - ' IcornntrDofe oa Maaasy Mm uaoe sieves wees amon xivnxs Mal fli jr 0MSHsM vBaW aVp 'irP ssiawow tasasfa m rnnitm pea autsssasM J iu nsMMis jsuaiBS sfasjsma js tM Bwssa4ria'aoiisjBjaiisaBpif ty JsfaiBii CwsHl N ioii $ Mfn 'nrun unhli h !, mr 'AIMIIFMal m M jliailllfliaayiaj ssatMsaasviaJ bbUbVbMMIC bbbbbbbbI Faial r fekl. srf asTn Hit nimmS alehaial, ia ta'atlrll Maaasy Km 19tk iaslaat, aal UH asa- rees A us staaMss aa prited la a thorough EaglWi doestias, as thM school, lofetaer wnn nata aaa Needle Work, Drjurinr. sad PalaUsc ia and ia Water Colon. Htrict attaatioa will be cirm, sot oaly Is U lectual improvement of Uw posUs, bat alss morals and maanerf. It is Mis. Tberatsa's i make this a permaannH&nool sad aer ana loag expeneace ai a isacaer, ew that she will rive aeaeral estMaetiea. Popila will be charged from Um Urns of UMkassst iag the School, untill the clem of Uw SemUeu Far farther particular, inquire of Mrs. Taeniae. . Rcrcacxcs. tik Excellency, Geo. Aberoethy, 1 Hon. A. A. Bkiaaer, OregeaCMy. i Rev. Geo. Gary, Dr. Marcaa WaJtmaa, Wslswmas. Oregon City, April 13tb, 1847. ly 6 amBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ISSSaBBBBBBBBm BbHsIbU I I HCaMMUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBamHBftmUBBwML: 1 'P '"aasaaf al " I i "f , F tt'53Z37Bt2;Y' Mi SBrsVflsNBBW iatel to taatr lealaU Q . ... f . . n oi jimEru ruTnM oi uexinciou, neniucay. we aaouM be watcwai ; we mav Know thcmiii, eft ,u home in the .Spring of '4fi, principally for fron that feverish excitement they occasion 'the benelitor iiia hralth, and arrived in thta country ua taat aiah.wrougM aaticipaUon with which they dlstraat the brain that enchant Mast with which they color all their attain meats. Oh be careful, say young, friend, for arouad you aver ''Then tajas a ssMaml smpsVsmassaBiva devil. a Caka Barf -I -! It Not ao with those better spirits, those an gel voices, who are whispering forever in "a still email voioe,"oftnebappioess unmixed; a haaphiBsa to come through noble action a atnot aooompllsliHiant of, duty. iNot un NOTICE. fanHE fUJaWCatlalEatS afar for ask JL YriicableUri at their BToasiaOTefWiCky, .1.. til.' J .l-, ..! 1IIO leuvnuig snicM, in: I D1T GOOD 8. Silks, Moiawlaine de Lame, Cathmeree, Caahaaers de Ecoiee, Balzarine, Mualini, Lawne, brows aad .bleached Cotton, Cambric, Tartaaaad set wast I Hhawk, Canton Flannel, ladies and mifMScaUaaHaH, white and colored, cotton and silk Hawakewhlefc, Mobak Mitts, cotton and lace Caps, lace Edgiag aad loaertien, CaaWmerr, Doe Hkia Uarobroao, ate. Gnrouriosy MeUie. Sngar, Cogee, Nutawga, grotad Pepper aad Ginger, whale and cperm Oil, Salt, ac ac Crockery Warn Dishes, Plate, Cops and Saucers, Cbias Tsa Setts, Bowk, Mugs, Pitcbets, plate and cat smTHsabHS, castots, Baas, c sarsnan. Bureau, Bedsteads, Chain, Writiaf Desk,, IsaW last November, by the Southern route. On account of great sufleringii and eiposeres which befel him on the road, his disease became so confirmed that it was not in the power of medicine nor art to restore him. MrPulnam was a gentleman of rare worth noamssisg siiicommon ttnngth nt mind and mental capacity, ! Work-boxes, Loaklsg Glasses, ae. ana ne greeny enacarea nmwrii io us oy nw social em-1 r ueiiwimeau im menu iao imgeace p,, RaW-f ht- ifciek 8aws, Bad Iisas, . b.hwh.m, .m.... --- m .w..c , chisels, Googea, Trace ClwlBS, Bolts, NaOs, BfSMS, iiirui ass sisa raisiciiLC. ausbubt ma siai aismaa udcii uuuuk n a n w. . . asssi a a if..".. . .. mmmjuuKtmmimmia0. i .vimb asar-Kainp-T; . armitai,Whasiiiil'v immwmmTtl ' A MeaBsBBaBBBfBrBmiSBBBBBW?- HsaswFaWla aas S0i.7H. V. alassian Ceast'etOfSsSosy. ji'wW w3-r - j Fs-unc Waaa., frSsssfr. J l l"VBBW iM wfii&B 1 BL I' ' "tLHJ. il V j-bmj. faw gaBmaeaaaa iimBM,,imtrmwr- iiirelA OEiriBAL B,CpIIHOK mmmvmAmm-) jAttma taunffxaaai r't -,, AL1 VXKEWi Nsv.lS.IMft MM B. MaCLVM, -V. : aW aWaamW eamM fHpJV W aVMsaafHaWsBy W VaVaBsaV aV aaUg4 tefsU mBBBsamoB' aaoj tafakaV. ams-lmmlBssl bbbI aBShBSBB .-! ?' ,gyjyy-g.fsg?ij.i rr fCf7gfWfBBaasBBBaj Iti aC l! saM IWrr W JMasCh4 ehamerafasaaf TT" WALffaM aMBBTSBBMlr. amWMsBB J t iiHskasmaayalsas A.r. ORgsa i Cay, Ami tNs, JM7. 'V' irti.sjis,aaraiesasOsaWea)w. gaaCity. OtL U,WL May AeJff AKD CAJtT MXM, (br a , taaWskspni.OmsCwy? .-, ' Oet.lt, IMC. TlT Maf"" T awasMaiat waaa-stytssfr " a aHaVsewasss.aMisssspM f aVaBaaW -- -- --- -- --1H y aaa INsaBBs, waaatsW VstisaBamafMt .mtaI ffiassuasjr i !. , .' asssrfHsaass jiar Ossflsat sff.. 'II J DATH Osagsa Cttmtimk ! ' ) itJPfflSj,"; g ful of the yulli of divine revelation, but in hi last ill nes he begun to perceive hi error on reading "Inci dents or trael In the Holy Laaa, ana punnnng a nearch for truth, he was led to acknowledge hinmlf a . .V . . w.fc.. .v. ... ..v n .w w -"' "b' rrequaotly they take familiar Voices, and we I' belieierin the .Scriptures in God iu Jesus Christ mav nines our evaa aad fiutev that sonin bo. and in the Holy Ghost," antfvften spoke of the com- lovaaToae ia aoaakinir to us in all tho fervor fort.,,e "pw'M'ceU '? having the Bible and religioai Packet and Pen Kuiras. fable Kaivea aad Farbs. Season, Padlocks, chest ami) door .Locks, GiaaVta, iissoited Brad, Brass NaUs, rVcossioa Caps, Saaes Pans, Bellows, rheasering Tapes, Axes, Hatebets, Spoke Shaves, Steelyards, Shovel and Toags, Wood Screw, Brace and BilU, IraaSasoas, Powder Fhsks, Shot Belts, Shears, Hand Bells, ac L. I I. I! . . l- - "II!.. M 1 WmLWm of a true and pure affecUon. When you do prof(wonof rr,gionby being baptised- and partaking. 8 V"r uart Co!rd PoUV.fr'C"Tt'1i that Whioh you OUfht not to do that which, if the Ls Supper, but ho was pTcvrnltd by his sud.,Stine,1..CuM' iTi ScT, ""Tl1 yoji have as iaa yourself iaaoteracy right,' den removaL " ' Lm'm'TV1 avUiP,1r,,TunTi!S: iTvnu mt -rL . .WU r j " M We irrcatlv rewet to see such an one M to Ihe4e Moulds, Tea Cadd.es, None Lamps, Bntaaaia - r w. "T". " ." --' ., r... i 7. r I i J...I.. -. Tea fOt. UC. wuiiu, um lie rc.lfl liuui uwiunvniuw wo uvuih Nut O J Sl is happy in Heaven. He forgave all who had iujurrdt,. BOOtt sUMrDBMI. him. and died in neuce with the world and with his Ladies pes and sewed Boots, Kid run rounds, ehi! God. ' dren's peg Boots, boys' kip BrogaaV, men's thick "Ueathloies a shining mark" but, the immortal Hoots, men s kip Itoou, ac. mind doth triumph over his power and lives to be en- flHasslrle. T ' "tV far 0 aasis 6s aswsr. esaTtsfrsassMK aarM awasihT at aX. asaa mOJasmaat aaasW sssasasmr mas vswsBSsat sbbsbsbbbb' BBrmBBsaaassl bbji bsbbbbjbbbjbbbbbbbi sf saeamssteasBasassi., vaumwax,.iw"f1Ebt TikM PtIbbsL' mtra aadnes.i. of diasatiefaotioa, that you would fain drive off, but BOtwithataadiag your endeavors still clings to' you aad weighs down your soul Well, thatia the rearoving of those guanli an aoirlta- man's better angeU wlio-arc seeking to preserve him to redeem htm for that iaoorruptible immortality which ho is hereafter to put on ; those angels of tho good, true and beautiful I Do we not know thcni in that pleasu'.e conseouent upon tho per formance or worthy deeds? ioedagaiu. W. J, BAILEY. illamette, June 6, 1B47. Notice to tfia Farmers ftalHE undersigned haa purchased the lower Ferry across the Willamette River at Orccou City, for Tin u ,.nt rr, . " term of fifteen months, and wishes to inform the W...N.WVU w. hviihi wivm 1 W WWV IWVh t.t- tti .. , , ... - . ognjgothem in that sublimity of thought and , r Men's and boy's Beaver Hats, Clocks, Cooking .Stoves and funnel, Soaps, Wiadow Glass, Dutch Oven, lc. . , Auo 20 Ton of Coral at Portlsnd. KILBORN, LAWTON, &. Co. Oregon City, March 27. 1847 51 1 purity of purpose that makes man akin to angefaf The more we do away with the artificial the more we lovo nature, that per . BMt wasss jay is smiles sf, ssmmer skies, Wasss eottsh is saiUji-Wken asrisf hath sprinkled aVwsss, j Wawa voles comes wliisawrlag ia the Zephyr sighs, DRIJOM A!VD CaVEMICAsU. FRED'G PKIGG reeaeotfatly informs the public, that he has removed his office to Main street, the lot adjuccnt to A. Hood Esq., where he will keep on hand, tuch an assortment sf the above, as the fa cilities of the country aflord. ' f. tv lia also ou nana, a small out choice seiectioa buthel, wagons fifty cents per trip, man and home twenty cents a trip, lumber and every thing elic in proioilioii. Wh'. and all kinds of produce will be recti ted in a)inent. Punctual attendanco will be c'wtn to prevent delainiiic uny pernon. Wheat will also bo delivered at either one of the null for tlio above of Silks, Moiuscline de lilacs, Babarines, Barege, fee named price. Suitable for ladies attire. Also Gents. Cravats aad 'I ukn tlio ft hand road about one and a half miles Kcarfr, with u small lot of fiae clothing, from Oreirun Cilv and ou will find a first salo roadi 'iVr,,.. 1...1, r nnint ant a uk a -.... ' I " . . I - H.nav..w. .Mn urvoeal makes wiutmelesyias bowers down to Multnomah city. ' N. B. A for Eugllsh Levsr Watches on die above tho more do we understand ourselves and go AUo, .10,000 ft. of lumber, for sale at a reduced umi. ' ' forward in tho fulfilment of our mission. My , P"1" for wh,:ttl dc,,ored Bt 0rcB" "jiiuLKEY. I fcgn CUy' M'y 23' 1MT L youna; inena, tnougn wo ny not o ansew t Mulinsmah City, Juno 8, 1847. , l()-in I T .I.K n. ir -. u... l...i .r. :t..! ,.,. ...o, .. weuiamm w. o .......niu... g Manl , AUinimlli Collip., nfuiiis "o iiij ug uatiou suuu ill uur iiuiiiii- ft, or to that which tho world oa This is but a;dim shadowing forth nfour friond's pleasant philosophy, ami sum we arc, that if he could speak to our readers in pro. prict persona, his goodness of heart and elo quence of speech would nisko brliocr.s. From the California!!. We wore not a Ilttlo surprised, n few dnys past, on learning that egg shells in this coun try, exceed in thoir valtto, that of eggs in the scarcest times in America ; tho former being at the present worth aix and n quarter cent each, whilst egga with all their natur I sauc A. Flint, CooipTt, 1 v. nit! pnn mvnnoi? ,. . .&4.M A A . 4. Hi,.,. t. liitn.r. hurniir.. fiuii, uerendt J ty of oouduot, and enjoy a happinesx supori- imba Aldemmn. Defend'!. ) l A 1,I.,Ij,.?ATi0N wi1 m,ldo b c01"1""1 " llH 8UO I." A ri'lilUATlllA MUI LM) IliaUO lV COmpIttlliant 0. "; v7 MWim wwuia, vti wo lumumj I SBB1 a . . .- - T. .!.. killll.llllul K. A SIBa.r . B.a. B.aB. im. tlio ainliill Circuit Uourt, 011 the lust day of " "r "T,ucl r"""Vc",,wuo ."." the September term theirol, tu be held at Falls of Yum-' ?IuuU'y hill nvir.ou 111' 3d .Monday in September, 1847, uton tili(iii filed, fur a di crco tu diivoho the bond ol mat riiiionycoiilruitedbetwrin suid compluinaiil and du feiiduut. Tliis Is lliwcforo to notify said dofeudunt, her agent or attorney, thai if the suiil M!ljlionisiiot un lUnnii or denied, on or before tho calling of mid eauw at said term, the suid (iclitioii will lio taken as confers, cd, and u decruo rf ndond accordingly. I hereby notify the defendant, hei agent oruttarncv I that 1 shall not cipply to the Clackamas couuty Court, ! as I have removed my residence to Yamhill county; unu Niuii niase aiiHicauon 10 inai court. MARVIN 11 ALDERMAN. Jane 10, 1847. 10 4t member i eno thereof, to be held on the 1st in t- decreo to dissolve the bonds of matrimony contracted September 18-17, upon petition filed, for a betweeu raid complainant and defendant. This la therefor? to notify said defendant, her agent or attor nej , that if the said petition is not answered or deajed on'or before Uie calling of the said cuuss at Mid term, the said petition will be taken aajsnfomad sad a de cree rendered accordingly. ,j" JNESM1TH tt FORD, May 13, 1B47. Solioitore fur CaatfUlaaat SPELLING atpOKS. WEBSTEU'StElementary HaemBg ale at the Stores in this City. Beaks far A TNe.. xm. af rskssVsssss vssr i pwaaaraaettb rmssj,' aw. IkaafX gVaaialBBB4V m.mimtifr'lVi . a i '!- 17.! I tS HearrJTHaat tasBaB)Jm 1 aVMH9 piifc" eraaimBMAS-s-u ui -r" it t rarllaiat, llasah Mat. 1M7. tlsaaWaBBasasst 4mu'ttBi, j v vaV - A.-C. f s- i GARDEN SEEDS!! 1ffr sT rsssiBaiiliiriii ""r Ti 1 1 " ; ocjgRSarZ":.. noa'ArssU SaratE aimaiBaaa ...'." r m m svaNSua,jtsi CHy, are aw UCWBKR ssasafUr sals lis -amaMs and ready tm aalswatia UaoathsFaaHisaMsd Mg a welaf gSsTwatar, msag rU lor rasssTa; saiNS at ssaaa. FIVE TOWN LOIS la buUdingeeMtlMmtimtsalrmstaf Aiso, aa) asHtssi m .aaa fj eaA- ' vlSffJsmaaamVSsV j9WJu .. aisava SifMla make a aaassaa sf fsfty Mr esaL 1 1 l OregaClry,jMa,7,liN7) 'asasjisMaasBa..' gPiss!Jr.yii"; ' 'Ci vri,i'iv assssai Ossk .ssV 9P:jaW JMsmV ssa Mi, AafJ-Ja , , ,e --j- -- (T--! a. sasawwam "i ' -vvt ?m.A V , V - Ii-i. a-SBBBBmBBBBBBjBSajBSBBB v TssjHIrfi Wsias la adbaass 1 MmMimm thsiiUhillparfiiiUla, ammmTffflUmP mv the ifAim:e1smmaasm79fesBES as sssisaaL V i- J- .WJ,7tiV DNtSiaiUkasals 1-iaJ u'J 4&&2JM& seafl BSirSllMZmBsfaaBBmkaUE'sBKSr T-lgry . . 1 . "U ijaBBasaBBBSs msiBBjaBfJMBBBB j : j-J 3"l"yBy' rim IBWsWsmmmta 1 " " "" T "sa"afBBBaBi as ammBBmL: I 1 73 r? M. rvi k . y tw ,- litff'- rfW 4V?.K3'4.. . y v's?.',' j ."f aV-i ii.',