Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 10, 1847, Image 2

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to. u cmxtt iit-w. r. hupoon, raism.
City, JTeme 1, 1S4T,
8mxra Coerr '
"ww (hmi watch
iabetractef laeoraext
8uawai Court rmmmeaccd
ioadey kit aad wUi
Bess taportaat de
endeavor to giro an
we will
TWeaiaptsJsMtolearathat CoL Finley aad
party ears far the States reached the Dalle of
tfeCetuaaMae the 30th uk. aad left the aextday.
Wa s as hearthat the Mity aaeeaateredauch diffi
cJrea etaeaaf the Cascade MonnUla.
The H. B. Caaaaay'a Brigade, for Fort Hall, with
whoa wan Cart. Drake aad Mr. J. O. Campbell, ar
rhrad at Fart Waftawalla oa the 33d of May and start
ad forward airly aa the next morning.
Tha party rttsraJng to the SUtea by the Southern
roate, had paaed through tha k'anyon and were camp-
ad at tha head af h oa tha 14th of May. They were
in good health aad fpt'rite aad gratified with the trip,
as, we lean by Utter from them.
2aureama EwonAJtra. The company for Call-
lia left the faQey of tha BickroaU, about the tint
net. We bare been informed that the party number
ed City pence.
OTTwejtptering company for Rogue river valley,
has been made op and wit probably take their depart
ure in a few days. WiQ not tome gentleman of tha
party done the favor of furnishing im with the names
of those comprising iiT We look for important and
valuable reenlU from this undertaking.
Tux EueTtox and m Result. The election for
Territorial aad County officer!, occurred on Monday
hut aad waa the occaaiou of the maajfeatation of con
auleraatohtereeton all side. The retorea-iadicate a
large aad fall vote, which ihow that the people ore
alive to the usportanceof the exercise of their right
in this respect This county particularly haa polled
nearly or qh it entire strength; a few more votes
poeably might have been cast in the Molalla precinct.
The Falls exhibited an animated appearance thiougb
out the day aad it was pleasant to remark the orderly
and peaceable spirit that characterized the proceed
ings. We did aot go to press 'till the latest moment, in or
der that wa anight be enabled to give as much of the
result aa we could. In this county there were somo
ten candidates for the Legislature and the vote conse
quently was roach divided. For County officers wc
give the names of those only who are elected, postpo
ning the publication of the names of other candidates
and the number of votes given for each, until we shall
have received corrected returns.
RcTUR.li roa Govcixoa.
1112 -J
133 maj.
4 maj.
124 C5
30 maj.
Clackamas County. Rep rttentatirtt M. Craw
ford, J. M. Wair, 8. 8. White. Juiticet of the I'tace
Columbus Wheeler," A. Cornelius, Jo. Hull. At
eater E. B. Comfort Treasurer John 1 1. Couch.
Cmarosa Covtm,RepreentatiteiU. Kowell,
A- Chamberlain, W. IL Rees, W. II. Rector, A. Cox.
Juttieti of Ptacc F.X-Mathew, IL Dunbar, Mor
gan Keese. Auetsor S. C. Morris. Treaturer
Daniel Waldo.
Yamhill Counrr-Repretentatittt Messrs. Rice,
Hembree and Rogers.
Tualatin County. Repretrntatitct Joseph L.
Meek, David HOI and Ralph Wilcox.
Vancouver County. Reyreientative-U. WTPcers.
Juttieu of ike Peace Messrs. Thompson, Lano and
White. County Clerk Nit. Covington. Trranurer
Mr. Lewis. .
We on VI remark Install thoreturns of the Guber
natorial vote, with the exception of Clackamas Conn
ty,corae to us only as reported. Yamhill county Is
claused by the friends of both parllea Polk County
will aadsabtedly decide the contest
Hymejl The Rer. John D. Boon informs us that
ha has "marilsd eleven couples ia Folk county, since
the fie day of Jaauary, 1646.'
Death or Nathan James Putnam. The obitua
ry notice which may be found in another column, is a
towalag tribute la the memory of aa esteemed friend.
Altfcwjh Kaihsn James Putaam was a stranger to a
strange lead, upon Ids arrival la this Territory, yet the
numerous friend and acquaintance that ha subse
quently tnade, esteemed him highly for his moral worth
aud moat amiable disposition.
We travelled in company with tho deceased, a great
portion of the journey front the Missouri settlements to
this country, and shall ever bear in remembrance the
many virtues of our deceased friend. Death is a sad
and solemn occaaiou wherever it occurs, but whrn'lt
comes to one who Is faraway from hie heart cherish
ed home and the objects of hi purest love, the event
is o foil of roournfolness that were it not fv the glori
one life to come, "Where the wicked cease from trou
bling and the weary are at rest," there would be no so
lace for those stricken with grief by the unhappy cir
cumstance. "Who needs a teacher to admonish him
That flesh Is gnus."
County Clerks. Will the County Clerks of the
various counties, place us wider obligation, by forward
ing, for publication, a copy of the official returns of the
recent election?
OTA letter from C E. Picket of California, ad
dressed to Gen. McCarver, P. II. Burnett, CoL Ford
and D. Waldo has been handed us for publication,
from which we make Ihe subjoined extracts, as being
not altogether uninteresting to the people of Oregon.
"Besides my pleasure personally, in com
municating with you four gentlemen, living
uiui-icm flvi.i'.iu i iiiu ucuuu m nnu pro. For (ht q,, Spectator.
uu.i.u ..ii.ummu , u,iu i urn niso Liberty Cull.
prompted to this business in conscuucnca of 'Come all who arc wearv of Hymen' rtronz cord,
mv great interest in the farmiii" community, ' 'l'nl u, binding on iwimcicnce as well as on words,
and wish to serve that portion of our citizens iMf""1 a,w!"lc ,a"d '"' " br"f
; nwtn ...ll , I. . I lhat will rid 6iof troubles und give you relief.
in Oregon, as well as, here. TU MullIlomBh Vai, who o'er w such a laud,
California wants 20,000 barrels of flouri For Iwsetiinrof uein.auddisratvingof bands,
from Oregon the present year, if not more, i That are binding on parties, 'till dcaUi rurutce,
much for second quality as first.
Tell your farmers to put in every grain
of spring wheat they can possibly now and
also a large crop next fall. California will
have to import flour tor two years to conic, at
least and Oregon and Chili must supply
this demand.
Tho pino lumber brought down, has sold
for toO per thousand ft. and still in demand;
tho shingles, 85 per thousand.
Butter is high, 50 to 02) cents per pound;
cheeso 25 cents per pound; send a good' lot
I would say in roforence to our ourrcnoy
that ft is now all cash. Formerly, and until
lately, thoro was as great a difference be
tween cash and trado hero, as in Oregon."
On Tuesday last the half yearly examination of
Vancouver School under the superintendence of Mr.
and Mrs. Covington, took place. It was, considering
the short notice, most numerously attended, and the
examination afforded general satisfaction Ihe rapid
progress the scholar have made, not only in the dif
ferent branches of education, but also in their deport
ment; truly reflects great credit, not only on them but
also on Mr. and Mr. C , who have certainly
done every justice to their charge.
It would be invidious In ens, when all acquitted
themselves so well Is select any one ia particular I
shall, therefore, only offer my beet wishes that they
may continue to Improve and eventually become or
narneuteta society, ami a blearing to their parents.
JuneSth, 1B47. O.
and also several thousand bushels of wjhite
wheat for sowing next fall, if the next immi
gration be of any mz?, and tho crop raised
this season here, be short as is now anticipa
ted, in consequence of the prolonged absence
of many farmers in tho war couth, and of
the great quantity of rain that is falling
this winter (more than for many years past)
preventing much seeding being done. F(ou r
before the arrival of theTroulon on tho coaStf
was selling in small quantities ut tho rate
of 25 to 30 dollars penoarrel, and some do.
ing without for a time. ).
The Toulon has sold out for fifteen dollars ' 'Tweeu you and a partner that's ever moved kind,
per barrel, ma
it on each barrel
Sfjl.l rt
Alumina. J nopo you Wilt let (ill your Who briefly dispose of the case willwut fee;
lunuurs Know uorjui mis, in orwr mat nicy j liydraitmg a b.ll, without further delay,
And tied in obedience to enactments of htatw;
For here )ou shall see one part may apply.
And gel severed as quick, as though t'other wa by,
Yea quicker, believe me, if that were thu caw
They oft would go coupled away from the place.
(Io not to a Court where a Justice prewdes,
Hi Judge.liip would fain here the farts on both sides,
And then )ou have Lawyers and others to fee,
To prove your aatertiotu, or get no decree,
With trouble, vexatious, beside llneXpense,
Of notifying parties to muke their defence.
No, o more y way, I Intend to point out,
To gain for you freedom unmingled Willi doubt,
Just apply to a limb of the Council of Utate,
And teU o'er the difference 'twixt )ou aud your mate,
Alinougli it consist ol bad roads mid cow cume,
iking just about 910 cash prof ' Yct 'n sure thaU enough to convince the leemed lore,
rml ;.. ,nJn,..,:i r . ,i' You ought lobe sever'd and single once more ;
rrel, m a ten days sail from the Your ,, feflfrwl te B commil of ,h,ee,
may take some measures to pocket a part of
the gains themselves.
Hold on to your flour for a time, as I
plcdgo you my fuitli, prophecy and foresight,
that you will get n good price in cash for it
at your homo maikct. 1 shall use my influ
ence with the commander so soon as lie comes
from tho south, to have some vessels sent up,
which I feel confident will be done, hut if
not some whalers or merchant vctscls will ho
induced to go. I Mrongly urgul this to our
commander ol this district lust fall and told
Much in form of the world, before the first day.
IJo'ut fetcii in u witneiw to bother the men,
Thoy'i do up your bmincw as soon as they can,
They have ) our ov, u story und that is enough,
For tho lew proof jou have the better 'twill prove;
Then it comes to the lloiu, to gut Nome amends,
Just merely to regulate kJiim of thn ien;
The rules uro imnpended it's put on a coarse,
And in If mi than un hour out cornrn )our Divorco.
Now don't this whip any thing ever you saw!
Dimolving n contract like breskiug u Mruw,
Ocomn to this country and live ut )our ease!
(Set singl'd or doubl'd whenever ou pleara;
hat though xurly bigots quote tirganic laws,
r. " "i - " '"'", Or specific powers given in tho Sixth clause?
tlllll .VOU had plenty Ol flour to Sparo : Ut the TI.bv mavceuso their contentious, and end their dis
same ume predicting mo scarcity and litgli
price at tho present season. Thn short-sight-ed
policy however uiwii which every move
ment has been conducted here, prevented J
any such steps being taken, ami a vessel is
now over at -the Islands paying 8 17 per bar
rcl for tho usn of the navy and laud troops,
and forcing the citizens here to pay accord
ingly. Several thousand bushels of wheat huvo
been shipped from hero to Sitka this winter,
at a dollur and a quaryor a bushel. There
aro but two orthreo small water mills in tho
country, and tho xtrcaim: too high tho most
of tho winter for thctn to grind, which nc
counts for iho prewnt high price of flour.
A small vessel arrived from the IsIhwIh tho
day after tho Toulon, bringing some Chilian
flour, for which was paid 80 at Honolulu,
though it got up to 8 J 7 there, before she left.
A part of that from Oregon is slightly mus
ty, und it seems this thing through neglect
I imugiuc is to givo your flour u bad name
in ovory market. "
Potatoes urn worth, when in market, 82,50
cr bushel though tlioy aro soid by weight
lore so send your heaviest qualities. A
largo quantity can bo disposed of, but of
course you must sell them cheaper tlian this
if you sliip any.
We will givo as much for your flour from
red wheat as that from white, and also as
For the Homo out of pity will grant a Divorce,
Thu ends my advise and if dvein'd a disgrace,
In the Spectator's columns to givo it a place,
Then tear it to pieces mid throw them out doors,
lluttlio House novcrdocs that, with prayers for Di
vorce. If critics should grumble at measure of lines,
They cau measure them over for 1 havo not time,
They may call it distraction or niiytliin- worse,
Disunion's my tlicrao which agree with my verve.
Juno 5, 1&I7. l'OOIWAT.
Euoene Sue, whoso fictions aro at pres
ent so popular, was born at Paris on tho 1 0th
of December, 1804. The Empress Jose
phine and her son, Prince Eugene Heauharn
ois, were his godmother and godfather. Tho
majority of Eugeno Hue's futiiilv havo been
physiciunsof great celebrity, uinl his f.ilhi'r
wus chief physician to the Imperial Omuil
in the Rwssiiui campaign. Eugene Sun him
self, according to tho wish of his father, on
Icrcd upon u medical career. H was sur
geon attached to the military suit of tho King;
tluTn to tho stall' of the army in .Spain in
IB:.':); mid ulso in tho same campaign, to thn
ccvi-iilli regiment of artillery. lie wus pro
sent at tho sicgo of Cadi, at the falling
of Trocadero, and at that of Tarafa. In
1S24 ho quitted the land for tho navul sor
vice. Ho mado novcral voynges in the At
lantic; and, having traversed tho West
Indies, ho returned to tho Mediterranean,
visited tireece, and in IH28 was present in
the ship Jiresltiu at the battle of Navariuo.
On returning from this cnmpuigii ho renounc
ed tho navy und incdiriue, aud took up his
aliodo ut Pari, where, thanks to tho hand
somo income he enjoys as a paternal Inheri
tance, ho wus nitiblid to lend u life of bril
liant happiness. His favorite occupation ut
this time was painting, which he studied at
his friend's, the celebrated Gtidin. The
idea of turning novel. writer was not thought
of by Eugeno Sue till 18110, when an old
comrade of tho artillery hapticned, in con
versation, to remark thut as "Cooper and
Marryatt had mude the sea romance populur,
ho ought to write his recollections, and ere
ato tho mnratimc roumtico of the French."
This pleased our author. Ho quitted tho
painting-brush und look up the pen. Ilia
first work wat "KomtMjk the Pirate," tho sue
cess of which caused him to continue to
write, following the dictates of a lively and
fertile fancy. Thus appeared in succession
numerous works. M. Eugene Sue at pro
sent inhabits, in the heights of tho Faubourg
St. Homore, n little mansion covered with
creeping plants and flowers, which ovoxarch
tho peristyle. A fountain plays in his most
beautiful of gardens, in the midst of rocks
and'-ura plutits ; and a long close gallery,
walled in with sculpture, und plants, leads
from the house to a little outer goto hidden
under an artificial reck. The interior of tho
house is composed of very small apartments,
somewhat confined, uud rendered olmcuro by
tho flowers hanging dow n tho windows. Tho
furniture is crimson, uith gold units; tho
sleeping apartim-nt alti i lighter, and of a
blue colour. There is senttend about a lit
tle of every stvle (Inthic, Renaissance,
Fantastic and rreiit-h. The walls of thu
drawing-room are hid by works of art, paint
ing aud sculpture, various curiosities, fitinily
jiortrhits, masterpieces, and works of modern
artists, iiis friends.
Naval llcroist of f lit; United fltatcs.
Wur was declared in June, 1412. Peace
was signed at (ihent, December 24, 1814,
and proclaimed by the President, February
IV, 1815.
There were 15 naval,1 actions between
British and American vesaele uf war. In
eleven battles, fought by single ships, tho
Americans conquered ; in four only the Brit
ish triumphed: two of which were by singlo
ships, iy. : (Jhcsapcuke, of 47 guns, taken
by the Shannon, 5J; and the Argus, 10 gum,
taken by tho Pelican, 'JO. Tho other two
captures'Svere two to one ami four to ono
ugainst us. During the war there wcro cap.
tu red from the British, on the ocean, 3 frig
ates and 15 sloops of war aud smaller ships;
and on the lakes l.'l, several of them frigates
and sloops.
The wholo number captured by lh Amer
icans were HI. The British took from us
and destroyed, at navy yards, but 23 armed
vessels, viz : !1 frigates Chesapeake, Prcsi
dent and Essex l'J sloops und gun brigs,
and 8 schooners.
Of the commanders who fought the naval
buttles, there have died
Decutur, who took thu Macedonian, Oct.
a.'), 18 12.
Haiuhridgc, who took tho Java, Dec. 20th,
Lawrence, who took tho Peacock, Feb.
Burrows, who look thn Boxer, Sept. 1613.
Blakcly, who took the Reindeer, June,
1814, also tho Avon, Sept., 1814.
Com. Perry, of tho Lawrence: Almy, of
tho Somers; Cooklin of tho Tigress; Scnutt,
of the Porcupine, and Jesso D. Elliot of tho
Warren, ol Loin. Porry s squadron.
Macdouough, of the Surratoua; nnd Hen.
ley, of tho Eagle, of Com. Macdonough's
squadron, that unj.'iured the four British ves
sels on Lake C'tiampK'in, Sept. 11, 1814.
Allen, ol tli" Argus, taken by thn Pelican,
IS 13. Com. I.umc Hull, whotixik the Ciuer
rier, August, 1812, who died in Jan. 1814.
David Porter, who took tin) Alert, August,
1S12, and lliught Iho ships Phmbo uud Cher
ub nt Valparaiso in 181 1, died at Constant i
nopln in lrill, mid wus hurieti at (he foot of
the flug-stiiU'ut tho navy ynrd, Philadelphiu.
Tho atirrivhifj wmil roimimndvra ii the
last war who uuiiieveii victory's, tiro:
Jacob Jones, who took the Frolic, in 1812.
Lewis Warrington, who tool: tlio. Eper
vier. "
ChuTrles Stewart, who took thn Levant and
Cyunu with Iho Constitution, in 1815.
I). Turner, who coinnuri'Jed tho Scorpion.
' '
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