V r t .s m r 4 " ! ured to call upon tlio eiti.ens of Claoluiiimn Tub Chinks!! HitVKir Hor MojcMy'd uinl tho adjacent counties, whenever they hIu'ji Serpent, which arrived in Kngland from iimy deem necessary. I China n few months nincc, conveyed, an one On motion, tho dti.eiiH of other counties of tho inntalmontH Htipulated for tho cvocu were Bolicitcd to co.npcruto with the iiiteii-'iition of Canton and treaty of pcaco with ii'iiih of tint present meeting, ithat country, treantiro in Syceo ilvor of tho On motion, the proceedings of thm meeting value of neurly oOO,0(MI; but on opening nero ordered to ho published in too hpootu lor, together with tho name:! subscribed to the MKolutions. W. K. KIMIOIIN, Chairman. riti:Vj I'liniit, Secretary. GARDEN SEEDS!! A COMPLETE assortment, anterior quality, at No. it, Commkkcml. Row. KILBORN, LAWTON, cY, Co. KILBOKN, Oregon City, April 15, 1847. 6tf Uiiki.on Crrv, Mav 1ft, 147. In purHUUiice to adjournment the citizens if CluekainaH county met at tho City Hull in Oregon City, for the purtioM of noiiiiim ting three candiilateM for Reprenonlulives, three Justices of tlie pence and one Assessor. .Mr. Parker in the ehair (who front indis. jciiitiou wan excused,) uinl ('apt. W. K. Kil horn chosen us liairmuii ami J. r. Jlliinc one of the boxen flunposed to contain that spocieHof bullion to tho amount of 100,000 value, it wan discovered to bo filled with lead. Of course immediate conference ban been oKiiod with tho representatives of her Maj esty at I long Kong, to obtain tho required difference of payment. Nautical Standard. An lu.-esED Haciiui.or. A bachelor in published in tho paporH of Porkopolin (Cin eiuuati) for having refused to pay bin wash erwomun's bill. He publishes a card stating that he refused to pay liecuuse isho washed all the white out of bin shirts. A'lim Hmith, Compl'l, ) t. J BILL FOR DIVORCE. Elizabeth Hmith, Defnt. ) Application wilt be made by eoraplaiaaat to the Yamhill Circuit Court, on tlio nnt day of the September term thereof, to be held at the Falsi of Yamhill river, on the 3d Monday in September, 1847, upon petition filed, for a decree to dissolve the bond of matrimony contracted between aaid complainant and defendant Tbia ia therefore to notify aaid defendant, her agent or attorney, that if the aaid petition ia not answered or denied, on or before the calHng of aaid cause at aaid term, the aaid petition win be taken aa onfcaKd, and a decree rendered accordingly. And the aaid defendant i further notified, that the caaae alleged in mid petition, ia willful desertion of the com plainant for one year. BURNETT tc LOVEJOY, Sol'ra for Complainant. April I j, 1847. 4t6. Female School. i .. .. ig l Messrs. '"' "i--"'-iinn imi uuo, wi.iuiij an., uiu- ruMif. Kcceiid Hewlett ol Mm. If. HI. ijil Comfort, jlicioiisly, with tho fury of a fiend, emerged! JL Thornton' Nchool, in this city, wiU . ... .,. ...... .. v,n, Seereturv. ,,' ,. w.oquK.NCF.. -.Hny ii monwt uie On motion' of I). Haiimi.ii committee of '' '-""'l aml CjMitlcmwi of tho Jury Cue were iiiniointi-d. eonsihtitiu of Messrs. ' ",s "eicwicm in wns cube, wniuiiy nun rnu llnrla.i Wliitf llnAnnm Vrtin M fix tl... InnnfnlnplM.f liofnrn flm fmivinJfcm tllft wilderiiCMi with all the terrific fren.romnwnce on Monday tli 1'Jth iwtant, aad will con tionn.mVa.s candidates for Representatives, y of . roaring Hon, and with hi. gigwtlolj-- JJJ which committeo retired and in u nhort lime "'.'. liJ then nd there seize my uufa Hchool( 0her .iu, j.Ialn and ornarnenul roturntwl reporting for the consideration of the oficnmvo client by the collar, and tore bis SmMo Work. Drawing, und TainUng in Mcnotinto convention the name., of John Fleming, J., liH: dmWtTColoM i;un.iuitt.Miuii nui j vti ev isitij aw miu aa' June EIM:lieM 1M7. S. Rhiuearwu and Mr. .McSwuin On motion, tho names of each candidate wax considered epurutfly and accepted by TOTIIEfTI'lZENMOF ORECO.V the eoiiTi'lition. At tlio riirt of immrroun fncnilx, I jdnce rnyaelf On motion, the Mouse nominated Col. Jlc," randiilntr for rerln:tiuu to Uic oflicoof (Jovem- Ciiue, A. Cornelius and M. Crawliinl, us '" m "rrf" ,rm,or candidates lor Justiees of the Peuee. And a further motion uuk made to nomin ate a candidate for Assessor, which resulted in the iioniinutiou of l). S. Comfort. On motion, the convention then adjourn- Miiy l.'i, It7. ;eo. aiiernctiiy. W. K. KILI1UKN, Chiiirinau. J. S. Riiini:a!:mn, S'cretnry. A large nnd repcctablenumlKrof the uit insof ('haniKjg county, vnith of tho San tiam rivtr, mctoi; tho 8th of May, according to previous notice. v On motion, II. Campbell was called to the ehair und r. J. x TO THE ELECTORS OF OREGON. In rounrnting to Ixt a candidate for the oflino of liorrin)r of ( iregon Territory in the ciuuing canviu, I plicf m wlf wholly in the liundf of my frirndi, aauV fnil that they will do me jiwtJce. W ith the utni'wt cuiilidcu;e I leave the iwue to my Wlow citizrnn. A. U LOVEJOV. Apniauth, 1847. TO THE ELECTORS OF OREOON. Da. IVrm.r.v Wiu-ii haiug at tlio requntof hi fnenibi.conwiiled to m n Fsndidate at the cnniing clectioi for tho office of (Jovrnior will rrceive the Miptiort of MANY VOTERS Iretual improvement of the pupilx, but akn to their moral and munneri. It i Mrs. Thornton' deaign to make thla u pennanent School ; nnd her puat lucccai and long experience an ti teacher, enable her to hope tliut he will give general autiffnetinn. fopiu will 1x3 cliarcrd from the tune or Uicir entrr- ing Uie School, untill III'- clon of the Seawon. For lurther urliculur, iniurr of .lr. I liornton. ItEl KKKXCr.B. Hu Excellency, Oea Abernetliy, l Hon. A. A. Skinner, Oregon City. Uev. (ieo. Gary, ) Dr. Mure un Whitman, Watlawalla. Oregon City, April 13th, 18-17. ly C A. L. Lovwor Fktxb H. Boaxvrr. BURNETT.&OVEJOY, AttontySiUA 0imiUtnM Um, Andl MUcltm fa WILL pTacueaindTfleWMBi DM cuit Coarta 1m Oimm Territory, Supreme Court at Oram CKt. Jan. lat, 1847. . Cir- 1 ta the S5lf i Frank Vau. ' Waium M.'Snrrrt. Wtri k tallk, COniVIflSIOlf WEMCHAlfTM, San Fkamcisco, f'tf , CittroiNii. I su? (DETii'ii Diana:, GENERAL AND COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS. JAMES B. McCLURO, ) ALEXANDER O. ABELL, iVStT' HENRY CHEVER, - SAnnwicnIawMua. Nov. 13, 1846. aitf DaflMhatiial. THE COPAKTrfEaUHTP heretofore exiating betwtea the nsdenifned, mmitt the name and atyle of POMEROY k. HEDGES, in thia day diaaolved by nmtual content And taltiiae indebted to aaid company, are hereby notified to mfck immediate payment to Walter Pomcroy, who ia herrby authorized to receive all dnea in favor of the aema ', and thoae having demand again aaid few, will pre ent them to aaid Poroeroy for payment, who has un dertaken to pay nil the debt of the amid company. WALTER POMEROY, A. F. HEDGES. Oregon City, April 97th, 1847. 4t" ICOTICE. rmWIK HIJIfnajBllHJbKH offer far aala on JL reasonable teraaWaa their Htokb in Oregon City, the following articles, vrxt, DRY GOODS'. Silk, Mouseiain do Lilne, Caalimere. Caslunere do Ecoaw, Ualzarines, MtaUns, Ijawn. brown and hlrachrd Cottons, Cambria. Tartan and net wool Motlce. I1EREBY caution all person (partkularlv Gen. Alanson Ilusted) acaintt tresnaaainB' in an'v manner whatever upon my Land Claim, ritrtalfd on tlie bank of the Clackamas river, opposite to the lu- uibii tuiaKc, anu nuicn was xncoroea Dymaonllm 16th day of Januarj', 1847 on which I am now re siding. And 1 abo caution nil ptisans from nurcbay- ing any part or parcel of the same fmen aaid Hosted, tury. t )n motion, tho follow ing perron w ro noi iuated ns suitable pcrsoni lor Territorial und ouiity olfieers. (c'. Abernetliy was chosen for our (Jov ernor; us he has served u.s so well, we did not feel Hafe in Iniving a coat untried. K. Newell. A. '.MclJonald, . Chamber. Inin. Win. (!. Mums and F. J. I'etervm for UenreM-iitaliv. : Mnriran Kees. Mr. ShllW. ' "M l)raft. i the Treuury of Oregon, calling I .,, . r M, ir.it Kof ""' dollani racli, uuti-d m iJercmber 1 two, and Mini . ... ..(Iiiijvmi ivl iini:nkiuii . i .... -!.! nsbe lias no lawful title to any of aaid ftnanaes. ELUAH BUNTON April 27th, 14.7. 3t7 BWkco. ail Oari Tin. AR IRON, snttahle for Wagon and Cut Tire, assorted six, for sale at the Brick 8tore, Ore gon City. Oct 15.184C J9tf WAGOX AND CART BOXES, for rale at the Brick Store, Oregon City. Oct. 15. 184t. .Marvin R. Alderman, Compl'l, ) r. S l!)tf Dux for Drot l.l'. G. Stkumst. Juiix Fr.eniMi. nnd T. M. I'ultcrHon uppointed secre- Vuxks will consent to ho candidates for represent- iShawl, Canton Flannel, ladles and miasm cotton I lose, JUm for Clackamas county, in the next legislature, I while and colored, cottonSnnd silk Handkercliiefs, they will be supported in the ciuuing rauvass by a ma- .Mohair Mitts, cotton and mm Ca, laco Edging and jenty of ViJlKKS. inseniou, uasumerr, uoeekm uamnroons, &.c. lny5th, 1817. I OmeaWnM. Mrlones, Sugar, CotTee, Nntniegx, ground Fepperi India Alderman, Defends. S and Ginger, ulialc und sjienn Oil, Salt, ac. tc. A FFLICATION will be made by complainant lo Crockery War'. " Clackamas Circuit Court, on the first day uf Donate. Cup- and Saucers, China Tea f! ,JheWl a lowU, .Miig, I'ltcbeis.painnndciiteaaiTiimUer,!: J 7 VJ.Vl .7 :J ., 'iZrZ'ZT C"uo" llST.I.vih-lnlih-imi.rrt,l.nil,JCn.loni.SaTu.ic. ' filed, for a decree to dnsolve 0,e bond, of maUimony m j . tiLil 7. , ;, ,, , .. I roniracien oeiween saw complainant and delendnm. mA two Drafts on tho Treasury of Orriron. callmrl IPnrnlfnra tl:. :. .i r . .!.. ,ri .,.. i... . . I CITIZENS OF TUAL1TY COUNTY. I hrg leao to announce myself as a candidate for re-election to rrprewut )Oii I u tint next Iygu!ature. JOSEPH I. MEEK. Furniture. . This is therefore to notify said defendant, her airent Hurraus, lted.tcad, Chair, Writing Dek, ladies' " attorney, that if the said petition is not answered or i:iri win inr .liHinsiniii'n. . . .. . . .. "" r'" mm"n' " 'ttivn imIaIIim Iftllnuiiitf thorwiiti ntitl nniiilumi lol. .......-,---,-... ..., -.-..., ,., .. . - , l )u iimtion. Itesolved. that it in the sense U. .... v i -.-. . i a.: . .," i iT ' ZZTZ. Mu- , Work-boxes, looking Giac, tc. uemea.on or oeiore uie caumg or said cause at sjM of this meeting that tho Governor bo res- P. II. Hiunett: the other .ImnnTa favor of Andrew HARDWARE. ! "Z! .5 TZZX !f C" 'alamr' a"d . .r..n.. u ...i a ai.i:. i . . II. ..I.... .!...! li.M iii it.li! V.. .:ii...nrt oi:n . Ilnnfft. Riilsi. Iinnil Mini Imrk Knn. S.id Irons.. .v . :ii llff'T Illl I V ri'lllll'Sll'Il III I'.11UII1IMI ll IirniTIIII'I iii.imniiivnumrn I'cuuui ji-iw, tvu.uuiivi .uitii in -.-..--, - --, . . . -. TI Mr. MorL-ati Koes'n, south of the .Santium ' '" not, ... .... i . .. ... .. fill ' there has been U uiver, ioriiieuucomiuii.iiui ....... ...i . - , ,,uy. Tho nl,0 Ilnmcd t)ta(lll Wcn cnc)(w.j tern w ho lire not Willing to pay some -' HOI- m a note of hand for fifteen hunhoU of wheat, miva- not certain t to tho prrcme uuniber uh Chisel, Gouges, Trace Chaiiu, llnUi,.NaiU, Spikes,, jtay j-j jgj; in UieMceal number imurdull on tlir carpenter's Compasses, Karors, Hand Vices, Files, ' " racket and Ten halve, l able Knive and t orks, Scimors, 1'adlocks, chert and- door Iock, Gimlvts, iiMortcd llrudf, Uroxa Nail, Perctissii MARVIN Notice. R. ALDERMAN. 8 tt l.-ir I'nr tin, nriiii-irii ol volllli'. us it Will bio nn or liefore tho lut duv of Oclnlit-r. IH-17. snnipd i. ...... iirti ,.o..io in ..!.. tlut'rlvi.i. Theodore Vancatl, and luado pavahle In Geo. l)avi Pout, Ilellow. measuring Tapes, A . ' . ... . ., " -i. 1 ,,,'lor bearer. Whoever will return tho said notes or any . Spoke Shaves, Steelyards, Shovels and yuiii;,- mint r,.ni. .. "'" " ' - ,m( ,1CI to ,10 mbwribi-r, shull be liberally re- Screws, Jlrace and liitu. Iron Spoou, memiiereii nun uio peoiio uuioi uiu oun- wanlrd. Miot iictu, snears, Hand Jieli, .c tnui deserve lo be profitably represented the, GEO. DAVIS. running yeur, therefore, they uro willing to May 14, 1847. 9 It cnnfidu in the persons they have chosen. I BKIKaN AND CI1U3UCALN. On motion, it was ordered that tho pru.i-t.;ivC pkigg rrspcctfully'infornw the public, reeiliut'S of tho meeting bo handed to the M. that ho ha removed his otlicn to Muiu htrrc-t, l-Mitor of the Spectator", with n reoiie.st tliut 'ho lot adjacent to A. Hood Ei.,whero he will keep they 10 ptlll Shell. ,.......,.... u .. ". -.- -- J ii r, , w,.Pi i -.i . cililics of tho country aflord. II. CAMrllF.lL, ( hairiiiau. F. P. has also on hand, a small but choice election I' I Pptuiis-ov Seo'v I of Silks, Mousfvline do Luinc, Halzarinrs, Uarege, .S:c. i . j. i r.iiinni, x.x. j. iSuitablo for ludie attire. Also Gent. Cravul mid r MlIlE nnr!orairrnnVa Iibva thla 1nv fnpiif nA 3TI COIH, ISaUCCI n-n-hln for th Imnn.lU ' fl.-l -!! XCI. HulchctK, -Inn niir?r.fM n I nmimn rUv A T.l..l . T. .1 rt a -" " -" - "a, wiu uiUHiHit lUiurr lilt 1 ong. u ooil u ud rfi c of F. XV. Fettvimva . Co. , j owuerriaaas, F. W FETTYGROVE. A. E. WIION. DAVID McLOUGIILIN. Oregon City, Nov. IOUi, 184R 'Si. Tin Waro. Six and four quart Coffee Pot, four rjtiart Pails. Strainers, Cutis, Graters, Scoops, Cullender, Wath llosin, Skimtiiers, Milk Pan, Dippers, TunneN, Cun-' Wc W AmtalgeatCHt. die Moulds, Tea Caddies, Nuro Luiiiw, Britunuiit,nniIE uudenigued will furnish the beat accoinmn 'I ea Pot, tc. JL dation' in hi power, to both Man and Horse, ouuui anu ouuus. unu wui rnnrire noinuig at an, wiie will expect ready tu.it Is. a&ll k..ai&- Ifi.K...d aBABtLa . I .t la At a meeting of thn votcm of 'I'nnlity ..... I.nl.l nl flin fnllirulisf HffWitiliir I Iniiuft ' um "r;?, ":: :.: :. h.r. :,;; imi. (,1'omroy s riuui,; " nuiiuuny mu i.u "ii May, IM17, tor tlio purposo in seieeuug suit- , Cuim, with u small lot of tine clothing. i Terms, cnsli or approved orders. N. II. A few English Lever Wutchcn un the abovo Oregon City, May 1.1, 1647. 8 tf able men to bo eloeted-to tho ilifercnt Terri- l.uuu A. Flint, Conipl't, toriul uml Count v ollicos to lio filled nt tho ,,.'? , .....,..:.... n....it., tli.. (nllnivimr ,.nil..i,i..n Snnih L. Hint, Drfeiid linuiiiu I'l. hmm .-.- -..-. -....w. tS DILL FOR DIVORCE. T.iifliMi tv... ntul mtn'fil IIaaIa. Witt nin rminild. rliit.iliay ill all cuhm. .... r. ... . . . ... ..... ,, -,- ----- dreus peg lioots, boy kip liroguiti, incus UilcK Uoou, iikii a kip Hoots, i.c. finndrlvn. Men' and boy's Heaver Hats, Clocks, Cooking Stoves and funnel, Soaps, Window Glum, Dutch Ovens, fee. A i jo 20 Tons of Coral at Portland. KILBORN, LAWTON, vL Co. Oregon City, Murch 127. IKI7 Stf y In all cunc. Jlomc Uauirht and Sold aa lamaL N. B. 8300 of Orecon Serin wonted in rhtnr for Horse, or payment of outstanding accounts. 8. W. MOSS. winametio i ails, xtov. yo.'iwu. JhMf. Prints, Prints. were nomumlod lor tlio various ollices For Govvrnnr tieorgo Abornothy. I'or Representatives J. Ii. Meel Hill, and lir. Wilcox. For Jiiilicrs of the Peace ) I). Hmith. and IJarlon Leo. Far AsxrsMr Daniel Clark. For Treasurer Jantes Ohnmbor.i. Afler which tho following Itesoltitiou wns adopted : Resolved, That thn proccrilings of tho Meet ing bo forwarded lo tho Mdilor of tho Spec tator for publication. Li. W. COFFIN BKRUY, Soc'y. A 1TLICATION will bo mndo by complainant to XM. tho folk County Circuit Court, on tlio tut day 1 of the September Term thereof, to hit held on tho 1st I). Monday in September d47, upon petition filed, for a deerei! to devolve tlio boniM ol iiiultimony contracted I enov C l,('lwi'eu """1 coiiiplainnnt und defeiidunt. This is ' ' therefore to notify said defendant, her wgenl or nttwr , lie y, that if 3h said trillion !h not answered or denied mi or loforn tho calling of tho said cause at said tenn, I the said ietitioii will be taken u confessed und a de cree rendered accordingly. NLSMITII & FOUD, Solicitor for Couipliiiimnt. Mny 1.1, 1817. 8 4t NIi:LM!VCi UOOKN. sale at tho Slums iu this City. 'VVTEIISTEU'S Elementary Spelling Book for Farm For Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER oilers for sale hii valuable country seat, about seven miles ubuvo Oregon City, near tho Willamette, in Baker's prairie. There aro over three hundred acres of prairie, and ono hun dred ready for cultivation, surrounded with good fenco. Uiiun tho Farm ia a good log house, SO by 30 feet, a well of good water, being well calculated by nature for rulsing cuttle, or sheen. LOTS. FIVE TOWN LOTS in Oregon City, with buildings on them that pay it rent of $20 per month. Also, Ilia interest in tho uudi?Kcd Town Iota In Clackamas City. Any person wishing to purchacn projierty of thi kind, may do well to call on tho Subscriber on Wator Street If any person wishes tu pay specie, I will niako a discount of fifty per cent. A. UUSifiU. A'' No. SI, Commercial Row, a huge assortment of Prints, some very rich. Also, Drawing ptt. per and Pencil, Paints, &c. ccc. Notice. TIIE SUBSCRIBER' ha thia day disposed of hi Interest in the Arroau Mux, to called, to Henry II. Hunt Portland, March 31st, 1847. A. E. WILSON. 4t7 On'gon City, Jun. 7, lc?; 35tf Tfce Oreffsm 8pectetr ., TmFTF't. oUnw ln nd"o; u Batpald until the expiration of three month, six dollar, nnd U not paid at the expiration of six montl, th director rt. stirve tho right to ducontlnue. If paid la cash nU per annum. ' r , ID Adrerttemtnta inserted at one dollar and fiftv cent per aquare of sixteen line or lea, for thn uaertloa, and aoventy-five centa for each s4haMant lusertion. A liberal deduetioa to yearly tfvertEsT CTA1I kinds f JOB WOUlf. fc!!iZ2?? ., ted at the ahortcet notico-pajTnant ia aivani. s a VI tl tl 1 4 n