Was"" ' we,wwwr'c"""""'"" Ii. i THE SPECTATOR. MO. L. CDtftT, EDITOjl W. r. irtJDeOK, HOTR. Oie City, M , 1847. ETltto "Temperance Ode" aezL hall appear in our CTWo would inform "A Citixen of Clackamas," that Ike Iowa law concerning the recording of town plata te of bo avail in this country in tlw abwnce of le galised aurveyors. D"We an desired to ftate that Mr. J. S. Rinearton decline being n candidate for Representative at the aaolag election. ii Ax Aoitatlho Commjumt. Gentle reader, hare you ever had a genuine chill ? Have you ever felt aa though you were being stabbed in an indefinite num ber of place, an indefinite number of time, with an indefinite number of icicle? Have you erer had a regular tha-a-ake J Ilaro you ever felt a though your whole tywtem was about to shake itself into the largett possible number of pieces and each pieco into the smallest possible size 1 In short have you ever had the Fever and Ague You are mort fortunate if you have ecapod it, for to havo it is to enjoy the very luxury o! inicry. We pray you may never have it, and as it is of unfrequent occurrence iu Oregon you may esteem yourself tolerably safe. Poor are, however, havo jml gotten over our fifth or sixth attack of this extremely agitating complaint Faith it has nearly shaken into atoms the few ideas we onco hod in our knowledge box, and we get up to our labor, just as the Spectator is going to press to find, in the first place, that we have'nt room to say much, and hi the second, that we have'nt anything much to say, if we except indeed the "Sketches of Oregon," which it was our intention to have continued in this number, bat they have been knocked, as it would seem, into the middlo of next week. Tar.snssi.NO on Land Claims. Since the publica lion of our last paper, considerable excitement has ex isted in community iu relation to trespassing upon land claims, two large public meetings have been the con sequence,' Indeed the largest ever convened in the Ter ritory ; the proceedings of these meetings, nnd the un equivocal expression of public opinion, may bo read in an adjoining column. These meetings were charac terixed by the utmost decorum and entire unanimity prevailed in the proceedings. There was a free cx presn'on of opinion the tendency of which was to sus tain the spirit of the resolutions. Numerous speeches were made which were to the point full of sound sense and determination and we regret our inability, in consequence of late indisposition, to furnish our read ers an abstract of some of them as we had intended. Many friends from beyond the county were with u on the occasion and Judge Dumctt, R. Newel and J. L. Meek Etas., upon invitation gratified us with a decla ration of their views. In truth we havo no doubt but that our fellow citizens of the Territory generally will unite cordially with us in maintaining the spirit of the Organic Law. ' ID" Wo understand that some of the citizens of Folk are indifferent about holding on election In that county for Territorial and County officers. Tin's is by no means right, our friends in that section should do their duty and do it as loving iL If they do not obey and support the laws, they havo no right to exjiect or ask the aid or protection of those laws. The good of their country demands that they should huvo (tatriot ism enough, at least, to perform a sinull service like this, ExrwRiNO Commnv. We aro rcqucrtcd to state that the company to explore tlio Clamctuud Rogue riv er valleys, will rendezvous at tlio Jefferson Institute, en tho Rickreall, and positively start on the 10th day of June next, provided twenty men can Ikj roied for the expedition. We are informed that Hen. Gilliam, Col Ford, Maj. Thorpe and W. G. T'VauIt, Esq., are using their exertions to raise the company and will ac company it should it start " Tub Election. Before another paper is issued the i will have met at the polls and chosen their Gov. Indian Distubsancrs. Complaints came to us of Indiin disturbances in various parts of the country. Ne.tr the Mouth of the Luckamute they have been destroying cattle, on Tualatin Plain they aro In trou ble with the settlers and here In our midst we uro much incommoded by them, indeed recently at the Clackamas a citixen was fired upon by one of the ople. It is not to be itemed that ardent spirits i the iiblic itlwtliw (I. Jtr.iolvnl, That in view of tin nppro iimit ioti ul' tlu Jurisdiction of the United Oil Ed on City, May 1-1, 1847. States, wcwillstund hv one another in main- Pursuant to u notice, which appeared in ' turning tin- Hupr-imiu ul tlio laws, phiem the Spectator of tlio lllth hist, for tin pur- confidence in tin; liclicf tlmt tlmt govern pose of obtaining un expression of public ' incut will nlliird itistico to all iisYiliciih. sentiment relative to trcspara on lund claims, 7. Ittnlril, Tlmt in esiousing the prm n very numerous unil respeetnlile IkmIv of t-iplcs eontiuneil iu tlio nlsitii resolutions, we ili-fitiiu nl I liiiibnniiiu tctll. Irmii nlll. L... -... t ti Hi t nlir lilllllnL I tlsii Iff I II t r f ills t II I if II 1 1 a ..i i s.ll I .1 1 lltWin "l VMUnuinui it llll lllllll ll'"" " I'M'IIMO "III.. "ii himim -, I'lV'iUH'u m chief if not the only occasion of trouble between tlio :,. i,,,,,, , ,,,., ,.;,.. ..,.. ... ..,,.. i irt. ;,..,. .. ,..! m,.2.ri ...ir in. - " " " ",' " '" . - ii , hull past seven o'clock, 1'. M. ilivnlunl rights, whatever inu) he the cons' I lie meeting was culled to order anil the ,ucnei whites aud Indians. Aluiwit daily and nightly we air aunoyed and disturbed by the drunken luvels of thriw poor benighted creature. Yet there arc luws, severe enough it would seem, ugainst selling spirituous liquor to the Indians. Are they to bo violated with impuni ty 1 If they are not enforced the consequences may be most deplorable. Matters may continue on as at present until rant object explained in nn appropriate whirr liv Theo. Magrudor when on motion Cupt. k'illiuni was culled to tho Chair ami I'- I'rit-'g deputed to act as Secretary. On motion, a committee of fne was "p iKiinted to draft a set of resolutions express- ( lu uiotioiiol Mr. Jiewlral, That w to uny mini for any iiuv maimer, simp" claim pimping. . I.. IIVCJoV depredaUon of greater enormity will bo committed by j iv(, nf t, Sei,'imeiits of the meeting C. L. '. Abeinnh) ihe indians under the intlueiice of ''tire water" mid re taliation ensue tlmt may leud to serious difficulties. It should be remembered that wo oru entirely siirroiAidrd by various tribe of Indians, some of which are nf n decidedly hostile character, and it is hut the part of wisdom for us so to act roax to prevent rather than in vite outrage, for nn ounce of pretention is i-aid tu K wortli a pound of cure. The Cor It is much feared by the fanners that unless there is nn immediate fall of rain, there will bo a failure of crops generally. It has been uu unusually dry season thai far and by no mean favor able for the growth of wheat ; the plant is now ubcut Curry, Noye.s .Smith, Theo. 'Mugrudcr, A. Mood and J. M. Wair, to he said ruuuiiitt.c, who after u short period presented the '"! low in" preamble ami resolutions,: (The preamble iiihI ri'Miluliorui will l""oiiiiil Im-Iuw , ll.itloW 1'. (J Stewart tiro. i Curry I'lidV Yute Amlrrw Hood A. II l'if I. ll lltllU II thi motion, the report of the cmiiiintti ' ilfn, nllii was accepted. c. Hiclunlwu tin motion, those present not citi.ent of Valter I'omeroy Cliicknumx, were mvittu to take a part iu the proceedings. On motion, tho tthove n solutions were unanimously adopted. ' Rev. 11. Johnson, It. Newell, of Chtimpo- forming it head and requires ram to gn u lull.,,-, -V- J K. Barlow, and W. Mulkey severally aut'.essi'ii me iiieeuiif,'. On motion, a committee f three wai up point" d to ohtnin signatures to the alic res. olutnii-, 'v.: N. Smith, Theo. .Mayn.der. and icrfectioii, olIicrwiM! it will bo but of stunted growth. Yamiiim. Coi'.ntv I'Runi'rn. Mr. W. T Nwby, Assessor for Yandtill county, fumihrN u the follow ing information relative to the productions of that A. Hood. )n motion of S. K. Harlow, a committer- h- to invest inati- an-l iidiudi disiiiititiu cla'mant-. iz: S. duty it shall cate hetwei-n K. Harlow, It. !). Torm-x, Tics. laruder, Hugh Hums, It. Newell, to he mid commit. (,' (,, county, for the year 164C: Wheat titVlti buheli; of live was appointed tos'drct twelve, who OaU J.JIi biu-heU; Teas 1003 bushels. Mr. Newby states that he obtained tho above facts while engaged in assessingduriiig the present year. Ho likowise pla ces the population of this county at 7?3 souls. IEUITOBIU. I AX, IS-lu. Several of UlO counties ! , , ,,; ,t. ,.nii.,ill...s u,.r, n-ooir.-.l are displaying a spirit of indifference with regard to ; ,f, r, , ,,. Iu.v, ...ijournc-d meeting thepaymcut of their taxes. JLewa, Vaiaouvrr and , , ()ti,M1 (J- Smith, n. solved that tie Clackamas counties alone, have paid their taxe in rnt.(.0,li1,,,. f tlii meetiii" he mihlisheil in the SiH-ctutor. and also that those now- con- J.M Ware W Mulkr All-rt I'llrft It. p.Tnniry II. N. in-!..w If. II. Iltliliell W.f. .MiKuv A I Alilrtu hi A IS. T. Ici) (Vll. Until Snin'l I' Chi-" Win MrKnili-- Ainln . I 'U till lillli UlfiMttl I S lln;i V II. It..--Jui-. .Ieforiunl. ticmiji- t.uy I!. Mtfury i: .M lt.1u. tee. full Chickamas has paidldoublo tho umotint of any county. We are glad toV learn that Chamjioej; i making efTorts to redeem here-.-If. S4io n tho UtfitX and wealthiest county iu the Territory nnd hliould bo an example in all things to Aer kH.tm. lint what diall cerueil in claim jumpiiij; le rcipiosted to de sist from their present course. On motion, resolved that this meeting ad- . iniirn to Wcdntsdin evenin-', iie.M, at half alitin count which has paid into the past seven o'clocl-, ami that the Chairman I II. II. Ja Treasury tlie paltr-sumfrf 8-'".'" cent out of the I invite I'. H. Hurnett, Kmi. to attend and ad ' W. I . assessment for 18-JU.y Is there no more collected' . dre-s the meeting on 'he present suhjeet. The people of Tuolftin sprak of having paid their i W. K. KIMiUHN, Chairman, taxes, therefore, it sjrikes us that it i high time for J-'ueim I'uti.ti, Secretary. Whereas the people of Oregon, since the settlement of the count rv.liav itig lived toetii". r iu peace and hurmoin respeetiiif; indi vidual rights ami maintainm-.' the supremacy of the Iavv5, we tliu citiens of Clackamas Lounty, as a portoiNherenl, most sincerely ;jm . jjiMtvurth regretting the oicasion, del ourselves called .N.Simili unon at this tine-to make a tiuhlic eMires.sion I U. KBrr we say of Tualitin county thoso who have received thein to pay Ihiin into th Treasury. Wo believe Yamhill, 1'olk. and Clatsop are foni"--what behind in this matter. They ought to ami w e doubt not will foon settle all arrvaiagc. Tur. Fourth ok July. The Aniiiverxary of Arnf r ican Indepelidenca is upproaching and we ought to lie T. Suiiiiirrn Win I'. IIiiuVi, John I'li-liiiiig Win. (iliur John . l.ritli'.h S. W. Mtw. TIkm. I'nrv.s II, lltin.ui Ifrury Kvaun Theo. Magrtidrr Itotx-rt lliiine M. Ilnlderiieti argent IimmI. A M-lli.nilI lMir II. lliimMt Kuliert Mimre Il'm. Wh. --r nliM MrKml-y Kunvuiii ('l.irl. IMu Iliipua Thbinui Muirt.ii Jiio-ph I'hurih W. Iliiliii'in lav ni Criwforil maKiug tome arrangements to c-lfhrati-it in u lifconi. , '. . . .,.'... . Jiiiin M, N..hi-v h ...... . 'of opinion coiiceriuii'' the iliisi ion recent- ,, , . ing manner, ll is n day dear to every Aintncnii , ' .,. . . . . i . .i i . r ' ll.uiulton II in. ('. Dt'iiiiiit ! .... I l..,j..l fri Ltt lit flr.lif.tw... l,i. Iflllu fill .... ... . .. . l ill. i,if . i. .1 ,' r. I ut ... I...II, ,.. ...'..' ... neun, tor ii n uio occasion oi mo crnnu rr-.iininii nl i .; i , i . , . .. i . :n . . .i I "" , , . .... I the land, and to violate the oo.l will ami l ii',,. ii,. me wiioio Ani'-rican Kopie. i neir neiirt are m nw on .. . .... .. , ; . ,.;.' , , ,J.,' ' , . . . iicace ol the coinmiiiiity l tr"pas,iiiL' iiihiii Hin. (. urnsv that day and m julnlunt Mjunds they testily tho nie.-u.- ja(j cja;(,s. tl(.r,.ion. ' f. II. Ilml.h-rt urcoftl,alhappme.whiehtl,0w.MJomu..dpatr.oti,,i, , H,,, That we rcga.d .fTTv nction T''; .""'!'" of theirfather, procured them. herever the Amer-1 t.IlIuu,u,, l0 pnd,',:,, ,IH claim of any lit- ' fe (;.Tvu.',!t . ..., . .,... ,, ,-, ., IU . lomii led wti tie aws. as oc..anor.niorelgiiinna.,iiiutuay.l.peti.imrlyl,Wow..,l(.Il(,i lf, vioj,lto ,.VMi '(li,, f .ommu nnrl i lirlrl annrfil. W rinrrnlirr ftii.f u..n .r.l..Krt.. l . , i J .1 1 . . . . . ......... . .-..... ..v .v.....tu'. ...m. ..v. .w, u' ..in. mi. fiiiDiipu Mil mi ill. rriTin .fill iirni ill (11 "V -..-. !, I ted our hut Fourth in the "Muck Hillx," it was none the leiti joyous nor earliest, however, unci wu made the old hilb) ring ugain with our jubilee. There khould be a meeting of citizens to chouie some euitublo person to delivcrjui oration un! clcct u read er of tho "Declaration of Indepciidcwjc." tC'Tho Cohiiubiii river is rising very fut,and Ihnro is every indication of its being much higher this icu son than usual. ID-The II. 11. Cis nark Covililz.we iiiidentand, has loaded with wheat for SitLu, Ind is on her way down the river. erv honorahh: man. 'J. JliAotrril, That we view tho spirit of tho articles of compact as such, that though there should he a chance fur evasion or suh terfuge, that theohject of them was to si cure to every citizen under said compact, his pri- JaiiK'i I!. AIm JfJ'pIl Itlolllli I'ttcr l' (.'iiikIi Thniiins Km 'IMl.Scavy Cr , d Turner A. I'riest, e will not give our votes piihlic ollici! who is 111 or form connected with It III I' Doiiglnitv I" Ter Win. Ifol'an Juliii llowlniiil Juis lt'intoli Itolwrt IViilUml Sniiiiii Hone . I'. Ilelg. .1. IVnton Jullles llrchllll M. Htliollliiiiu Milton lirowii S. II. L.: Meek I irn. Utban Cr. Kvnil" . C 1). Sneknlt ' Slowau Moiw ' II. Iliirn. A. Zuclmr) A. Illl.tril Jrttf V lloiiitf K. Hartley Im II0111 in It'ui. K hilt.rii Jan. llUi ll J II" M( IMll.UII Jlill I' llli'ika M. Crawford I,' IV. SllYUgl) Juhii tVaj iiiii'- J. Ituloll Uhadiah New ton IV111. .lorH '.. II. Cruy liiorge llnxk It. V Miixli" I). tVullur J M. W)utt A. I. Caldw.ll F. Ilntliawa) II. llluik John I )ru .l.lllicn Alhcv amii llntli r Jos. Iloliimn TIM. Iloxl N. I'. Mack If T. .NVuhy K. K. I'aiic J no. II. Conch 1 iihiliilins tl'h'rler Jim pit U Mtrk I'. II. MugrtKhr ll. T. Inox (Jririihcrrj Trekol tl'in. Ucijj'-r jr (J. IV. IVi-Ktou A. K. Ivi" IVm. Ii'l I' C. (,'.ii.M T. I. I'owri It III. Ilollllln J.iini'i, llniluiv 11ron Cixik lii-irge Cornel. im 'I'. K. J.icUmhi IViii. Alhcy .1. I.'. Itul.ti T M. ChntiiUrn f. C. Morns I,. Vim lli'blicr Ciiwlaiiil ('IiiiiuIkti TIioiihi S. Keuil.ill (icu Jones I'. X. Mlltliew Tliomai. McKay Vi:hm:may, Mav 111, iJHI7. I'urstmut to iidjouriimeiit, at the lurap pointed, the City Hotel was more numerous. vatn rights, not incompatihle or incongruous ly thronged than on the dinner occasion, with tho rights of leservution of the I'. .S. I The meeting heing called to order hy tie (lovrrninent, as such we view them, as sin U ! ehainnan, the minutes of the last meeting we hold them, and as such vve will MipKu ' were read. them. r. Member of the Legislature and County officers. W htJM every county will manifest becoming inter art important an event; the vote should be a full IM, twjr man should feel that the exorcise of tho Itetlva franchise U a duty as well as a happy privil eg, aa bestow sufficient time and consideration upon 'the hisTinnr to tnsare good and fdiUiful function- l-'or tho yiregon .Spectator. Mk. Ewtok 1 wish to Inform the puhlio through tho ci 'uniiis of th Spectator, tint tiiero will he a Jinpany start lioiu tin's conn ly to tho United Stales" onor near tlio 20th of June. Tlio company intends traveling over Harlow's roud. If them is any person wihliing trj, start at that time, wo would ho glad to meet them and organizo u larger company. If any person wish furtlior infor mation address the undersigned at 'Gen. Clark's, Yamhill county. I expect to start at tho time inontioncd and return to Oregon next season. JAMI'S A. HUOWIvf. Yamhill County, May l.'l, 1817. On molion, the report of tho committee for obtaining signatures, was accepted. On motion, the citizens of other enmities were invited to take part in the present pro. ceedings. On motion, I. II. Hurnett Ks., was re iiiesled lo address Ihe meeting, who respond ed to the call inu happy and Ibrcihlc address, M fill .. .'... .. .'. 1. Jicsotvni, i nut wo iioiii nil persons who which icccived an nlnwsl uuaniiiiouH appro advise trespasser, upon small points, relative ' val. to what they in their wisdom aulicipato may , A. L. f.ovcjoy, A. J. Vielcers, J. Meliiiugh he the future law rcgulatiii'. Land elaiiim, as ' lin, A. A. Skiiiuer, W. Mulkey, J. S. Ithin violators of our Oiguuio Law and eijimllv jearson, .1. 1,. Meek, J. Fleming, . I. C'nr guilty. ' rv, S. l'arker, and Theo. Magrudcr, were 0. Jicsolvra, i hat as an order loving ami aovcrally called on ami caeii in turn uuuiess. 51. JtcxoIrniJ That we shall look upon ev ery man in atw way connected witn the movement iiovvNupmgrcssl tihsailing the rights of citizens, ns"lisoranizer, whose cond'ict will vvcakTriflfie golden hoinl of so. cietyaud give occasion to moh law and vio. lence. luw abiding community, vve discountenance all men who hy their actions display a want of mora! principle and tin utter disregard of social obligation. ed the meeting. On motion, the report of tho cnmmillee of five to Kcleet twelve &o., was dispensed with und the officers of tho meeting were rmpow