f' "tX rW r Fof tlm Oregon Mpcctator. Mk. KniTon At h public meeting of th mzt'iiH (if Clackamas county, held at thu City Hotel on Friday evening hint, some res. olutioim worn adopted expressing the ititcti rioiiHiit tlm meeting with regard to trespass nig on land claims or to tis tin: more topu In r phrase ctiim jumjnnt!. Now Hi r, I tuke tlm meaning of tlm word claim jumping u embodied in those resolutions, to bo this ; ' trespassing on u person's claim of luml, ulio has complied with tin- provisions of the laws if Oregon, as they weru understood by tin liegisluture, uml tho people, when made and adopted ; lit tin: opinions of our legal men wliut they may, with regard to tlm Mriet construction of thu present lund law, and if I hit vii rightly construed them i give them my iljt-i'rful usscnt. Hut sir, then; arc oih. t oviln existing in Oregon almost u.s p'-rni- ions as Cluiiu jumping; one is it person tak ing, and making two or three different claion, ilieu reiuotu from each other, thuttli" fraud (lur what else can it Ik- called) cannot he de teetnl by those wanting locations, without uiiHiiiiTuiiM expense arm loss oi nine, or even if they could be satisfied thut tho per son hold nioro than one cluiin, and should lo. cuto uikmi ono, they must expect to receive the odious appellution of claim jumper, in the hroucl sense in which it is generally applied. Another evil it, pernont taking large tracts nf the most valuable land in the country for their wives and children, in necordanooVith a bill which died a natural death in the Con- rcss of the United States some live years i pirn; ami inose cuse.s are uv no means un I J . Oregon SMtartor. irsl r jr;ajSUsg...1j m lfTT ,!;! - iiiasi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaT - -i,,,, ,, - . I westward um star M-Mnf.mm m weti" . To1, " "' (0wr . T;m .. J It was the letterof thom rcouttof)s,f which I uijmi; will bo published in the ncilflMi bi:r of tlm Spectator,) that has called fbrth the feeble onergicH of tho undersigned In the justification of his own proceedings, together with thoHo persons placed in similar dream stances with your hurnba servant. . W. MULKKY. May 17, IS 17. For the Ortfw gptetater. Ma. IjIjitok I am one who have long an observant oye upon tho advancing ii ests oi urcgon, naving waiched the program of the colony from itrt nrsdln somofime fiom a distance, and anon aa Baear speeav tor. Recently I have iwrused milh mush interest the periodical summary ofBteliU gence which you superintend, and wh fleets credit uiton the enlightened enteral i me cmens to wnoso patronage it owea ao fW beveaJaedy dene for the whfc? nan to a ,meneetBfr aniBBBimieiOTBelf ,f"W to tbepara- orMagaa eeeiagtbat riwlieMiiatobear MlMlaiiB, raeeor y avail. . MA MMA tiro extinction of OBSERVER. o existence. Korbcwral reason I hava Mai.. treiuent. .Now every cundid man must see " "" ' 'i i"3' ' woraa, tnougn put the pernicious consequences of such proceed. frard with much difTidence, will be per. mgs. .Some huc taken elaima lor their ' "l",l rw". twr bo deemed' muplaced ia children in the SlMes. if lliev should evi.r ' .V"r columtlH. iiniiiiirrnte lo this irolintrv. lint tin. r-tiilln.1 nf ' hull lirst i In I 111 iiiiimer. st.-irinrr liniii ut nu-ti in llir. f'in. are ll'iW j I i - "' i lliev often leave the holder to einov the fruits ..I ins own imnudenco and seek a location in I i''' inhubitauts and the comparatively ffcw -ime le.sH dpNirublu part of the country, for " Hnropean descent altractod thither by I visited thctfo scenes 'which are now alivo with an industrious populatfo; they w ere frequented by none, save tae ariaa should he attempt to nettle uikjii one of those wife or children a cluiins although the for mer may yet be enjoying a state of single hie sMslneHs and the latter never saw light, he is denounced us a claim jumper; the judg ment is rbiidurrd, the sentence is passed and the stigma is fixed on the head of the aggress or without a hearing. Sunh has been the case with the under signed, hut after facts are stated, let the pub lic judge, and I abide tlm decision. The person who holds pretensions to the location 1 have mude, surveyed his claim in l"l.'!, commencing about one fourth of a mile below tho Falls of the Willamette river, on the west side and ran up the river utar two miles and a quarter, thence fur enough west tu include about one thouxaud acres, still warning all persons not to coum near his wv.st line, as he vet tlioiiL'lit he had not views il commerce; whero now tho disk of tlm anvil or the grating of the 8awmeetetbe ear, there was little to awake the. eoaoea of those deep xolitUucs. bovnnd tho ditty of the'naiito Canoo JNkM, ajhrvasl efe ctuionally by lew ttenfal aottliiia. TJwilbta effected wonders, aad as. (hbsv juiViMepl 'a doubtless must improvement keep wfthtit hand in hand. holcsomo and in the mala equitablo laws, have been promulgafnl, aad un enlightened press now exists to restrain by the appeal to public opinion, all thosovi. oliitionsofihe hr non xcriptcr which areame nahle solely to that unsparing tribunal. This premised, I hnvo a few remarks to odd. In pcniMiig the abstract of tho "Or ganic liiiwji," I nbservn certain restrictiona in regard to the validity of Indian and other evidence-, but discover nothing, on tho other hand, tending to utloru reciprocal ptriectlon noiiL'h. probubly for his wife ami children.! to1'"-' Indian the only pany, because 1 cob. . . ... i ... .1 . i j. .. i ive in Urcgon. ceive, me ukmi ueienceiess, in wnoae lavor should they ever urn Kor two years he was repeatedly urged by those settled around him to survey his claim, so as to include the customary quant i ty of (MO acres; at length despairing of the arrival of his wife and family, he reluctantly surveyed his claim, less than half u mile wide, and two and a quarter long on the river, contrary to uny law ever passed in regou regulating land claims ; including all iho valuable, water privileges and ferries of tho Willamette ami I'liality rivers on the premise and tho Island adjacent thereto. I have made a locution on the north side of tho Tuality river, near tlm mouth, with the honest conviction, that if he will aliiiie by his western lino, us first surveyed, I shall obtain '.120 acres, which amount I Imvo in i ludoil within my lines us recorded in tho recorder's olTico. In the menu lime, sever al persons have made locations on tho south end at dilferciit times, hut had abandoned the place rather than contain! with a mtperanuu ted old man, who would command respect, but for his contentious, child-like disposition. The assertions I huo made hero am eu. sily proved by tlm mast substantial evidence; the facts are well known und tlm records will show for themselves on thrio dillerent pages, j (corded at different times. Now sir, if public opinion will award to nnv person tho right to extend his claim to w liat length ho pleusos along tho margin of n rivor, including u narrow strip of lund so loluublo for its town site and water privil egos as tho ouo ill question, when ho limy take it in a inoro sciuuro form, 1 will desist from further oporatious uuloss a legal pro cess is instituted against mo. it is now iiiv intention to appeal. Indeed. I cannot but consider this, though it may arise Mmibly from oversight, as a very grave oniia. siou. Nay, in so fur as legal enactment ex tends, I see nothing that affords in any way protection to tho Nutivo from those harraaa- iug infractions vwn his liberty, and that ty rauical oppression, which in a mixed com muiiity, unrestrained by stringent Laws, are daily and hourly manifested. Let ui re llect that thesn oor peopio, howbeit low in the scale of humanity, and withal the orig. inn.K)ssessorsoftho fair reciona which thev see occupied by others, and what they may be now said to inhabit upon sufleranoe only a despised and unprotected race, debarred from the privileges nf citizens, and virtual ly outcasts upon the very soil which belong to them by the indefeasible prescript of our Common Maker. Are wo, liko the unprin awed hpumsii colonists at a tanner day to look upon theno regions as vnothor land of Canaan, and to consider ourselves as the oho sen iustiiiments nf tho Almighty to execute the judgments nf His wrath upon the doomed inhabitants. Wo may gloss our concienoea with tho precious pica, and deceived by the glare may connive ut, if wo do not practice, injustice ; but let us not forget that in a wider sense, tho same ruin hold good in ro gard to nations as to individuls, that a day of retribution will sooner or later arrive, and the sins of tlm father be visited oondlgnly, if not upon themselves, upon their ohiidren, to tho third and fourth coneration. Let hope, tltorofnre, that through the mediant of your respcctaoio paper, tuo provisional JU. gislnt'ure may bp urged to enact jutt and tpe. Far Um Oragw Bprtaiet. .,. M, JU1 '"ft " Uiroagh the mo d4am f yew valuable Maer. to make some "h eaWt liatfMiMil is Clackamu count v mm el; man' of ieaj iatueat. It b ru. awredl 'wM f -aai of ofWoa with a pretty fwd CaMMMniatnita, tkat aetoral persons win have laid oet taradry town sites within refused to re- the taaac, as force in this ; by wMeh the streets, alleys, and ww awe MM oat amafrytown tM eoaaty. bare neglected or r ?!,; P "W of I fWed by tee ajatatea sow in : lUie irlr t !r BJBBW Ctj would rest in the corpo- e oi aoon town, and j iataad.of rwaainiMr private aroperty of the air. firoea what I can at lean with two town to wit: Oregon and a thee towaa, par wae laid out aorae Mr iaaueii oaaet with. Boaaequeat- iadol i pro. ICleekamaJ, if not T.I-' abjeotl call upon iMatriot' Attorney, aay other officer auoh forfeit- h your pa th Coaaty tJowMT whaae duty it urea, Jbr pabUa.ii par, ay whieh the aeaala aetv.s infomiwl or the ohatrtMtioB if aay there be to the col lection of the aaaae, to the ead that if the law ia deacieat aad will not cover such rases. tketmeaeureapaay be taken to remedy the evii. ay auntweaag we statute, ine consc Ma. Emtoi The' certain J. II. P. hatw tion of late, aad jeetly Jar W the duuu, tUgmi mi mm9.. of the Satrap Itedao toliJe eMM are certainly the beat that. tae Spectator. The i contain are good and are i "av ByicB-su. wHwnjyn tor the reputation or their and the honor of Oregea, they 'i eign growth. The one whiah I thr. OOJ mink.. Jit L. " ... u IIHIHUH VI M-O .f III , "I wiU knra her ao BMt-ai a weal M f Is Irom the pen of C. F. , firat published in the fifth j vcr, a Magazine publiehed' ia iiew iorx in iom, unaer iae Seba Smith, the well knowB i Downina's Letteia. AiHr as Um truth of thia aseertioa, eaa he i by calling at the Salem Mill, Magazine may be sees. It surprising when these. prodaetioaiti pearca, mat ao pure a eTiraai a from ao foul a sfmrrr tad ao it'" but it is certainly more o thai snouia have the audaomr to on on an intelligent piece oi poetry wrucA m -rbbim an author with whom wr atw laV less acquainted. Did such impudence and such a plo too asjs here di thor of hia.ideas ia beauties from hia superlatively base. What! of him who like J. H. P. whole production aad praise due alone to the tent with building on aat tion or even usuur hie -aw take pnaseeaton of teal Aa to Mr. J. H. P'e can only aay that I de,i author ot aay oae .. oC-j ablo to "Touch the- with we're darkly boaad ing heart and a frukM.1 aornolearaiag, i common eenee. Now k. ! who know J.'H. P. thatlaV hatjj deed he has any one dt'jimmk And furthermore, the aaathat ctry himself, will nerer Lraa,the i tection, exposure and as J. H. P. has done hr own that which belonc to I poet would as aoon "tiria the i most ardent afTections. as he saawel nn nftonnn Y ' l T r 1 now leave thia gel sen os no nest can e a aa iromcrv on: iDcsri cd, Esop's Ass in the iweaaw TaaaBBK. JPBBBBB; Heaaeau aaaaMa -'tM iaWeiftfi' JU iMBmMii4'i WMBSBMisV itJ mi-mimp-'fm WM theMBBt ',& aaBm''fl toTSKIJ ooBBrtMaMy ae lawwem ' ,m W'ttsanaT' il aawr u. ear esFevar:la1to'aaT -. V. TbtbbhbVc t " wl itoiehed-MrfeflVaalHT, IVl IBBBBBV n 4 3S mm sA eiaiWhtjnWaV 1-2 Mteher. letftmi, .val laareMhyAhajjwv wlsaBBWMi1lte .?s ti totowanjBBjMWajBBSBBjLn;, -i isBMtsssiMtiaM-aaBBiar.-lv ..a itmMimMM BiUKKKnKiWHM asMamt elBBWseBmmv.T(i PjpjpjkajpipBBBjjVf-; f.-a .We9BBBBBBBBU; Un from the oronrietor of n lowaaltA Maialaliu Wa tliU -- - ' : himself, of or te the atraeai and allevs bv ,Iar attempt and with vnUttfji Ua wa !. i r- .t . ,u .. I " ih" mi arune, in oiiui- ting or reAteiag to raeord hb town plat, may ufvti tssntua ceeauageaeiea preve very disas terouaia a aiiiiaisnr aoiatbf view to tho . . . town. iadividaahit helasW araaerty in auoh to y" wsawpieaiieBBBit -am rightly in. fonaed has already pat hlaaaalf upon tho law to avoid the paymeat of hieprivate tax as " ey u aswporat authorities thus to nap at ao early a parted ere of the advan tage that will probably mult to him from the withholding te record Jh town plat. Now, sir, a the TreaeaW of the county is father lew ia funds, weaH it not appear to be the beaadea daty of tkVoficers to whom the fiaanoial aad basin affairs of tho coun ty are latoweUd to exaaaiae thia matter and set the laiad ef the people of this county straight, wkh regard to k, by a public state, meat of facta; Jer sir, if the honest but poor er elans of eiUeen. anf oomnellfsl to nn their tax aad pahlic daet, I am at a loss to know by what prooeas ofjeasoning the more wviuiy mam asauem proprietor of a town it i exeaatd. altbouah mrhsM nn.b.r si r " oi government such the sanction of law: should think a nopula- JnHucnce of a rcnubli. partfcularly under tho t great emblem of Anier be dull scholars indeed, a principle with those aad human liberty weir miaa while la riaer vears. ChJgB7'r7Cuc4JCA Cookiv. lttwT.'" u.i.v JZOL&SWS. rnmiH WaaSBBB) BBB 1ft . rt hia ikMlBbrBk . w 'a.aB; PP aot slgeiiPF like eaKe..'''. V ymktlmm 'wBasw'BwTsjBBapBaT.' "?'!S I aayttom inifht yai sweet tioa reared eaa wMl VreBBBB BBJUHfet ummmmi t iveesasaltsiiaM UJaaT. ;.5P me !wWWaaWBBjrw La imafjapiti atolaiii ugr'4 (D-Tjte subjoinwl Utter has beta benl McCsrrer and we sarsai it for their comidermtioti, wak NN am morinl to the U. S. othti mlijecU included tUs. Nbw Yobk, Feb. uear jir m oompaay with I despatch to you by theaaaal tun nuna puiiers seieriea n tions of the Union, for the p ing you somo notion of the state af i tion relating to your region 'fa tajf' ment of tho country. tj Along with this lotter and also forward you a copy of-' .National Kail Road, from a point on sissippi nvcr tome raotno ooaat. solicit your strict personal aftaal plan and if you think it feasible i ent, would beg the' assistance of ; enco to despatch a petition in it! next uongress, at as early an possible. A bill cmbracina ka ready, on the eve of prcsentatiea'j ixxiy and it may perhaps be own, uui huh u is wen io oe I emergencies and it may be i vcring in the balance; I inhabitants of Oretron til Trusting that you will leal anco to the enterprise that lava nr, I beg to assure you that afc neglectod to advance it tUaBBBi tains. ' '- Respectfully, Yours at OBO.' To GcN'r. MnPi 'sarfaeV. '1 . ItdaV- $ Bail 'bbbb 'le- mm' $ ataBBaaaaM'1 ' 'M atiiBBBBsrT, -.'' J BBBBBBR is . j-m imSai. r-i'M &S'3nu& ir'gSJl '-'Ti-iiiiiirr1'1! BMkldtBMawBa,v i.:al rfmmfwWx, ':vbb1 MaP tM i.vmmm SaBBafcl LZZTrBBBTTs ?, m MmWUF'1- ""gJ oaaeriaBBBBBur, ;.--. m w rwrwaBBBBBBBiek. 'gr i ai laaaBWTTT ' -e M mfmF&M 1 iNtjBmf.'saBtl utaVl PtTSBBBBM BBBBBBW-w. ..SBBBBI ly ft MBWaWjf"ggWgS renljBBBBl BnasaV. ' rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBB T T-eaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl vWJBRBsm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ! iLasf f TJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI MkkVAH bbbbbbbibbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWI aRaBBBBBBBBBBBl BW BBBBBBBBBBBBBM-I ' TVgfBBBBBBBat 1' il.CVl , aBBBBB. 3ananBBBBBBBl t. yji:mm f jKsaaBBBBj a &f vtfjH ' -llBBBBBBBBBBB h . XHaBaihiMaBETBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi Vt f jt.'S l.&IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi lMtS XMMsaealeaaaBaalBl S3tA&i&Si A--ajghflha