Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 13, 1847, Image 3

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    Kt-C--" '
' ,
i i
work diHiuounted, am
with hvnnl in hand.
rushed over on foot,
They ivi-rii urnicj
AHHCBsor ond one for County Trc'auuror'. Th
tale f Tw limtn.
A PUBLIC SALE af Lot in the Town of
-cJL Aicbawn, in YambM county! oo the west tank
of the WUkaMlto river, at MathenyV Parry, wil take
sce oa Dm 16th day of May Mit, o tha prciumi;
'heat will Im takes in payment.
Further particular at to farm, tic. wil be made
known on the day of ale.
April 20, 1847 2t7pd
following persons woro chosen noon said com'
with rillcK, and. tin tnnv Im Hiifinoitcd. dld'mittco: Mr. Dimin. Mr. Rirnir. Tl. Crawford.
grcnl execution among tlm oopjxir nliitm. A. A. Iloblnson, A. Charnbcrlin.
'I'lii- Mil and 5th regiments of tho rcgtilatHJ The committeo reported the following
were much cut tip also, from the 40 pieces 'named pcrrsons an candidates for Justices of
i' artillery wi had In silence, as well an the, the I'caeo. which nominatinnu wnrn accented:
muxketry from tho liounc.top-i. T. X. Mathews, II. Shaw, Mr. Keen. For,
t'd. Mi Clung, of Mississippi, the great County Trconurnr, Daniel Waldo, for As
duelist ,got upon tho breast works, waved hit scssor John I). McLano.
bat, arid wan in the art of giving three On motion of Mr. Shannon the senso of
brers, when h Imll strurlc him, from the tho mooting wan taken with reflhrencu to ai 1 COMPLETE aasortment, superior quality,
. Ifrcis of which he has since died, ehoieo for (.'ovcrnor, which resulted an Ibl-J""- at No- ' S2fiS$h ."?;
.nmiiei . . imanmeis, one oi me lum- iowh: for A. I. Lovfjoy 33, for Geo.
U"rs. or 'tin' Delaware hem," as tln-v call Aiii:u.r.TifV ,'il.
linn, j-ot over tlm breast worh, obtained a (Jn motion of Mr. Martin ihr rirrip.ilinan,Adm8'nl,DConpl,l
-i .. ..-.. . : t m.
Oregon City, April 15, 1847. I 6lf
Pens If. Bmurarr. , uf $f'&
A. L. Lomov
Attorvtjt mk Qwmnmmm mm,
Am UMaMtltnlClTiryr"'-
WILL pnctiMta hi - Sr
cist1mOMfaTaTksr, iii
Supreme Court at Orfm Cjty.
Jan. in, imi.
i.K.t.iK.i.ionll.i-topot an eighteen pounder, or this meeting were ordered to bo signed by Elizabeth Smith D.rm. ,
..ml .leliber..t. ly tool, aim with I.U fire i ho President 'and Secretary and" handed to mmMaatmmah
miooiit. unrig w.wi Kri'iii i'ih'ci, aim rrusn. lliu f.uitor ol the Spectator for publication, if, tho Yamhill Circuit Court, on tho tint day of
inn Mm llnviiitiiiu until ll.i. .!.. ... a.. I..... 'tl. . ? t a a I I i Ta .1 . . .. . ... -. .
ii m. ...i-.v.... Hutu mi . M i,ii um tiihuii j im mrvuniz mrn aaiourncu hi no die.
1 . ... 11' 1. I A I .... .1 . ...'?... --.- . .. .
KUllKKT NKWBLL, Cliairnian.
II. Reks, Secretary.
Frank Wako. WmMMM HVfJawra.
I the 8cpten
I Yamhill rir
i thereof, to be held at the Fau of
jr. B. McCtart C.
i , - aiaVSait "" 'aaate iaM' -1
iJtUUiT miU4aVJ9aWWCftaV9L-'.
upon Drlilion filed, for a'decreo to dueolve the
matrimony contracted tween (aid complainant and , HENRY CHEVER,
drfrndaat. Thia U therefore to notify mM defendant, i Nov 19 1848.
hr agent or attornev, Uiat if tho mid petition ienotl """' ,J 10Wl
atuwirea or aemid, on nr before the calling of aaul
iii wen. norm ami turutil on tie mtv
t'humhiTx rs aped without a wound. Cap.
tain (Silh'Npii', of :lt"'JViari Hungorn, was
l.illiil wlul pouring water into the tube of
It i'. lllll HI. With til)- .M('V;rillw nil lirnniwl
.. . .... l'I...J II . .;.. r ., . rt?.! -. -- -. .-.-. -
mm. inn it it imiioimldi' lor me to men. ' '" ": ""' "" " ",ll,"K '" no mzcn.caueaiaawicnii, the una tietiuon will tw token as
turn all tin- iiuiui'Miijs incidcnib that occur- "' ('lnt"a' County, on I'riday evening at cinfeated, and a decree rendered nccordingty. And
r.d at tho incM'at'liiiie. ilmlf past auven o'clock l. M. at the Citv ,h" "j4. frt? bfu,1h:;' JiHed.ttottharaope
uoici, tor uio purpose oi ootaintu an ox
prciiflion of public nentiment relative totres
pasn on lund claims.
ih i the 3d Monday in September, 1847,1 JAMES B. McCLURG, ' ) ftVi
lHbll' .Tlt'CllHgt.
I 'or the Orpcon Kpectator.
At it meeting nl'lhe i-itizens of Clackumus
'n.. held nt the City liallt in Oregon City,
u tlm nin ol .May
ullRed inaaid petition, if willful dewrtion of Uie com
plainant for oiio year.
Sot'rx for C'XiipiaisanU
April I.'i, nA. 4t6.
JL eziatiaf batweaa, tha ramrfafiajpMaVjiajaiaf I the
Female School.
Hccoaal Kevalvat of 71m. "S. 71.
JL Tkomtoa'n Hcbeel, in thu city, will
commence on Monday tlm IDlli imtatitsnd will con-
i linun itIctcii weeka. All the branched unuullv coin-
cwunf wjraaB mm limmmgmmt ;mmt "
name und atyle of rVMEMJX . UEPQEB, i
thu day diaaolved hy Mrtaal doant Aal. al tRowi
indebted to taid eomftmf, am fereby aeakW to ankn
imroodiau paymaat la Wallor raaaaray.wlMrat baraby
j authorized to receive ail daaa in foTarof tawaaaaa ;
' and thowi having; demaada ankat aaid tmm, wilprf -wnt
them to aaid Pomeroy lor payawat, who iua un
dertaken to pay all the del of the amid aaaapduy.
Oregon City, April 37lb, 1847. 4t7
MARRIED By thr Rev. J. S. Griffin, nl tl.-ir
futlirr'a ,raiili-ii,-r. In Tiinliiln ll,n. Mr IIRVUV
On motion, Samuel I'arWKnq. was railed KNOWLANI) to Mw. HAKAH KNOWLAND,
:i tlm cliairand ..I S. itiiicnotou apfHiiuted loli of Miroouri, by the latn immijrratiwt.
-'I U Ull Z " m I , . , .. .... -.
.... . , .... .- i i e i a...... ....! nLZ "pruta inn uiorougn r.iigan rdiication, arc taught in IYavIaa
I hj-ohjei t oi the meetmg having been fill- IJff!llon-INl7. j.U .School, toeeVr with 1'lain ami Ornamental HetlM.
Iv iixplniueilit unnon motion of Capt. Uar- - - Needle Work, Drawini;, und 1'ainting in Merzotinto T HEREBY caution all peraona (particaiariy
lnwdeeided Hint iffi. meetitiR do now adjourn . ,,lj r" ,ZhNH OF ,E(;o-N- (and in Water Colom. ca. Alanaon HnHed) aninat Jaapaaahaji in any
to meet on Snturdav tlie Mill inst at I At "irrr,iic,t of numrroiui fnrnd., 1 place mylf suict attention wUl bo Bien, not only tu the intcl- manner whateTer upon my Land Claial, artuated on
i L i m i .i . . i r Vi a" a ca,"lllttU' r"' " -election to tho oflicc of tavern- lectual mprmcineut of tho uuiuU, but uUo to their ,h n0' " Clackaaaaa river, oppoaito toei-'l-
..(diHilc, I'. M.,iiiiiI that thcpeoplcof the ( o. or of Oregon Territory moraLi andinannew. It M. Tl.omton'a dealimU, dian viUage, and which' waa recorded hytM.'c4vth
lr reiiui-Nted to cometoiretheron that day lor OHO. ABERNETIIY. i make tli'm a nermanent School: and her naat ancceai' '8th day of January, 1847 oa which I aaaaowre
. .. '. ... " f.... n it.. . . . . - . : i . -j; ft 1 -I . .! -m ..
tin- purpose oi nominating HUitnlile iiersons cn- and long experience a a teachor, enable her
at i-iiiiiliiliiieu fur tin. i iir.ri.in 'I Vrrimrml nml ..i i that sbo will mva eueral aaUefeclion,
- ---.. - .. -. ,, 'imi.- ij.ij-'ruifs iifc- fiiiwrriv i ..... i. t ev ... .... ....
,n;',.,.u i ---. ,." -"-""-. ' iiipiu wm oe cnargea irom uie time oi tneir enter
MlllltV I
.,'.... , i.i ..i , ,. "--'" - "' ---. i un, uujcu uiingllie .Mcnool, unUil Uie rIoBe of the Keauon.
hi motion it was ordered that the proceed, (.ovemor c.f Oregon Territory in theenauing cunvan, , further iMUticulaw, hauire of Mrs. Thornton.
MIL'S of this meetniL' be handed to the liditor l'"p m'M "wholly in the liandi of my rriendu, aatu- Raa-F.rpeii
it' the SiK-ftiiliir witli u reiiiiPHt lint it l.- f"d thil '"' Wl" ,lu me jiartice. With the ntrnont i ,. ., , "'";"c'
il im niKXlllliir Willi a riliuesiiuai It Of ,,..,.. .... .:i..,., .. , In Kxcellencv. Geo. Afernethv.
A. I
to hope '"B- And Iakocaatioa aS:paaMaMfraaBBatchaa-
I big any part or parcel of the ansae flans aaid Hoatcd,
ir enter.! wi be haano lawful title to any of, aaid arena .
April 37th, 1847.
SAMl'KL I'ARKKU, Clmirman.
.1. S. UiNr..in.ioN. Sec'ry.
I'ur tho Oirgon .Siirrutor.
green hi V to prrviotM public notice till
iti.i-ns of CliiiiiiKr county held a meeting ipjwrt of
.u riiii!in, on Dtiiuru.iy uie nun msi., lortue
-pnl89th, 18-t;
Oregon City.i
Da. I'aMLer Wr.u-n having at the request of hia
fin-nib courenleil in be a candidate at the eniuuig
election for the offirc of Governor Mill rrc-eite the
llnti. A. A. raunrtHr.
Rev. Geo. GaK-, )
Dr. Marciu WliiUuan, Wallawalla.
Oregon City. April 13tbil8 17. ly 0
T HEREBY forbid all
JL tn any manner whatever, opea any part
my Laxd Ciom made is 1849, mad amnroyed bv
from treaiaaaing
in any manner whatever, opea amy mart or parcel
Appiocate, Eaa- am par
1843 in the Kecordera Ofltoo ia Oratam City. All
Era Dacamdm 16th.
If I'. (J. Ntkwart. Jomk Flcminu, and T. ,M.
ran is r si bkcri
JL reaMnaUe terma, lltl
peraona are alao cant iomWafaiaat parr haaimg amy por-
uon oi uio aoovo cwim except iram imo amaacnMr.
Oregon City, April 15, 1847. ' ''SttJ
m.aan ni.vr tor mle on
eir Stoi: in On-con Citv.
tlie loiioumg uniciee, viz:
Silki, MotGu-laino do I.ainc, Cttliai(-rr, Cashmere
liulzamit-e. .Muilin. Ijuvii.'. brown uud
blt-acbeil Cotton.-', Cambric, Tartan und net wool manner whatever upon my Xond Claim
,l"lr "'"'i"g I'imuimue.s ior conn. (..,.. willponei,i to be cand.dates for rcpreHM.t.
t". ullieer-. to lie elected at tin- ensuing neti". ative for Clackumtn rounty. ill the next lA-giilaturr,
r.U i-li-t-tion. Mterll.i' meeting In-iiig called iney win o iupneii in Uie earning canvaw by a ma- u Kcowe
t. order, II. Shaw was appointed chair. J0)"' 1U . - otbks.
ii i ii ' ' . MnvSth, 1817.
man and Jus. I,. Hurge-i,, secretary, a .. J cr
-'inmittee was then appointed to select suit- CITIZENS ol' TI'M.ITV COPN-l'V.
-un- ihtmiiisio in- iiomm.ueii uv uie meeuni' '"-' 'emo (U nnuouure iiimwii .u, n canaiilaie lor irt,B.v,4;,.,.w n... L... i :....,!. 7.
" . i . . . . . ... . '! -. W.IUHII.VI aruv rtiia uuiiiuiinriii. L.
lnllovMiia named per. '""""""T'"'" " mine m-xi igi,ture. . -i.
-"IIS !IH noniim-ev. i-'ur l-enri-a.ntlltive.s. W. , JOM-.I II I Mhl.h ,...,r. v...'.- ii.
vmmvmmmtmammamMBmmkaMmBBmBmmaamMmmmammmmammmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmnmn. ,iT nvw, ,-ni-ui, vui.rr. m iilllir u?. "TIMIIIU I riMrtT
I HEREBY cautioB all peraona (poxticukrlv
John McLoofhlin,) sfmiaat-traapaaaiag in any
which ifniilted m tin
1(1 I'-e, .Mnlt-rxJII I.O, J, ,S, .V-Illltll. kran.u a .- , .-.. . . . "" .mil Cimrrr. ivhalo :in! inenn Mil. s,,li . .. i ..
W . II. ill-.ii. und .N. Ilmnphiey, lor VRKivc VMlHi rep. ctfully inform tb- public-, Crockery Wan-.
i l-rk, A. Illinium, for justices ol the peace, M. tlint l ha removed hi otlii-i- to Muia Mreet, D.-Jirn. PlatiM, Cuj and Suucrrs. China T.-aSetu--,
ll.illiel Waldo, ii. Shuw, and Jame.s Hall. Hn-lot adjacent to A. Hood E.. "hem hi-will keep Howls Mug, I'ltchew, plain uud cut gla Tiunblerr,
nepres.sionof the meetillL' was then oh. '' '. 'eh nmartmeiil ol Uie abow. o the fa- t.Vtoiv, Salt, tc.
term? on
SlmvU,CanlonFlumicl,ladicaiidnii.M-jcottraiHuo, the Willamette river and .lying adjacent to the, Tomn
wdnte uiul colored, cotton mid n'IL IlaiidkcrcliiciV, of Oregon City, which warn recorded by meonUV
.Mohair .Mitt, cotton and Ian- fjnpi, luce Edging and ibtii day oi uclober, JtHV, and mpom which I now
rcsiuc. .nu i aiao cauuom au persona againetpur
chasuig any part or parcel of the ammo from aaid John
McLoughtin or any peraon claiming earner, hun,
u be boa no lawful title to any portion of maid premi
April 21t. 1317. 3t7
. . .. .... .... i v iiiu luoiiuv niiuiu.
faine.l m lnor ol A. h. I.ovejoy, lor(.o. p. y. I. a() hnnd, n wiall but cl.oi.-.- Nrlrction
t-rnor, anil on motion, it was agreed tnai tlie Ibisuks, .MousM-linedoLainra.Suiniiu-rSliawN. Scarfs
tho nieclnm he forwaided to
THE undrnagned hava thia day formed m'co-part-nenihip
for the traaeactiea of Genera Catnmau
proceedings ui
tin' f.iuioroi tne uregon ctpectator, mr pun.
licatioit, wh(reuKiu the meeting adjourned.
II. SHAW, Cliuirmnii
.1 I, IlL-nurr, Si rret.irj-.
For tin-Oregon Spertitor.
I'ur.siiant to public notice tlm oter.s of
.Vi- .Suitable for ladicM attire
Ti-rnw, eiicli nr npiiraved orders.
N. II. A ft w l!uglih l.CM-r W-iteJiys mi th
)n-gon City, Mu 13, IS-1T.
Ii:u- A. I'liiit, Coiujil'l, i
Sarah 1'.. Flint, Defend'! )
lliireaii.. Reib-tendx, Chain, Wnting Diskf . ladies' "'"" BiMiiew at Oregon City mod Portland, under tba
Viirkbotii, Looking t!lui!,'i.c. naiini amlrtjlo of F. W. Pettygrovo St Co.
I'ldlie. Ruli-ii, hand and back Sw. Sud Irons- ) IT. T. j"01' .
Oregon City, Nov. 10th, 1848. UQtf.
J..!..,..h. D...ltA..lru ..I.... ....I .t . I ,. . , . plB.
UIISUI?, miiuinr, tnrni ,U1IU UOUr JJOCKJ. Uimit-W. mitr. 1 J ...... ....
,s.iri,.l IlraiU. !!,:, VJlia. i..n..ML.n cn ... " '"" .erjrueu waa imiBami um meat accommo-
i....... ii.ii . i It. .,... I -aa.
m.ip, ..vi.U..r, .... u..,,. m.', HC, ,IUII;VI1-,
Chisels (.ouges Trace Chaius, lloltn, Nulls Snikei,
tl carjK-iiter'x ConiP-iXM-x, Razors Iliuul Vices Filt-
I'ucki-t and Pen Knie.s, Table Knives und I-'orke,
t lamiiofi? Uontitv met at tlie liousu nl An- a I'Pi u--ei v ,...n I .i. .... , . . c..t, i ...i,....l ei. 'i. ... m ,,.
I . e. . ... . 1 .' ni IK Ilium III lllllllll.lllll.il. lO .-iun .'HUltri .-HUIIIIUI-, rumen uuu ion-TV, VOOI ,..! l" j
...!. I.e.tifMir in, Sntlirmiu lint Mil, in., lr 1 1,.. l..ll f'.,. ,.,., C : .. .... .1.. .- . .1 ... .... II.,, ..u ...,.l llli... t... o. it 1 i-i , . H-.) IU Oil cases.
,",- .-.fciw.., . - -........ . ..... . , -,, i... .., ...n ..i..., vii. ,11. vuuilt III! Ilin lir,l UJV ui luwri iiiui "i niiu iiiiipi I lull riflwnn, I UWIHT I'laMili XT
the purpose of
Territorial nm
-iiilig election.
On motion nl
nnuunaiiiiK eauuuiates
f I . . i 1 .1
1 oimiv omecrs, lor tin
',.r of tho Srptemlier Tenn thereof, to be held on the I at Jhut 3 lb. Slio.in., I land Hells 4e.
iMOIliml' in n.-flt.lillmp IS XT limn ,u.tili.. I.I...1 I'..... ,Tnt
en- i V --',", -i-r-'i i mm, mi am vur'.
n, nil llli- I'll. , . , i .1 , , . .' ,...-- m ... fiuin
dei-re.t,to iluwlvo tho IkwiIh nf matrimony contractvil Six and four quart Collee IW, four nuart Pails
Mi- Cliniiilu.rliii l.,lw,pi i . . ..;., T isuaiiiew, t.u w, iimiitk. .-cooj, t. ulleiu'ers V 11M
Alt. l.tiailllierlin, Kolicrt lln-relnm In notify rind defendant, lu-rom-nt nr uttnr. n..:. s:M..,...r. xi.it- t i: .,. i. .....
., ,ii, ii i . ., , i ,, .i . ... .i ,, . , . . . i.-.!"-, i.iiii.M. .p, ...ii . mil-, i.iiiin-i-, i iiiiueil, UI1-
ewell hsq. was callid to the chair and . n-. Hint if tliiinaiil plition in imt uusnerrd or.doiiK'd din Moulds Tea Cuddies Niin-n Luuiiw llriiminn
II. Itees uiiointed seeretarv. "ii it ii.-loro the railing of thnaaid raiwo ut aaid term, Tea PoU, a.c.
On motion of .Mr. Chamborliit n commit
tee of live were appointed to nominate and
dation 4a hi mower, to math Mam marl Hoi,.
wwi al"1 wiU ck"rKe nothing at all, ma bo will expect ready
, WM wmm:. A.uww TUWUk WIU OUIQ WM llrHlBI
B. 13200 of Oregon Scrip wanted la exchange
traos, or w) ment of outatanding accostm.
Willamctto Falls 'ov. 36, 1846. itttf.,
for HoraM,
present to tin- noiiKe tne names 01 nvn per--oiis
to reprenent ChnmpoegC!o. in the tiet
general asseinhly, the following persons were
4 Iiohi'ii upon (mid conuuiitee : I). Shannon,
. (.'hamlioilin, Wm. .Martin, J. I'. (Jeer.
1.. Osiint.
I'he committee retired a short limn ami
tin- i-.iiiI n.titinn will Ihi taken as conft-N-ed und a ilc-i-re-
reiidcri'd uci-ordiuglv.
SulieiuiM fur Complainant.
Ma) I.'I, 1M7. 8 It
Mnrvm R. Alderm.-ui, ('oinpl't, )
rs a llii.i. ihir Divoitct:.
I mil. 1 Aldermiin, IVl'onil't.
APPLICATION will bo mmln bj complainant to
tlm ei.ickiunuH Circuit Court, on the limtil.iv nf
then proHOtlled tlm following immeH to the ' 'to H-r ti mi thereof, to bo held nt Oregon City,
I..h! as caudida.es for Kepresenta.ives, ZXtTZX
which wcro accepted: A. Uiiunberlm, K.jeontmttcd between mid complaiaunt .uul .lefendant.
Newell, Win. II. Kpcs, A. Cox, Win. II. Thin in thoreforo to notify said defendant, her agent
Rector ,,r n,,nmey' tbal If the wdd jietition in not answered or
.,"'!-l.Mr: ?"E." r2 A'rJftS. 3a
itii ..vim uinmuii ,.. ukiiiiiiiiiu .ur.. " , a uecree renaereu ocroraingiy,
Boots and Shoes.
Ladicd ieg und newcd Buott, Kid run rounds, ehil
ilren's jn-g Uootx, Ikijs' kip Urogan't, 1111 u'a thick
Hoots iiicii'h kip Hoots, 4.1'.
Men's nnd Isn-'s Beaver Hat'
AT No. 9, Commercial Row, abuwe jaaartment
of Prints aoma very rich. Alto, Drawing Pa
per nnd Pencils Palate, afce. Ac.
the mooting tho names of three persons ns
candiuutcs for Justices ol tne Peace, one lor
MARVIN 11 Ai.nenuiv
May 13, 1847 8-41
Klo.en und funnel, Knaps, Window (ilury, Dutch
Ovens, .c. 1
Auo--Jit Toiw of Corul at Portland.
Oregon Cjjty, March 27. 1817 5tf
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be
C. DEMENT, being dissolved, all peraona having
partnership account to settle, will pkaae csJI on Foe"
tor and Dement, aa neither of ua JamaTyWisally au
thorized to oottlo Uio partnenhip uecouuU inUiTotpf
or agalnit tho llrni. T J "
, April 24, 1847. 3t7
rsiBBB. nuusvitioLaau um aayammoeed ot
A. hie intereet in the Arroau Muxm, mo called, to
l locks Uooklng ienrj- . iiuni.
PortlundrM'arch 31st, 1847.
A. E.
Tho Orf Bamtmtr.
TcKMa. Five dollar in mdvaaca if mat maid until
Uio expiration of three mozmlui, mix doilmra, madif last
paid at the expiration of mix inonUm, tarn diimctora ra
serve Uie right to discontinue. If paid in caab, tt
r". " ."?"
BT Advinrtlaemanta tnaerted at am' 2lar amd fifty
at mar aquara of aixtaen kmea c kaaa, (cttka ftnt
Tin!:T5"T ?"? m -''i"U't
A Uberal dadtNtka. to yamitv. mdvatlismL
dnda of JOB WOmlfiET:..
I ted nt the ahortcit notice mayment io advanea