Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, April 29, 1847, Image 3

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' I.
' I '
Rrsoford, Tlmt our committer-he nnd ore
lioreby instructed to maintain micli correN
ondciicn with tho committee I oilier conn
li(jH, an best cnlculuted to firing the prodti.
com of nil clfiHHC'H into onu united whole, up
on intelligent principle of co-operation, for
Miinding I"1"1' finnd with the producer of
..il.,.. .... r... i i. .
"linn ujiimii", iur exi.'iianuing prmjuuiH a
dictated Ity mutual iiecfMitioM, rethnr thkti
NUlTering thn way between uh to bo longer
hedged up by speculators who would enalavc
tho whole.
Remrnl, Tlint Mornim. Dnviil Lenox and
tlavid Hill Iwi added to our prrwnt acting
committee, and that they In: instructed to
net; tire a market for our uet crop on nil van
tngeoUN principles.
tftolvrd, That from the time of our next
adjournment, we continue to meet monthly,
on the third .Saturday of every month, at II
o'clock A. M. for the purpose of discussion
nnd action on all Hucject connected with our
prosperity and p;cuurul welfare.
llfolrrd, That the secretary transcribe
the proceedinu of thJN meeting and oflerthe
itamc ior puoiiuauoii m tne uregon Hjicc
The committee rcapectfully invite attcn
lion to the leading principle of thin article, '
us no much of correspondence addressed to '
committees, and every individual even of!
tho other counties, who feels the importance
of permanently opening a business channel
to be owned and controlled by that part of
the laboring classes who claim the right to
iows the profits of their industry.
In behalf of the committee,
J. H. (MUFFIN, Secretary.
For ttie Oregon Spectator.
Mr. Kuitok The humble utteiupt of
Observer' to furnish information on a sub
ject of great public interest, bus been (issail.
ed in a lute number of the Spectator, by a
writer under the signature M., with u "de.
greo of usjK-rity of which it is impossible
to conceive the object or di-Nifjii. 'Oborv
cr's statements being founded on plain busi.
ties results, are so simple in themselves,
that any )eroii of common sent1 may un.
derstuud their import, and any jxTmxi sodis
posod may easily test their correctness ; the
prices of wheat and the rates of transport
Iwiag well known to the fanning and iner.
naaliln community of this country. A plain
statement is however, a matter that M.'
will not believe ; its very simplicity is per
plexing, and the strongest assurance of truth
only serves the more readily to overcome his
wavering faith ; for, he was taught in youth
tltntjdl men are deceivers, antl the experi.
ncc of his riper years has, alas! confirmed
tbe force of that precocious lesson of wis.
No man, Mr. Hditor, can produce a strong.
r claim to sympathy, than tho victim of
suspicion. Tho suspicious temper finds uli
ment in ' trifles light as air;' and is the source
of endless vexation to the unhappy being on
whom nature or education has bestowed that
unenviable possession. Ho who has never
found truth in man, must have been unfor
tunate indeed in his experience, and in his
Association with his follow being.
For my own part, Mr. Editor, I love to
look at the bright side of human nature, to
urvcy that true nobility of soul, which, re
posing in the culm of conscious integrity,
hccs its own imago reflected in the minds of
other men, nnd judging of their actions by
its own upright motives, enn venture to be
lieve that virtue has not altogether fled tho
It is with much reluctance, Mr. Kditor,
that 1 now occupy your time with idle con
troversies ; it appears however, but nn act
of justice to renew the assurance, that tho
information in my former communication is
authentic, as may be proved on the clearest
evidence, from the documents i examined.
When ' M.' has read and understands what
1 then wrote on the subject, he will find that
he bus boon fighting with shadows of his own
ruisiug, and not with the Wutcineuts of Ob
server,' u fact which must plead my excuse
for not troubling you with further remarks.
affirmative, shall, before the arguments are
commenced, furnish to the Court and the
opposing counsel each, an abstract of the
case, and u brief of the pints nnd nutliori
tieH relied upon, written in n legible band ;
and the opposing counsel shall furnish like
briefs of tho points end authorities relied up
on in tho negative.
Judge of the Supreme Court of f
Oregon Territory. $
MARRIED la Oregon City, on Simdav. dm
letb instant, bv Ilia Rev. Mr. Jolnwoo. Mr x'llSA.
i.om f. hedoeh io.mimEi.izahetn jam:
HARLOW, nil of lli- ubovr mentioned place.
Also At her father' residence, m Thnr
day, the WM of April, by the Rev. Mr. Sim-IIiii. Mew
huscilla a. ro(;krs to n. k. sri ton,
nil of Variihill county.
AImi On Wcdnesdny, thn 2lt of April, ut the
renidcnce of Almnrine Hill, by the Rev. Mr. Sw llmg,
Mr. JOSEPH . KOOEItH, of Ynmliill county, to
I.ETIT1A Fl.ETT, of Tiiahtin Rouiity.
.Muy the happy couple live n long ami happy lif'
may peace, prosperity innl hapriiieM surround them
during ilieir journey through life.
To the JKhtt'toi-N of Oi-ckoii.
IN consenting to be a candidate for the iflir:e of
OoTfrrwr of Oregon Territory in tlin c luniiugcHti
va, I ptacaj oayaelf wholly in the hand of my friend,
ratuAed that tbey will do lue junticc. With the ut
mot cuiifidence I leave the ime tomy fellow citizens.
April Will, 18-17.
fflHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore
JL exirtiug between lh undersigned, under the
name and atvle of FOMEROY &. HEDOES, i
tin day diatolved by mutual consent. And all tho;
indebted tonaid company, are hereby notified lu inula
immediate payment to valler I'omeniy, who .' herrlij
niillioriod to receive all duea in fawof tin-munc;
and ihoMi having demand aguiiut autd finn, will ;'
M-nt them to Mid I'omeroy for payment, v!i Imi un
dertaken to pay all the drbtn of the mid compuuv. i
A. F. IIEI)t;ES.
Oregon City, April 27tii, Ie47. Ji7
Prints, Prints.
AT No. 3, Commercial Row, n larr- ,-irtiiii'tii
of I'nnla, aoine ver)-rich. Alwt, Druum' '..
per and PenciU, I'ainU, &.C. &c.
THE KUnSCRIHER haa thin day du.poM-,1 of
hia inlereat in tho Aarosu Millm. m cullrd, to
H.wy II. IIiMt.
I'ortUnd, March 3It, 18-17 It7
IHKKEBV forbid all person from tr.-Kjioinj:
in any manner whatever, upon any part or ,.irrcl
of my Laso Claim made in 1st a, ami un-enl lv
Jeaw AppJegate, Ean... aa per file DecrrnlK-r HUli,
18-t3 in the Recorder Office in Oregon City. All
peiwn are aim cautioned againat purchaxini; any por
tion of the above claim except from the xuWnlx-r.
JOHN .McUU(-lI.!.V.
Oregon City, April 1.1, ldl7. 'JiC,
I HEREBY caution all pemoni rinrticulnrly
Jobn Mclaughlin,) againd trcj;uwni,' in any
manner whatever ujmn my Land Claim UinR-mit; on
the Willamette river and lying adjacent in the Town
of Oregon City, which was recorded bv m- on the
ICth day of October, 1846, and upon which I now
reiide. And I aim caution all peraoiu u(;aint jinr
chaaing any part or parcel of the aamo from wiid John
Mclaughlin or any permn claiming under him,
an he hua no lawful titlo to any portion of naid prciiu-
IHKKDIIV mnk't ow-r nil my ni;lit mid till'! to
iji'Vmnifif nli..ii, loan) x rwiu Hint will caii! tin
iniliviiliinl to !. ilmrovcri'il anil convirted, that killed
in) Kirri-I hurxi h) nhoituig Ihui ruiiiiifii; ut I. Thomp
aonV, ( 'li'-liali'in valley.
tJregon C.'y, April 2!, 1" 17. It7l
Hale of Town Lots.
AITHJ.IC SALE or Lot in the Town of
. Atf Iiimiii, ;n V.iinliill rouiity, on ll.o went bank
of tho WilluiiH-tii- rm-r, at Mntlicny'H I'erry, will take
plain on the l.'itli il.ij of May next, on the irrrniiwn.
U III lit ttlll l,e taken III IMWIH'lll.
further p'irtieu:ir n to termn, Ac will le made j
kfiA-iiou (hi il.i) ut ale '
)ii:l m vthenv.
pril !.. I -IT. yt7Kl ,
"(MR I) EN SEEDS!! ,
tt'O tIIl4J'I'IJ aiMirtiiieiit, nuH-rior 'jualitj,
at No. li, Comiii in mi. ItiiH.
Oregon C,tj, pf, l.'i, 1-17 (,tf
Ail'ini Sin.tli, ( oinpi't, i
EIit.-ik-iIi Mnith, Def nt 5
Application uil lx ini'l' by f-ouiplainnnt lo j
the Vuiiiliill (in nit ( ourt, on tho firt day of i
the Septemlier tenn tli'fiof. to le- In III at the Fulliof
k...i..ii ...... i. 'i.i r i :......... i...- iHir I
nilllllll ll.'-. IJH III. .Ill 1IIIIIIJ.I, III -ir-,j,. i , ,,,
IVr:u H. IIiiinftt A J fivrjin
luuxiyrr & lovkjoy,
Attorneyo and Counsellors at Law,
Ami .Solicitors lit C'lniiirory,
WILL practice in civil cnw in tho neier.il ' '
eiiil CouriH in Oregon Temlor), and in tn
Supreme Court at Oregon City
Jan. Ut, 1-17. S.'itf
friA.NK Waki.. Wim.iim M. .Smith
Ward & Smith,
: o .ti nissio x ti );: it : n a S'Fh,
.'it f
J. IS. .TOrCliirK A: o.
Nov -, I--10.
llosoi.i l.f, (J.lll ,
I Simihk il Im..:i.
Tavern and Tannery.
NOTICE h h'-rebv given to the citizen of
Oregon, that the uudernigntcl in now occup
,mg the rtand fomierly kept by .Mulky, on th"
r' -..!.. ... .1... I i....... . -i ..,.-
.i i , , . , . ., . - w -i piiii: vi me ii, I, nun ii'mw n ij i;i,i3 ti iiiiui ...--
upon i-tition h ed, for it dn-ree to diiMilve the iKjiidnof , , , .. . hi ' . o, ,i
11 . ii . . i i ,i i-i'tion to all who uiiv call on hun. I rnn ICeatJy
iiiuiiiiii-'ii, 'fiiiiiii.i' li ifini 'il rum i iiijfi!iiiiuni uiiii
ilefriiilaiit. Thm 1 therefore to notify huiiI defi-ndati ,
her agent or altoni'-v, that if the haul M-tuiou h nut
answered or denied, on or before the calling of naid
caiwe at o.'iiil term, the xnul x-tition will Ixi takiu nx
confeMM d, and a decree rendered accordingly. And
tie ifliid defendant it further notified, that tho ruu-e
hllegid in i -a id x-titioii, ih willful dem-rtioii of the com- i
piaiiiaiu ii r om- e.ir
Sol'rn for Compliiiuaiit. (
April i:, 1-17 lit.. ,
Female School.
rBllio NccoikI Hovilon of ."Tin. IV. !H.
JL Thornton' School, in thm city, will
roillllielili' on .Monday tin- I'ltll HWt.lIlt, ana will con
tinue ri tell week. All the brnuch'.-x iiKiiallt corn
in." d in a thorough Kiiglih eilueation, are taught in
tlint .si-liiMil, together with Plain and mamettat
pay. 'J.') ci iiU ier iihmI. I'm e for burn over night,
7." renin. 'l kinds of proiluce will In- received for
the name.
AImi, IlidcH ulurli he will receive and tan
on char'-. I'larea ot deiowt Jw-eph .Mclxiiighliu,
' near ttie mouth of Yamhill nter, and at this Tanner) ,
I aUo, at my Tavern Main!
L. D. K.UI I IJ.
Luiii Citv, pril .'Mi. l-i"".-7tf.
Wagon and Cart Tire.
TJAR IRO.N.Kuitable for Wagon nnd Cart Tire,
Mw .ivorti-d M7ec, for Kile at the Ilnek ftton
on H Oct. 1.1, 1-1(1.
lilt I
AND CART Il(iXE, for sale it
T the llrick Store, Oregon City.
On. 1.1. 1-40.
Farm For Sale.
Ne.-dle Work. Drawing, and Painting in .MvMotmtu TIHIE St'HSCIilHER ort'em tur i-ale hui t.tlnabln
ami m Water Colom. I I JL country M-at, alnnit H-ten iiuIih aliotu Oregon
Mnet attention will lie given, not only to the intel- ', City, near tin- Willamette, in Ilaker'n prairie. Thero
lectual improvement of the piipiln, but alw to their are over three hundred acre of prairie, and one hun
noralK mid maur.eni. ItwMrx. Thoniton'n deeigntu ilred ready for cultitiitiou, Mirrounded with good fence,
make thm a vrtiianent School; and her mt ncrew 1'jmii the I'ami w a jimI log Iioum-, "Jtl by 30 feet,
and long ex)erieii';e u ay'teachcr, enable her lo 1ioh- well of good tvatt-r, l-ing well calculated by natirn:
that nhe will giva general aatif faction. for racing cattle or hla-t-i.
JJupil will be chargdCroin the time of their enter- LOTS.
tejf Che School, unlihytae clfe of the Sewion. ror 1-IVE TOWN' LOTS in Oregon City, with
, buildings on them that ay a rent of .'J'JII per month.
AUo, bin intrreft in the utidujiuned T vn Lota in
(. lacknmax City.
Any jiernoiw winliing to purchase projierty of this
kind, mat do well to call on the Sulcriler on Water
Street. If any jierson wnhe to p-it hecie, I will
make a dicouiit of fifty jkt cent.
Oregon City. Jan. 7, le-17. 2jtf
further particular, inquire ot Mr. Tliornton.
Hcrr.acc .
Hu Excellency, Cea Aberaethy, J
Hon. A. A. Skintuu, I Oregon Citv .
Rev. Ceo. (lary, ' )
Dr. .M.ircuii Wliitman, Wallatv.illa.
Oregon City, April l.'llh, le47. ly B
TBI HE undeiYigued have thn day fonneil a co-part
JL ui'ivhip for the traiikartion ot (leiieml Commit.
I wnii Uu-meisn at ( Iregon Cuy and 1'ortl.uid, under tho
liamn amUttle ul F. W. i'ettvgrove V Co.
V. W 'I'E'lTYtJRtn-E,
Oregon City. Nov Huh, 1MII. M
; Caution.
T1III Sulrwrilier hen by caulinim all persons
ag.-iiu-t tni-tmg Iin wife, India Alderman, as
iigar, ( otli'c, .NiilmegK, ground lVpjH'r he will hcreutter pa no di-htu ot her contracting.
April 31M, 18-17.
t :ii7
I Portland, March l-, 1-17.
M. R.
In Vacation April 20th, 1847.
Tho Momhors of tho Har in Oregon Ter
ritory aro informed, that on tho first day of
tho noxt term of tho Supremo Court of naid
Torritory, the following order will bo nindo
Imperative :
That in all cases wlieroorul arguments uro
heard in thin court, the counsel holding tho
IIIERRUY caution all person fivirticul.vrly
(Jen. AlaiMon iiiuted) apalnt trcfpaxKing in any
manner whatover upon my Land Claim, nilimted nil
the bank of the Clackama river, (ipiNjmio to the In
dian village, and which wo recorded by me on the
I8lh day of Jauuary, 18-17 on which I am now re
siding. And I alo caution all pemoiu from purchux
injf uny mrt or parcel of the came from void I lusted,
luho haauoluwfullitloto any of imid preiuiiii'ii.
April S7lh, 1847. :ii7
THE l'ARTNKRSIIII' heretofore i-MHtiii" h
iween 11111.11 FOSTER and WILLIAM
C. DEMENT, being diwolved, ull htnuih having
partnernhip nccouut to nettle, will iileane mil on I'iw
ternnd Dement, aa neither of u I individually mi
thorited to Mttln the portnenhip nccnuutx in fn'vur of
or agahurt the firm.
April 24, 1847. ;ii7
THIS Subac.-ibcr would hereby caution all pcrxoiiii
uguinrt receiving u Note of hand drawn by him,
in favor of N. N. Oiborn, bearing duto khiu'wIhth
about a year ago, to tho amount of 73 dollar, inas
much u he ha paid about f5 dollar on aid note, nnd
the aaid N. N. Onbom ha fulled to give n receipt fur
the same according to ugrccment.
April 2C, 1817. H7p.l
'rrJIi: SI'ItS:UIIIi:S olTcr for -nU- on
JL n-itwinable temu, at their Stork in Oregon City,
the fulloiwug article, viz:
Silks MoiiM-lame de Lame, Cufhtnerw, CaMimere
de Ecikm-, llalzanuei, .Mulin, l.'pv"-, 1mm u and
bleached Coltoii", C.iinbricn, Tartan nnd net wool
Shawls, Clinton I'l.iunel, ladieii and miit-es cotton Hom-,
white and colored, rojtou uud bilk Handkerchiefs.
Mohair Miltn, cotton and lore Caw, lace Edging and
Inwrlion, CaM-imrrer. Dm- Skin Ciuinbrooiui, Vc.
and (Jinger, whale mid perm Oil, Salt, &c. ir.
'roi'liry 'il'tiri.
Di-liM, l'lnti-s. Cup- and S.incerH, China Tea Sett.
Ilouk .Mugi, 1'iti'hi ik, plain and cut gla-si Tumbler,
Ciutor, Salt-,, Ac.
lliireaui, II. d-teaii. Chairi, Writing l)ehi:, ladies'
Work-boxes, Lool.ing (il.iK.es, ,ic.
I'l.ines. Rubs, hand and hack S.ttvs, Sad Iroiw,
Chisels (.linger-, Tr.ii'o Chains, llolui, N'nils, Spikes,
cari-iiter's Coinpi-is, Razors, Hand Vices, Files,
I'iM'ket and IVn Knives, Table Knives and Forks,
SrisNirs. I'.ulli'i'ks, cln-t nnd dinir Locks, Chiili-ls,
usMirteil llrails Dr.
Inns. I.ell.ms m.a-iirmg lilpes, Axes. llalCIICLs, s. , , . . , . ., ... -. f .,
.sKiKe .-siiutrsiei'ititrtis, .-sniivfM nun I ongs, ttoou n ,..i t,.,. ...L,.,, ,, t.;,., i .- ,i., ,,., . ;
. - . . . . . . . U.ll 11.11, rw.i -1 (lllk ( I'll II1IF
-' Arr;tii;;'iii(.'iit.
TfllllE iiudemigiied will furnish the best acroinmo
JL datiuii in Ins iMitver, to both Man ud Horee,
and will rhursr nothing at nil, asliu will exiiect ready
pat in all i'.im-.s. Il.ires iioiight and Sold as usual.
N. II. js'JUll of Oregon Scrip tr .intcd in fxrhuuga
fur HorM's, orp.it ini-iit of initMuiidiug nrcoimls.
-. W, .MOSS
Willametto Fulls, Nov. Oli, ltlC. L'-'tf.
Attiuiuistra tor's oticc.
NOTIC'i: is hereby given, that the Hubsciiber
has been duly uptKnuted Aiimluitnitor of tho
rass .aii., i erciissM.n laps, .-sauce e,tatl , Xnchartah Hawkins, late of the United
ii.i-niio . iii'i-s, iiAri, iiutuiieui, StuteH ileee-i,
...I.....I, i i I ! . w. l ""'."
M.avrs Meelt arils. Shovels nnd T..ng, Wooil ,01)) ,, ,as Uxlt.u u,Mll ,
sHr.ii-.snnil Hills , I nm ioous, l'owder Masks, i,om, ,, ,,, ,.w a.recl. i
.cr.uvs,..r.i.-.snn.i i.ius irojr-v,K)us, i-ow.ieriuisiis, ,,,, ,,, ,.w a.reclH. uiul all perxins having de
llot llelts, -s,ears, Maud llelis, 4C inan.ls iinon the estate of thn s.u.l Z.ielian.il, ll..
Till Wliro. kins, are required to exhibit the s-inio, uud ull perroiiH
.Six and four quart Colleo Pots, four quart Tails, i indebtrd to the said etat?, ure called upon to make.
Strainers Cuh. Craters. Scoops, Ciilli'iiderx, Wush I payment lo i iuj.mam m. ki-.aii,
Masms. Miininirrs. .Milk Tans. Diiiihtk. Tiiimels. Can- "-
ille .vloillils, i ea l aililirs
Tea l'ots, Ac.
Boots and Shoes.
Ladies iveg and sewed Him ', Kid run rounds, chil
dren's K-g Hoots, Ihivs' K . Hrugun's, 'jnen'ii thick
Hoots, HH'ii's kip Hoots, ac.
'Mini's uud buy's Heaver Huts, Clocks, Cooking
Nurse Laitqis, Hritaniu.i Oregon Territory. Folk county. Jan. (Jlh, IH-17
I The Oreuou Speetalor.
i Tkkmk. Five dollars! in advance ; if not paid until
' the expiration of three, months, six dollarsvinl if not
i paid at the expiration of mx months the itireclors re
serve tho right lo discontinue. 1 1 paid in cash, -l
1 icr annum.
fT j A.I.... r,,c..,,n,,u l..il...l n. . I II .... I .. .
i l-J ., i.i-viiii iii a.ii-1-1 ti-.i ,ii il - 1 ir II filli
Stuves and funnel, Su.ips, Window Class, Dutch 1 cents H'r Niiare of sixteen lines or less, for the first
Ovens, ac. I iuscrtiuu, and seventy-live cents for each Niilisemn.ni
Al.su 'JO Tons of Coral at 1'oilland. ' iunertiou. A liberal deduction lo tvarlv advertisers
KU.HORN'. I.AWTO.N, Co. I arr All kinds of JOH WORK' handsomely exueu
Oregon City, March '.'7, le 17 5tf ted n the shorteit notice patiueut iu mlvaiisu