TrpfP"' p iv v N "B Ml V f W AUlWlillll 1 r anact rgjjjMw "tSw I. MeiicmtkljtUlhmte1 ,, Tftt n W MM. Wqfipetdf Oregon, ferritork TSat tkre Shall bOOlCCfOd bvlhn Hnn f 04-,, atives, coring their present session, and eye.' ry two yearn thereafter, pm Territorial R tordor) who, duringjitscontlnuanco In office fpr tfo form of two year, and unttL his sue, ccaepr stall bo olpclcdf and quaJiicd, shall perform the dutfca dcslgpatcd In, ana bq governed by tho prpvWona of tho Act to establish a Recorder's oflico, approvod lOtJi Augiut, mt, I i f ?' T,a! whonoyoHho oflico of TorrI. wrial Rccoitfor, snail bocorao vacant, by dootli, resignation, otherwise, tho Govern or shall fill tho vacancy In tho eamo manner and urfder tho samo restrictions, that ho in po3v by law authorized to fill vacancies in offices connected with tho judiciary. 9 ?. That every perscm elected or np po'n'cd to tho office of Territorial Recorder, shall, before entoring on tho discharge of tho duties of hs office, bo commissioned by tho Governor, and, enter Into bond with good and Nufficient securities, to bo approved by the "Governor, payable to tho Territory of Oregon, in tho penal sum of two thousand dollars, cobditionpd for tio faithful discharge of tho duties of said office, which bond shall ho on filo Jn tho oflico of the Secretary of Id. thn Tornlnra nn.f-t.ll ,1 l .1 1 - ?. wivi mmouuu .aiev uuiouuoaui oo I fore tho Secretary of tho Territory, Judge tiv of tho Supremo Court, or of tho County Court, partially to dischargo tho duties of said office, according to law, which oalli shall bo endorsed by the officer administering tho same, on tho back of the commissioni and a copy thereof put on fdo m tho oflico of tho Secretary of tho Territory. 6 4. That SO much of thn Ant ontlilnil IV" Bn c! to C8taMh a RccprdcrVi officii, gls is inconsistent with tujs AQt, be, and th.ame is hereby repealed. Attest, , A. L. Lovejov, Speaker. N. HuBEH, Clork.' Appuovbd, Oregon City, 12th Dec. 1840. UEOABERNETHY. 03S?rWUaBt. 'aa-thi WlIlS! Ot&aMfc W&arvVrfcito la RJk Counts' 6 lJ mtttmckM 0k House 'if Rep. IrcAtntativu of 'OreMm'FtMilerv. Thii Jrw. 0. Avorv- of the counter Polki iloon of the county of Yamhill, am) Jos'. Galo, of the county of Tualltlri, ketMthoy are hereby appointed commfssionftrste locate and mark a Territorial road, eo$mejicIa ht iho town of Pdrtfartd on the lllametto river, proceeding, thened Die nearest ahd best way to whero tho present road drosses Tualitin river, near thtV residence of David Hill, atTvhat is commonly called tho new bridge, Whence tho nearest and best -way '6 tho falls and below tbo forkof Yamlu'U rivcY, Whence tho nearest and tjtst-way to tho mouth of Mary's river in Polk county. 2. Ahd be it fartho cnmited, that tho commissioners aforesaid, or any two of them, shall moot ''at Portland on thcfirst Monday in FebrfiarVnext, for tho purtJosoofordceed. ing to the dlscwge'or their duties aforesaid, and that thv:bft. imiliA harfthv Mtitkntfd " " TA" ' - .. ,.,, ,.. ... ' -tto dAfourn:mmlMAittf'tUm, and from rtfir&ikiiZi WSm&tariWtitimiP then tkesheTiffW Timhlll bV tHoiBd and reoulred. "V tioale? aMv'bf'aaid 'ooVWrnii otfcef-'rspri, eithor wHtbitf malllV HI NTIUWIO aAHfOOBi !. et&er Aiy,'tO-k hlw tre-nreirBuenauioe vae fbMeald. -' T : Ahd bcitfqrthere: MQiMH m repen oi VaitaMcIl l-Mkulatdd In y aitftttfovifijed Wtheri 1L gained inotttct, citled, . ior laviDE muia vovniuK,- ty tWiria f ii9in nM m iiiiiiiiiiiii,ywiii ..r. i . . ,r -, i mt --" - -- - MbsV v1j.)i' ti A M am "R aa aiiaiaiv ac r-aiB-Hak snm m sawiiiBi Ul CUll OUdUlcllUl . da t - ii 4j . 4 I T ' i 5J?WW T ' " . 'SS 'i' ' " " iu- l MariSiig 'ViSivtf.w 14! ,v i Iowajap"brovdiDecX! 3jt f 4. mat'-'KiW i -county coffli etiea throug! ,,YoadiftU; f 'Wtr. la m ir 'wIBh MmC -- V lisiBn. rmfipHca. mwmbkIS1. ar. ofVIa:(ff lartu GiM 'rife th& '.V. nowMiKi-tf,, om naMBjsQBK,Tn.e anai 1aFW'JHsUBmi im'Www: mmmm '"'yfWvAiivfHvU x ?ff Vol. n. Ortftm City. (OfKM Tt.) ttolty, mrty 4. 1H Wt. 1. supervisors for tho flUperintcrwjttiCd of' tho samo, as other county roads. Attest, A. L. LovBJoy, Speaker. ' N. Hubeb Clerk Appbo'yd, Oregon City, 12th Dec. 184d, GEO. ABERNETHY. AN ACT entitled on Act to amend so Act nUjor liiriSiinuel K. Bariow, to lay out and constrnct r. Road acroM tho Ctscsda JlountaiB, and for other purpote. 1. Be it enacted fty the House of Rep. ruentatfvc of Oregon Territory, That the third section of said Act bo qo umended, es to extend tho privileges granted by said Act, until tho 1st day of November, 1848, and that tho fourth flccjioi bp so amended, osto require said Barlow to keep said road in the repair Tcauired By said Act, until tho .said 1st day of November, 1848. 2. Tho said Barlow and his asso ciates, before rqeciving any bcnct from tho provisions of this act, shaft enter into bond to thq Territory of, Oregon, to W approved of by tho Governor, in tho sum of tup thou sand dollars, with tho conditionsjicjjuircd by the Aot to winch this is an amendment. . , 3. , .That tho Governor shall appoint ono Commissioner whoso duty it shall be to proceed to examine said road, and if in. his opinion, tho said road is as good as can bo oxpociea ior tno amount ot toiiago specified in said charter, (he said ftarlow ami his as sociates shall havo all tho privileges of 'this, Act. 4. That the said comraJsskAer shall proceed to examinb the said road, under oath, oeforo anylollago be required 6f any" jcri crmiinir rm Aafalmail- l ... X.J1 -XWl-kfrjU.-. I a--x.-'.-'. Vl.4l wyu.-rimvuto ssta ootmnisBKwer anmt procecditdvexatase'.wud Totif, IjdftU.ssii Barlow?xir bb aaaoCiMcs call upon him ad h do, and to caas tHe id caataieftioatf kil k comply vkkf,the, (mviakatfef tab Act,m said Barl9w and his associates' shall not"$e bound in any way to the 'ikdicion of said conamiasioner, but proceed to comply with the provfioBof the first section of this Act 8. Tho said Barlow ami his associates shall defray, tho expense of said commission er, and cothply with tiio contract as made by the Governor with theaforcsaid commission er, and it shall bo the duty of said Governor, to get a "suitable person, and ofi ad 'good terms aa bo Can, to oxarmne said road. '7. tThii Act to take effect, and be- in force from and after its passage. Attest, ' A. L. Lovsjoy, Speakor. N.HoBfen Clerk. s AppBOVEn,nOregon City, lDth Deo. 1840. GEO ABERNETHY. r -Ki 'AN ACT.tq lecaW aa4 eUWUh n'fertif&l Road from Biiem fa C'h'aWeeg county, to thoraoathof MaiViriVer. ' ! .??'1 Pelk county,' oe, and they to Hereovap PO ntcd bommlsslonerf io locaiaand ekiUish 1 ti w' -ri -j LA.' T 'ir.Vf-'il't Ohahipoog county, tl)cnce runaiW en tbe ncarcist and best5 route; Wand acrSifthe Wif lametto hitjJV TerfyrtliencVthe! (deaWstnJa route to the mouth of JCary,p MVidfttkHpunty. , -T, 'shallot it thijiusoiciamoWK:ini Polk&V.ih hofiQBoVv aWufo t fojrJuTp 'riurposo of proqedfnfJw tjio :haT( Cftnatr dutidn aforesaid, and that K5.t.'i?rfcpu- i . lv w il?iT. '-5 VsySfifW" r?. aVreuSWipo?f w aq ? 7Wf',u-rao W, H0,' TORrTO ddthlsiibhprl', from W cause,. aM rt UL j iL ....- r W'.J i Hi ino umo ana pmco mi and'placetowhtoHttey lhT Mn nH4.i''Mri XffiM&iJVVVM !irc.?E??S2SJ fcppointed and rtmHrf iliebiattemlwT'c such day, at the plac sforesaid. 4fM - $ 9.. Arid bo it farther enacted, tfcitlhe PWfcedings and report of said comnrfsefewfli snaii do regulate Jn accordance iwittynod bo gorcrnod by the, prescription eojttataed in an Act.. ontttwf an A ,. t.i eJi.X -w rmm r mm iajh uj aiL w inn cr t aK - Ing out and opening. Territorial roada,.! tbo Legislative, body of tho Iowa, approved DepV 20th, 1838., ,w, $ 4. That it shall berth? duty or the county commlssionersol' Polk, county wjifc out delay, xo cause tho eamo to bo openwl aod put in rcparr as'soon as practicable. p$ thftTCeeIpt of tho rppofy of sa,id comroiss)on? cr8 aMv0PJxnnt flutaMe.superyisors,foj, $b!o suponntehaenco of tho came, es other coun ty road-?. I ' Attest, A. L. LovBJor, Speaker'. . N. Hubkb, Clerk, " ' AppiovEDi Oregon City, l2th Dec. f840. l; GEO. ABERNETHY; ' - - ' i t . r '.AN ACT fcrrerta aa Act to. lay aAsA eatsV Gah a Road from MnHnmmih Cky, to thajnnirthef Mary's river, paB4 (be HUj day of peeeerA184 , I, J$e itermctcihj thcBmntefRm. TtscMatvsu of Oregon TerritorrSUtKi tiionlel Ford, of Rolk countyriJ. fajtrnkkt of Tpalitin county,, jand SimuelU.GHmom ofYamhill county, are hereby fmmi, mfe oners, and duly ijharto)iy said I ft lata eLaW.arsi.wpic: ized cad reauind.MaMati it ViAmrtiiili pky.s on thal MrMi ,. to oKwiire ia accordance Wth tfa!Mnrk. i t t J?" J rr 1- ! i B1BBW I BI - ... T7i rf "JjSfJ 'V - 1 T V t j1 AMMJ WiUH atWB JUS'H l.-jTLiwuraKfi't-KSS-jv-1 -j ?r3 TIOEBMT 7 ffSSfWfS y??H jsm'MW"fw AttNCT, rArJWtTJMorl r v - WWMTta. IHmmamTi pfcj i fifSftf' GEOlBiANit -... V T 1 a v rr JJ 'Atpxovid; mM Law, be, and aawe MMi Attest, V Arlfc- N. HpawV9ra&iii APPX0TH s-- - A I , "'I' .jrHa?TinntTn' f nUMHM JBaMMIP. . . , J 1 J-l' i . i- i . Tii Waddarim fTakB MMMSBM fla aOMMK. -' ttsstnent frWthe PeeiiiiMter 0 ! jbM. Or ip Briatol, U EBgfttd;UM wmr OrSotiihamptScio j' 2Pront NeW York.SyCowes, fa )haa? Or:taBren,to.Gr&Tj'lii OiHlfeu , IhGeiVninyjiM' J' Fre'WeVraf fe'HiT, fa Mtof t -ttdoisal'4 I ,r '-' ' -"-' v Of td FrWC, and bkr.fc. " 'Frorn Newerlc lolii4ttiii tugal, and back, , rr 6Frofe NeWYork,,Vfia,:i -fc . to New OrlessiBfeHJte.' ; . . . . i j . . .0, From New York, by Havana, awfcwt gres,in Columbia, abd bfl'cJij With joarB JeWoforatolWnd ineTwnipWpS . wnrsisiiML! -.- iKiVinrfuniliFftdfid the ColbtnbraMthenfee,lto,iliiP --. .-. I, .,-.- - wir- ., . - - -li rtAFf- iii'itUirNsTilili4i'l1gn(lt - J i "w-.""?-.w,J.a., 0 ur irora uasneewn xo ino Bamej RDa-sscity h, OrfnmJPentcoTar' 4 3ifo vi ,. . Aj-j -1 Or from.Mohik do; t , , v 'OrJromNeOTrlcana r,dpw , , r, ?. Prom Kew Orleass to Hav-iii J4 . back, with aa .offer o jextcndjfo tjtaci "" muremtuuui jiiuw. 1. Or -irora JC theHmieaM me 1 Or fipew-FeasaHx.te.idtesstnje , U &c.CHvrieatQB toil Kiacoyr-toatifyKa any other Ui!MaJ x-fWjetttMdecl; QuUa,tmailj tdiU:ldfaet3l fa,ayxbt bsTl ia.j AN ACT r tottieait Jariitr.1 x TctcTuomxsm-srvgon jLcttmrnr, xhi va couvdr'ctHlrAyb etitleaWWeettarnei ber to the Botise'of Treieutatlvas,-'kt I nnnnil lMth'4tf IStifTr J'-,! utuwa yiKVMWM ma 2. Ths Cla(5ep cwnly 1e elect one member to me Hote of' tativm, at tho annual eleetioa sprl847. 6 9 That Lewis' boiMity be entith elect ono member to heHew efilfe' scnlStives, at the annual eMd&$tHah.M1. 4 Tbat.ClaokarrtSSeoUfttybtitled to elect three members to the'Bouse of Rep. roscntativ'os, at the anaual election for 1847. ..&. .Tbat Uhampoegj cotfRty W &ed to.cleet.five memlwwHo the' Hsuae, kst Re'fc. r6htatives, at the ariiwial'eloeWoB lbftl84T. . i 0. That Taalitin aeWtv laeiiitld to ieleot tbrt4JaVMnbra tb ItWiHottw.iff JUf- resemuvee,tai me BmMU'eicaji aar iwt. 7 TrYimhiUty.befentfthd elect three nwinWre (o.tfae Hereof j'WfWC-' sentalivea. attheaMueJertienlbiriSTJ ! r- - ' .-. A i . . J T. ' I fl. ' 'J.'Jit .ifolk dCiBty('MliMM tej rT ZzMSSsSSmHtt -Jim, OrjJ11". "yygg'sy aw - a)saVP.a raaaaa:sdiMS inir '. "' uaai js. 'v Dsjoaiber jsPPKf9vHassMHafi'rifpsKiiaa .-Jr. ViT'l T, W.1940 "'t jMpagavMt lSuEBBBppSa&Sjltp ' .' WiJL . "T: 91 um'mmm, - t' 'a1 av seatativM. at tli i .-.lTlii At fbrc4tU'asi8uiU' Atte3IHAjL,( N. kitstx.Ch K i AprBovxBAlrean'.(j yT.K iTaY W!HP8li6 pl?COMMii,4 tMnki urwaHt: f!iS$ eYfliiteiWft.' l ai'Wia Pi nati J, s I lkr.i btv maief w.ftPWfi IVlnHaaMMgnBaj J a 'iiinlBMdVBbTWuMU 1 . I ; 1' 1 1 A . . .... 1 iiiuuaasfn wrmMtM as iie r m" 1 'of ix UVi 'rtKsXt52-ra WS 9iMtmf (&-JWIWMBrV A c 9i u jntuam a umiieatfffajiBM tw mm im A.M.imMM ivf".iru wiima on wae. nusj. ana 4iau T t . dKt seoaaop V j ttrmtjf mm- n n ? n 1 p pe by hi '. -.iir-fc i ' WW hi 1 W"!BPW i4ll,iat! woros for pre"J In?tbavftrat .jBTtl fRceJ 'w"9KSr VWMMaBM wnaWf IJOMBHpri;HyHVi , tW'Tfll, rfFTWBWJPW WWHHUaCLaAX iH- YvflMLLLBPW LuhiinBHa mTJmr . . laK' L1 S r wniiMn ! fl issmwaawtK 3 yrtk&ranLtt!i!eyfc vXJl Riaiij XKSK3WS Hi BBB1NH IJM1 WviceW'thVt edftleWaWn ' y' yivwLiif o ,i .-., a niwiieu -to us, wnfciaWnni StWUMKjwtBC atita'Tkhitioiii unM'' dr.iDiir m &WI&&& wsa-f4aneMK peatniaMajf or -tfJbriwoMroute .-i- 1.. .-'A.ij;iJ..Xi.,..:SJ should toeied;ba w ,.7j,t" jmA9 Mfxttioh wiii' tho : nwpnjafani HMT UU to' W.afcwkoiS MYi .i m-t. su JMBM5f- .tUM ft l iMmm UXBMHD A xLv j. .-'. j nr 'aas. t 1 t i:- . . j tfrWI ?-: 'it ..7.4.. 1 .nmiint, vi au beMMMfftiMUtof yteonotvTh'ei, J 'Ul aida-'5 Kb rf a? i '.? : -iaa j Tfel 'Wr, FSV V , j - 4 " "JJ " -f( jvt."- c , ji -' rfr-.r ti .2' ri t,