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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1847)
:j '. "yjssrfw ''tfei 1 BY A1THOM1TV. AN ACT entitled an Act lo regulate (he Manu acture ami Sale of Wliio aud UUtllled Bpiritoue Liquors. $ I. ' cnictnl by the Home of Rsp. raentiliret of Orrgnn Territory, That any ponoii or p-rsons hcrraftor wishing to eMab. ii-di or curry on u distillury for tho nntiufno turn mil huIii of sniritnus I in norm in unv fjmnlity, ruil I-sh tliui five gallons, shall first mu'o application to tin presiding Judge1 ol tim Comity Court, ol the i.onnty inwhiub such distillury is to lie carried on, cither in vacation or i'i term time, Tor a liu"ns' ho to do, thi wid J u Igo ns aforesaid hIiuII be, and lio is hereby uutlnrizcd. on tho said nppli cuntn )ro'luuiii'.r to nid presiding Judge tho cortifiuati! ofthu Territorial treasurer, thnt such aipli(!ant lias pail into the Territorial treasury, tho Minn of thrco 'hundred i loll urn, t' procMiil to grant a lieensc no to do, for the turn) of twulvu months, and tho nail Jud'jo shall ho entitled to reed va thruo'dol. lurs fur every licence ho granted, to lie p.. id hy nucli applicant. $ 2. Tint any ponton or jH'rsons desir ous of Helling wine or. distilled spritou liiiors, in any oumilitv not less thin five g'tlhns, and slrill produce the receipt of the TrruHitrcr of the Territory, for two hundred d tllars, thill receive a licence so to do, for thu term rd' twelve urmtln, in live manner and form us provided in the first section of this act. $ '.I. Tli it bnv person or persons, desir om of (telling win" or distilled spiritous liquors in a h-a quantity than five gallons uu I -hall proliiee the C'Min'y Treasurer's r cipt for one hundred d i'lur, in tlie nun ir r ami firm as privld'd in the first section of this ue sh ill receive n Iin iw to keep u ilia ii dnp fir tie1 term of six iii'mi'Ih. hut s'ii Ii Ii ns" si ii'l not .ttith'ir!." mtr h p rvin m' j rnoiis t i !rrp a dram shop at m nv Inn iii ' p'ae at tur kitnn liine, nnr stiull such tic iwi lie .isir'ii d or truuloni'd". $ I. Thn ifnnv poponnr priislicetisMi In k p u dra'it sh 'p.-dia'l liive y or indirect, ly Miliar anv of the uols hr t'lin'H sjK'cified in this section, to lie danv in or nlwut his dram slnp, orthc prcmis nth reiinto belong ing. sued ocn n sh ill h" ritisld'Ti'd as keep. iug a disorderly h,us,, wi h'n tho intent and meanin': of this Ac, nod tho i-ondition of such parson's h'jnd, slnll he considered as broken, nnd he and his securities liahlc to tho p-niltv iliereof. Fire', ifmiuh p-rson slnll suT r any kind of giuihling device of whatever trimo or dfMjnption to lie used for ih" purpos" of gaining, to b"t, win or lo" mo. n-y or property on any game played, or with any .-ambling duvice, or shall' Miller any person to play nt any game of chance for any money or other proerty In tho shop, or on tho premises thereto belonging, nnd he tlc-reof convicted such porwui shall ho con sid Ted as keeping a disord rly house. Second, if Htioli person hIiiII. on the first diy of tho week commonly called Sunday, oithnr dircc'ly or indirectly, wj or barter any wine or distilled spiritous liquors, to any person except for medicinal purposes, and be convicted thorcof, hucIi person shall bo con. nidnrrd as keeping a disorderly house. Third, if such pirson shall suffer a tumult uous noiso in his dram shop, to thodisturb ance, or unnoynncc of any parson per. sons living contiguous thereto, and bn con v'ctrd thcr of, such person shall bo consid cud as keeping a disorderly house. fi. That any penion applying for a II. censo to keep a dram shop, shall, before such license is dciivcrrd to him, cuter into a bond wilh sccuritv, to bo approved by (ho presi ding Judgoof tho County Courts, in the pro. per coun'y, payable to tho Territory of (Jr. cgon, in the penal sum of 1,000 dollars, con ditioned that such person will keep an order ly house, and not sutler any act, or thing to bo done in or about such dram shop, which in prohibitrdJy this Act ; which bond shall bo filed in thooflicoof tho dork of the Coun ty Court. " fl. That ony person not duly licensed so to do, who shall cithor directly or indircot ly, sell, barter or give away, wilh intent to ovado this Act, any wino or distillrd spirit, omi liquor to any person within this Territory, shall, upon eonviction thereof, forfeit and pay for tho use of Oregon Territory, a sum not more than one Jiundrrd and fifty dollars, nor less than twenty-fivo dollars, for each and ivory oflrnco. 7. Tjiat if any person shall sell, barter or give, either directly or indirectly, any wine or distilled plritouas liquor, to any Indian R1 f " A. Oregon Spectator. WMtwwd the 8tar of Empire i< (u wk.-l'r: - .j.. r. . . i ' - ft '- Vol. I. Oragoa City, (Ortgon Tcr.) Thursday, Janmtry 11, 1M7, Ho. 26. within this 1 erntory, every person so often 1-1 fl. It shall', be fh duty of tho grand ing. shall, upon conviction thereof, w fined jrjcs of the sevoral counties to take notice in any sum not more than 300 dollars, nor . 0f all violations of this act, and if the fact less than 5 dollars. J he proved, they shall find a true bill. 8. 1 hat all forfeitures, penalties and . $ n. That the sum- of one hundred dpi. fines incurred by violation orthis Act, rray be I Jars be and the same is lioreby appropriated, n covered cither by indictnrnt in the County to Iks paid out of any money in tho T,reasu. Cnirl, or hy un action of debt instituted in ! ry, to carry this act into fleet. he name of Oregon I erntory, kfore unv $7. That this act take cfilct. and bo in ourt having Tngnlzanco th'-rr of, and any ; force from and after iu passage. t . person is hereby authorized to institute said suit. ft. That all fines, penalties and for feitnres. incurred by the violation of any of the provision of this Act, shall bo piid into the county treasury of the county where such iiidiet:n"iit is found, or olKnc committed, for the use of said county. 10. Tint whenever the condition of the bond pnvidnd fir in the fifth section. of this Act, nil ill bn broken, it shall lie the du ty of the clerk of the County Court of the county in wlrch such bond shall he filed, to !iHtittlc suit thereen. 1 1. That it shall hi lli duty of tho pn siding Judge of thn County Court, at each i-egnlar term therrof, to give this Act in elnrge to th" grand jury. 1-2. That the Act rn'itlrd on Act to prevent the manufacture, introduction, and ali; of ard'nt spiris. passed 24th Juno, 1814, Ik nnd tho' same is hereby repealed. Attest, A. L. Lovejov, Speaker. N. IIuiieh. Clerk. Passed by a majority of two thirds, Dec. 16:h, 1810, AN ACT to rrjrulto Wright uud Mrtaam, Ave I . Bz H enacted by the Home of Rrp. rexentatiee of the Territory of Oregon, That tho Secretary of the Territory aforesaid, be and ho is hereby authorized and required to procuro for tho Territory, and at the expense thorcof, n set of tho following weights and measures for tho uso of said Territory, to wit : One incasiiro of ono foot or twelve inches in length, Kii'.dish measure so called: also, one measure of three feet or thirty six inches in length, as aforenaid : also, one half bushel measure for dryrmeasure, which shall con tain one thousand seventy-five and one 'fifth solid inches: also, one gallon measure which shall contain two hundred and thirty-one solid inches, which measures aro to bo of wood, or anv metal the Secretary may think best to procure. Also, ono set of weights, avoirdupois weight, and scaled with the iiame or initials of, Oregon Territory, in" scribed thereon, which measures and weights shall bo kept by the Secretary of the Terri. tory, for tho purpose of trying nnd sealing tho weights and measures used in said Territory. 2. "S-Vsoon as the S-c'rctary shall have furnished tho weights and measures afore said, he shall cause notice thereof to be giv en by advertising tho same one month in tho Oregon Spectator, and any pcrsonfor persons who shall thereafter buy or sell any com- modify whatsoever, by measure or weight, that shall not correspond with the aforesaid measures' and weights, shall for every such offense, being legally convicted thereof, for. fek and pay1 tho Hum of twenty-fivo dollars, for tho Uso and benefit of tho 'Territory; al ho the cost accruing thereon. ' 3. Ifvery person desirous of having thoirjveightsand measures tried by the "'INtr Fitbrial standard, shall apply to tho Socre'a ryaforosafd, and if he find it to correspond with the Territorial standard, ho shall seal tho same with the seal provided for that pur pose, and said Secretary shall be allowed to chargo und receive for his sendees, fifty cents for each measure or weigfit he shall seal with said seal. 4c In tho payment of debts due fhe Territory, or individuals or companies, or other arrangements, unless a special contract to thaoontrary. sixtv rounds ahal) b rtaetv i et t-.ii. . i;r 'f i. . , eaaa one Dunei,cany mtnjr ma, as Notion to tho oontrary notwithstanding. Attest, A. L. Lovrjoy, Speaker. N. Huder, Clerk. Appboved, Oregon City, 12th Dec. 1846. GEO. ABERNETHY. AN ACT providing Tor the Election of County Judges. 1. Be it enacted hy the Houtc of Rep. resentnlires of Oregon Territory, That the county Judges and other county officers, sha'll hereafter bo elected by the free voters of thiir respective counties, who shall hold their office during the' term of two years, nnd until their nnaMmpn are elected and duly qualified ; aridHfcsc of vacancy by death or otherwiscaBU bc the duty of the Governor, uporiMtion of any one of the Judges of the TeWnty court, where such vacancy shall' occur, to order an elec tion to bo held, to fill such vacancy: ten days notice shall lie given, by putting up no tice in three of the most public places with in slid county. This act to tako efiect, and be in force from and after its passage. All acts and parts of acts conflicting with this oc', shall be, and tho same are hereby re pealed. Attest, A. L. Lovejov, Speaker. N. Huder, Clerk. Approved, Oregon City, 10th Dec. 1846. GEO. ABERNETHY. AN ACT rtab!Milng the office of Auditor of pubic account, and dettaing the duUes of Mid office, and for other purports. 1. Be it enacted by the House of Rcpre lentitite of Oregon Territory, That there shall bjean Auditor of public accounts, elected by tho House of Reprcsentatives.and commis sioned by tho Governor; 'who shall continue in office for tho term of two years, and until his successor shall bo duly elected and qualified. And before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath prescribed by the Organic Law, and enter into bond to be approved hy the Governor, with at least two sureties, in. the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as requir ed by law. 2. Should al vacancy happen in the office of Auditor of public a-rounts, or in any otlior office, whjch U tho duty of the House of Representatives to elect, it shall be tho duty otyhepGovornor to fill said va cancy.untll the nexfsjssion of the house pf re. prcscntatives uftcf said vacancy shall occur. 3. It shall bo the duty of the said Au ditorof public accounts to keep his office at Oregon City, arid audit all accounts that mav, Ko presented against the Territory, be fore tho same shall be -paid by tho Trcasur. er. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to report annually to iho1 House of Representa. jives, fhe' 'amount of claims so audited by him, and in whoseffavo the same was audit, cd, together wit hV fall abstract of the state of the Territorial' Treasury. $ 4. It shall bo 'the duty of tho several clerks of the 'County Courts, Immediately after making out the tax book for their e. spectivo countiesto forward a duplicate ab stract of 'tne feftyalfc amount of tfci TorrI tbrial-' revcrTueJ" due' in their said' counties, one' to the treasurWand the other to the Au. ditorof public accents, and the said Audi, tor shall entef'tbe'fahto In a book to be kept for that purpose. And ft shall he the duty of i of the several oollebWrsrJrTotTHqHil revenue wlna tby shall havethelr llablrradited, tefpay tfcle MwvMMntvtnetrtajarfiiMWfW with file their qwietuawiOitha Au illaWpia U mad UftJbrtvft, lio aooounta, whoae duty it ahall be lb totor next, la not mtat o 'rr!T&!a&X'frl2 .w, , -,.-, , . , v .v ., tmammmmmmmmmmmmmam - sr .1 .kil'Mi -P-'it. mw amuir. iv.MP,rai 01' Mv." m Id colleclor. M. ThemHkitorotfMbiceouiAi shall do and tmhsan alt. duties rtqulred by law dona afihe', Auditor of public ac counts, the same as tf they, were specially set forth.ia this act, and the said Auditor of pub. lio acaovnts shall receive Ma full catosa. tion lor hla services, twd per cant, ont all. mo nies, claims and demands by him audited.-' 6C It; shall be. the daty of all oUfcers who may cdlect any fine, forfeiture, or pen. alty for the use of tho Territory, to file whh the Auditor of public accounts, forthwith the amount of said fine, forfeiture or penal ty, and the said Auditor of nublfd accounts shall enter tho same in a book to be kepf for that' purpose : and it shall he the duly of the said Auditor of publicaccounts tp.Kcephis books in such a manner as to show't he. assets and liabilities of tho Territory, by reference to said books. ' 7. Tho Territorial treasurer ahall fbrthl witli furnish said Auditor) with the now sa of Territorial account", ns by him kept as ex officio auditor of public accounts of this Terrilo'ry. 1" ' . Attest, A. L. Lovejot, Speaker. N. Hobm, Clerk,. " - - " " Approved, Oregon Citv,' 19th Dvc. 184;. GEO. ABERNETHY. t , AN ACT tobeBlHJedaaactfostad aaact, Cr t sjaaiziSf Coasty Coarls. r I. Be it enacted by the House of Jtepre. tentativet of Oregon Territory Tfiat the jus tices of the peace oLthe several cbuntiea, in this Territory, of any twor of them,' shall constitute a Board of County Commissioner to do and transact all county Jiusioesafn their respective counties, and all statutes and ,lawa now in force, and applicable to county busi ness in Oregon, shall be in force and. appli cable to the county courts, by this act estab lished. And the county courts, by this 'act' established, shall not hayo anjK .original or appellate jurisdiction in any Jvll'Oi'eHlnt- nai case between parties; m jsjrr Jsp;aajff:ji transact all busineae ai WGMmWMMNfiKk&t be done for their reaneeiive',s9MeVf,7nsv purview of this act, ire hereby repealed. This act to take effect, and be in force frwn. and after iu passage ! . 'r"; Attest, A. L. Lovejot, Speaker.. N. Hcbeb, Clerk. . ' ' yT' r Approved, Oregon City, 'lttli Dec.'mt.3 GEO. ABERNETliXM' AN ACT lo appoiat JatpoeUn sad fwi Wt t .duties. 4 , r B , J9j $ 1. Be U enacted by'the.Houte i?7-. resentative of Oregon Territory, jTaat,tha Governor be, and he is hereby uthorixcjl and required to appoint wiine suitable.persbn. as Inspector in Oregon City, ai su.iafr places as be may think proper, wh"3r it shall be to inspect "fV,heat when 'SfmJf on, and determine the quality thereof. r Tffi) said Inspector shall receive the sum. of qne cent for cvery'bushel of wheat by,fbuiT inspected, to be paid by the person PfUfif.'' $ 2. Every person appointed ak'Ukanlt tor, before entering upon Jhe'diitieybrWg- office, shall take an oath1 to fai'thfullv dis charge the duties of said office,1 'without i.-;' J yor or affection. , ' x ' & This. act to tako effect, and hw tn tnmUft. ' Cmm anil lAa. It. luuua 'VH' 'ii " """ '"" ' 5' !, Attest, A. L. Lovejot.' Speaker.' 'i'1' N. Huber, Clerk. - ," ' t ' Appbovxd, Oregon City, 1 91 b Deo.' 1841. 'V GEO. ABERNETHY.'a AN ACT toicguUU the sal? of Uw, TmmitMJ i v..; .ji i- rr 'UjrWv reacnlahvct .of Ortmo. Ti'rnlara. T Prosecuting Attorney of OrMoni shall receive for his MrlceV t$ffi j inrce nunarvu aouars per annaa jo BiBBiairLBnri w. su. & 2. This act to take eftjet w$'&i$riS$ and pa'rfc of acta con flic t Imw hh i shall be. and the mim i s'ii isili i ! tWiT ' ' Attest, a. l., ivmmSSs 11 in TllsTaili-a-ir-iiirirnifiniViisArmf'i of all kinds of jiterials.' Hl day and fy-tiaxrov?;ijrtMi tpchm4tf on the crtfifMW'Bigis ante, Tmvuwmvimi j;bb. SaJTtW: ; rL'rSi "A "'I'Wfijf '. fmett la not man aoiilir ifcistl nTv;i i - . S ii.tlVhlrtviB' - L&&mim