Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, January 07, 1847, Image 3

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' ,
of one county, and w' know the inhibiUati
of the other seven counties hare not been
idle. 0 '
I think I am not makioir a wild cnlfitilsL.
tion when I My, if a market can be found,
uregon wuinavo oo,ouo larrou of 'flour for
exportation in 1849. 1 do. not with to find
fault with tho Memorial, but give tho Legist
laturo great credit for their effort to ex
plain the wantH and givo informal ion in re
gard to I ho country, in as concise a manner
aii powiblo, knowing at tho tamo timo tho
diflicully in so largo aibody.au our Logisla
turo, of drawing a Memorial in accordance
with the views of all, but this statement 1
doom but justice to ourselves.
Cr "Sir, you lmvotn education, I sup.
pose," said un illiterate preacher in Maine
to a learned clergyman.
"Yes, sir, ""was the reply.
"I nm thankful," rejoined the former
"that tho Lord has opened my mouth to
preach without any learning."
"A similar event," replied tho latter,
took place in Balaam's time; but such
things are of rare occurrence at the present
day"' r
OCT Cut your hay when thoro is appear
ance of rain, for when tho grass has an op
portunity to In wall washed before jroine in-
---- . . - .. W J
lower oxtrpinltip (if which, onlv reached ' t0 ,he barn ,l u e, more clean and
I... int. of his ock. iruvn him th nirM.ar. wholesome lor the cattle.
anco of lieing much tallrr than ho rcullv ,f 'ou 'vo'd boots and shoes about tho
wai, altlimmli ho stooi full nix feet in hi
socks. Aflcr warming himself, he called
for some liquor, in a voice which, coining
from hi- nose, sounded like the tones of u
toy hurmouicon : his whole nppoa ranee mom
that of a "green "un". The "thimblcri
gor" set hitH down for a "soft snap," and af
ter some conversation, remarked, " well
stranger, it is cold and durk out, suppose we
play some small game to pass away the time,"
at the raino timo fingering a pack of dirty
card that lav on the tfable at which he.
was titling. Linwy replied, " I can't say
stranger I'm all the way from Hijr Hulletl,
st.il I've hearn that you folks in town was as
keen as briars, and I'm only a cider nag ;
liousomcver I don't keer to play pervitin!
we play fair with till the advantages in, and
if you beat me, well and good, there's no
more of it."
' Well, them are is fair enough, and I
niht a fellow to coearl, or make a fuss when
I agrees to any thing from tho start," says
" Whnt'll von plav ? Whot ilo sav to rt.
rn up, at u dollar a gume," re pi in! Thimble
For tat Oregon Spectator.
One night during tho winter of '45pat
ono of thoso planes known as Catfish Hotel,
for which tho New York wharfs are so col
ohratcd, and which are frequented by that
clasq of persons who como under tho head
of loafers, thcro sat a soliiary Individual
whoso age betokened that ho was not accus.
tomed to enjoy his own society ; tho atmos.
phero of tho bar room was redolent of tho
perfumes of long nines, and that nectar of
groggorlcs, Tom und Jorry. Tho candle
shed a mellow light through tho smoko that
had been made by former customers', hut
was now beginning to roll away ; our friend,
though indifferently well dressed, bore about
him tho appearance of ono'who would stoop
to anv low trick to entrap- Iho unwary. He
had been in tho habit of picking up the
dimes or half dimes that any ono could le
induced to slake ; on this night ho had had
no customers. Funds were low the night
was wearing away, and ho was about to tie.
fiart, when thoro entered a long, dangling
ooking fellow, with straight flaxen locks, an
old wool hat sat far back on his head, and a
mouth which, though capacious enough, had
by accident, or a freak of nature, boon pin
ced more on ono side than in front of the
faco. He was dresne in Linsev dved of a
dirty yellow color, and his traictrrfooni, the
house, lling them into Iho well h hero nobody
can wo them ; tor cleanliness is very com
incnilable Sandwich Inland Arr.t.
Lire A Jouh.nkv. Consider heaven as
your liHinu ; vourself as on a jourucv to it ;
the aliliclton vou meet with us a course of
discipline to prepare you for it ; and the
treasures you may sueM us given to defruy
your expenses on the way, und to enable you
to do Momcthing for those who do not enjoy
your blessings.
rigger, his even glistening with the certuinty
Ol WmilUIL' Ills CprIM'.
"A word of the sort's enough old host,
put up your money," fried Linscy, at tho
same timo luring out n long leathern purse
from his pocket. Thimhlcrigger laid down
u dollar, which ho had no mhjwt done, tliiin
Linsev coolly put it into his purse, saying,
Well, that game's done, whut'll you" play
next f"
" Hut," says Thimhleripgcr, " we'vo not
played for the dollur yet,."
" Yes wo huvt', soys Linscy, " I played
the advaiituges tho firnt lead stealing was
in you know."
The gumhler was beat ut his own game,
and not liking tho look of his customer, qui
ctly submitted to his los.
ArroiNTMcsT ir tiic GovBot.
36th December.
Joseph Csples, Sheriff or Clatsop county, vice Thorn
as Owetu, resigned. t
For the Onegon Spectator.
Mn. Editor My attention was call,
ed, when rending the Memorial of the Lo.
giblaturo of Oregon Territory, published in
your last No. .to the amount of flour (five
thousand barrels) which tho Senate and
House of Representatives of tho U. S. are
informed could bo delivered by Iho people of
mis icrniury. uo you uoi iiiiiik sir, mat
our Legislature havo been over careful in
their cstimato ? so! much ho as to lead the
people of the U. Si to form a very unfavor
ablo opinion of theA industry of (lie inhabit,
ants of this country, wheat being our stn.
pie ? They aro already informed, that-aur
population nutnbofs 10,000 souls, by pcoplo
upon whoso voracity Ihey placo reliance,
and I presume it is not much out of tho way.
"aw this is a very small pro rata for this
numbor of inhabitants, and I think falls far
below tho mark. I do not think I make a
v miscalculation when I sny Chompoeg coun
ty has exported into other parts of tho Tor.
ritory,( from, herself alone 80,000 bushels of
wneai m mo year xot,o nia is ouwno extort
I'KTts II. Brasr.rr. A. L. Lotcjov.
Attornayi ami GoiBsallori at Law,
Aael Mallctfers la Ckaacerr,
WILL practice in civil cases in Uie several Cir
cuit Coorta in Oregon Territory, and in the
Supreme Court at Orefon City.
Jan. Ut, 1847. 25tf
THE UXDKIISIUftED having purchas.
etl the entire Mock, TooU, etc., of J. S. Arm
strong, woujd notify the public, that he will continue
the abme busihew, on an enlarged plan of operation,
at the tune shop formerly occupied, by J. 8. A., being
one dour north of the residence of A. Hood. Esq,
where he willlulfill all contract in bia line of business.
TURK BARRELS, dec, will be furnished at the
hottest notice.
Oregon City, Jan: 7, 1847 25tf
Femalo 8chool.
MRS. Jt. M. TIIORltTOX will open a
SCHOOL in this city, mi the 1st day of Feb.
rnnry next, fof, the instruction of young Ludiea and
Mitves. A quarter will consist of eleveu weeks.
All the branches usually comprised in a thorough
English education, will be taught in this School, to.
getherwilh plniaotut fancy Needlo Work, Drawing
und I'ainliug in tueuotiuto and Water colon.
For pnrtirulars as lo terms, inquire of Mrs. T.
Oregon City, Jan. 7, 1847. 3l25
Fann For 8ale.
THE 8UBSCRIUER oiTen for sole his valuable
couutry seat, about seven miles above. Oregon
City, near the Willamette, in Baker's prairie. There
are over three hundred acres of prairie, and one hun
dred Jeady for cultivation, surrounded with good fence.
Upon7 the Farm is a good log house, 20 by 30 feet,
a well of good water, Iwing well calculated by nature
for reiaiuff cattle or sheep.
FIVE TOWlsVLOTS in Oregon City, with
buildings on thanfuiat pay a rent of $90 per month.
Also, his Interest in the uudisposed Town Lota in
Any persona wishing to purchase property of this
kind, may do well to call on the Subscriber on Water
Street. If any person wishes to pay specie, I wUI
make a discount of fifty per cent
Oregon City, Jan. 7, 1847:
Prima Chinook Stlmoav
MJlOk SALE Barrels Prime Chenook Sal
JL mm Terms, Cash or Wheat deliyered at the
nuts Graaarv. or at Orerai Cltvi -Iamlra at the
Mefa of: . i " , JhO.U. COUCH, i
MtghrtJsmFulanhlir: -'H
VTMlina , . '.tl ,fi-i:-li. 'i-liLllU. I
muiiuzi is ssiw grrra,.usa mm ran
1 hwtofew estoUrfi ttfiis Uwtsl
COOK sad FRANCW FUrrCMkil, siltsssj 4ay
AKOgiCOOK, , , ,. .,.,!
Jan. 1st. 1847 '. " ' ' J - ?,aBS.'
' - V
- -.,1 ... . I I Mt
ALL pereoM who aata uasrttW Meoaata with
Mm mitnigmij.mt wissistii to saaaa'ssjUle-
ssm syiAejbtnofJaasaryaeifti s(failasiW.
plj wkli this notice, will saaks thesa, acoaaiatad, with
WilunHo(ina. ' "' ' "' "l"r :
Oregon City, Dee. !, 1&& .:
I'a -wi-ukm'-'
t" 4ltct
iti i "
a .ii a i
i "T'TIl .
1) A. K. T. LOCK.physleiaaaBdSHrgeoB
.am-- rerpecuuur usjoeni sss rn
refpecUully tes're'lsbFrefesrioaal services to
the citizens of Oregon City sad viciafeV? as recalar
"Uotonio VhpkkM." ' i . y 1 '
He has long since discarded the ass of tba sai
ous lancet, and with it the belief, that a - saeddiag
man's Wood," to restore life aad heakh to bis decayed
and wasted energies, be can act la accordance with
the principle of comaueihunianity, or the dictates 'of
rtaacm or poiiosophr. He astssTH lawstifyiaf Um
currenU of life, whkk ass Um saatai heakh or ah
ease; and an accumulated osnerieac? of. eighteen
years practice in the States, has eoaviaeed alas that,
In nature a ample gaKea, mar bo fmm
pbnls of sufneient variety i aad inBoacr, to
Nature's ample ganfea, mar bo levod herbs mad
nits of sufneient variett i and Money, to ssfetore. fhv
umeiy appucauon,; any oi um wbom lossay of sasoaoss
to which nan's frail aaUtro i Mtjoet , TtMngaktea
to Uie study of mineral niedjuaes, as arc oUmm, yet,
from bis knowledge of their efWs, fraoioonrietion aad
choice, he haa long since reuoaaeyj, and "aaaonaced,
the use of the bone rottiaf , issa aisasniiiiiasjr mroands,
falsely called remedies, which generate etasnasnad
convulsions, aad, in their epaseaojicea, saojost tho
coastitutioa to many abiding evils, 'to nervosa excite
ment and debility, gradual consumption, aad prema
ture death.
Acting as Nature's ministsiB of relief, bia medicines
are prepared to stand the severest lest. The subenri
brr is willing to stake on the resak of the tisaely apoli
cation of his remedies to the most inveterate diseases,
his reputation as a practical physician, and his honor
a a man. He will pay particular attention ti the
diseases of women and children, to which be has devo
ted much time. Obstetric cases promptly attended to
in me city and country, untce and residence oa
Water-street, at the late residence of Mr. P. H. Hatch,
where he may at all times be found, unless profession
ally absent
Oct. 29, 1846. 3ra30
Wafoa ami Cart Tirt.
BAR IRON, suitable for Wagon and Cart Tire,
assorted sixes, for sale at the Brick Store, Ore
gon City. Oct. 15, 1846. 19tf
Far fsmle Br Fsivats Costeact.
THAT most eligible and desirable claim situated
job Uie banks of the CaUlepootle river' (caned
the Oaks.) It is most advantageously situated for a
large dairy, having a splendid range for stock and
hogs. It is well wooded with the finest UaK in we
country. On the claim are two log houses, one 28 by
14 the other 18 by 14 pig sties framed barn, 52
by 27 also a house, wood prepared out of cedar, 40
by 25 and abonl 40 acres of land inclosed. The
house is situated about 400 yards from the CaUlepoo
tle, and about hah mile from the Columbia, and with
in three hours ride of Vancouver. This claim will be dis
posed of at a moderate price. For further nmiticalais,
apply to the subscriber on the premises.
The Oaks, Nov. 6, 184k 21tf
DlsMlatUa. &Z
vers and William Glasei, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent W. GLA8ER,
The Manufactory of Hats will be carried on at the
old stank by WM. G LASER, who has taken chaige
of the entire Stock, and assumed the .debts of the
firm. Orders tilled at the shortest notice.
Oregon City, Oct 24th, 1846. 20tf
AL. L. respectfully announces to 'the public that
e he is" ready at any tisao to survey any'clalma
or landed property, when calWd upon. All orders for
warded to A. L. L., at the Oaks, below Vancouver,
wiU be attended to. Sept. 29, 1840 18tf ' .
Oloclu I Clocks! Clock!
A FEW Fancy Metal Clocks tor sale, at) the
store of John II. Coach, for available funds. An
awful discount made for cash ! No charge saade for
examining the article. For price, Inquire at the store,
Oct. 29th, 1846. 88tf.
THE undersigned have this day formed a 'co-partnership
for the transaction of General Coombs
aion Business at Oregon City .and Portland, under the
name and style of F. W. FeUygrove At Co.
Oreiron City. Nov. 10th, 1846. , , j , SStf
M. B. McCiarsj'eVCJe
smrnip raAHteJi&i, .
. . . .. ... i
JAMBB'. meuiiUHu,
Nov. 11,1846.
.. I
HoNOfriMI,, Oaho,
.. iaisfv .
Cjaaav .aasMf aMaaaw,
aswarsr nW LINW CtTT"
i aaj-MrsajW Jaitiat
uesastiv atosssan
UrimM ---- tiTFJ-w' T
fM-saeto siroaoyoatefs4Mtvlusi
Hoc SMassoM tiL tftntS. f
eftrt aaoie u deasrve tk, natioaSfs'sf to M Wm
eis.aadtasensstaaaitirAsptalK' ' ,"7
Oct 15. ifTtT A. R. F1IIR.
Tke way t Ke
A LL those ws, have wade sifi si ,ai wMi H.X.
L Kaifhtoa lor rrtan or tavern Ua. asf i
call and settle. AsIWrsseM aryfernr'aasrsl
my tavern bsnlaisi nkh tho pwsea anoBtt.I.ajejt
bnVtWfaalfht. - 7I?T...".Vr'"
Dec lOth, 1846. tt'M.?klrTOIC.
' " ' mii'i iiiisa.aw iiissss s s
Tavata aaUTaaasxy.
1 NOTICE tslMreVyrntatheeMsoasef
(s!l Oreioniant the Wssaenud htssls sssjobv-'
iSKLiag the stand formerly kept by Malty, en the
west side of the river, aad hopes to give general ostis
faction to all who may aH m asm,UTrstReody
pay, 25 cents per meal Prieo lor ssm'ovarJskjM,
VSeesss Abfkiaas of produce itt mints
thoosaM. ' ' ' J . A ' t
Also, Dtelcs wbieh he wii imoMs hsI tea'
oa shares. Ptaees of dieosit Jasaph MelsagkHn,
near UMssosth of YaamA river, aad atta Ttmmr,
abe, at ray Tarem stand. "' "'
CD. smith:
Linn City, April ', 1846-7tf. '- '
10,000 Reward for every one to aHend 'Hr
) Mm humesa. '
rTIHE sahoerieor hrgs leave to I
JsL largs, that he has isHHiihil hassalf .an tlso-
WaHremiihrag m general,, w Oregoa CKjr, : waoro-hn
wulluepoanandan aawrimeut of Plows, wfash oaa
net besmpasaed hi the States. Persons wishing to W.
chase plows, eon he aecrsnrnsHalsd wkh thmmjmUk
od oraaoanacoV Also, Patent Pitch Feeks,,Moasr
Axes, and al kinds of mechanies' tools. AstsjemnVj
scriber has, had long experience m macWaery, Im'isaes.
hhnself russule to execute 'si kinds of ssjlwotk,'
onmgta nsacaiaes, sthrssrnsBsmsBeaef'aost
anasnyoelnitaaML ,' ' ' ' 'Mifi
Gosalepasa wjskhm;.? asjreaase any. of sho
a If alii tfMl. rTUv . .. "''
." ' D. C. IGLEt. "
Fehmryl,1844-Stf "
Faaa far iale.
The sassaribsr
Oct 15, 1846.
favorable tern
Yamhill ooun
In dragon. The' fences are saperier. snd'ianldraiaj
goctf. For price and terms, apairy to llw aafssaftssv
onthepreraUs. . JLANSOM CLAWL,
upied by the subscriber, k
rTfmhlii termL It la aitlMtxt ml attt at tk
YafjhiBoounly,''welIwatered, aad tho best
YamhlU, 8ept 10th, 18441711
If ew 'Ainaeawt
aa Taesal
ffssil Taalaty Buins. for sale.' There am esi tko.
JJDssLcliiirn'BO acres ia cttkrvsaon, aaslerpifeos!
fence, with n leg -cabin thereon, ati Use tiaBbor for a
framed dwelBsg and bam, a ojuaalky of skmgisa, eU.
Peiions wishing to pnrohase agoeJfaiBB, wsfatowooj'
to visit ue above, as it vou be bom aa geea
For further snrtkulajs, inquire of '
the adjoining claim, of of the sabstribtr.'at Peslisnd.
May28,1846-tf t - ' . A. COOK. "
WW the Bnclt Store,,Uregoa CKy.
Farm Jar lalt.
II AT soaarisr aad mast iMitikli ihsa.'
Mtuatesi oa the Yarnhas mor, nasi ,
fnHHE ssdiriffnedw9l furnish tk
JL datien ia Us nower, to batkMaml
and wil ekurgt nothing' at all, soke wW wtpist ssssiy.
pay in an cases, .norses 0ougu sjja toM m vaaoj, . ,
N. B. 200 of Oregon Scrip waatod.kt otstaaaga
for Horses, or payment of onfrtBaniaf anaanla. ' '
i t - ' ' ;J, W, MOBS.
WUlameUe rails, Nrv.SfVi mi '
I'llEREBY'saSsimy ita bihiir
-ther of John MaLsaakKn. or the Hssnsnrl'nW
Companyf I do ssA'aawdhsJactly niaiasBisiMaJt
party dated ia Octobsv 1B44, wtsl m aolfaMi
the Dsvment is-coanaellad bv law. as tho naBBBsmlafi
said Bote in'"aod snerekantable wkoak'aos fesoa an.
. ... ' . .. : . . rr
fused at theiransry at Uatea. . , , ,'".' Y" . :
Dec'ia, r8468M iw JACOB HOOTER. Vs"
WMT HEAT, Oau, Cora. PeasaVWUte
N . ' .
I' t
Potatoes., Ak,
"l (iV)
and BressMsnT Sows.
AbssY tolho siikseriBefTan Ma hsnai sii I
... -. . -Z - iT-7.Tir-.w-
butirvav. -n - t r-'""-; "KMlai -'
v.b.iii a-m irwv. toAM ittr -vtit .
"T" wi, vmw ii- i - Mwtir t I
. .f.j t?j
Tss Five lUIUsi ia advaaoot tf aat
tkaoassraaoa'af Uwofmenshs, aiic'iaja
aojoratttasAfjBnliafr su moa4as, lk4
smetherithAUMiltsSM 1 , .y
sm wymsBBBBao maj
kMwtksi.' 'AajoWJ
mhi vmu
Oregon City, JM. 7, 1W7. . , atf
v 4r-
t lT"5
. r - t-Y--
,,rV;iJTi H r
,LK, A7,.W.'
?HR t