-- j--v nm-ammntminam THE SPECTATOR. Oreftem Cy Jf T 010. L. CDMT, EDITOR H. W. lIBtwwII, IMWTBK. REsonrndjHi Passed by ffte Brrf 0 JWrsete 3V en Tuesday rsimr, 0ee.u "'"TV.T.f! tuterierf ii the "SpecffrA JUI eVt mrtmt raluMt Rflvti, That the paper wffl to I III llHli to al subscribe who have paid, unless they signify W e .contrary. . . ... A. Retched, That the hum of al '" Oren Spectator" who, by the ehaa of thto Tetany, hall not have paid their substriatiaao, ? rWyBeajdDkeotor. Oregon City, Dec. 2d, lMfi. ', Omook SrecTAToa Nt FefcouMV-The aeit Tolume or the "Spectator" wl eesnuieeee on the 4th of February ensuing . The tonal wM to tve dollars-or.if paid in cash, four dnante for ineeai In consequence of the tardineei of tat ntoaaitoa la liquidating our demanda against then), we Ail not to mbte to enlarge, aa had been oar desire, at toast fat the preaent, Pcbmc Mamsa-In another cohwna wffl to found a call for a public meeting of Ike tumefe to. Tualitln county, on the 16th bat, to take an enures to prevent their ruin eo reada thecal. Tun Holiday The holidmya have aeaaed.aad we tuppoae conferred their uanal amount of enjoyment at any rate, there haa been a went ebeHfsead fatiguing puriuit of pleasure at aH events the hmorer la worthy of his hire. Publication of Liwa On tho fcataageof this paper we recommence the puhHcotioa of the laws of the Territory. Those paaeed by tho recoat logiela fire will be pnbliahed first, after which, tho pufcncatlon of tuch aa have not yet been made pubue, of 'prrvktqs enactment, will be resumed. Good Law We would call Uw attention of ow friends abroad to the Pilot Lent, and u enactment to prevent ' the Deerrtiom ef Sternum, which wfll to found upon our in page. Wo trust they waaj prove highly satlafactory to all, and mult toaefclaliy to tho country. Cobjikctio5 In our last number, in ear of Legislative Doings," - An act for tho ereetlea of a jail," preoentedMnr Mr. TVaalt, should havt-faad " A bill to be entitled an Act to amend aa Act far tho erection of a jail," V Tnta CWJ" proTUona for the settlement of the estate of tho late Ewing Young. Tho acNrhich waa penned la De cember, 1844, appropriated fifteen hundred deaeieef the receipts from said estate, for the ereetlea of a jaH, pledging the faith of the government for the repay ment of the full amount of such receipts. Tho net likewise provided for tho appointment of aa adminis trator, And called for a speedy conclusion and settle ment of the business of the tftate. Aa wo all know, the jail was destroyed by fire In the month of August last, and it speaks well for tho morals of the oonanw nity, that the want of such a building hat toea felt but in two or three instances. TrroaRAriucAL Aknivbsaut. Tho anniversary of the birth day of Benjamin Fbanbxh tho pne ter, philosopher and statesman wffl occur on the 17lb .Instant Would it not to a pleasant oeeasioa to eels brate In Oregon? Most assuredly we think k would, and suggest the Idea to tho moraton of tho" hkethtg Association." Every Ay ia tho United Btatoi ala bratoiiFraaklia's birth night hi ma happy meaner. Let us also endeavor to keep this mimorubls wreak green in oar memories. Could wo not select aamo person to deliver aa address apaveerieto to tho ooca sion, on tho evening of the IT tartan,' and after. wards meetamnd the festive board t Let aa try. ' DnMmnii nm Jfena Biimhi, Wa to state the Judge aWaW has resigned kb) aa' -JadfB) of tho Supremo Cowt of Orogea ToaiHaiy,! the guiles of whioh be h rer perfonMd la jap able, faithful and satiafaetory manor. Iahisioiaf nation, tho bench loses one who was eauneatly eaaal d to give it honor, and although we feel that we aaav to loaera iy this departure of aoaad judgment and hh ialeats tno It, yet, Mwtheleae, do we heajflywlah thatoarleai niay prove hie gain. J IVeraoM hao retard to lafncUoattotewMw toeaoaea MartiKt to ear verttag THE NIWYkliR. AawayMWMaftoeBtieadeait Eighteen hum- VodaWsi tf aiiijat ataltog on the etage of has aaaad away feveata) ,j tto'aaaaj v The djaag late, e'er eeMvo's grave ; , Aad sjtowiaM Meat the keenness of the power TawUhaieftoegtiaseaehby.goehtrT What taenia thai natare hath a serious cast T mami&imw iu ,. i ill! I i aalil il I nr n Ml J. iA I3TVT q5 i to easwaanaeaaiai a awnMry s wMnmm I aa MIA ii u,ww 15,000 " Tho IvVo faahfal to the storied past ! ,ffth Bs'wild greeaaeai aeeas Time's hoary bed, Aad nasnratii thereaatof the dead. Hav the newveei"areve aresiUous to the interesU of ewaBMatoeoaatry, aaamid the viciaatudes of Iwaaaa'larlpj aad'.Taaity ff human wishes, be full of gtalhleaUMhNitowteairee of her people. In a retrespeeuea w lae past, we au see wnerem we aaJgki'havo aetodl 'bettor ear parts exercbed mom wheat raked In this Territory during the past year, which we think is as comet aa it b possible to obtain. : Chiming county, , , OOfiOO toaheb. ' m...iLL. ." . i i 'an Ann n IWRII' f mvpw Yaaahul ' Polk A - Claekaaaw. Vancouver, Clat ofaatUwia niaayie, , ,45,000 " According to this etlsaate,'s htndred and fifty thouMnd busheb of wheat were produced last year , in this country. Of this amount there is be)ond question a surplus of fifty thousand bushels for expor tationsay ten IhouMiid barrels of flour. Tho next year's production will be considerably great er, without doubts l'olk is a new and very large ' county, possessing aa nuwunt of fertile soil that ill luke years to put under cultivation, although the coun ty is being rapidly settled, and consequently is annual ly increasing its cultivated area. Yamhill, Tuali tin and Lewis counties can and will accomplish much more in the growth of wheat hereafter. Especially .a a . t a t I. s f II rartoaraaee'aad forgiveness, more true charity and ' ,ne ocmm M " nn oeuniry auout ins wwu ww love. Teas naVoy us like the wind. We see not ' geUy Pd to roceie the seed of the abon- uani uarveai. Oats grow excellently well throughout the Territo ry, and it ia seldom that the husbandman is disap pointed in his expectation of a profuse return from this crop. We find it Impossible to obtain any estimate of the annual production of this article 'that may be de pended upon, The cuHivatloa of tobacco haa but re- ,WKh salisJaotisa instead of aorrow aad regret, and with y introduced with equivocal succe-, and at a Wave aad stout attrtfsr any aad ever- emergency, , pr""' " oniewnai prooiemaucai wnemrr h wm leek forward to the fatore with cheerfulness and hope. ' ot ufficient encouragement to more extensive ope- To hrre one another our neigh- rations. In the space of a few yeas, as soon as it growth m made an object, wo shall have another great and im portant staple in the article of Hemp, the culture of which has been already fairly tested in this country, with the most gratifying results. Grbtt and saw mills are numerous in the Territory, aim these are cowrtant in their opt ration lonp as die staeo of water F Wits. Four'of these saw mills ' alone manufacture j early over fifteen hundred tliou 1 sand feet of lumber, the greater part of this amount is, and has been for some time ready for shipment wtoaae the eddy eeaua, aar whitherward it is lend ing, aad we.aaeja oareetvea to witness their flight with eaaaaaeataa we are changed ; aad yet time is be gaiiag anaa of ab atreagth, as the winds rob tho weoaief tba iaMage." So lot as Uve, that, aa these eeaaaassaaf, i thae aaaai thus milestones, as it were, nfaaraay,aasliwayteeloiaity, we can regard the past 8etolive,.toleve. tor ae oejsslf It k a divine commandment the rwineifle of aiHast aetiei. -It blove that shall de atrey the faetMioaa dadiactioaoof society unite man kwodteeaeaarwanilhiathtiheod and achieve tlie liar eatoai wiasklp of the oat God. Whoa the bat (eekag of the human breut, la He aaantiaoaha to final rest ; When all of beauty sbaQ have passed away, Aad tho mind's vision triumphs o'er decay ; Whoa life ltsslf.retooaingtoito Lord, Finds that perfection earth could not afford t atJa at.! & aiaulHiiAnUiiul (14! AIM ut tiiav Oh I thM,perehaaN, wbeasinly taint hath pa-ed. ;- ' -; -- T ,,T " t- .L i- . sarey remark, that we are able w freight several more And heaven's ewa knags aa the soul M cast, ' u , ... ,. vevacoi asrrgumnjr uicj giiimj tw wik m im truth is, that under existing circumstances, we have I few opportunities of exporting our produce. Give Or I egon but a fair chance, and her commerce will yet i whiten the waves of the Pacific and Indian oceans. And heaven's ewa baage The mortal heart any yield Its idol up, Forget be worship dash be joyous cup ! Bui like that iewor whioh turns to meet the sun, And drinks be radiance tin" the day is done, 80 wiM the true heart naauea once inspires, Tarn ever towards the object it desires. The bard, of ateaer, any not yabdy seek To give einreaalaa aad make fancy speak ; The reahas ideal where bis geaius reigns All, al anay areathw ghvy for hb pains. But Lore's dewlaiea always is Ms own, It wiH not brook a ihral near the throne, Where sanaiest aailes and brightest dreams abound, Aad eight the sweetest, joys the most profound ; Whose Hen attending with her rosy hours, Weaves gayeat garlands mid tho moonlit bowers. --Oh J IJyekaa! to the pure heart given, Earth's ptototypiag of he destined heaven. Aad Love shag triumph, for it is of God ! The tea though awuYd, the spirit walks abroad, Lives hi aba dwawlags of those souls thai yearn, Aad eaaaet uauah far it is etera. The sorpaat'a tral asay still be in the heart, Aad far' a aeaeaa vaaejaioh with its art ; Bat truth aad ihtae Godaosslsln Love, That baage at asesabe, like tho Ark's own dove, Of aaaee aad safety after trials boras, Bast for tho weary joy for those who mourn. The heart o'er tasked, though yielding in the strife, SUB brokenly teres aa through after life, Aad none may know the rich aad golden bond That chained k hare whoa substance was beyond, For. ea the spirit away a viaion's east, Tee rwset too bright, too beautiful to last I ttolatrvtea sbmuV'rW'oWi'.al fw!mmVM,fi. Wa ID" We neglected to stale, in speaking of the Me morial in our lost paper, that the House of Keprrsen ' talives made arrangements to forward two copies by I sea, one to California, and the other to the Islands, from thence bv the first opportunity to the States. Col. Finley, abo, was empowered to be the bearer of a I triplicate cop- when he retuns to the States, as he in , tends doing in the Spring, by the overland route. The copies for California and the Island are now on their way per bark Toulon. j For the Oregon Spectator. COMPLIMENTS TO MARY. You are like the rose the queen of flowers the first to be noticed, and always the first to be valued. You are like the modest primrose that peeps beneath the thorn. You are like the lily, surpassing all the flowers; for Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these for he was not innocent and you are. You are like the Polyanthus, which blushes very pretty behind tho garden gate. You nre like the evert pea, and your supporter is your virtue. As the pale moon, the silent queen of night, Rules by her power the ocean's restless wave, And glads the sailor with her trembling light, When, winged with fury, tempests round him rave ; Ho o'er my spirit torn with passion's strife, Toas'd by ambition reigns thy gentle sway, And though assail the rudest storms of life, My mad despair thy influence can stay. Banks of the Columbia, Dec. 15, 1846. For the Oregon Spectator. Mr. Editor. It !h said that necessity is . t- j.iL .ul. ui' . tno mowiejjy invention, nuu uim una mum. elJVS '""u. j"CL' tyis imperiously called forth in Oregon, fccto-eoraethlng which may be ono knoW8 our morcHntj0 gimation, crn for a moment question. There can then, bo no apology necessary for proposing a plan for our relief, dictated by necessity. Lot us then form one grand and combined export ing company : the more we can haw to join in it, tho bettor for tho country, and tho sooner we shall havo relief, In this compa ny, nearly ovory farmer could tako one hare, which should consist of ono hundred bushels of wheat, delivored in tho mill or granaries of (he company ; tho company to s organized under a proper constitution, wjth a president and directors, chosen annu ally by tho stockholders, each share being entitled to a vote. Tho company should con tipue in operation for at least Ave years be fore, winding up, Tho president should U- auBBaaaBsjaauBaaBasjeaaja ai .11 . -- sun scrip for tho amount of Mock actually paid in by each stockholder, and this alone, after tho first organization, should givd the stockholder i. veto. Tim president and di rectors hav'ng regard to tho constitution, should mal.e all by-laws, direct tho salo, shipment, dee. of produce, and fix thn prlco on merchandise belonging to the compnny ; havo published annually a full statement of tho condition of tho company in some news paper, and keep the books always open to the inspection of stockholders. The compa ny thus organized, and with a stilhcicnt freight of flour or lumber, should charter n csm'1, send an ngoiTt to diHiioHe of it, and to purchase such goods as tno farmer necn. On tho return, each shareholder to lie allow, ed to draw at cost and carriage, each year, one half, or two thirds of tho value of each share, tho remaining portion kept back till tho end of five years, for tho piirchawj of ships, mvrcliaudiHo, materials for building mill und constructing thesamo for use of the company at the und of v. Inch timo tho com pany may wind up, if thought best, and a complete dividend made of principal and in teroM. An agent despatched to Now York, or Boston, with tho bonds of the company, would bo able to purchase on time, all the materials for the construction of mills and such mer chandise as would enable them to carry on their business with their heads above water, lie could either ptirelinM! a vessel, or give employment at stated prices, until tho com pany should be prepared to nay for it. Ho could bid for the supply of the Navy in tho Pni.ifin llm mililurv IKlstS 011(1 (IrSL'OOUti Sta. t toned in Oregon, with moro UHtturaiico of getting it than any other individtiul or com pony in the world. Thus e would, by our own influence, successfully counteract a sys tein of mercantile extortion, that has rarely had a parallel, and which must bring poverty and wrcterlldnes in the most fruitful coun try in tho world, if tamely submitted to. To prove this, let ui submit facts ; one bush el of our choicest Wheat will only purchase '2 pounds of coflee, or tho sume quantity of nails,' or 3 panes of window glass, and other things in proportion, when our flour is sold in the mills of the merchants, at Oregon nilv. In llm nanw inirrfncv that wheat is liuid , for', for 94 per hundred pounds, or at the Sandwich Islands, for from 910 to 10 dollnrs per barrel. Thus vou see how we are im- . poMul upon : even tlio gold which the poor . . . ..I., i i :. ....:..i emigrant iciciies nerc, iosr nn vuiuu m vii.--gon. In the States, sovereigns nre worth 84 81 cents in the banks or luml offices ; but here, they can only be puvscd to these all controlling monopolies, for 81 fiO cents, and will only buy 1'JJ pounds of coffee, or 1H pounds of nulls. Verily, relief is called for in these particulars, and that speedily, or we are ruined. M. ' PIODUCTION8 OF OREGON. We an ia want of asore staustieaf information ffcttn we bare yet raoihud aeaeerafag the various produc tioeo of ear Tentseryi reed upon that wht eeaetitnte a data from which to asjiepesteaeaad aWweeaohusons. It will bo of in calculable advantage to' the country to have indispu taate lafiiaaatlM, as to the productive qualities of our soU daaeemktatod abroad, There has been somewhat of aa leiggintlaa of truth a straining after effect ia snath of the lafirnnllsa aahlished for tho benefit of Orogea. We aid an? ijhaai'wbe behove that the end eon noTse Jaunty tsW'atoaa and particularly In this ee,k Jt uaateai to lelert'te' any other means than tra4, without strotsamg k kt the least, to to of essen- Jatho agjiluaiiatef the end in view. Tno i wil achieve more, ,thM prwiiUautnt nnd ' Whteh Wo been writ- OiWau. a tn r &! MmMMt Fur the Oregon Spectator. LOOK OUT FOR IIHKAKKKS! A public meeting will be held by the fnrm ors, at tho Methoilist meeting house in Tual itin Plains, on Saturday, the Kith instant, to take measures to prevent our ruin, by thn combined operation of tho merchunts awl shippers, who have united to tio us down and prevent us from gcttingitho just rowan! of our labor, by refusing to ship produce for us, and combining to force ub to take their goods for it, ut prices ruinous to us and de structive to thoA interest of the country ; and by ottering us by way of insult, what thoy nro pleased to call 00 or 80 centsper bushel ; as per exumple from 2 to 2 pounds of collec, or 2J mnnds cut nails, or :i panes of window ij'Inss, per bushol of wheat, and other articles in proportion ; whilo flour is sold at the Sandwich Islands, in less than 20 days sail, nt from tlO to 916 per barrel. We hopo noun will, wo holiovo none can bo absent, who has his interest of tho of tho country at hoiirt. Turn out boys, rain or shine. A friend to fnir trado who appeared in a previous number of the Oregon Speotator, is particularly invited. Should his plait suit, wo are pledged to fur nish him ten thousand bushels of wheat to start with. A Rockv Mountain Boy. Questions in Subokry. Do wounds of. ten heal by tho " first intention 1" Not when the pationt is rioh nnd tho surgeon poor. When does mortification ensue 1 When you "pop the question,'.' nd re answered no. & t.'l J