Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 24, 1846, Image 3

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Oregon City, Deoember 17tb, 1840.
I return to yourvjionorablo body, tho Act
entitled " An Act tf)x!gulato tlio rnanufac
turn uikJ salo of wine and distilled spirit
ous liquor," with my objections' to tho sumo.
Previously to our organization as a pro
visional government, public sentiment kept
liquor from being manufactured or sold in
tlio Territory.
Ilcrotoloro every act of the Legislature
lias been us fur ax ardent spirits wan con
cerned, prohibitory in dmraeter.
The Act now lying Iwforo mo i.i tho firot
Act that has in uny way attempted to legal
i.o tho inunufrtuluro and muIo of ardent
At tho session of the Legislature held in
June 18-11, an Act wuh pawned entitled, "An
Act to prevent the introduction, Halo und din.
tillution of urdent spirits in Oregon." And
ns far us my knowledge extendM, the pannage
of this Act gave satisfaction to the great ma
jority of the Kjoplo tliroughout the 'territory.
At tho session of December, 1845, several
uincudiiientx were propovd to the old law
uud pusrd; tho new features given to the hill
by these amendment did not accord with the
vie wi of the people ; I lie insertion of the
words give und gift, in the first und second
sections of the hill, they thought wus tuking
away their rights, us jt was considered u
man hud a right to give away his properly,
if he chose. There were several oilier
objections to the bill, which I set forth in my
messagi! to your honorable IxmIv. I would
therefore recommend that the amendments
passed at the December session, 1845, be re
pealed, and that the law passed .llli June,
19 1 1, with such alterations as may make it
agree with the Organic Law, if it does not
agree with it, be again made the law of the
It is said by many that the Legislature
have no riht t prohibit the introluctiou or
hale of liq lor, und this probably is the
Mmngest argument used in defense of your
bill. Hut do you not as elFeetually prohibit
every persou who has not tho sum of one,
two or three hundred. dollars to pay fur his
license as does the law now on the statute
look. Are not your proe d fines and pen
alties as great or creaf than those inflict
"l by the old I W'.vre then is the benefit to
the people ''iero is no doubt in my mind,
but that the !uv will bo evaded as easily and
us often '.;ider the new law, us it was under
the old. and in addition to this, there will be
the legal manufacturers, imorters and sol
lers, who will be able, under the sanction of
the law, to scatter all the evils attendant up
on the use of alcoholic drink. Wo arc in
an Indian- country men will be found that
will supply thc:i with liquor as long as they
have beaver skins, blankets and norseaYo
puy fojr it. If a quantity should lie introdu
ced among the Walluwalln's ami other tribes
in tliiMtnuor country who can foretell the
(consequence? Then? we have families ex
xwd and cut off from1 the protection of tho
settlement, and perhaps at thcjlrst drunken
frolic among tho Indians in that region, they
may be cut off from tho face of the earth.
Hut we need not go so fur: wc aro exposed
in every part of our frontier, and when once
difficulties commence, we cannot tell when
they will cease. It has been proved before
the Houso'of Commons, that ono half of the
insanity, two.thirds of tho pauperism, and
llirnn Imirflia nf tlin ,.rimn f Hm.i tlw.fntM
.... .ww..... w. ... w..... ... V.C W..lU.,.,j
may no directly traced to tho use of al
coholic drink. Tho testimony of our most
eminent Judges in tho Unitod States shows
that tho saino proportion of crimo in attribu
table to ardent spirits in that country. Sta
tistics might bo produced, showing tho enor
mous ovil and oxpcnsn of an indiscriminate
uso of liquor. As to revenue, tho small
amount received for licenses, instead of be.
ing a revenue, would In) swallowed up in tho
expenses attending trials for crimo ico., caus
ed by tho granting of these lrcensos. Rut
leaving all other countries out of viow, let
us consider our own state Surrounded by
Indians no military forco to aid the execu
tive and other officers in tho disohargo of
tueir duties not a solitary prison in tho
land In which to confine offenders against tho
laws, and consequently no way of enforcing
tho penalties of tho law, I think these things
should call for serious and calm reflection
beforo passing your final voto on this bill.
My opinion is, that tho peoplo aro opposed to
legalizing the introduction and sale of liquor
in this land. I may be mistaken, tad there
fore should be in favor if the old law, or
something similar should bo adopted, of re.
ferrihg tho whole matter to the polls at tho
next goneral eloction. If the people say no
liquor, continuo to prohibit. If they say
through tho ballot box, wo wish liquor, then
lc it come free, the same as dry goods or any
otho artiele imported or manufactured. But
I hope until the peoplo say they want it, that
you will uso your influence to keep it out of
tho Territory. It is with regret that I return
any bill unsigned, but I feci that we both
buvo duties to perform, and when wo think
duty points out tho way, I truit we may al
wuytMjo willing to follow it.
To the Hon. legislature i
of Oregon Territory. $
Thut dear old home where passed my childish yean,
When fond affection wiped ray infant lean,
Where Tint 1 learned from whence my bleating came,
And lisped in faltering tones a mother' name.
That dear old home, where memory fondly clings,
Where eager fancy spreads her aoaring wing,
Around whoae scene my thought delight to stray,
Ana paa me Hour in pteasrog aream away.
Oh thai! I ne'er behold tby wave again
My native lake, my beautiful Champlain!
Shall I no more above Ihy ripple bend,
In sweet communion with my childhood' friend.
Khali I no more behold1 thy rolling wave,
The patriot' cradle and the warrior prare !
Thy mountain tinged with daylight' tatting glow,
Thy islets mirror 'd in the atream below.
Duck, hack thou present, robed in ahadow lie !
And rise Ihou pert before my raptured eye,
Fancy hall gild the frowning lap between,
And memory' hand shall paint tho glowing scene.
I ! how the view beneath the pencil grow,
The flowrct blooms, tlio winding ttreamlet flow ;
With former friend, I (race my footstep o'er,
Anil muse delighted on my own green shore.
Ala ! it fade, the fairy dream i past ! .
Dissolved the veil by rportive Taney cast ;
Oh .' why should thus our brightest dream depart,
And scene illusive cheat the longing heart T
Where'er, through future life, my step may roam,
I ne'er shall fina a spot like thee, my home !
With all my joy the thought of thee shall blend,
And join'd with thee shall rise my childhood' friend.
J. H. P.
" Merry Christmas." The day of days
the voting heart's festal time Christmas,
" Merry Christmas" is with us again ; and
throwing aside the cares and anxieties of
every day life, let us all enjoy its merry,
makings,' for' they arc as especial blessings.
Wc will rejoice with the children, that San
ta Clam has !ecn so good and generous in
answering the desires of their little hearts,
and learn a lesson, rich in wisdom, even
from trivial matters, to evidence our higher
and nobler nature. Wo will brighten tho
social link in tho chain of oxistence, and
realize our dependence upon one another for
that happiness which is "our being's end
and aim, for tho solitude of the heart is full
of misery
There aro many things that we may do
if wo would, and which we ought to do, but
will not, towards making lifo's rough path
way somewhat smoother, and hedging it with
flowers instead of thorns. Shall we not
sow the good seed now, that the harvest may
be henco 1 Even so, as wo are joyously
wishing each other "a merry Christmas."
Temperance in the Navy.--Tho late
emise of tho U. S. Frisate Cumberland, in
tho Mediterranean, has become somewhat
celebrated, on account or the triumphant
success and prevalence of temperance prin
einlns amonir tho officers and crow. The
crew were paid off at Boston. Tho manner
of their taking leavo of Commodore smith, ts
thus described in the Boston Post :
i 7" The crew of the U. S. Frigate Cumber
i land, at Boston, (says tho Post) preceded by
the Brass Band, and bearing atott at regular
intervals, tho national flag, walked in pro
cession yestorday to tho U. S. Hotel, to pay
their parting respects to their beloved com
modore. Tho sailors were dressed in blue
jackoUand trowsers white frocks with bluo
collars, and black hats with the frigate's
name on the bands. The farewell saluta
tlons of the tarn, and tho reolv of the sal-
lant commodore, to use one of Father Tay
lor's, phrases wero all soul,' and the
oheers and the music blending sent up part
ing echoes that wore heard miles distant.
How must be the manifestation to Commo
dore Smith ; and how beautifully it contrasts
with the parting ourses whloh were heaped
on the head of the nvsrcllees who few
yeartvego was threatened with violence by
the men ho had bru'tallv tyrannized over
while in command of a frigate, which was
aiso paid on at Boston.
ALL persons who have nasrittltd accounts with
the undersigned, art requested to tasks settle
ment by the 15th of January next; a failure to eom-
piy wua mm notice, will make toem acquaiated witu
William Holmes.
8. W. MOSS.
Oregon City, Deo. 38, 1846. 34tf.
DHA.R.T. LOCEY, Physician and Burgeon,
respectfully tenders Us Professional services to
the citizen of Oregon CHy and vicinity, as a rerular
Botanic Physician." ' '
Me baa long aince discarded the use of the murder
one lancet, and with it the belief, that in " shedding
man's Wood," to restore life wd health to hie decayed
and wasted energies, be can act in accordance with'
the principle of common humanity, or the dictates of
reason or philosophy. He believes in purifying the
current of life, which are the seat of health or dis
ease; and an accumulated experience of eighteen
year practice in the States, ha convinced bro that,
hi Nature's ample garden, may be found herbs and
plant of sufficient variety sod efficacy, to remove, (by
timely application,) any of the whole family of disease
to which man's frail nature is subject Though bred
to the study of mineral medicines, as are other, yet,
from his knowledge ef their elect, from conviction and
choice, he has long since renounced, and denounced,
the net of the bone rotting, flesh coneoming nuaerab,
falsely called remedies, which generate cramp and
convulsion, and, in their consequences, subject the
constitution to many abiding evil, to nervous excite
ment and debility, gradual consumption, and prema
ture death.
Acting a Nature' ministers of relief, hi medicines
are prepared to stand the eevereot test .The subscri
ber is willing to Hake on the result of the timely appli
cation of hie remediee to the most inveterate -Meases,
hi reputation as a practical phyaician, and hk honor
a a man. He will pay particular attention to the
disease of women and children, to which he has devo
ted much time. Obstetric case promptly attended to
in the Cily and country. Office and residence on
Water-street, at the late residence of Mr. P. H. Hatch,
where he may at all time be found, unless profecsica
ally absent
Oct 39, 1846. 3m20
Frosics tor Sale.
WHEAT, Oat. Cora, Pease, White Beans, and
Potatoes. Also, Bacon, Halt Pork, Pork Hogs,
and Breeding Sows.
Apply to the subscriber, at his house on the Yam
hill river. RANSOM CLARK.
Yamhill, Sept 10th, 1846 17tf.
Fer isle Br Parr atk Coktmct.
THAT moat eligible and desirable claim situated
on the banks of the Cattlepootle river (called
the Oaks.) It is moat advantageously situated for a
large dairy, having a splendid range for stock and
hogs. It i well wooded with the finest Oak in the
country. On the claim are two log house, one 38 by
14 the other 18 by 14 pig sties framed bam, 53
by 37 also a bouse, wood prepared out of cedar, 40
by 35 and about 40 acres of land inclosed. The
house is situated about 400 yards from the Cattlepoo
tle, and about half mile from the Columbia, and with
in three hours ride of Vancouver. Thk claim will be dis
posed of at a moderate price. For further particulars,
apply to the subscriber on the premise.
The Oaks, Nor. 6, 1846 21 tf
vers and William Gkser, is thai day dissolved
by mutual consent W. GLASER,
The Manufactory of Hats will be carried on at the
old stand by WM. GLASER, who has taken charge
of the entire Stock, and assumed the debts of the
firm. Order filled at the shortest notice.
Oregon City, Oct 34th, 1846. 30tf
AL. L. respectfully announce to the public that
e he is ready at any time to survey any claims
or landed property, when called upon. All orders for
warded to A. L. L., at the Oaks, below Vancouver,
will be attended to. Sept 39, 1846 16tf
Clocks I Clocks! Clocks!
A FEW Fancy Metal Clocks for sale, at the
store of John H. Couch, for available fund. An
awful discount made for cash I No charge made for
examining the article. For price, inquire at the stpre,
0st. 39th, 1846. SOtt
THE undersigned have this day formed a co-part-nership
for the transaction of General Commis
sion Business at Oregon City and Portland, under the
name and style of F. W. Fettytrove At, Co.
Oregon City, Nov., 10th, 1846. 33tf
, JT. U. McCIaVff fc .
S IE HIP (BiEAftl&ieifiS,
HENRY CHKVER, $Uwjcisiaim,
NsV. IS, 14 !
UHst ,01Tf X0TEL,
v - m a -- - '
-sl iiotei beta. perMSMr located, mm
falvmvhlt)iaisrlJseiafO-sM teal- -
"-wy roauco ww se nm hi mvxmm of mm.
Having purchased the Ferry, I wW HsMHthsvaiwai
contraets already entered fartoj and ferry mj IraveU
uutcatmtm free of expense.
The tnveUinr pabtio are reaaectfalfy Informed that
the ferry efcli be punctaairy attended to, and evtrf
.wi iiw waestnre me pauemge or Ha eld
ere, and the fiiasmimllr generally.
Oct is. jo- a:h.
The way to keep tklagi stnUerkt.
ALL those who have made account with H. M.,
Knighton for ferriage or tavern bilk, wil pU
call and settle. As I have said my ferry and sbaM cteee
my tavern umineoa wita the present month, I
onng ininga suaigm.
Dec. 10th, 1846. H. M. KNIGHTON.
Tavern and Tumiy. .
M NOTICE is hereby given to the eitixens of
Oregon, that the undenagaed i bow occupy
ing the stand formerly kept bv Mulkv. on tho
west side of the river, and hopes to give general satis-
faction to all who may call on hbn. Tsi ms Rsadji
pay, 25 cent per meaL Price for hone' ever night,
75 cent All kinds of produce wiD be received for
the same.
Abo, 1,0 HMes WasUeeJ, which ho wffl
tan on shares, or cash or store pay will bn given.
Hides will be received at any time at the above staad,
and also, Hides coming down the river, can bo left at
Mr. Sharp's shop, above the Falls, where tho nadw-
signed will receive them.
Linn City, April 30, 184&-7tf. '.
1Q,000 Reward for every out to attend to U
' own business.
THE subscriber beg leave to inform the paMfe at
large, that he has established bJaMrtf he tho
Blacksmithing in general, in Oregon City, whet ha
will keep on hand an aaaortment of Plows, which can
not be surpassed in the State. Person wishing to pur
chase plows, can be accommodated with then, fakh
ed or unfinished. Abo, Patent PHeh Forks,- Heee,
Axes, and all kinds of mechanics' took As the siaW
scriber has had long experience in machinery, bo fcole .
himself competent to execute all kinds of mil week,
shingle machines, and thrashing inachines of the hot
approved patents.
Gentlsmen warning to purchase any of the atora
articles, will do well to call and examine far thnehres
on Mala street, Oregon City.
February 19, 1846-3tf
Farm for Sale.
The subscriber oflere hk varaabk claks. ki
Tualaty plains, for sale. There are ea tho
claim bO acre in cultivation, under a coed
fence, with a log-cabin thereon, and also tkabec W a
framed dwelling and bam, a quantity of sUajiss, fte. ,
Pereous wishing to purchase a good fares, waf do we'
to visit the' above, as it will bo seM eojrood leans.
For further particurs, inquire of Was. Bnaoirsv r
the adjoining claim, or of the subscriber, at Fertkad.
MayS8,1846-9tf A-COOK. N
ft the Brick Store, Oregon City.
Oct 15, 1846. 19tf i
li JL
Faza for Sals.
HAT superior and moat desirable clakm, ,
situated on tb Yamhill river, aad
occupied by the subscriber, WbSered lor sale on
favorable terms. It k situatsd at about the coaler of
Yamhill county, well wateied, and 'the nest '
in Oregon. The fences ant superior, aad
imm! Cam iJm .ml .am-wi .n-J. im. iL.
lwu. m wa wivh uw M3.ll, FT H. uiv QasaVf
on the premise. KAN SUM CLAKK.
Yamhill, Sept. 10th, 1846 17tf.
New Arnuegeaaeat.
FMIHE undenicned will furnish tho heat i
a datlon in his nower. la hath Ma mJ H i
and will charge nothing at all, ubewiMexpeetready
pay ball case. Horses Bought and Sold as waal
N. B. $300 of Oregon Scrip wanted iaexchaafo
for Homes, or payment of outstandiag accounts. -.
. W, MOSS. 7
Viametto Falk, Nov. 36, 1846. Mt.
I HEREBY give notice that my note in fcvar "
therof John McLooghUn, or the Hndssa's Say:
Company, I.do not imw distinctly reeaassUrwhkli
party-dated in October 1845, wiU not bo paid mim
the payment k compelled by kw, as tho paynssat
said note in "good merchantable wheat", has Uea re-1
fused at the granary at Linton.
Dee. 10, l;i6 33tf JACOB HOOVER. .
Wat on aid dart
BAR IRON, suitable for Wagon end Cut lW
assorted sites, for sale at UtoBikk Slaw; Oss?
goo CHy.' Oct 15,1841, ' . " lUf :'
The Oreawa samilafsf. .,
Tiamv-Five doUaa in advanee t if m paid natS
the exniratlon of thr "- six
paid at the expiratioa of six abatbsTl
serve the right to deauaue. ' '
D. Advertieemenk iaeerted at oao
ceukper square of sixteen Mass of 4sv4
Insertion, aad ssvsaty-ivs seals miWm).
ssnwa; a neorai sssawisa w
' crAUk.JOsvoi
tsd at Uw nis- wOJsi wt-
,l,vtl KaE i.vw
y 1. M.M