although Homo years may roll by before tho completion of this great undertaking, yet we shall anxiously look forward to tho time when, by such a work, commerco shall stride with gigantic steps over those wild and soli, tary regions now known only as the hunting grounds of tho trapper or tho red man. In conclusion, your humble memorialists having presented for your consideration somo of the most important subjects to tho pros perity and well-doing of our adopted coun try, do most earnestly and respectfully pray thai they, may meet such reception and con eidoration, as shall redound to-rtho-pcaco and nmcnoritv nf nil interested, and the further ance of an attachment 6 the government of J ,tho United Slates of America, as shall ccaile-j only with our existence. Ann your memo rialists, as in duty bound, will ever pray. Attest, A. L. LOVEJOY, Speaker. N. Hubbr, Clerk. 1 tSBtVXOaKf THE SPECTATOR. Oregon City, December Hi, 1840. CEO. L. CCkKY, -EDITOR X. W. C0LWELL, MISTER. RESOLUTIONS Fatted by the Board of Director at thtir meeting on Tuetday evening, Dee. 2d, and ordered to be interted in the "Spectator," till the end of the pretent volume. Retohed, That the paper will be continued to all subscribers who have paid, unless they signify to the contrary. Retohed, That the name of all subscriber to ;ie 'Oregon Spectator" who, by the close of this volute, hall not have paid their subscriptions, be stricken from the list and the sending of the' paper discontinued. JNO. P. BROOKS, Sec'y Board Directors. Oregon City, Dec. 2d, 1846. To CoRREtroxDEKT. Some " Compliment to Mary" shall have a place in next paper; we perceive Fnget's Sound has got up to the banks of the Colum bia. Those verses signed r, are capital We will publish them with pleasure. " Willamette" is under consideration. The Veto Message, In another column will be found the Message of the Governor upon returning the Liquor Bill" to the House without his approval The merits of the document, although it did not affect the result, were generally acknowledged. Col. Hall, of Tuality, in an admirable speech in favor of the bill, paid the Executive a very handsome compliment. Mr. Speaker Lovejoy, in some able and pertinent remarks, in behalf of the bill, also spoke in complimentary terms of th-SrasKgerThose for, and those against the biiHjrsred everv arzumenrUiey could command to auftheir respective tides of the question. In the op position, Mr. Newell and Dr. Tolmie were most prom inent When the final vote cume to be taken, the scene was serious and impressive. A Hint. Our subscribers must understand that if they would wish to see the " Spectator" appear, dur ing the ensuiug year, in an enlarged form, they must pay their subscriptions. There is very little prospect of an enlargement, unless our friends come up to the work as they ought Fay the printer or yeu get no Paper. O A negro man named James D. Saul was brought to this city recently from the mouth of the river, charged with having caused the death of his wife, an Indian woman. He was examined before Justice Hood, the result of which examination we' have never been able to ascertain, but the accused is at large and likely to remain to we suppose. Drowned. We are pained to state that Mr. V. W. Dawson, a respected citizen of Tualitin county, was recently drowned in the Cowlitz river; He was enga ged in .removing his family to the Sound, where they were about to make themselves a new home. The fataily have since returned. The Memorial-This document will be referred to and read with a great deal of interest We regard it as being good, and doubt not but that it will prove satisfactory to the people. We hardly know whom to credit the memorial to, so many had a hand in it la th 1 first place, Messrs. Hall, Peers, Summers, McDon ald aad Boone were a committee that gave birth to one, which was referred to a select committee, Messrs. T'Vault, Summers and Peers. This committee refer red the whoW badness to Mr. Peers, who revised, re wftte and balk up ths Memorial as it now ttaads, aad v thiak it tstow greatly fe tk wtU COLUMBIA RIVER, AGAIN. In our last paper, we took occasion to make some observations relative to the mouth of Columbia river, in order to show the availability of that river as a certain w safe channel of commercial communica tion. We resume the subject with increased confi dence in our ability to maintain the position we have taken. n I There is no want of facta to prove that the entrance and navigability of the Columbia is comparatively easy and attended with little or no risk certainly much leas than has been so contiderately and minute ly published to the wsrid, from sources too, whence we ought to have expected better things most assuredly , more reliable information. The only difficulty we la bor under is, to properly arrange, these facts to give them to the public and the people of other countries, und more partictularly, our own general government, in such a shape as to have the desired effect tho de struction of that inimical feeling which prejudice, er-' ror and an absence of good and brave seamanship has alone created. We aro in the possession of informa tion that we were not aware of when wo prepared our last article in reference to this matter, and it is with a great deal of pleasure that we take advantage of this opportunity to state, that our worthy townsman, Captain John II. Couch, is eminently deserving of hot, able mention, in practically proving the access to the Columbia both convenient and safe, and the navi gability of the lower Willamette, perfectly feasible. In the year 1840, Captain Couch, in command of the brig Maryland, brought that vessel in safety, not only into the Willamette, but up to tho Falls of the Willamette, now better known as Oregon City. This was achieved too, be it understood, previously to Cap tain Wilkes' explorations, without a chart of the Co lumbia, much less of the Willamette river, when there were no pilots, and the commander could not obtain that information and assistance which now may be enjoyed in a variety of forms. Judgment wai his chart, and experience his pilot, and "making" the mouth of the Columbia in the evening, he entered it in safety the next morning, without having been sub jected to any delay. Since that time, he has gone out of and entered the river se'.eral times, in the dis cbarge of his duty as a commander of vessels, and all his trips have been of essential service in illustra ting the practicability of commercial communication by meant of the Columbia, and how easy the difficulties at its mouth may be overcome if a proper degree of prudence it only exercised. The same may be said of Captain Sylvester, of the Chenumus. The sea officers of the Hudson' Bay Company's service have likewise done much in attesting the truth of tho position we have here assumed. ' If we had but a steam tow boat, and it cannot be long, in the nature, of things, ere we will have one, our commerce would enjoy a facility that would immedi ately, by a rapid enlargement, give it a value and an importance which otherwise it may be years in at taining. Vessels in the winter time are liable to be subjected to delay in performing the extent of river navigation necessary to a communication with our markets. The currents of the Columbia are strong apd swift, and the winds are not always to be depend ed upon, nor are they always available. Hence the importance the necessity of steam " tugs" ; for, in giving facilities to commerce, we most certainly for ward the interests of Oregon. i LEGISLATIVE DOINGS. I The Legislative Assembly having now adjourned, ' we propose in the following article, to give a summary of their deliberation. On the third day of the session, the member from Champoeg, Mr. R. Newell introdu ced the following resolution: Resolved, That the House adjourn on Saturday, the 5th of Dec. 18-1G, to ' convene the first Monday in May, 1847. But the House preferred to make but one job of its legislation, and to laid the resolution on the table. The standing committees were composed at follows: On Elec tions Messrs. Lownsdtle, Peers and Chamberlain. Ways and Mean Newell, Lownsdale and Straight Judiciary T'Vault, Tolmie and Looney. Post Offi ce! and Pott Roads Boone, T'Vault and Peers. Commerce Tolmie, Hembree and McDonald. In dian Affairs Peers, Newell and Williams. Militia Hall and Looney. Foreign Affairs Summers, Mc Donald and Boone. Currency Hembree, Meek and Chamberlain. Claims McDonald, Straight and Sum mers. Seat of Government Straight, Lownsdale and Meek. Education T'Vault, Tolmie and Hall. Engrossed Bills Hall, Boone and Newell. Enrolled Bills Summers, Peers and T'Vault. Upon "reference to the Journal of the House, we find that a bill entitled " An Act to regulate the writ of Ad quod damnum" introduced by the member for Clackamus, Mr. T'Vault, was the first important mea sure whereon the yeas and nays were called, which on Its third reading, waa rejected by the following vote. Yiat, Chamberlain, Straight, T'Vault and Speaker. Kay; Boom, Hall, Lownsdale, Looney, McDonald, Meek, NeweU, Peers, Summers and Tolmie. Mr. Uwwdtk bUWaetdaWlto losste sA eubusha Territorial road from I'orttand to the mouth of Mary's river which successfully pissed through its several stage and became a Jaw. Dr. Tolmie offered a rcso lution "That the Judiciary Commiite be discharged from any further duties, as the present legislature derm it inexpedient to organize the Judiciary at the present time, in any manner different from the present organization;" but the " congregated wisdom" thought it would have a " lick," at the Judiciary nny how, and so this excellent resolution wus laid on the table; we say excellent, because in view of the duily expected extrusion of the jurisdiction uf the United .States, lha expense of a reorganization of this brunch of our gov ernment was not warruutcd. O The member for Tuality, Col. Hall, in an early part of the session, brought forward " An Act to regu late Weights and Measures, which is now a law. The measure was much needed, and the benefit of it will soon be inado apparent to all. Upon the final pas sage, tho vote was us follows: Yea Iloone, Cham berlain, Hall, Hembree, Iowimdnle, (uoney, McDon ald, Meek, Newell, Peers, Summers, Straight, Tol mie and Speaker. A'ays TVuull and Williams. Mr. Hembree, member for Vninhill, brought forward " An Act to amend an act in relation to tho currency, and subjecting property to execution," the uimmnt of which was a restoration of the currency to gold and silver basis. The House however, rejected it, Messrs. Hembree, TVault and Speaker being the only voles in its favor. Mr. Iloone, member for Polk, re ported "An Act to provide for laying out und con structing a road from the S. W. end of Main street, in Oregon city, to the bridge leading to the Island Mills," as prayed for in petition of 11. M. Knighton and others, which was indefinitely postponed : Yeat iloone, Chamberlain, Hall, lownsdale, Ixwney, Mc Donald, Newell, Peers, Summers, Tolmie and Will iams. Any Hembree, Meek, Straight ntul Speak er It wus argued that the County Court enjoved full powers to act in reference to this matter, tinii which grouud alone the bill was defeated. In our poor judg ment, it were us Well to have granted the petition, rather than to have ttated it off in that fashion. On the 11th intvn resolution of Mr. Hall's was adopted, " That tho present legislature will adjourn Tuesday next, tine die." But they "tlid'nt" though, for ubout that time they had got too deep into the mire to get out conveniently. The northern boundary line of Yamhill county was defined and established by the passage of an Art in troduced by Mr. Hembree. A Territorial roud from Salem, Champoeg county, to the mouth of Mary's river, was located and established by the passage of an Act introduced by Mr. Boone. In reference to the location of the Seat of Government, the Houso deci ded that it was inexpedient to legislate thereon the present session. An Act for the erection of a Jail, which was presented by Mr. T'Vault, was rejected by strik ing out the enacting clause and first section of the bill. This bill occasioned considerable discussion, and there were some u arm passages between the honora ble members for Clackamas and Tuality. While the bill to " regulate the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits was on "i's winding waj" through the House, Dr. Tolmie, of Lewis, introduced the following feeler. Resolved, That the present legislature deem it inex pedient at this time, to legalize the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits, which the House incontinently thyed by the following vote : Yeat Chamberlain, McDonald and Tolmie. A'ays Boone, Hall, Hem bree, Lownsdale, Looney, Meek, Newell, Peers, Sum mers, Straight, T'Vault, Williums and Speaker. A bill to prevent gaming introduced by Mr. T'Vuult, was euchered by the following vote on n motion to reject : Yeat Chamberlain) Hull, Hembree, Lownsdale, Looney, McDonald, Peers, .Summers, 'Straignt and Williams. iVoys Boone, Meek, Tolmie, T'Vault and Speaker. A bill amendatory to an Act establish ing County Courts, from tho Judiuiury Committee passed Uie House by a voto of twelve to four, the Nay were Halt, Pccrz, Summers oi.d Tolmie. This bill take from the County Courts their jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases, and confines them entirely to county business. An Act to divorce Nathunlel W. Col well, reported from a select committee by Mr. Boone, passed through it several readings and became a law. "An Act to regulate the manufacture and tale of ardent spirits," which had been proposed in va rious shapes by various members at various times, commited to various committee and variously argued, finally came up on its third reading, and wus passed by the following vote, after several ineffectual attempts to lay it on the table and to recommit it : Yeat Boone, Hall, Hembree, Looney, Meek, Summers, Straight, T'Vault, Williams and Speaker. Nayi Chamber lain, Lownsdale, McDonald, Newell and Tolmie. An Act wat passed amending the Organic Law, by strik ing out the words " or more" in Article 3d, Sec. 3d, preventing a partnership of more than two persons in holding land claims. An Act on apportionment, in troduced by Mr. Newell, giving an additional rente tsatativt aob to Champoeg, Yamhill, aad Folk counties, tuccosnvely passed tho ordeal, and Is now a law. One of the best acts of tho session was an Act to establish "A Pilotngo on the bar of tho Columbia river, and from thenco to tho limits of navigation mi tho Columbia and Willumette rivers." The Crimi nal Court was abolished and an Act passed " To es tablish Circuit Courts." The following hutch of bills wus passed on Thursday Inst "An Act to amend an Act authoriiing S, K. Harlow to construct a road a cross tho Cascade Mountains;" "An Act piuviding for the election of County Judges;" "un act to estab lish the county seat nf Yamhill county ;" "an act to prevent the desertion iifseauieii," nn excellent enact ment, introduced originally by llm member from Tu ulily, Mr. Mrek "an net to provide for an inspection of wheat ;" "an act tu revive an urt to establish a road from Multnomah city to moiitli of Mary's river." That mouth of Mary's river is some fur a new coun try, we reckon, us it swallows nearly if not quite all of our Territorial roads. The House refused, und we think justly too, so to amend the organic law, as to per mit claimants to hold six hundred ucrr in tho prairie and forty acres in the timber, though said tracts do not joim We may hereafter sjieuk upon this subject more at length. Mr. T'Vuult proposed to amend Art 2nd Sec. (ilh of the organic law, by striking out the word regulate and inserting iu its stcud the word prohibit, which failed by a vote of five to eleven those in fa tor were Boone, Chamberlain, Newell, Tolmie, and T'Vuult The "act regulating the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits" or otherwise speaking, the I.irentt Aair having been returned by the Governor with sundry objections in the sliajw of a Veto Message, the House proceeded to a reconsideration of it and by the follow ing vote It became a law. Yeat Iloone, Hull, Hem bree, IxiwumIuIc, Looney, Meek, Summers, Straight, T'Vault, aud Speaker. A'ayt Chamberlain, McDon ald, Newell, Peers und Toluue. On the eeiiiug prior to the ndjourumeiit, the following bills were pawed "an act establishing a Probate Court ;" "an uct estab lishing the officu of Auditor of public accounts;" "an act fixing the salary of Piurscutiug Attorney ;" "a bill in relation to the Milan of Circuit Judge." A bill was passed abolishing the Post Office Department, in troduced by Mr. Straight A bill in rilslion to Reve nue und an Appropriation bill, of course, were pawd. A bill divorcing Elizabeth (iillihun wus "rushed" through, on the day of adjournment. A ver) excel lent Memnnul to the Congress of the Uilited Slates, was unanimously adopted, which may be found on the first page, of this pacr. The following Territornl of ficers urrc elected: Frederick Prigg, Secretary of the Territory : Alomo Skinner, Circuit Judge: II. M. Kuighton, Murihall : John II. Couch, Trent urer: Gen. W. Hell, Auditor. After making pro vision for the ihlicutiou of the luus, and pacing the accustomed resolution of thanks to the Speaker, the House adjourned sine die. 1J" A salvo of urtillrry wus furd on Saturday eve ning lust three bg guns and Die American flag was living nil day. What was null ubout' Was it for the adjournment of the legislature, or the pauage of the liquor law ' tnjocA.sjoiNr nf the Lkcislvtuhe. On Satur day night last, the legislature adjourned tine die, af ter u session of nineteen duvs in which thirty two acts and sundry rctolutions were passed. The appro priation bill with siecial iippropiiulious, amounts to something like five thousand dollars, which, in addition to our previous debt of five thousand dollars, makes the whole indebtedness of the Territory amount to a bout ten thousand dollars, Wc huvn had eight hun dred and seventy seven dolls, worth of legislation, that is to say, our legislation fur this year has cost us this sum, winch we rrully hope will lie of its full conse quence to the public. The mrmbepi of the (louse iiuve hern truly industrious, nothing occurred to dis turb their good undrrstunding, nor the hurmony of the session. AW the proceedings were characterised by order and decorum, and if errors wero committed, we are satisfied they were not of the heart. The Speuker, A. L. Lovrjoy Esq., discharged his duty promptly and well,' ami to the sa .faction of tho House, which was expressed in a resolution of thanks, to which he made an appropriate and happy r.'ply, upon the eve of the adjournment. QJ'Capluin N. M. Howison, U. S. N hat pre sented the colon of the late U. S. Schr. Shark to the Territory. The letter of presentation was appropriate ly answered by Gov. Abeniethy. We have now, there, fore, a beautiful emblem of our country's glory, whose folds we will fling out to the breece on brave days. Progression. VVhut in man born for but to bo a reformer a romakor of what man was made a rcnouncor of falsehood a re storer of truth and good imitating that great nature which embosoms us all, and which sleeps nov moment on an olden past. But ovory hour repairs horsolf, yielding us every morning a now day, and every puis. tlon a new Ufa.- Emerton. M