pot the Oregon Spectator. NEW COLUMBIA. Tho " Lion" yet remains away ; Nor " Stars" illume our desert way: He fiads supplies lit India' clime ; 77ly shine oa other loud sublime. Success to tho land Uiat' enlightened and freo ; Success Old Columbia, success uuto tlice. Brittania's light in on tho wane ; Franco reels with folly' wiles insane : Rome ' not, and Jewish Canaan, Alas! and mighty Baby Ion! Success to my country, she 's prosperous and free, Success Old Columbiu, success unto thee. E Jfi i God is in Ifruven, men below" A nations glory to show Goodness and truth 'tis sin brings dowu Insulted Heaven's distressful frown. Success to tho naiioit thut ' lirtuous and free, Success New Columbia, success unto tlteo. Would Now Columbia then exceed All realms in might, let every deed Be wise and good 'tis in brings down Insulted Heaven's distressful frown. Success to my country 's happy and free, The fairest that in the last that 'a to be. Oct, 18-16. M. J. B. ' "japan. Visit or the U. S. S. Columbus. Tho U. S. Ship of the Hue Columbus 100 guns, bearing the broad pennant of Commodore James Biddle, commanding U. S. East India Squadron, arrived in our waters on Wednes day morning and anchored in the outer roads. She is from China, via Japan, forty-three days from Jeddo, which place Commodore Biddlo visited with the design of opening in tercourse with the limperor of Japan, by forwarding him a letter from the United States Government. The ship anchored some distance below the city for want of pro per charts and the indisposition of the au thorities to allow her to como nearer. The communication was forwarded to the Em peror, explaining tho objprts of the visit, to which he replied, that he had hca-d of tho United States, that they were a flourishing and great nation, and that he hoped they would continue to be prosperous, but declin ed any closer relations with them. The only foreign trade that would be allowed was with tho Dutch and Chinese. He begged the ship would supply herself with what she wanted speedily, up anchor, be off, and never return. Landing was disallowed, out tho ship was supplied with such ns the country afforded, wood, water, poultry, eggs, and vegetables, for which neither pay nor pres ents were received in return. Nothing like trade was allowed with the numerous visit- ors that came on board. Even presents of coin, uc, that Jack gave some ol the shore people, were afterwards returned. The on ly productions of the country obtained were a parcel of presents sent by the Emperor to the Commodore, which were declined by him. The Japanese officer having them in charge dared not return without delivering them, as it was at the dusk of tho evening, he threw his packet into one of the quarter boats and pulled off for the shore as fast as possible. Thero being no way to return it, the contents were divided among the officers, but they contained nothing of much value or skill in workmanship. Tho Japanese had heard of the intended visit of the Columbus, but seemed some sur prised at her dimensions. She was visited by many of the inhabitants, evidently with the Emperor's permission, but there wore no females among them. And boats wore kept about her, ua in the case of the Man liattan, but they were not of force to resist a man-of-war. Tho men aro represented as a iinc, athletic race, inquisitive and intelli gent. The shoro off which tho Columbia Jay was rocky, but wooded, fertile, and ap parently well cultivated Hogs and bul locks were not to bo had, though other sup plies wore plentiful. The Columbus lay there ten days and then sailed for this place. The Vincennes was subjected to similar treat ment. These aro all the particulars wo liavo as yet gathered of this visit to Jupan. Tho result shows that it met with no better sue cess than the previous attempts, and that the Japanese are determined to persevere in thoir exclusive policy, content with tho amount of their present intercourse with Christendom, through the agents of tho Dutch factory at Nangasaoki. In looking at tho result of tho contact of the European races with the nativo powers of India and China, ono cannot but admire tho polito wariness of the Japanese. Every visitor is treated hospitably, but kopt an hoard hisewn vessel. Compliments are met with compli- ments, wants gratuitously supplied, and not a shadow of real complaint givou. Christ, oiidom will find this peaceful, gentlamaaly, demeanor, a stronger barrier to their at tempts at securing a diplomatics and trading foothold than were all tho elephants aad sa bres of India, or tho unwieldy war-junks and pompous proclamations of the Chinese. As yot not even the most frivolous pretext for 'force, or even pushing negotiations has been given. How long Japan will be ena bled to maintain horsel? as a terra incognita is a problem of great interest to us lovers of something new. In the present age it is al most the only country there would be any excitement in visiting, or that could furnish a taking book. Tho Columbus and Vincennes have both suffered somewhat from the diseases of the eastern climate, although tho weather at Ja- fian and henco has been very fine. Since caving tho U. States about twenty men have died on board the former, and she has now a large number on the sick list mostly down with the scurvy or diarrhea and dys cntery. Tho crew generally are feeble, having been for tho last ninety days on salt provisions. They, undoubtedly, will speed ily recruit under the regenerating influence of our trades and markets. Polynesian, Sept. 12th. CALIFORNIA. Tho revenues of California, under tho old regime 1844 and '45, amounted to about $'.00,000, which has been chiefly absorbed by tho military and their partisans. The average annual duties for the last ten years have been $85,000 last year they amount ed to 9135,000" an enormous tax upon an impoverished country of ten thousand in habitants. The public debt is about $150, 000, mostly acknowledged military olaims. Previous to the reduction of the tariff by American authorities, the inhabitants were obliged to pay the following enormous rates for the necessaries of life. American prints, 75 cents per yard common cotton, 50 do ticking 81 per yard cheapest broadcloth, 81'- per yard coffee, 374 cents per lb. su gar, 25 cents per lb. flour, $18 shot 37$ cents per lb. powder, 83. The reduction of tho duties to the American standard, will have the effect to greatly increase the con sumption, and ultimately to bring the prices of foreign goods to the average of this place. The country is rich in mineral resources mines of gold, silver, copper, lead, sulphur and quicksilver arc being rapidly discovered. Two of rich quicksilver ore, yielding 30 per cent of pure metal, are now in operation, one to the north and the other on the south side of San Francisco Bay. 2000 lbs. have al. ready been extracted from the latter. The neighborhood of tho quicksilver mines to those of tho precious metals, will greatly en hance the profits of working them, and if very productive, reduce the value of the Rothschild monopoly in Europe. The facil ities of exportation from their vicinity to a noble harbor, are unrivaled. No less than seventy announcements of mines were made to the Alcaldo of San Jose within the five months previous to June last. In the rear of Pueblo do los Angelos there exists a gold " Placer" or washing, said to be eighteen leagues square. By tho laws of Mexico, this cannot m held as a mine, but is free to the industry of any one. The most indolent Indian, it is said, by washing the sands, can get his 12 reals worth of gold per day. Many thousand dollars have already been exported to tho United States. The Hudson Bay Co. hare sold out their establishment at San Francisco to Messrs. Howard & Melius. Mr. Loidcsdorff, late U. S. Vice Consul, has erected buildings at tho Bay at an expense of $15,000, and has u vuluablo contract for supplying the Rus sian Fur Co. with beef, flour, and provisions. rolynestan. Moral Greatness. There are two points which test'tho moral creatness of men. The one is high elevation in prosperity, the other deep depression in adversity, tie, wno, when every thing is flourishing, can remain thn Rfimn iinnatimtnir. linnrrttundfnn man. humbly but firmly discharging the duties of I. a4a4aM (Ijkaia! J L M L 1 1 H Sk 1 & JUS BiailUII, UUVUIU Ut UKUgllMUCCO SUIU fJ4UV, nnd he, who, when every thing is prostrate, can retain his self respect, firmness and reu solve, perseveringly discharging present du ty without servility or meanness,'tkegreiit; man. Suoh a one is watered in .-himself, Ho is a man in the true sense of thewordJ General News from California Gen. Castro has been deserted by his troops and obliged to tako refugo in the Mexican terri. tory;.with a number of outlaws with him. . Tho old inhabitants are becoming satisfi ed with the change of government. The crops thus far, are good, and wheat was abundant. The attention of tho citizens of California, numbering about 10,000, of whom nearly 2,000 are from tho U. S., is called to the formation of a colonial government, with a constitution to be adopted by a general con- vsntion, with tho ultimate view of applying to Congress for their formal recognition of the territory and to receive a delegate from them. Tho Rev. Walter Colton, Chapluin to the, Congress, is a U. S. justice, and with his associate, Mr. Price, has put a perempto ry veto upon the salo of ardent spirit, pro hibiting all store and shop koepers, and pub licans from keeping or selling' or disposing in any way of liquors or wines ofiny de. scription, under penalty of fino anth'impri.s. onment at the discretion of tho magistrate. Talbot H. Green, Esq., has been appoint ed Collector for Monterey. A fortification, named " Fort Stockton'' , has been erected at Monterey, commanding the town and harbor. It mounts 13 guns, including 4 68's, and is surrounded by a ditch 7 feet deep. The war in California is now considered at an end, and nothing now remains but to se cure a good government for a territory won without a blow. LITTLE LESSONS FOR LITTLE POLITICIANS. JFVsiw Punch. In Words of One Syllable. Thero was once a very bad boy, and his namo was Peel. He would go and slido on the scale, though ho had been told it was a bad tiling to do, but ho would not mind what was said to him. Some big boys tried to trip him up, and I an sure that he will fall some day, if ho will be a bad boy and still slide on the scale. Ho has been told that if he docs not mind ho will be sure to fall in, but he says ho docs not care, for he knows some Whig boys who will be glad to help to get him out. Peel is a rudo boy. You ought not to do the same as he does. In Words of One and Tito Syllables. Mas-terHar-ryBrough-am was ve-ryfondof throw-mg stones and let-ting oil squibs, and would not mind his Punch. He would of-tcn be vo-ry cru-el to oth-cr boys, and he would run af-ter Mas-tor Camp-bell for tho pur pose of bcat-ing him. He would ask Mas tcr Lind-hurst to help him to wor-ry poor Mas-tor Camp-bell. But Har-ry Brough am was a clcv-er boy, though ho was ai ways in dis-graco for his tricks. Ho would try ve-ry hard to takuNhe place of oth-er boys; but ho was so gid-dy ho would not keep what he cot. Ho had a quar-rel with Mas-ter Mel-bourne, in which he came off the worst, and he was made to stand up like a dunce on a form, though ho said ve-ry rude ly if it had been a bench ho would have been quite con-tent, for to get upsn the bench was all he want-ed. Was not Har ry Brough-am a ve-ry naugh-ty boy ? Lit-tle James Gra-hara was a sly fel-low. He would nre-tend to mind his lot-tcrs, but he would be all tho while 1ook-ing o-ver tho let-ters that did not be-long to him. One day he was caught out, and was well whip, pcd. This serv-ed him right, und if ho does the samo thing a-gain, we will. help to whip him as he de-serves. (T Flattery is the great sin of the American press. Tho man whom fashion scorns to-day, by sudden elevation to a posi tion of consequence and power, will receive the huzzas of tliO crowd to-morrow, while fulsome adulationl will flow from a thousand fawning lips and sycophant pens. Tho re formed drunkard or galnblor suddenly be comes It god the senator" cjpet more than a Cicepo and the poor fopr who by chance stumbles, upon a fortune becomes at once the honored, and the.liveried ornament of the selectest sopicty. N. Y. Mirror. The Law. The Boston Transcript aives a new definition, or description, or law saying that' it is "a wonderful machine Shich sharpens men's ideas, makes them row away two dollars for a very dim pros pect of preserving one, and keeps a certain number of, human beings of another class employed in- lildini on a black board the word ofec. Order in Laa!na. Our correspondent writes us tho following gratifying intolli gonco : lahaina, Sept. 6V " You cannot imagino how proud wo feet in Lahaina once more to seo good old quiet times, suoh as were in tho days of Hoaplli. Wo have no rum, and of course no rows and uoise. It is a rare thing now to see a drunk en sailor, or a boisterous, abusive sailer in our streets. All is quiet and peaceful. God irrant that we may novor again be curs- cd and afflicted with intoxicating liquors. Oh, why will man, for a few blighting dol. lars, destroy the peace of a whole communi ty, and fix on the poor sailor tho curso of drunkenness and debauchery, by selling that pestiferous poison ? Where is principle? Whern is boncvo lonco? Where is sympathy for sufferers? when mon will hold "out the glass to ihfir noighbor only to get hismoneviim! j ishhun into the gutter, yea, Into all that imjohi-ing, degrading and disgusting, int morn I "rpt-h-cdncss n thouimnd fold wonc ' ar h fllthi est gutter. 1 do hope no uoh u in wM ho found in Lahaina henceforward and furr-vcr." Polynesian. As coon as yEsor. The Nanfuckct Islander says tho following story was lately told by a reformed inebriate, as an apolo gy for much of tho folly of drunkards : " A mouse ranging about a brewery, hap pening to fall into a -vat of beer, was in im minent danger of drowning, and appealed to a cat to help him out. The cat rcplit J it is a foolish request, for as soon as I get you out I shall cat you. Tho mouse replied, that fate would be much better than to bo drowned in beer. Tho cat lilted him out, but tho fume -of the beer caused puss to sneeze, and tho mouse took refuge in his hole. The cat called on the mouse to come out You, sir; did you not promise that I should cat you V Ah !' replied the mouse, but you know I teas in liquor at the time.' " The Whale FisnERV. Wo learn from tho annual statement of tho condition of tho United States Whale Fishery, contained in tho Whalemen's Shipping List, that tho whole number of vessels itow employed in tho fishery from all ports in the U. S. in eludes 080 ships and harks, 34 brigs, 22 schooners and ono sloop making an aggrc gate of 233,202 tons showing an incrcaso of 15,007 tons during the past year, and an increase of 33,115 tons since Jan. 1, 1844. The imports from this branch of com merce dunng tho past year havo been : 157,017 bbls. of sporm oU-j-272,730 bbls. whale oil ; and 3,107,142 lbs. of whalolono. (Kr Happily in the moral world as in tho material one, the warring elements have their prescribed bounds, and the " flood of grief decreasetht when it'ean swell' no high er ;" but it is only in retrospection wo can bring ourselves to believe in this obvious truth. The young and untried heart hugs itself in the bitterness of its emoti6ns, and takes a pride in believing that its anguish can but end with its existence ; and it 7s not until liino hath almost steeped our senses in forgctfulncss, that we discover the mutabili ty of all human passions. OCT A young poet in Clcaveland (Ohio) has fallen in love for the second time. It may be true that "true love never) runs smooth," but this can't be said of his poetry " o wunst I lirrd a ntrther girl HernmiMitwMinerrhler (Maris) but setsy dear say tar fern i 45 thorn mnkibv." r "Mrs. Grimes, lend mo your tub."' " Can't do it ; all the hoops are off; besides, I never had one, because I wash in a barrel." This reminds us of tho Dutchman. "I comes homo, ant I finta ray wife wide open, ant te toor fast ashleep. I finta my neigh bor's poonkins proke iato ray bog patch, ant I picKS up a nog, ana i prow u upe ,w rail's pack in de field, and day. rqn,tp,dr tuyful, as if te fence vas behint 'am.',;. Irish Evidence. " Pray, ray good man," said a Judge to an Irishman; who Wm wit ness on a trial. " what did pass between you anifthe prisoner t" Oh ! then, pW your lordship," says Pat, "rani Jm ?!&!" ton of the wall." Paddy, aild he j ' What 1 ays I : Here,' says he , ' Where V ay I j 'Whist!' aayahe: ''Hush!' Mli nd thit'i all, pi We, your' tydshlp." I i