Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 26, 1846, Image 2

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Oia L CUIKT, ID!TO K. W. C0LWK1A, !?.
OtcgMi City, If vesntlKir fl, 1S4.
O Jtaoournox passed by the Board of Directors
of the Oregon Printing Association, at their meeting,
Monday, Oct. 5th, 1846, and ordered to be Inserted in
the u Spectator" fear time.
Whereas several irasocriberstothe,"Oregou Spec
tater" have presetted pay for the paper in Oregon
Scrip, which will set meet the liabilities of the Board
The""6 .
t olwo That hereafter all persons subscribers to
the "Oregon Spectator," bo hereby Informed that
Oregon Scrip will not be received in payment for the
atper. J"- p- Baoon,
Oregon City, Oct 5th, 1846. Secretary.
Asjuvai. ofthx Vahcocvxs, We undentond that
the Hudson's Bay Company's bark, Vancouver, from
the Sandwich Islands, has arrived at Victoria. She
mart Bring mwi tome ten daya later than that brought
by the Toulon. If it ahoold be important, we ahall
publiahit in an extra form, immediately upon receipt
ET We hare the pleasure .of stating that the re
currence of certain disagreeable circumstances in
Champoeg county, alluded to la a recent number, wae
prevented by the timely and kindly-interference of the
Re. Mi. Demars, through whose instrumentality an
amicable adjustment of matters was brought about
Tub LioiiLATcaiu The members of the Hooje of
Representatives will assemble In this chy on Tuesday
next for organization. The names of the members
are as follows: A. L. Love joy, Hiram Straight, W. G.
TVautt Clackamas county: Angus McDonald, Jes
0' se Looney, Robert Newell, A. Chamberlain Cham
poeg county: Joseph L. Meek, Lawrence HalLD.
H. Lownsdale Tuality county: A. H. Hsmbree,
Thomas Jeffreys Yamhill county: Geo. Summers
Clataep county : W. F. Toknie Lewie county: II.
W. Peers Vancouver county: J. D. Boon, J. E.
Willisms Polk rounty. We cannot say with cer
tainty who will be elected Speaker ; there are several
candidates tor the honorable station ; some of them
well qualified to discharge the duties with credit and
We trust that one of the early acta of the House
wiQ be, to respond in an appropriate manner, to the
memorial of Mr. Wilkes, concerning the subject of a
railroad front the States to the Pacific Ocean. Al
though we may be able to do but little towards the
aoaievment of this great and important undertaking,
yet that little should not be withheld. It is the accu
mulation of the little that makes the infinite the
constant water-drop that wears sway the stone.
Would it not be a judicious step, and one calculated
to obtain it object, were the House to ask of Con
gress a M steam-tug," to operate at the mouth of the
Columbia T With such an auxiliary, tosnIs could be
towed In and out of the river, without being subjected
lo the delays and dangers which they are at present
This would greatly facilitate commerce and Inevitably
tend to Its rapid increase.
Wo think that with commendable despatch, the
House will be enabled to transact all business requisite
In a abort session.
The Emigrants. Our latest intelligence concern
ing the emigrants who ire oa the southern route,
comes to us from some gentlemen who have recently
arrived in this place, after having " packed" into the
settlements. At the time of their departure from the
wagons (about twenty days since,) which number al
together, as we are informed, only eighty, some few of
the first were this side of the Callapoiah mountains;
the most of them, however, were still engaged in
crossing the Umpqna mountains. They had experi
enced considerable suffering, from exposure and hard
labor Ba' kevely surmounted numerous difficulties.
We regret to state that Mr. Willaa Smith dled: in
stantaneously probably occasioned by over exertion
in the kanyo of the Umpquamoun'tains. It is also our
painful duty to record the death of David Tanner, of
Iowa, and' - .Bailie, of Calloway ooeary, Mis
souri, who died from wounds received ta a aklrjnish
with the Klamet Indians, la the same eJair, Mr.
Uppsncottof New Yotk city, a California emigrant,
wat sartoawjr wiili In the knee. We were ae'-'
plated with the peruee; J &, had left home in
naiardecUaiaf states fcaakh, whkh wasasra
ptetyssspteredhyUMtrip. He looked forward sab
gaiaery to the snjoymeat of a new Ufa, wit Wiff? hi
Califs, which aa iaeeratshle Proriaeaoe has pre
Teate. Hsiwelf and two of hie fslew essicraats
have sisaeisacedtheooaMSMJot-'' lathe aidaiaf
- -'n"!
Since the transpiration of recent events In California,
there are those who weald eeem.to be gifted with the
peWef;seW's4at,4e see ia the rsM(dMe
VtlBtiim aarritorryaited
f ;-- L1 LTJJaUt il4-rV. -r-- l . .
lejl' Hi muff aad eatarpfwe jsioswetad'
and ptoapiiky sWparted. Bat wo hart bo
fears rar each improbable rt saws, and do not care a fig
for such false prophecies. We say success to Califor
nia under ".the stars and stripes" for we recognise in
her, as in Oregon, the material for future great and
powerful States. " The interests of the two countries
are widely different and yet closely interlocked. Ore
gon will be the vast produce and provMon market of
the Pacific countries. To her, they will look for the
necessaries of life and those various commodities that
her fertile soil promisee to yield In rare abundance, and
the exchange of which with other nations, must cre
ate the wealth-returns of commerce. A development
of her resources will work wonders towards giviug her
distinction and Importance iu the world's estimation.
In this attainment, there' will be miracles achieved In
the space of a few yers.
Californic has one. of the noblest harbors in the
world mines of the precious metal In her flinty bo-
climate agreeable, but not at all favorable to
production generally, and adverse to some of the pro
cesses necessary to answer the demands of commerce
a -country sparsely wooded, with not even a sufficien
cy of th'is useful and important material to supply the
wants of population. In no respect doe California
enjoy each natural advantages as those with which
Oregon has been Messed. In relation to her great
harbor, CapC Fremont justly observes!
" There is no opening from tho bay of San Frauds
co into the interior of the continent The two riven
which flow into it, are comparatively short and not
perpendicular to the coast, but lateral to it, and hav
ing their heads towards Oregon and southern Califor
nia. They open lines of communication north and
south, and not easterly ; and thus this want of interior
communication from the San Francisco bay, now ful
ly ascertained, gives great additional value to tho
Columbia, which stands alone as the only great river
on the Pacific slope of our continent which lend from
the ocean to the Rocky mountains, and opens a line of
communication from the sea to the valley of the Mis
sissippi." Notwithstanding her mines of gold and silver, Cali
fornia never can be an independent country. Bread
and meat are each substantial and necessary articles,
that without them, a nation cannot but be dependant
Her climate and soil (from frequent inundation,) are
not adapted to the certain and proline growth of the
material for the former ; although the home supply of
the latter article for a time, may be found to answer
the demands of a limited population.
There need be no fears entertained for Oregon.
She stands on a secure foundation, possessing the
means of her own maintenance and the resources of
a high independency. As a rapt wis friend said,
" she will be the unfailing granary, grist and taw mill
of the countries oa the Pacific," and we nay add,
with each an harbor as Pnget's Sound, sueh intersecting
lines of water communication and such an outlet as
the grand Cohaabie, with its steamers soon to be, Ore
gon may exuk and rely upon a cloudless future of un
interrupted prosperity, and her people enjoy that
wealth and happiness which lathe reward of indefati
gable industry and courageous enterprise.
Puiuc ScHootev It is quite time that some sys
tem of public instruction was established. Some com
mencement should be made some foanoation laid,
however susceptible it might be of improvement
hereafter. The subject of education haa been rather
neglected among us, though not inexcusably so, per
haps. The people of this country have had much to
do, and have accomplished much within a few years;
matters of Imperative necessity engaged their atten
tion and demanded their prompt action ; shoulder to
shoulder, they have worked together for the general
good, with an unanimity truly surprising, even in the'
times of least hope. They have come out of dark-
seat Into light i out of the wilderness into the abode of
habpy'civUizatloa ; out of the period of trial into that
of comparative ease and prosperity.
j no present a a suiianie uroe to maae some pro
visions for the general Instruction of the youth of the
country. Whatever provisions are made, let them be
made with a befitting generosity. The subject of ed
ucation to 4e important in its consequences to be nar
rowed down to the limitef enervating laws. Let the
laws' suuduusshipbo paeral ia its character and libe
ral, evsa to predigality, la spirit j
. Wa are happy Instate that the, Beard of Directors
of he Printing Association,? in view of the great
scarcity of school books generally, and the pressing
demand for spelling books, bat made arrangements
to prlaiaa edition of two thsasaai 'copies of " Web-
stora Elsaaaatary SpaMiag look,1' eeatewhat abrldg-
Ji,aoh.tkeyww1 have ready far defrety afce the
saiaato sf assrt January, aad wU be enabled to -nieaUiea
slavery lew pries.
sr aio, l. cuaav.
,'Love Truth, woo her make her as thy bride.
f Breienssn.
Oft! sacred daughter of the God-head, Truth!
' Thou who art always beautiful ari young I
lu the wad woolsf-whlspaftagjoyof youib,
Jb the twos ssfteced apeoch of sage's tongue.
In wildest nature, or in caMarto art,
The same pure spirit through creation wide
In wooing worship, 1 give up my heart
To thee, thou loveliest t for thou art my bride.
Oh! bravely with me ahsre lifp'e lingering ill,
And teach my spirit all its twins to bear,
So manhood yields not to tho blightlug chill
Of disappointment and corroding cure.
In thy rich raiment clothe my every thought,
And make my action worthy ol thy name,
That I may mourn not over what I wrought,
But feel my being brighten in thy fame.
Though calumny and error mny pretend
Tomar thy purpose, and those beauties sweet,
Yet thou art powerful ! and in the end
I know thy triumph will bo all complete.
Give me thy heart, for thou hairt all of mine ;
I'm going forth to battle in thy cause !
The strong the proud shall own thee as divine,
And Wrong bow down unto thy righteous laws.
" Gar.AT Cav ANnLrrrut Wool." In another
column will be found an article over the signature of
" Moses Harris," in which we are charged with an
" attempt to forestall public opinion,'' inasmuch, as in
the discharge of our editorial duties, we had occasion
to prepare and publish an article In which we simply
gave, In a statement of facts, all the intelligence that
.weeould obtain concerning the emigration, without
any reference, in word, or even in thought, as to the
comparative merits of the routes by which emigrant
havo arrived here this season. We dc not know, how
ever, that we would have hesitated in giving the in
formation in question, had it actually been necessary
to have gone into an argument as to the merits of these
routes. We are not easily deterred in the performance
of any thing that we esteem to be a duty. As to the
charge of forestalling public opinion, we refer our
readers with a great deal of pleasure, to the article
complained of, and feel well assured that every unpre
judiced mind cannot fail to perceive how unfounded i
Uie charge.
We have a' " bone to pick" with Mr. Harris ; for, by
the article over his signature, he makes it our un
pleasant duty, not only to deny some of his assevera
ted fmctt, but to prove that which is quite the reverse.
It is hardly worth while to state, ia passing, that 'in no
single instanco lias Mr. Harris .quoted our language
correctly: almost any sentence can be so perverted as
to mean what was not intended. There is no occa
sion to quibble or use sophistry in this matter. If the
emigrants by the southern route " arrived in the valley
west of the Cascade mountains more than five weeks
ago," what then? They might suffer and starve on
this side just as easily as on the other ; the settle
ments, Mr. Harris, the settlements, what time did
they arrive at the settlements, their destination? or,
have they yet arrived? What's the use of saying
"the families who have abandoned their wagons
amount to one only"? Did not Mr. James Campbell
abandon two, Davidson, one, Vanderpool, one, Long,
one, Van Bebber, one, and Welkins, ons?
They did, and we have evidence to establish the
same. It is not wise to live in glass houses and throw
We ve not aware that there are any emigrants by
the Mount Hood road, who are yet in the mountains
and unablo to get through this season, as intimated by
Mr. Harris; on the contrary, we know that there are
none. The rearward company, consisting of seven
wagons, arrived here during the first week In the pres
ent month.
1 We have not the space, if we had tho inclination,
4t this time to argue as to the advantages or disadvan
tages of either route; the pleasure, therefore, of sur
prising Mr. Harris and his friend with an exposition
of our Views thereupon, is unavoidably deferred to some
future occasion. Far be it from us to speak dispar-
hgmgjy of any scientific undertaking much less of
one that promised such important beneficial conse
quences to Oregon. Nor would we withhold from
any member of that exploring party, a single iota of
his deserts. We mentioned Messrs. Got" and Apple
gate, because theirs were the only names that we
knew of the party ; nor do we now know the number
or names of the gentlemen who composed the expedi
tioa. ' A weed mere and wa have done. We do net love
to be found faatt wlUiwlthoattho shadow of a oaaee,
aor will we permit ourseh to ho eharged falsely aad
unjustly, especially by those whoso feats would seem
to be the only souroe of their Imputations.
As tho editor of this paper, we write and publish
that whkh wo believe to be the truth, with the promo
tioa of the gensral Interest always JsY view ; and it is
tojs hoped that wo ahall continue to hare nerve
esjsaga to passaa tale oaae Wgajdjssj ef
An Appsctino Incident. A Baltimore
paper or recont date published tho following
incident under the lioad of police roporta:
A"fow daya since, a decently clad female
presented liomelf at ono of our office, and
requested tho magistrate to hcihI hortothe
Alms House. Her manner and langungo
denoted that aho had seen better day?, and
while she begged the officer to grant horlaat
request, tho tears in rapid course trickled
down her furrowed chcoks, and her sobs
choked her utterance, uh hIio tried to tell her
mournful story. The officer as in duty
bound, asked her nume, when abo replied in
h manner ibnt brought tho tears from tho
cvch of thon sturdy minioni of tho law,
whose heartH are necessarily steeled to pity
und tho finer feelings of the man.
Ask mo not my name," she cried, " lot
mo boar in silence and unknown tho fnte an
inscrutable Providence lias meted out to
me, but let not aged purcnts, fond brothers
and loving sisters, hear that I that I have
died an inmato of an Alum House and the
recipient of public charity,"
" I will grant your desire," the magistrate
replied, ' but if I knew more of your liisto
ry and circumstances, I might probably do
something bettor for you."
" I will tell what I dare toll, if you will
believe that I apeak tho truth, and use your
influence to obtain mo somo situation in
which I can but. obtain mo an honorable liv.
inc." was her impassioned answer.
Themajislratepromjswhodqall he could
tor Iter, and alleviate ncr situation as mucn
as possible.
" May Heaven bless you, sir !" she said,
and told hor mournful and thrilling concate
nation of suffering and perversity, commin
gled with sobs and the actual feelings of the
" Two year ago, sir, I was happy, and
knew not what it was to want ; my parents
were rich, and owned one of the finost plan
tationsin a Southern state: I was but young
not twenty but 1 had my suiters, the sons
of wealthy men, yet I loved them not ; no
one of the gaudy throng had as yet madoan
impression on my heart There was in tho
neighborhood a poor but manly youth, the
teacher of our district school ; he visited our
house, and was treated with all tho respect
and attention that other visitors received,
and I I, sir, fell in love with that man, and
it was reciprocated. My father soon discov
ered tho secret, and forbade him ever to
cross his threshold again. Need I say, sir,
we met clandestinely and were married ; we
fled and took up our residence in this city.
My husband taught an academy for a liveli
hood, and for eighteen months wo were hap
py ; but then my husband was taken sick,
and he ho died I Yes oh God ! he died !
and I was left alone among strangers. I
wrote to my parents, asking their forgive
ness but my letter was returned unopened.
My little means were exhausted, and I must
starve or go to the refuge of poverty tho Alms
House ; but it will not last long the sands
of my life are nearly run out, and I look
for a refuge from this world's miseries ia
my grave !"
She ended, and every eye present was wet
with sympathy for her unhappy situation.
One gentleman present, with a noble, gener
ous and manly feeling, characteristic of "na
ture's noblemen," came forward and offered
her a homo and asylum beneath his roof,
which, we nocd not add, was cheerfully ac
cepted, and she left the office with the pros
pect of happier days.
Thus it is in this world, misfortune dares
placo her ruthless hands upon victims of
every f nd'i the sons and daughters of
luxury sometimes drink of the bitter drega
of the cup of misery and penury t
Gossamers. In 1750 a celebrated natur
alist followed a butterfly nine miles before
ho could catch it. In 1845 a beautiful
lady followed a butterfly a whole summer,
and, when she caught it, found it was " only
a worm with wings."
(fir A Kentucky girl, marrying a fellow of
mean reputation, waa taken to task ftrit by
her unole. " I know uncle replie ahe
Mhat Joe is not good for much ; but- be said
I dare not have him, and I won't take a
tump from anybody."
05r There is this difference between harv
nlnnsa mnA wlufnm Ha that thinks himself
the happiest man is really so, but he that
ininJca himself the wisest it generally uw
freataat fool.