Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 12, 1846, Image 3

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    sion of air regular government, ami tho grn.
oral insecurity o; life end property attend,
ing the contests between the native Califor.
nlans and tho bands of pettier on tho fron
tiers. Gen. Ideonthe 10th of July, resigned his
military honors end flag to Lieut. Rove re,
17. S. N., who took possession of 8onoma,
rond tlio Commodore's proclamation and
lioi-4tcd tho star ati'l stripe 'fender a salute,
and in the prfxonco of a large concourse or
I entile.
(Jim. Srwkton nrrivrdat Monterey on tho
.'(Itli July, and nsiumcMl tho commanil. Fif.
ty gnnnindwvcriil hundred mm liavo land
ed from tlu wuadrori,iind tho American com
mander is fortifying the newly acquired pouts
in a Hulntuntial minnnr. Tho custom house
at Monturuy has been fittrd up as barracks.
Orderly and utrirt quanta patrol the streets,
but the liberty of tin; inhabitants is not in.
fringed upon to nnv unnecessary extent. All
grojr shops have Imjcii Hood, and a heavy
K.'ii:ilty imposed upon thosn who sell ardent
Mpiritn to thn soldiers and sailors of the Am.
American goods are now imported free of
uuiy, und loreign croon at one quarter 01 lor
mer charges. A company of horse called
the ."fjalilornia Dragoons," under the com.
nand of Purser Pauntleroy, has been estab.
Imbed to patrol the coast and protect the m
habitant from the Indians. It is generally
believed on the coast, that whatever policy
muy Ik: adopted by the eahinet at Washing
ton, on tho reception of the news of the cap.
ture of Ciliibrnia without a formal derlarn.
lion of war, tho country is forever lost to
.Mcmuo, un I uiu-t Ix-cornc either a territory
if the ff. i n"iiiliie or an indcpendfii jov.
riiui'ii. S.v rv thg was quiet at th"
la t lii'. an i 'i-iiM h not materially de
rail el. It , irnniis would not, it was an
licit) it !, f iv iruli n vi ,ved either by the
Californium or the American settlers. Pol
ynesian. For the Oregon Spectator.
OCT The Mogul received a serious injury
on the 3d of this month, in the rapids abovo
this place, knonn as McKinley's cut ofT:
fortunately however, thero were but about
J')0 bushels of wiieut on hoard, and some
articles belonging to die passengers. Had
bliu been laden, as often is the case, to the
guards, no doubt some lives would have
Iteeti lost ; but owing to the dexterity of the
officers, as soon as she struck the rock, as
many men as could be spared, were employ,
ed in keeping her clear of wator, and to run
her on shore wus all the chance to keep hrir
from sinking. The cargo was soon rcmov.
nd, and on exuminution, home timbers hap
started, arid a large hole was discovered near
her stem. We are sorry to hear that this
valuable vessel has to be be laid up, as she
was so creditably employed in taking the
surplus produce from our fanners to market.
The Mogul and Franklin, we understand
by tho captain, has taken from Champocg
alone, about fifteen thousand busels of good,
merchantable wheat this year, and thousands
yet on hand at that place ready for ship,
Go on, temporate Oregon, and show to the
world, that wo wish to gain our livelihood
by the work of our own hands that we can
bo governed by a moral influence, bolioving
that our government will do us justice.
A. B.
For ths Oisgea 8psetstr. n
In Honolulu, recently, a'man was return
ing from a grog ahon, all rigtt and rich,
claiming, at times, nil sides of 'the street ;
meeting a man however, as bad as himself,
running right and left, he passed him, after
a trial, and exolaimod, looking round with a
hickup, well I passed between you, any
how." Oregonians, pass around such men.
A. B.
03" Self knowledge will acquaint a man
with the extent and capacity of hia memory,
and the right way of improving it.
MARRIED-By Rav. J, 8. Grift, at her fether'a
retldeaee in Tuality Plains, on to 96th till, Mr.
WOOLLY, formally of Pan bat lata ef Missouri.
7 fill E PARTNERSHIP heretofore ax
JL latins; between Geo. Aberaelhy and A. Been, is
this day diawlvcd by mutual ooaatat
THE UaMCBIBEm fens pi
the eailra Bleak ef the Oram Mitts
ay, wilt oeatlaae the baalaass as fermcrry.
October 7, lew. - aifl
To ttt ftookhoMtn "Owf JriaUaf
JMtf IttltB "
TIHE STOCKHOLDER of tha Oregoa prf.
h isg Asmekllea, am hereby alias, that their
aaoaal moetiag will ba held oa Tuesday, .December
Jat, at 6 P.M. si the Printing Offlce.
JNO. P. BROOK4, Secretary.
Oregon CHy, Nor. 3, 1846. 31 8t
JL B. 2HcClajfa5,a1c C:
siHiaip (DiHAHBiLaag,
ALEXANDER G. ABELL, jHosoLcto. Oamu.
IIKNKY CHEVER, fSasowica Islands.
Nov. ia, 184a am
l'memklll Caauety Caarl.
A SPECIAL TERM ef tha Coaaty Court of
mm. m Mil
Nor. fa. 1846
. ..... . ....... ., vwj uon oi
Yamhill Coualy, will ba held on tha arcood
Thuiadav, (10th) of December, A. D. 1846.
a vi
lidiilileif Ura ltattec
NOTICE ieheseby give, that the
baaa duly anaoiatid adauaietrau
of Robert' II. Foe, lata of Tuebtv couatr. deeeaaad.
sfMwtad adauaietrster af ths aetata
sad haa takes tnoa Wroaalf thai tiM by sMw
asd aacurWy as the law diftts;'astd'al Miaaaahi
aaaaaadaaawaUM estate of .UmibbM Roberta Poe,
are reaped taashiatthaMh,aaraaTw tba
(hud day of last Aognat, aad UBanoaa 'naVUad to
aaid eatate, will make payment as the probate lav di
rect, to DAVID T. LENOX,
Nov. 18. 184&-21tf Admlniatrator.
WB barebv given that ou lha tweaty-GAh day of
vrcrmoer, i wiu oner ler aaie si ponuc vendue,
the farm aad claim bHoagwg to the eatate af Robert
IL Poe, deceaeed. Skid fana coataiaisf about thirty
acrea ia cultivation, wth a feed lag baaaa aituate aad
being ia Tuality cooiHy, aad sdjoiaiag to P. H. Bur.
nett Tba aale will tkke pUce upaa the premiaef, be
tweea the haass of 10 o'dack A. M. sad S o'clock P.
M. Actadiiaf alaa mathawtHbagivaato the pw
cbaaar giving band aad gasd aacarity.
Nor. 13, 184C-31U Admiaktnitar.
IHEREP IT forbid al paisaaa ftwa impruraf , or
iatrodu upoa say part or panel of the claim
maoe by Ilssav Wm.itMaos ea tha 16th day of
February, lS45,ailuad near Fort Vaacoaver a da
tcriptioa of which claim may be fonsd recorded on page
1 IB of the Land Claim Record Book, at the Record
era office ia Oregon City. All peieooo art alao cau
tioned agaiaat purchaaing aay portion ef the above
claim of any peraoa except the aabaenber, duriagasid
WiUiamaon'a abatnee.
M. R. ALDERMAN, Agent for
Nov. 19, 1846V-Ct 21.
Fair tmle Bv PsrvaTK Cosraacr.
THAT meat eligible sad desirable claim situated
oa the batiks oTtbe CaUlapeotla river (called
the Oaka.) It ia meat adraalagesaeiy akualad far a
large dairy, aayiaff a spliadid naga .far Mock aad
boga. It iaweU wooded wth Um BMat Oak ia tha
country. Oa the' claim are two lag ksasii, one 88 by
14-thaethar 18 by 14- sUas-frsiaad barn, 5a
by 37 alao a baaaa, 'weed prepared eat of cedar, 40
by 85 aad ebee 4 assess had awlaaod. Tha
home ia ertaated abet 400 faia fiat ths CaUlepoo
tie, and about half aula from tha Calaasaia, and with
in three noun ride of Vaacouvar. This elaia will be dw
poaedof at a moderate price.' Far farther particular,
apply to the subscriber aa tha atiariais.
Tho Oaks, Nov. 6, 184k-21tf
Olookil Olsoksl Clocks!
A FEW Fancy Metal Claeha for sale,,, at ths
atareofJehaH.Cweb.faravaihdaafMk Aa
awful diecount made far aaabl No ahai(a made fat
arakD ism vnsimv - '
H ajw. w mu iMAai Bpmmmm mmm oth
MM rsssastfally tasdats bis PiafMaaa) satvkata
tba ekiaeae Oraa City sal vieadtyas a fagaav
i) VI
Ua baa laag aaea
diaeardadtheasaaf the
csMlaaaet, aadwihktbe beU, that Iasbeda1ag
awa's UaoaT toNataaa Efs aad asaka toast assayrd
and waited eaenriee,he eaa'aetia sciandaasi wkk
ths prlaciplea of eoaaaea hacaaaity, or ths dkrtates'of
ream ar pmwaepny.i,,H senavee ia parirywf uw
currsabi of afc, 'which "are tho east of haaiuVor dav
aaaa; aad aa aeoamaktad axpariaaea of;aightaaa
years practice in tho States, baa convinced him that,
la Nature's ample gsrdea, may "be found barbs aad
ptantaof aoJBcient variety aad aOeaey, to remove, (by
UmclyepptiostlenJ any of aa whole family of diaaaaes
to which maa'afraU satarahisabieetr Thaawhhrad
to tha study af mineral msiaiaii, as are sthsis, yst,
from hia knowledge of their eftVtte, from conviction aad
choice, he haa long since reubuioed,,aad denounced,
tha um of the bona retimg', fleab'eeasasrinf minerak,
falatly called remedioa, which generate I cramps aad
coawabioaa, and, ia hair coaoafljaiacee, aabjott the
constitution to many abiding evila, to nervosa eicke
meat and debility, gradssi couaomptlea, aad prema
tura death. !.'
.Acting aa Natam'a misiatats of raUaf, hie ssedidaes
are prepared to aUad tba savefsot toot Tha aubacri
ber U willing to ataka aa tho paaoJt of ths timely appii
cation of ba remedieo to tho moat inveterate dietaees,
hia reputatioa aa'a practical ahysSciaa, aad ha hoaor
aa a roan. Ha will say particular atteaua to tho
diaeaaaa of women aadchildrau, to which ho has devo
ted much lime. Obatatric caaea promptly atteadad to
in ti'4 City aad country. Office and reeidenee oa
Watat-atiMt, at tho late reeidenee of Mr. P. H. Hatch,
where ho may at all fiasco be found, aaless profaaaan
ally fbwst.
Oct. 39, 1846. 3mf
vam,aad Wittiaaa Glaaer, kthia day diawlved
by mutual couacnt W. GLA8ER,
The Manufactory of Hate will be carried on at the
old stand by WM. GLA8ER, who haa taken charge
of the entire Stock, aad aawmed the debts of the
Ordera filled at the ahorteat notice.
Oregon City, Oct 34th, 1846. JOtf
FrofOMlt ftr T.aMtlaf tk Ittt tf
eiemiatag the article. .Far prkM, ias at UMrtara,
or of, JOflEre WA'
Oct. 38th, 1841.
v., no jaxl
. 1,f
MY SAWMILL, oHufttea aeaf the. eooat read
, lesdiaa from Taalky PaTto Soaria'a faUad,
about six' miles from ths' latter Wace, aad tttes from
the former. The MIH Is reedy to go iato'opemtioa as
eooa as the rsias eaoHnaaea, aad will ma aix aseatas
ia the year, or the whole year, by lha addHisa ef aa
over-abot wheel, there being suateieat feU, for eae of
thirty feetlt! There is alio upsa the same olalra
esvarsl other Mill altuatlooa,' wlthomllclent fall to tun
aay kind of 'mschisary. This property will be sold
veryeheap.1 For term, apply to j .
Oct 16th, 1646-jKs CHARLE8 MoK AY.
Te)lfTmll UsW. '
i i Blear exrowmal
rilHE sabssrlbsr; bofs'leave to.aaaoeooe to the
JL publle tha bs preposis to tua aa exprew tela
or up raia mud or as aad-4ead at ao lead oat aei
wiAaut pey-fmmOiatea aad Lisa CMiaa toTapy
Plaias duriag tho'itwafag sSsosa Iseviag tea two
former pJseee oa Meadeys sad Thareday, aad the
Plalae oa Weoaosdajsj aid Salurdaye. Taaeaia
will bo covered sad every aeoossmodatlea extoadad to
poawagsn. Tar ftekttt or poawge, apply to the sab.
ecrbar, proprietor ami eagweer, at Uaa City.
A. H. fa. MB! at If.
PURSUANT to a law peand at the teat
ef the LerisNiars, I hereby lire aoaei
aaalad proposals, aaaamad,MPraaaoaa)tesbKaaagtho
aeatof Gnrsramrat." wul bo laoehred at the Rests
tary'e ofke, until Monday, the 30th day ef Nevambtr
next, from an peisoas who may deem to give emwaoas
to the Goreraawat for the parpess of erectiag Fahae
BnildJaga aad tocatiaf the mat ef flnvir ssseat Sold
prepeaaM to fUto the aanast pmpesedtobe girea the
kind of property in. which it w to be paid, aad the ob
ject for which the donation ie intended, together with
all the condition connected therewith.
Given under my head, at Oregon Cay, this twelfth
day of October, HM6.
By the Governor. GEO. ABERNETHY.
Faaossicx Paioo, Secretary. 19-4t
H lltMaUA (HjpoadatlBf IAitiy.
THE SHAREHOLDERS are mqoaated to meet
oa Tuesday, the 3rd of Nov. next, at 3 o'deek.
P.Mat tho hoses of A. Haad.iEaf, Jibrariaa, to
eleet Trustees aad Oamen lor tae,tsmisg yeerri
being Um aaaaal meeuag.
Oregoa City, Oct 1401, 184 19af. Beeretary.
. Waft aa! Out lira. ,
BAR IRON, euitabla far Wsgea aad Cart Tire,
aaaortadaaM,farelestthe Brick Stars, Ore
gon City. Oct 15,1846. i 19tf
A UL. resentfully aaaeaacee to the pabbc that
J. ho ready st aay time to aurvey aay claims
or leased property, whea eaSed upea, Aierdafs for
warded to A.L.L, attha Oaks, below Vaaeouver,
wUlboatteadedto. Sept ae4B4 IWf
rrWio fcr late
BEAT, Oats, Com, Feass, White Been, end
Fslbtna Aao, Jfacoa.tMxroMc, rent Mega,
Hows. I
Aaslyi to (be aubsariber, at ba aoaw oa the Yam-
a i v tj a wanai WW 1 nv
but rivet.- fuviiovni.vnJVMJ.. .
Yambm, 8epti0th,1846V-17tf. '
A. L. Loysior. ! A. Sxuutaa
IXV10YAND faUIfNKm, ., .
jflL LAW, and SoUottom jaChaaoeiy. Oragea Ctty
Haviag tals day entered into oe-paitaeamm at tao
baeiaeae of the Law, under the above style eadaeme,
L. aud 8. will attaad to ear srifiasmil IsHaiai oa-
tiuatodtoueireare; aad wUI praotioe bt the 8aateaaa
aaCiiauasl.Cearta of, Oregoa Territory, aad u tha
eaverai voaaiy vmna.
Oct. 15, 184- .' . t Itf.
npHE aadeioigasd proprietor of the LYNN CITY
oaosraey ahadyaatarediatotaad tony my amy!.
the tenyaaaHae wiuctoally, aUfadtdto, er4 every
eabrt made to desarre the patrouago of m m
jam Tsjaf tefsWEaaamF 990ffBmWml0
lal awKoatoooK -aaama
mg rapelss, aaa
aaymguaa wea
rMAi a
nmderod to aaka thorn aa.. Hk aihla abairaatae
oarjmsaad ia ta taawary. Taasa mverbamwah
a call fromtiMwaUoaftko river, irattseofv
bono ferriage free.
Aoivoaa aam femVaWY' .
west aide of the rivor,oaaJsmtosMbMial litis
faction to aH who amy eeJUami' TaTmRaedy
nav. 35 ceala per moalr. Prim febaam 'ease akmt.
75 eaata, All kiads of predoee ami be toomWffar
the aame. r ' "
Ako, 1, Hldkw WnaaaaV wbieb as,w
tan oa ahareo, or easa or atom, fas, wfl aajtoaa.
Hides wiU bo racarvedat aay taao siboasOtoad.
aad alK,Wdmcommg;owadmJriWomieaUlat
Mr.Sbarp'aabop, above. the Faas, wbme aaO.aaoW
aigaed wUI receive thaas. ,.,,--,?
t C..D. aaUTH.
Lisa City, April 30, 1844V-7tf- .
PLowsf.PLqwair plosi0, .it
10,000 Revmrdftr'tvay.me to aMmti'to Jbk'".
own IfaesaeM.
kanv to JaJaaa jbo
JL large, that ho bat iiliiNiil.hasnaot ia.aVe
BTsrtamilbiBg ia geaeral, ia Oregoa 'Ctty,
wH keep oa bead aa aammaaatef Fleas, t
not be wus mail as the
chose plows, oaa bo
ed kaa&aaMd. Alaa,Paaat PaohFo
Axea,aadal kmctef i
ecriber has had Isag sipoilaMs bt sablairy.'aoiaaV
himself, coaiKjtsat to imsali q hJads of msl is,
afaJaa.maahioa,aadllaiiWMgi il of, the best,,,
tVZ&rZmX W P-rchm. any of &&
...- ., TniiTnniniiiir '
oa Mam timet, Oragea Ciry. . - if "j
February 13, 1843-Stf' . , r , t ,
Taakty aWaa, tor sals. Tame,aaa oabae
okaa M aoraa ia laJMiaMaVeamaragomt
afMaVVf WaTaTJ m eVagzfaVavavaal tBojCfMelf aaparJ asarafl
framed sViarng aad barm, a'eaaatiry ofmkaslll.ii
to vaet the above, as R afl he saai ea good toaas,
For farther poillealia.msBfci of Wm.1
the Seyiamg omaBy or of
tho Brisk aam,Oiefn Cftr.
Oct iS, 1841 , , '
IfaT ?
Sate aKabia ami TmiUim. '
SMTVBeapav avaaaaaBaaau aaamaaa) aaT.aeamaB; t avaaaBBBBBeaa Jifi
Mokt,tmd Third (cross) Sfraate, OrsgrnOtjur
HOaWEat at
Feed. N. B. Al
leJWfrJal oaVoBaBBaamHamTriBaT'JapH mmaffmV I
tvw ameosea, weeav Maenai oaasaBBBav
. j ' .-' JavwjBaBaav t;
Chme City, Soft 3, 1846. lT-lyef , tiliEtn-w
.' . . U) vfc ,J
hmatoatokv " ,
a-v rMlHAT sasiaissimsal aaammto.aWav .
ftf J. ebmmbToalas Yeaaal itoarS1
JaataVwcapiadbyae I iisaaiilajmajeay'
favorable terms, Itaaaawalat abeataaaasBtoraft
YsaduH eaoaty, waM watered, aad tea tbost ababai'
m Oragea. The toaees am saaejtor, aadJbalatojs
oSo'Sair mttsS
Yambil,Sar4.MA,1841 17tf. I . . :' 1
i ' i 1 1 iK
, . rt
to baa i
WWVUM sahiiiHiiaas III
fflllX 38 asses oaoa. afebJ
JamHi, best to Oiefta, warn
oat houses, whteh he aearea
fall For farther parHailsia. aaorv to am
ilea ii bii ia lis Tamaal ifm , '-L'll J
I t i u RAN30M CaaaML io
YamhU, Beat 10th, I84t-lmf. -w
( , . .
Rs moasaaoaaoW o ammjar
m.' a note or
loot, eoamg lor
eatho West
. jir.i..ai.:ran
awry saaaeoi or wasm ss-ao emvaeea
baahaf the WisuMl Rtiii oppooae.
WvwSMaatr .
OieMOry.payahla the
made sevsMs to F. B. 1
which aaid aets.was ghrea
Omgoa Oiry.Oot. lot, IBs"- ' '" 'ittat' ':
, HI, 7r?r " . . "
1 jeji
tto afaolamaa.
frit .ilt'lft'-aife
V -M -J'.i -T.
lbs aashallea ef aaaaamaatfi tfn Bl
paid at tho mbntlaa jgfjat msaeke,
CT AafrojapojaaafJ JtofgjBFJJiratiTamamat
arPT gWajaroJ "W oBBJBI JK eerJBBj i elBRf -"""fBpjpYJR"
lamTomlaBaaill aneVeat aBaMaaBalmTTBk eNemfe mAamMmmmMmA
amaMHlBam am smmWIjPmpTafaaff aasfsfjp.
am, aad tho oessawaity