Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 12, 1846, Image 2

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a. i. emit, bpitor . w, oolwill, ra.
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OregMt City, lfrMbr 19, Iftt.
ST RseotUTrox peesedby the Board of Director!
of the Oregon Printing Aseoclanen, at their meeting,
Monday, Oct 5b, 1846, and ordered to be iaierted in
tb M MeUtorT few times.
Whereas several eubscriberstothe "Oregon Spec
taW havt preferred pay for tbe peper In Oregon
Scrip, which wffl Mt Bleat tbe liabilities of the Boards
Therefore , .,
AaeaiMdY That hereafter all person. aubKnbento
the "Oregon, Spectator," be hereby informed that
Oregon Scrip wffl not be received in payment for the
paper. -1 Jo. P. Bacons, t
Oregea.Clty', Oct 5th, 1846. Secretary.
TOjCfeamBaro.NDKXT. We have received a paper
on Temperance, from the pen of the aecretary of the
"Tualkia, Plains Temperance Society," which we
ahail probably publish in our next
" New Colombia," might be much improved ; we
shall endeavor, however, to make room for it in our
next issue.
Some etaaaas, commencing, " I often ramble o'er
the bilto," are inadmissible, we would encourage the
author to try again on aome other theme.
Tbe proceedinga of the recent convention were re
celved too late for publication. The officers of that
body were Philip Foster, presideht, and Samuel Mc
Swain, aecretary.
B7 Tbe bark Toulon made her recent trip to the
Ialanda in fourteen days, and her return trip In twenty
one, being the best voyage, for time, there and back,
on record. We are indebted for kind attentions.
BT Upon the reception of the news of the settle
meat of the Oregon boundary question, the only piece
of ordnance owned in any way by the territory a
twelve pounder, presented to the city by B. Stark, Jr.
E, was quickly mounted upon the rocks, on the riv
er's bank, andfn ealute of twenty-one guns fired under
the dkection of our mayor, A.L. Lovejoy, Esq. The
reports were the loudest, and the rejoicing echoes of
the "old hills of the Willamette the longest, that the
meet patriotic could wish to hear.
Clackamas County CocaT. A rpecial erm of
this court was held on Monday week last, when a de
'cree of divorce was granted in the case of M. A.
Smith va. 8. F. Smith. Messrs. Parrott, T.M.Cham
bers and A. Cornelius were appointed supervisors to
open and establish roads, as previously reviewed and
located, to the Molalla settlement and Champoeg coun
ty line. ' '
V- Wa tea indebted to the kind attentions of our
friends of the " My-esian" and " News," for the Im
portantlirteWgence which we spread before oar read
era In that bar, and to which w have almost
eatirery fire eotanna,
To Wsathul Since our last toeae, we have had
the following variety of weather clouds, clouds,
cloada rain, rain, nunwind, wind, wind. Never
mind, the waters of the Willamette axe swelling and
the Falls are roaring.
D An unusually heavy gale of wind prevailed with
terrific violence in on- immediate vicinity, on Tuesday
of last week. Houses and bams were unroofed and
otherwise injured, fences prostrated, trees uprooted,
and probably in other sections of the country it com
mitted morn extensive damage.
"Orkoon SrioTAToa" Extra As aeon as the
late news arrived in town, we leaned the substance of
it in an extra form, with aa nrach despatch aa possible,
and tewaried oaniea to ear snbacribers wherever 'im
aoedtaU fiaaaanlcattosi rendered it practicable ; all
" free gratia for nothing." We shall always endeavor
thus to be wise awake and ready to "strike while the
iren 'a hot, reminding our fellow citixens of the terri
tory of the trath of the trite adage, that "one gwsl
turn deserrea another," wa Informing them that the
enbscriptioabeekof the "Spectator" to by no means
fall, but open rnr nWr apographs. .
"Surowwe Immw Nawa." This hi the same of
Thn editorial diaaHpeet la undWHbe charge of a
ipmKtn of (oroigB resident., with Mr. Jamea Pea-
nek aw fssllahir. It hi aWy coaduet and (rim
ofaaoeeen. We place the News"
e hat, with a great deal of pieaamra,
tj every .nesnratement .
Um m WuUJm0 Aassrieaa whale ships,
e Vmim eWnfc e-dCetaanhia, bare Uen M
Wa rejoice in the opportunity to qengratukU
nr falaw eluseas upon the eaabto-Mttleawat
of the 'insjah resed question of our boundary. Ac
oordisf to the recent nawa, Um 49th degree north
ie the Um agreed upon fcetwMf, the Unjtei Stntaa
aad Greet Britain. Vancouver's Uand to exmnrased to
the latter power. Tbe navigation of Fuca a Straits
and Puget'e Sound to to be common to both parties.
The free navigation of the Columbia river to to be en
joyed by England until the expiration of the Hudson's
BayCo's charter, or license, which expires in 1863, as
we are informed, and thereafter, all to the south of 49
dtgreea north to belong exclusively to the United
States. This to the substance of the treaty which
we hear has been ratified by the Senate. The treaty
itself baa not yet come to hand.
The advantages that will accrue to Oregon from
the adjustment of this question are numerous and im
portant Although as Americans, wo might have
wished that the whole of the territory could have
been ours, even up to 54 degrees 40 minutes, yet if it
could not have been obtained without an entaiimennt
of the miseries of war, it were wise and far belter, in
our judgment, that the matter should terminate aa it
has. War to inimical to the prosperity of our institu
twos, poisonous to the very life blood of our hsppy re
public. We have never yet come out of u war, how
's verso glorious have been our achievements, however
eo victorious to us its termination, without having been
retarded and thrown back in our progrerive march
On the other hand, peace has given us the rich smiles
of prosperity and the enjoyment of happiness, an
with the Imotto " onward and upward," we have made
such rapid strides in advancement, as to truly astonish
the world. How magnificent is our position as a nation!
The eagle and the " star-lit banner" arc in the ascend
ant; who would, or what power dares to do them harm !
Prospects ore brighter and more encouraging for
Oregon the jurisdiction of the United States will bo
extended emigration will be incited, now that un
certainties are out of the way-the resources of the
country will be developed, and its high woith appreci
ated. All this and much more will inevitably succeed
this settlement of difference. We can look forward
now with faith, and congratulate one another that we
are again citizens of the United States.
Oaioox and the Sandwich Islands. The edi
tor of the " Polynesian,'' lu a late number under the
caption of "Oregon Spectator and Oregon," tells
some plain truths and makes some honorable acknow
ledgments; he says
"It is really refreshing in this arid, enervating at
mosphere, to eee the ardor with which the Oregonians
labor for their new country. A trifle of their enthusi
aim and hardy goah'eadilircnf would do wonder
for our little kingdom'; but the foundation for the sen
timent is wanting, though we have enough of nerve
and muscle for the enterprise, provided it can ever
have an opportunity to develop itself An Oregonian
is a veritable landlord, he owns the soil he turns up,
and considers himself a fixture in the country. It w
'its home. Hence hie zealous patriotism. He is labor
ing for himself and his childen, and each settler con
siders himself one of the fathers of a great nation, to
be honored in future ages as were the builders of
Rome, and the Pilgrims that first trod Plymouth Rock"
Even so say we, and take a pride in the fact that
the Polynesian thus candidly admits " Oregon is rapid
ly outstripping us in the development of her resources
and the rearing of humanizing institutions." We are
sorry for Mr. Kamehameha and his little kingdom, but
positively we can't help it ; if he won't keep up with
the spirit of the age, he must clear the track and "look
out for the engine while the bell rings," or he may be
knocked into .oblivion and no mistake. We, us and
company, that to to aay, Oregon, California and the
United States, are not to be stopped in our onward
course t we can go faster ft further, and be hap
pier in the attainment of the great objects of civ
ilised life, than the balance of the world, though it be
crowned with th- diadem of power andf'arrayed in
royal robee of ermine.
We advise our friend with the hard name, who
owns n few spots of earth down south there in the Pa
cific, to sellout, shut up shop, and come up here, and
become n naturalized citizen, and aee how we rush
thinga for tbe benefit of humanity.
ft) transport, rith 100 ateaaaeuj of the power of &V
600 borseeeleetrreJy. A committee appelated by
tne uiiamaerer vessrtiMpropooca u reduce ineaoove
Tun Funch Navr The Freuch government, ror tbe urogon apotiater.
the bill appropriating 93 millions of franco far TO MARY Hreat situne.J
the navy, had fixed Its fcree aa follows, via: 40 ships Oh Mary, I lore theollhere to not an hew
1 rJttJ.w2 .2 T . wiBnTwbM u.y wk
And my faltering vce preolalmewlUi a sign,
Dearest Mary, I love thee !
An lLUL....r im. mMniewhl. 1 vreis aw ViYt ssfAt.
force as follow., 36 shipaof the line, of which 20 to - --- " , ftV, '
' be in commission 55 frigates, of which 40 to be on Amj ,,K M u aTe, when lu beams from afar,
1 service 130 brigs and schooners, and 16 transports, Shed the purest and mellowest hues on the fotm
and besides the 100 steamers above mentioned, they Of herl arJored-andcanlt then be,
,. ,,., , , . . That thou now dost remember no mote,
propose to add a ateam power of 3600 horses, to be sp-. . wgm bJ , ,erf8 of ,,,,
I plied to 4 ships of the line, 4 frigates and 4 schooners Where thy fond heart first blea'd me, as fondly 1 swore,
j also a steam power of 800 horses for two floating bat-1 Dearest Mary, I lore thee.
teries to defend the entrsneo to rivers. By this means ' Mtno, fof ,hy mtmory now pcluw. the ecene,
they reduce the credit from 93 to 73 millions. , ui,. u,, nuon in her olorv arose.
I And silver the waves with her tremulous sheen,
Vnrtnu It. fi.. ...nmiiiiiitii r ciioan A thrv liiinhrr'd in deenrft reuuse t
VM..wr. .... a IIV (m.uwm......... ..m.-.. .- .. . . . .. t:J
f- .i i . , . ... Tim hnlaof ihe ocean iiausooiannwe tun
I ' "-'""" ' ' - -y . . . . , or ti,r 1.M thst blazon, it. crest on .he
Ibrahim Pacha, was in Parts at latest advices, in
tending to visit London before returning to Egypt.
The English government hail received formal notice,
from President Polk, of the desire of the American
I government that the trratv for the joint occunancv of
Oregon should terminate in 10 months from date of The rose on thy "damask cheek, deepen'd ite hue,
-...i. ,:, - To a maidenly wusu, ami uie pnsmuiu- m
L-r a-. .,.. . ,...:...., .,. r 'I''"" lunled my bo-om. .bandon'd Ihe.r power
..n. ...... mm ...iiiHuri,iiri.i.. ww.. , Anie neWi of thy love, and tne wucnery pen
fir flu. itioi iiibi iiiaiutia lis crrn on Mir win
Not a muniuir was heard, save the alow gliding sam,
Ana the deeply breeth'd whisper thai Mole tbroU oavo
Dearest Mary, I love thee !
One lovely star met thine eye of eeft blue,
And chequer d lis beams on a war,
the com lawn in lilt House of Lords as certaiu, the
whig peers having unanimously or ueurly so, ugreed
to sustain Sir Robert Peel's com bill. A change in
h' I theMinistry was looked for soon, wlitu it m nuid the
3ucen will demand of the new minister whoever he
id ! may be, the title of King CoiiMirt for Pnncc Albert.
Lord Pdhneniton is expected to conic into office, by
' the resignation of Sir Robert I'rel.
' Mexican iTr.us. -News had reached Msratlan by
way of Dnrnngo, that 30011 Arnericanx had arrived at
Santn Fe : it was believed that on the S.lth July that
force would have rrached Chihuahua.
The departments of Mazatlan, Julisco and fiuadalax
Of that moment's embrace, while Uie ocean ocoop'U
Iwwrr, f
Through its mantle of green, breoth'd my words ae
they fell,
Dearest Mary, I love thee.
And now I have M thee, there is not an hoar
Of mv sadness that slowly moves by, ,
But my withering heart owns tbe might of thy power.
And my faltering voice proclaims with n eigb,
Dearest Mary, I love thee !
Puget's Sound, Oct B, 1846.
,A MoRNINO DlALOUUB in Osjwon ClTr "Halloo :
uncle Isaac, how do you do when did you cjrhe to
ara had declared against the general government, nnd ' wwn
" Oh I I am well, I thank 70U about five o'clock
yesterday evening what sort of times are going on
here, Archf
Why. uncle, a little of all sorts, but not early In
the morning, as it's too cool for caterpillars.
Areh. "Thiil's iust what I theufht for, as I
OacooN. By Ihe Toulon, fourteen days from Co- j ld you liefore, I csms in Irere about five o'clock last
lumbia, we have a file of the Oreiron Spectator to. Au- 1 night, and I was too late to get any thing, and this
gurt 20. This paper grows apace with the country it l0riiing, I am nm soon. I wanted to get home to-day,
so favorably represents. It has again changrd its 'di- 1 , .... . 1 .-. - i..
1.11. 1.1. but I can I now, and I see a good many more here
tor, but under whatever auspice: conducted, it comes ,
' tnereiore com. sioat nau not oiocaaued their ports.
I It was expected at Mozatlau that em long the
American tarilT would be proclaimed, as it had been
1 by Gen. Taylor at Mutamoras, and that all interim!
cuktoin houicM would be ubolished.
to us a ver' neatly eot up sheet, full of spirit ami en
tlitniosm in regard to Oregon. It will no doubt exercise
( an important inuueuce in that rising country. A very
welcome visitor 11 is 10 our taoie, anu we neg ine euuor
to let no opportunity pass without improving it to our
better acquaintance. In our next we will re up
some specimens of its contents to our readers.
I The wheat crop of the present season is represent
ed an remarkably fine. Attention is being turned to
1 hemp and tobacco, and many valleys unknown to the
white man a few years since, are said now to be occu
pied by an industrious population. Polyntiian
Much obliged, friend Jarvia, for such fair expressions,
and you may keep on telling your pleasant truths " an
it please you." The Spectator and Oregon are themes
that; you are truly eloquent upon, and although you oc
caaionallygive us aome hard hits, yet we are " a mag
nanimous people," end you can pees.
- Tin Cautoknian." This to tbe title of a email
'sheet printed weekly nt Monterey, Upper California,
for 5 per annum, nnd to the first newspaper ever pub
lished in California. Rev. Walter H. Cotton, chap.
lain Of of the frigate Congress to one of the editors-
te mission to an excellent one, and antong the many
good thinga it declarea to oupport, are the following:
"We shall euppert tbe present meaauree of the
Commander in chief, of the American squadron on
our. coast, so far as they conduce to the publietran
quililty, the vganitation of a free repreeentative gov.
etaaaat and evaluanoe with Ihe United States.
We eheM Mter CMmwU fr mU ktr inttreits.
mottl,tttU ndffitolw eaeenraffng every thug
an,MsJs4iBf arefy thing that can do
Wa have not eeeu, but hope eoon to be acquainted
with this newdtocJaie of liberty, and therefore eolicit
Monthly Mail. It is reported in the sandwich
Islands papers, that proposals have been accepted by
our government, for the establishment of a regular
monthly mail between New York and this country,
via Chagres and Panama. Two vessels are 17 run
between New York and Chagres, leaving earn port
on the first of each month. Three vessels ar 1 to be
employed in the Pacific, to run regularly from Panama
to the mouth of the Columbia river.
, 1NCBBA.S or m A amr and Navt. There to in
telligence from the U. 8. that Congress haa voted
$10,000,000 for military preparations and national de.
fences, to raise 60,000 men, to launch and put Into
coramtosion Ihe entire navy, and to authorize the char
tering and purchase of all merchant vessels and steam
ers suitable for cruisers, should such be required.
VcesxLs roa Orkoon. The Angelo, Capt. Has
inas, nailed from Boston April 30th, for this place,
with it to said one hundred passengers, among whom
are Dr. White, the Indian agent, and family.
The brig Henry, Capt Kllburn, eailed from Newbu
ryport, on the 21st of February last, for Oregon, with
a number of passengers, including women and children.
Sicono Growth 'or GaAsa. The surface of the
earth to quite green again with the eecond growth of
gram: thus we almost have "spring in the lap of
ST Hierocles says: " When we are in a condition
to overthrow falsehood and error, we ought not to do
it with vehemence, not Insultingly, and with an air of
contempt ; but to lay open the truth, and with an
awe, full of nildaees, to refute U teietheod."
jiut as well off as myself, but noire of us can gel up a
More keeper no huW I suppose they have all made
11 fortune."
(Inc. " I don't know about that, but it looks like it,
mid I hope they have, bu( may be some poor one will
come along some day, and no mistake but you'll find
him up early and late, till he can live without it, and
then he will say, he can live any how, and it'a nobody's
business ; and aa for the other business, uncle, going
on here a heap of talk about hard times, delegates,
Areh. " But yonder', a store keeper, now uncle Ike."
Une. " So there is, just up good bye."
Areh " Good bye."
Land Claimed av Ma. Charlton, By Ihe latest
advicerrom England, we leam that this disputed, bind
had again claimei! the attentioa of Ihe British Gov
ernment All the documents in relettoo to it, inclu
ding the results of last year's highly important investi
gation by command of the King, have been referred
to Ihe Law Adviser of tbe Crown. With such a bdy
of evidence before him, it to not ioo much to hope that
his opinion will lead to the final rendition of justice to
the rightful heir Pslynreis.
Natai The U. S. Sloop of war Levant, Capt.
Page, with Commodore Sloat on board, sailed for the
United States, on the 26th of July. The U. S. sloop
of war Cyane, Capt Dupoot, with Capt. Fremont,
Capt Ford and Capt Swift with' their Cempanieeon
board, sailed on the 21st of July for point San .Pedro,
witrrthe view of landing the forcee to attack the com
bined forces of the governor and 'General Castro,
which was supposed to beat Pueblo below. Corrimo
do;w Stockton with the frigate Congress, iiailed on the
2h of July, with tbe intention of taking auch a po
sition a. to place Castro between himself and Fremont
The U. S. Sloop of war Portsmouth, la still in Ihe bay
of San Francisco, the frigate Savannah' at Monterey.
Califohnu. Com. Sloat took possession
of Monleroyon the 7tli of July,. and hoisted
the U. S. (lag. The forces were landed at
10 o'clock, the place being given up by Don.
M. Silvia, the officer then in .command, at
the demand of .Com. Sloat. Capt. Montgom
ery, of the Portsmouth, took possession of
San Francisco on the 9th. The whole of
Upper California is now in posMmion of the
Americans. Com. Sloat assumed this ro
sponsibility upon the reception of tbe news
of the invasion of the U. 8. territory by the
crossing of the Rio Grande by Gen. Arista,
with 0,000 men, and his attack upon Gon.
Taylor. This movement had also become
the more necessary on aooount of the revo
lutionary state of this country, the susp.