THE SPECTATOR. O. L. CCSSY, EP1TOS- !t. W. COLWEIX, MU Oreg o Cltr Ocfhtat 99, IBoW. ET Rasoumos passed by the Board of Directors of the Oregon Printing Association, at their meeting, Monday, Oct. 5th, 1646, and ordered to be inserted in the " Spectator" four time. Whereat several subsoribers to the "Oregon Spec tator" have proferred pay for the paper in Oregon Scrip, which will not asset the liabu".tiea of the Board Therefore Weed. That hereafter rll pe reona eubecriben to the "Oregon Spectator," be hereby informed that Oregon Scrip will not be received in payment for the paper. J" Baoou, Oregon City, Oct 5th, 1&46. Secretary. Bl To CoaaMroNDE.NTf.-Wv have received an ex ceedingly queer document from T. C. J., of Polk cnin t ; as we presume it waa intended, we take it for a bartoque, but meet certainly would question the pro priety of iti publication. J We did not receive the communication of 0. C. S. antil after we had issued the laat number of the " Spectator." We can only lefer our correspondent to the published proceeding of the public meeting, in re lation to the subject matter of hie inquiriee, for the information be desire. Some really beautiful stanxaa, addressed " To Mary," were received too late for publication in thia number ; we iball take great pleasure, however, forgiving them a place in our next The Emjobatiom. Thoee of the emigranU who .1 ' IT J I L.. .11 came by the way oi ine juoum nwo row, uo u aafely reached the valley of the Willamette, and a large portion of them are already on their claim, bu aily engaged in promoting their comfort and welfare Mr. J. W. Ltdd's wagon waa at the head of the line, and armed in thia city on the 13th of laat month, at least two monthi in advance of any previous emigra tion. We have been favored by Mr. Barlow, with the subjoined ststement of the number of wagon, &c., that have crowed the Caeeade Mountain, by the Meant Hood road, during the present season. Five wagon only were abandoned between the Dalle and this point! The weather has been extremely favorable for the emigration, and still continues remukably mild and nimiant for this late period of the year. la regard to the remainder of the emigration, who are coming in by Messrs. Applegate and GofTs re cently explored route, we can obtain no satisfactory Informstion, further than ttey are as yet a consroer M Hinr from the head of the valley. We have mptwwi that several families have abandoned their wisons. and' come in with pack animals; likewise, that two tor three parties bare started oat, with pro visions, he, to meet the emigration. We have a rumor that one hundred and forty wagons, of the two hun dred and fifty, reported to have been on this route, have turned off and gone to California; this requires confirmation, however. Ms, Ewtosv Sir, by yoor request, I herewith send you the number of wagons and stock that passed the toll-gate on the Mount Hood road. There were one hundred eud forty-five wagons, fifteen hundred and fifty-nine head of horses, mules, and homed catUe all together, and one lot of sheep, the number not re collected, but 1 think thirteen. Yours, he, Oct 22d, 1846. Sam. K. Basxow. Biuce the above was put in type, we learn, by the arrival of a patty of the Hudson's Bay Company's servants, from Fort Hall, that there are. seven more wsgons en routt for this place, in the Cascade Moun tains, being the rearward company of the emigration by the Mount Hood road. DtmTuxE or Captain Howison. We were grati fied last week, by a short visit from Captain Howison, of the late U. 8. Sehr. Shark. He informed as thut with his officers and crew he would leave immediate y for California, in the Hudson's Bay Company's Bchr. Cadboroogb, which had been chartered for the purpose. Cspttla Howison, it is altogether probable, will be sent heme, u soon as practicable, to meet the decision of a Court of Inquiry in relation to the loss of his vessel Wo know sot what inflames may bo brought to fear naoaoBch constat this wo do know, that if Hide Wen bo jost'csj, it win esenJpate- Captain H. on. Wr. r Jf Wo beojrstfitk ototlon of foartooa delegate 4a,tnwtmMvatfVHe4ayaoxt, tor the fUfmftmmnmit Cerss injelatkw to the oWUe of the Territory, vism Clackamas, sit in Yamhill, and two in Una City preeloct, Twallty conmy. Chsmpoeg and Folk comties have declined a rtprciCDtatiea. THE OREGON BILL. cum JOTtnira. Various reasons Induce us to believe that the " Ore goa' Bill," sostyled, ia the ' bill for extending the juris dictioa of the United States to Oregon," which passed the lower noose of Congress on the 19th of April last, is misaadersteod, and the spirit of it entirely miscon ceived by a portion of our ciliteli. It is, but as its title declares it to be, " A bill to protect the rights of Amer ican settlers in the territory of Oregon unrii the termi nation of the joint occupation of the eame." Even as qualified as its provisions are, and as limited as it is in its general character, the bill had not passed the Senate, and we have not had the least intimation that would lead u to the conclusion that it has become a law. Consequently any action upon our part, in view of the provisions of the bill and with the presumption that it is a law of the land, would be unwise, unjust, and most unwarrantable. In reference to grants of land one of the most im portant matters, and one of the first thut should be re garded in such a document we find that the bill is a mere nullity, for the fourth section of it, whicn relates to this subject, reeds, " provision shell hereafter be made by law to secure and grant," he, he That three syllable word " hereafter" b all important, and completely knocks into pi, as we printers would term: it, the remainder of the section. These grants in fu turity are consequently not available, and no power in this country, at least, can make them so. But the language of this portion of the bill is misinterpreted, and the spirit of it totally mis-judged ; it is simply an as surence guarrontee to us that our rights in this respect will not be disregarded tha when the proper time come we shall be put in possession of so much land, but not until the proper period shall have arrived. We hear with pain that this misconstruction of the bill has been the occasion of acts which ore extremely injudicious, to say the least, if not to qualify them by the harsher term of trespass. It must be borne in mind that we still live under the laws of O.egon Terri tory the laws of our own making, and that we are still amenable to those laws, and may be so for an indefinite time to come. Will we not be sustained in the assertion that the people of thia territory will stand up for the supremacy of the law for the preservation of its majesty, and consequently its full and exact en forcement? We do believe that the cititens of this country are an order-loving and law-abiding commu nitythat they will sternly end firmly oppose such acts as will tend to loosen the golden bond of society by interrupting its good feeling and harmony. For the life of us we cannot see wherein tie claim jumper is the least benefitted by bis course of pro ceedings. Is it the half of a lonely bachelor's claim that he is itching after, or the whole of a half-breed's, he "jumps" and records, and after such active exer cise sits down with his hands upon his knees to await the uncertain transpiration of desired events. No man knoweth what the morrow may bring forth, and oil his hopes may be but goodly shadows in the summer cloud." But to him whose rights have been thus as sailed, if not violated, such conduct must be a source of irritation and annoyance, and, perhaps, ultimate wtreoble and expense in establishing and securing his right What then must So the inevitable consequence of all this? Aj feeling nf distrust will spring up which will occasion atwaot of confidence in one another and in the power ofthe law. Are there not enough of fac titious distinctions already in society? Why shall we not act as reflecting men? Why shall we neglect our duty in not pursuing the even tenor of our way with aa unfaltering trust in the wisdom snd ability of our government, imperfect as it may be, which is the strong and only bond that holds us together as a civilized community? By all our hopes of yet living in happiness beneath " the starry .banner of the free," and seeing this our adopted country prosperous and great, we do conjure our fellow citizens to be true to themselves, to stand fast by the social compact, to countenance no wrong, let it come from whatever quarter it may, for " truth is powerful, and will prevail." Law and order, peace and good will to all men be our motto, and however so great the emergency, let us never espouse the cause of error. M Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; Bnt Error, wounded, writhes with pain, And dies amid ber worshippers." DieeuctrvL We are sorry to say, that we have been informed of .sans moot disgraceful proceed logs which reeeaUy occurred in Cbaropoeg and Yamhill counties. Wo are shocked to stato further, that not satisfied with their Into acta of brutality, the is parties are to meet again, u a tew oays, to com- ajH n greater outrage upon good order, decency and Uwthyongaglaglaftkiridaf ntine-fight. Is there no law is those counties? If there he, where are the ssfttlarry eonstltutcd authorltleo to enforce it? V Wo wddisosBcriWio to ort article in the last Masher of tho "Speatator," entitled "Roil Call" Why wart sabjcribjai answer to their Msaao? Tfee Casemate Movtaliu. A KtOIIT ON MOUNT HOOD. " A chosen band in mountain land, And n life In the wood for me." It was delightful day ia August, we had made oar noonday halt At a brooklet that babied away at a very pleasant rats, between two ridges of the mountain, and In an hour's rid therefrom we entered tlw dense and extensive forests that fill the ravines and cover the heights of the Cascade Mountains, with the excep-1 tion of the snow peak, even to the valley of the Clack-' amos. We hod been travelling over nionolonoui prairie land through wild, wide, sandy wastes, with their prolific growth of the sombre-looking Artemeiia, with nothing to relieve the eye, or dissipate that sense of sickening sameness that day after day weighed upon our spirits. How gladly then did we hail the change, and gallop into the bosom of the majestic woods! Tlia hrrnlli nf llm (atrut was lil,-n will, thn ' scent of agreeable odors. What a feeling of freshness was diffused into our whole being, as we enjoyed the " pleasure of the pathless woods." In every glimpse we could catch oTHheopen day, there, above and be yond us, were the towering heights, with their Immense array of sky-piercing shafts. Up, up, to an altitude fearfully astonishing the as "Cent is steep and difficult, but there are many such 'ridge of the mountains to be crossed before you can descend into the flourishing valley of the Willamette. Down, down, into the deep, dark, and silent ravine, and when you have reached the bottom of it, by lis precipitous descent, you may be able to form an idea of the great elevation which you had previously at tained. The crossing of the Rocky Mountains, the Bear River range, and the " Isitr hill" of the DruheV, with the Blue Mountains, was insignificait in coinpa risou to the passage of the " Cascades." Here is no natural paxe you .breast the lofty hills and climb them there is no way around them no avoiding them, und each succeeding one ou fancy is the dividing ridge of the range. How profound is the solitude of those old and far surrounding woods, which is only in vaded by the dash of the mountain torrent, as it plunges downward to its more tranquil course in the distant valley. The sun had sunk to the horixon, and was arraying itself in a magnificent drapery of crimson colored clouds, as we emerged from the forest into a beautiful little glen, even upon the breast of snowy Mount Hood. Here was the fountain-head of rivers; and the foam ing waters were rushing madly along, as if impatient to meet the embrace of ocean. Above our heads, the peak of the mountain towered sublimely : its snow glit tering in the departing rays of the sunlight The day died slowly away, and our camp-fire was soon in a cheerful blaze, for the icy breath of the moun tain come down upou us with such a chilling effect, as to huddle us together within its comfortable vicinage. We could not but be impressed with the novelty of our situation. Here we were beside an object that had been visible to us at least a hundred miles distant ; an object of interest, for we knew that beyond it was our new home the country of our adoption, and that when we reached it, our long and wearisome journey would be, comparatively speaking, at an end. We were but seven souls, deep in the heart of the-greet wilderness, far from kindred and friends, and the en joyments of civilized lifs, yet we bsd an unshaken confidence in that protecting Power in the hollow of whose hand we stood. Our forms were soon stretched st length, snd our heads pillowed upon the bosom of that mountain that had been with us for so long a period an object of de- aired attainment, for the " day had touched the hem of night's garment, and tired and fatigued sunk into her concealing lap:" and there she was, enthroned upon Mount Hood, in her ebon mantle, "in her starry crown, with eternal quiet upon her countenance." C A friend, under the eignature of " A Kentuck Ian," writes us upon various subjects effecting the in terest tt the territory ; among other topics, he spesks of the " whit man's liquor traffic with the natives" In appropriate terms, and refers to the evil consequences it will inevitably occasion, if not put a stop to. In re lation to " claim jumping," he very correctly observes " Although a neighbor may, as It Is commonly term ed, jump your clam, be not alarmed ; comply with the requisitions of the Organic Law, and you are safe, as regards your claims, Government will do you jus tice. Wab News. A friend kindly permits us to make the following extract from n private letter, dated, Independence, June lit, 1846. " General Taylor has had hard fighting on the Rio Grande, and more expected daily ; he hu as yet been victorious, and, no doubt, will continue to be so. Gen. Scott bu gone on. M Col Kearney has been ordered to Stats Fe with throe hundred dragoons and thirteen hundred eolun tuts, and more shortly to follow. Our town ia all statement and buttlo," T Tho attention of our rsadeaj kj MlM to law eivortaemials hj ajjsjajaf THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. In a few weeks the Legislature will convene, and enter upon the discharge of its duties. There will pro bably be but little business to transact, and ws may expect a short session, which will, doubtless, be sgree able to all. As a general thing, the world is governed too much, and particularly In the Stales, there hu been a gteet deal of unnecessary legislation What a marvellous conglomcrptlou of law doe the legislation of the last twenty years present ; and for what good purpose. Law has become almost a mere matter of precedent. The judge fonukes his independence of mind, und permits hinurlf to be governed iu lux deci sions by tho manner in wlnrh such and such a case, of a similar character was decided, years and years ago, by Chief Justico so nrnl mi. TIimi(;Ii the tpirit of the law be broken, so long as there i ilrfi-reiice pulil to the letter of it, the judj(e can find a gixxl security behind the invulnerable lmld of the uliui;liiy prece dent. We are told (hat " necessity is the mother of (men tion," and in all legislation thould thr wmit lli neces sity lie particularly the occanion of the law. There be many queer inventions in these our modern time, and many that necessity can in nowme be induced to suckle. And it is altogether likely that some of the queerest cf these inventions hate been giini to the world in the shape of laws. Liw houUI be uiude far the benefit of man, yet how many are enacted and id inininlered to his pmitive dioadtantuge and injury? Our remarks muy not be applicable to the legmlatioa that has occurred in Orgon Territory; but we must confess that the enactments in relation to the currency have a "terrible squinting that way," and were we diupwed to find fault, we might comedown, with some considerable force, slid a good deal of propriety, upou the hair-splitting niceneM, at least, of the legislation in other respects. However, the members of the next legislature will assemble on the first Tuesday of I)e cember next, and give their deliberations and judg ment to such measures as are best calculated to pro mote the welfare and happ.ueas of their constituents. PUBLIC MEETING IN CLACKAMUS COUNTY. Pursuant to ndjounitwnt, on Thursday, the IJitii of October (inst.) the mcctinp was called to order by the chairman, and tho proceedings of the previous meeting wctc read by the secretary. On motion of Mr. McCnrvcr, the follow, ing resolution was adopted. Resolved, That our present mercantile condition lie considered and proper represen tations made to the mercantile community in the States. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the following resolution was adopted. Resolved, That our delegates arc request ed to ask Congress to make liberal appropri ations in land or otherwise, fur public schools. The resolution that was offered at the last meeting, instructing our delegates to pro. vide ways and means to forward our peti tions to Congress without sending a delegate, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. White, the following was offered : Stike out all after tho resolving clause, and insert the following That the petitions and memorials bo for. warded to Washington by a special messen ger, chosen by the American citizens of Oro gon, and that our delegates be instructed to provide for his election. On motion, the resolution and amendments wero laid on the table. The resolution of Mr. D. Stewart, as amended by Mr. Taylor, and informally pass ed by at tho last meeting, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. White, was amended as follows : And that the procoeds of each town site bo appropriated to the use of the inhabitants of said town for public schools and internal improvements in said town. P. G. Stewart offered tho following amend ment to be inserted after town sites. " So far as they can do the samo without interfering with prlvato rights." After some warm discussion, the meeting took a recess until 7 o'clock P. M. Met pursuant to adjournment. On motion, the several gentlemen in at tendance from othe counties, were invited to participate. The discussion then commenced, and was continued with animated zeal until a late 'hour, when Mr. McCarvcr offered the follow. ing amendment. " And that private rights be construed to extend to all Improvements made on town lots" which was lost. The previous question waa then called for and secondod. The housofdeolded that the pre vious ouWton should be out. The amend. mwl or Mr. P. G. 8tit wu tfc dopt. I