Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 15, 1846, Image 3

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    inu want chartonuor railroad, bankH, or
monopolizing companion of any kind, they
invariably xetid ffologafen to tlie Html of Ingin.
Intion willi thoir petitions ultliouffhourijov.
ornmciit lias provided rnailH at iU expoiiso to
oarry thum, and frequently pays thorn largo
Hums for thoir iwrvici!, Look for itiKtanco
at the amount paid iiy tho United 8tuton
Hunk for Mich Horvico, and thon auk your
nuIvon if wis liavo no interest to promoto by
lending one chosen from our midst, and re
sK)iisillo to uh for what lie iIooh. Ah no
uiuilN have Ixiun furnished uh by tho govoriN
incut, I am certain it could not, it would not,
refuse to compensate him as tho boaror of
Miid petitions. Mis beneficial riorviccH would
ho foil by ovory individual in tin community,
mid without expense, uu muny of our IjchI
citizens would freely volunteer, and rink tho
government compeiiMatiug tliem, if chosen
for that piirjxi.se.
M. M. McCAHVtiK.
For the Spectator.
Mk. Bditoii. After having coolly and
culmly considered the subject, without, how.
ever having consulted my friends' for their
concurrence, I huve arrived at the conclusion
that it is not yet the projmr time to elect a
delegiito to represent tin's territory in the
Congress of (lie United .States. The ulmvu
conclusion has Im-cii deliberately framed, and
is hupHirti'd by a variety of facts and argu
meiits, uiiicli would be to numerous to give
:it length in the sjmeu usually appropriated
to corrusMindrutN in your paper.
I notice that tho attention of the commu
nity lifts Ih-i'ii called to this subject by n com
iiiimication of .Mr. .Mc'C'urver, published in
the l"th number of die .Spectator, which bus
assed oil' with no other visible effect than
that of e.citmg wune little surprise in tho
inindsof tin- people; their surprise hu not,
however, been excited by the magnitude or
the intellctiial cilbrt, but at the uninti lligihle
jargon mid misstatement of facts contained in
that document.
In speaking of a territorial delegate, he
says, This olliceris a mere creature of an
.ft of Congress, and has no constitutional pri.
ileges." So far his statement agrees with
the faits, but why does lie conclude the sen.
Mice with language announcing the fullu
lousiWtriuu that it is in the power of Con.
yn-.s to confer constitutional privileges uii
territorial delegate, when by a mere refer.
nee to the constitution of the United Slates
be will readily dicoer that Congress has no
ower to confer privileges (f that description;
by a more particular examination of the sub.
ject be will also discover that a territorial
delegate is not excluded from otingas he
sas, "because his constituents constitute
mo half (Tiisown term for which is a moiety,)
uneual to the constitutional number iiscer
Mined to entitle u member to full privileges
under the last apportionment.
Now the only rutionul inference to be.
drawn from this assertion is, that if Oregon
contained twice the number of inhabitants it
now does, iIr. Mu.'h "because" would bo
entirely superseded, and an Oregon delegate
woiild"b entitled to votu in the American
CoitercfW. It is Mil! a greater matter of
.surprise that un cx.mcinber and speaker of
the Oregon Legislature (which ordorcd the
census to be taken by the projier officer, and
received his rejKirl,) when laying fuels be
fore tho people for their information with
reference to the initiation of Oregon, should
refer to a document as evidence which is
published by a man residing tbreo thousund
miles distant, and who never suw Oregon.
If the post-olTico department at Washington
know that Oregon contained 10,000 injiabi.
tants mio year ugo, they are bottor acquaint
ed with thoalfairs of Oregon than thoso who
reside in it, and would probably bo but little
benefitted by tho iustructions'of thoso who
would fa, willing to innko tho trip to Wash
ington frer of expense for that purpose
I fully cottcfir with Mr. Mc'Curvor in nil
that ho says about our " standing up liko
men," or in occupying any oilier position
which honor or duty may dictate; but I daro
not concur with him in tho cxiedicncy of
sending a deleguto lotio Unitod States Con
gross, without the authority of that body,
In Conclusion, allow mo tonluwruA fn-w
benefit of all asniranta who am nairttA um'iI.
a congressional propensity, remain quiet, and
oivo VOU Halves no linoflKinnsn. Wlmn IT.mM
Sam is anxious for your services, ho will
give you timoly notico; then, if tho pcoplo
flay you are right, " go a-lioad."
Caucht Nappjno. Sleeping in church
is a very bad practice very. Sometime
it occasions ludicrous occurrences. A cane
of this kind happened not long ago in a cer
tain church, when a preacher of that mi
morouH and Jiighly respeclablo class, tho
Methodists, was dolj"rring a farewell sermon,
prior to his going further west, whero ho had
a moro oxtonsivo field open for his useful
ness. hi closing, ho stated in proper terms
and feeling, "that he now took his affection
ate leave of them, probably never to address
them again."
"The Lord be thanked I Amen!" ex
claimed a member of tho congregation, just
aroused from his sleep, without being fully
aware of what tho prcachor had said. The
minister's astonishment as well as that of the
congregation, can bo imagined.
DIEDOn Tuesday, Oil 13lh, near (Won
City, Mr. Isaac Cornelia.
Multnomah OircHlaUng Library,
rWIHK SHAREHOLDERS are request to meet
M. on TiMwday, the 3rd of Nor. nett, at 3 o'clock,
P.M., at Ihn house of A. Hood. Em.. Librarian, in
t-N-ct Truxtccx and Officers for the cnmu'ng year, it
Iwing tho annual meeting.
Oregon City, Oct. Mtli, IMC. Secretary.
Proposals for Locating the Seat of
IJI'RSI'ANT to a law paw at the latt temion
of the Ii;ilature, I herrby give noUce, that
M-altil pruiiuial, rndoned, " Proposal for locating the
wat uf iJuvemiiiirut," will tie received at the Secre
tary'it cflicr, until Monday, the 30th day of November
neit, from all prrmn who may de're to pirr donation
to Urn Gotrnuneiit for the purjiose of erecting Public
lluililiiij,' and locating tho wut of Government. Said
IirojKMiU to talc the umount projirwrd to lie given the
uii.1 of prMTty in which it u to l paid, utid tho oh-jt-ct
for which the donation in intend'd, together with
all til" conditions councctrd itnTcuitli.
(iivrn under tnv hand. at Orcron I'Mv. tlm lu-.IMi
uayoi uciouer, jo-jii,
FsiurmiK Pair.ii, Secretary
y i
By the Governor. GEO. ABERXETHY.
19 It
BAR IRON.iuituMe for Wagon and Cart Tire,
amorted sue, for role at tho Brick Store, Ore
gun City. Oct. 15, JelC. lUtf
WAiiOJt AND CART HOMES, for tale at
the Ilrick Stnrr, Oregon City.
Oct. 15, leC. lUtf
WAVI't:i-A comfortably furnished lied
room, for one perton, with either a fire place
or stove therein; to he within the city limit. Infor
mation received ut tho " Spectator" Oifice.
Oct. 15, l&lcJ. lUtf
A. I.. Iiovrjor. A. A. Ski.wcr
Lovkjov axdpkix.'Vkr, attor
nevsa.n1 counsellors at law,
und Solicitor in Chancery, Oregon City,
Hating thm day entered into co-port iicndiip in Uie
litwiiem of the Law, under tho above atyle and name,
L. and S. will attend to any professional busmen en
trutcd to their care ; and will practice in the Supreme
nnd Criminal Court of Oregon Territory, and in the
neveral County Court.
Oct 15, 1&4G. No. ID, tf.
THE underdpicd proprietor of the LYNN CITY
HOTEL, being permanently located, repect
fully invites the citizen of Oregon to give him a call
Country produce will be taken in payment of due.
Having purchaied the Ferry, will fulfill the variom
contract already entered into , and ferry my travel
ling customer free of expenae.
The travelling public are repectfully informed that
the ferry Uiail be punctually attended to, and every
effort made to deserve tho patronage of ill old custom
er, and tho coniniDiiity generally. '
Oct. 15. Ill tf. A. H. FRIER.
IIIEREOY forewarn all persons against purchasing
B Note of hand, flatiul atwiiit Ik firat of lilnml
lairt, calling for sixty bushels of wheat, to be delivered
un tun imiip. ui ins vtiiiaineuo itiver, opposiie
Oregon City, payable tho SOUi day of' October, 1846,
made payable to P. R. Hunt, the considerati i for
which said nole was given, having entirely faile.
Oregon City, Oct. 1st, 1846. 19 tf.
PasNttiiwcr'a Own Line mogul
k . thhhiih- we Jbeg leave to
tender our thanks to the nuhlie for ihn lihanl
SUDDOrt receivml duriiiv'llia lut wtiunn. aarlirulrlu
for the protitiont furnished by the paasengem. 'The
H.upiu auu ueo. rrausjin nave jusi oeen supped mw
the' water, after thorough guiumlng, and intend to
yi ivKuiaiiy uoiween uiegoB uv ana unsjnpoeguie
present season. The Boats will leave Champoegon
Mondavs and ThuiJa rmm )mui ;...
Wednesdays and Saturiayi durisf the WMea, -.
engers or bo psMagers. IT Aa the proatietofs la-
icuu, u may niways nave done, to Keep too beat boau
on the water above the falls, they hope to receive a
share of public patimhan. X. Y. Z. can ham
pMMgM free gratia for nothing. OXJTIw first LWut
will attend to all btiauMe. la the abUbe of the Ca
N. B-A naaoaable price will be paid for a flu
tityof good Gam. -w Oct 1, 1845-.ief. - '
THE following is a list of Letters remamJagbatbe.
Fort Office atOngou City, September 14th, 1846.
Belvers, Sotomea , Houck,JataM
Bassham, William R. Jaeksoa. John H. P.
Bestrand, Ed. MUler, Robert
Chapman, Manuel Murry, Seldea
Crockett, Samuel B., 2, SraHb, Am B.
Gilbert, J. M. Todd, William Levi, 'J,
Harris, John Wilson, Amariah
The above letter have been forwarded from the
Port Offices n the States by Lieut Woodworth, of the
U. S. Navy. W. G. 'HaJT, P. M. C. 17tf.
HIE subacriberhas two held, contamhur
it) acre each, of old groundiual to the
A. flaatlnn
A LL persons are hereby cautioned from trading for,
j.. u. iciuiiii); a KiHiugin oiu cauing loreigniy
two dollars and fifty cent in Ermantinger money, sign,
ed by Thomas McKoy, and dated May 17th, 1846.
Said due bill wa lost, or taken with other paper from
the pocket of the subscriber, in a buckskin money
purse, about the 20th of August, 1846.
N. II. On the back of said due bill is an indorse,
nient of $3,00, the date of which I do not remember.
17 3t WM. HAKE.
Farm for Sale.
HAT superior and most desirable claim,
ituafMl An tliA Yamhill f4 mmA
occupied bv the subscriber, is offered for sale on
favorable terms. It is situated at about the center of
Yamhill county, well watered, and the best timber
in Oregon. 1 he fences are superior, and buildings
good. For price and terms, apply to the subscriber,
on the premises. RANSOM CLARK.
Yamhill, Sept. 1 0th. 184oV-17tf.
Farm to Let
JSSaUL bert in Oregon, wJth good bouses, barns, and
uut fivuaca, which iic m ucwraui 01 reuung eany mine
fall. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber on
Uio premises, on the Yamhill river.
Yamhill, Sept lOlii, IfrlC 16tf.
Mary Ann Smith, Comp'nt, 1 Bu w CiuKCMr
Samuel F. Smith, Defnt. S ' D,vollcr-
APPLICATION will be made to tho next special
term of the Clackamu county couit, to be boU
en in Oregon City, on the fint Monday fu November,
1846, upon bill and exhibits filed, for '.decree to dis
solve the bonds of matrimony now existing between
the complainant and the defendant This is therefore
to notify the said defendant, hi agent or attorney,
that if the said bill is not fully answered or demurred
to, on or before the calling of the cause at the said
special term, judgment will be taken pro essesw,
and a decreo taken according to the prayer of the
bin. W. G, rVAULT,
August 31 , 1S46. Itlfi. SoL for Compl'nt
Sale 8table and Feed Store,
Main and Third (cross) Streets, Oregon City.
vTVORSES bought and sold all kinds of Oregon
JLM. currency received in payment for Hones and
Feed. N. II. A little of the needful from those Who
know thcmaelvc indebted, would be awful convenient
I will give good fund fur a few good Mule.
Oregon City, Sept 9, 1846. 17 lytf
Application for Divorce.
APPLICATION will bo made by tho undersign
ed, to the lion, county court of Polk county, at
the next special term of said court, to be held on Mon
day tho lUth day of October next, withhTand for said
county, for u decree to dissolve thebonds of matrimo
ny now mibsiKting between himself and hi wife Sarah
Ann Colwcli, the said Sarah Ann being a non-resident
of this territory.
August 20, 164C ltl.r.
To all wliem It may ceacera.
"FAJOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned
will apply to the lion, the county court of Polk
county, at the next special term thereof, to be held on
Monday the 19th day of October next, for a decree
of divorce from the bonds of matrimony now subsisting
between him and his wife Eleanor McDanlel, formerly
Miss Eleanor Bunion. ELISHA McDANlEL.
August 20, 184&-4tl&
Te all whoa It nay coaceru.
"FAJOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned
-L will apply to the hon. the county court of Polk
county, at the next special term thereof, to be held on
Monday the 19th day of October next, for a decree of
divorce fmm tho bond or matrimony now ubstsung
between her and her husband Nathan Wooaley.
August 30, 1846itl5.
AL L. respectfully announce to the publio that
e he 1 ready at any timo to survey any claim
or landed property, wnen called upon. All order for
warded to A. L. L., at the Oak, below Vancouver,
will be attended to. Sept 89, 1846V 16tf
TTPPER, Sole, and Harness Leather of wperior
J quality, for sale at reduced price, by F. W. Pet
tygrove, at Portland.
Portland, Sept 29, 1846V-3UB.
A Teaaat Waatcel.
A FARM, contalataf abeat 08 acre eaoUetd.
thirty oTwhkb, havelsmceAhratadt.agW
garejeawith aaSrsral fruit treee-ageod oeasfertabU
dwellliur and eat house, together with a fine stock of
cattle, bog and poultry all of which the uhscriber
will let on reasoaaU teraaa The above dewribed
plaoe k situated ia Champoeg county, about two amle
from the Bute, For farther iaformaOe. aafly to W.
G.T'Vault or Hugh Burae, Offgea) Ctar, ca io the
alanriberwUieinsalMa . .J.HkULY.
Sept. 17, l&4tW17tf. - V -v
-.1' 'v
OMgemcuy. ,. i
a. The tKTeaaf eojaawnky an leapaesfUiy
MudtoealL .Tho City Hotel hailing
. ,HHris, snd tw sTrlrtor'feUal.ta
saying that when completed, Ms eastoaaiPJ wiiUeel
more comfortable, M every necesaaryartsaUoa wfll b
rendereU to miut them so. Hi table shaM not be
snrpe-ediatheUnkorr. Thow who farer k4a Rh
a call from the west side of the river, will receive
horse ferriage free. Jan. 30, 1846-ltf
XEIMOX 9c tlcDOif AIM,
HAVING rested Mr. M. Ban' old stand I
Multnomah City, oa m west side of the WU
lamette river, are now ready te apiy their ftieaos
and enstoroers with all kinds f nunsfactsr! faaa
and steeL They havb a huge Meek of assorted ken
and steel on hand, which will enable taeaa te Meaty
all order in their line' with despatch. iTaeTaaveaeir
on haadanaanberof Disjnoad and Caty pJew of tho
best qnality, axes, drawiaf knives, aitMas DuiDj.
and edge tools of all kind, warranted i oetry a good
edge, or no charge. All of which will be sold at a
moderate price for good pay.
("Customer coming from the east aide of tbjf.Wl
lamette river to our shop for iron work, wiH bo hail I
free of jsharge. Feb. 19, 184f-Uf
- Tavern and Tamaery.
JS.J NOTICE 1 hereby given to the eMtoew of
Mi Oregou, that the aadetSgaed i now eeeao..
JMHLiag tho aland formerly kept by Malcy, aatJba
west aid -f hi rrrrr. ni hiyintn fir gnaot! ati
faction to all who may call on him, Tsrase Ready
?ay, 25 cents per meal. Price for bene over aifbt,
b cent. All kind of produce will be recoCTosffcr
the some. , .
Also, !, Hide Waatcel, which he' wa
tan on shares, or cash or store pay wil bo givoa.
Hide wii be received at any time at the above asawL
and also, Hide coming down the river, caabeleftat
Mr. Sharn' shoo, above tha FalU. wkom tlu. J
signed will receive them. '
Linn City, April 30, 1846V -7tf.
Hivdio oanekted thomserro together la
sctariaf Mat at Oregon dry, a aew i
factored k Orsoen. Ahhonsli tk. aaaaaa iia .
they confidently hope, by their urowut sitealioatbK
business, to be able to furnish bate to tho Quo olsU
xens at redoced prices. C -ii 't
vvool,eeaver,otter,taocoon. will it, aasfcll, iwiaatis-
praine wolf, and fox akin win be taheaia eaehjM
for hats. Febrtmry 5, 18a-W .)
910,000 Revard for every one to attend te hit t
oxen business.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform the pabHe at
large, that he ha established fumef ia tho '
Blarksmithing in general, in Oregon City, where ho '
will keep oa hand an assortmeat of Plow, wkieh eoa- J
not be surpamedia the State. riiinaaia,li,M ..
chase plows, can be accomsneaated with taaoih.'
ed or unfinished. Abo, Patent Fkeai'J'ecx, Re,;
Axes, and a kind of mechanic1 took ' Astheaak-'1
scriber ha had long experience in maeWaery, ho -himself
cntaoeteatto execato aU Uaoj f .awH woak,
ahingle machiae, aadthrashiaf macbiae bf the best
approved pateat.
Gentlemen wishing to parchaoe any or the above
articles, wMl do well to call and examine for thewrton
oa Main street, Oregon City.
February 19, 1846-2tf
A Caatloa.
"WCTHEREAS my wife, Martha Holmaa, ha lea
ww my bed and board witboat aayjaota
provocation, thk i tberefore fotewarakc aM i
not to give her any credit on my accoaoi, a I am de
termined not to pay any debt of her extracting.
August 25, 184& 4U6.
I 7
Farm far tale.
MThe eubecriber oAi hi valuable claim, aa
Tualarr plain, for sale. There are RVa
claim 80 acre ia cultivaiiea, under gaM
fence, with a log-cabin thereon, and also tisnbor ar a v ,
framed dwelling and bam, a oaanllty of ahlajtoaj $e. v
Person wishiag to purchase agood farm,vrjT dawoll
For farther ojticabu, laqaJra of Waa. wrews.oa
the abiaiaf claim, or of the subscriber, at rartkad.
May , lM-tf
Farw far Sale,
aa rilHE aberiber oakmak vahMblei
fflJIBf M. laTaatyPlia,frmle. TimoaoiS,.
Jim tbeolaim M aero, hi caW vatioa. aaaar
nedCHwe, wahUwe enmiswiili lag cakiaaaaa'a.
3eaelbm Pamai wibjaoJf inliiM amii lata.
wiH do wan to eel M ikkXE. who aES
k pnjaosaaa iamaasssasastoasi taeWlJ jasaoismAojoojyV (
' l"J'1 trTiimaWisiif il
Seetembor 17th. lBlnU.17f VVJt '!. - ffi-iSi?
-aa-li:- svu. i-.zl ilrW i :i.. !
, aw hh,. . , h n,f.- . vi
and Breeding Sown. ' TTiTT'rJWriPftj
Apply to the Mmeiaat ataio hiaa'' aai Tessa' - fj
Uattnr. M i ' II abaeif FT 1MTI 1 1 ' -
Vamkia cLr iaL tie ii n m-j
mmmm ! mvi anivwM .. I -u.
w . '-', ,