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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1846)
r n t-s-an-araaBBstsiiBsnwBBBSsasawsjptjsi THE SPECTATOR 0. L. OUKKT Wree-. . WifflM., Oregem City, AM.U aeLAJL , ' w mmfmf ww PM IM.MIN WL JUWeWSBS MMfei M tlpTtr SsejetlSeTt O Resolution of the Onra Priatia Aim Monday. Oct 5ib. 180. Mlttfcnitok laeettW tbe " 8pecUler" fear tinev vl Whnii MTNtl Mfcmfcmtetk MOiMm 8ae tator" have preferree pay fcr the la Orama Scrip, which wilt not aae A Uebttltlee af Dm leal Therefore '' . JZesWwoV That keceeiter al MMMMMti the "Oregon bpteUtv." be Oregon Scrip will Mt boreeeive4 ia -feynaac Jar the paper. visa, r. Oregon City, Oct 8th, ISM. vMNNafYe apggiaBaaBSSMBHMHi M meate ieaet MMHlHlfTMT ID Soma of ear with im h pttieathwi tlMy ew ; the largMt ihat bi th wmW. a4M thing into it at ID" On the fiat pace of mt some original matter, to which wo eel readers. tofeati "Roll Call. At the nil call ef eac before going to press eat yesterday, a ejerity end not answer to their naaee after tskt.sBaWea mUim provided in the oetthliehtatat ef the "mUr." That ia to say, they did not anewer mid. New, that U out of all conscience and hard to be heme; coneeqaently, as Mr. Wbat-yenaMy-eel-'ea, aera. " Our wifleringt ie intolerable." If hold back will only ceene vp to the aeerk themselves accordingly, by Um pay-neat ef their sorptions , we " won't" aak uera a ID The emigraata etill eeatiaae to' attire, daily, generally in good health and tfrtej, eras, their wagoMaadteeAMinTOryrakeuoMBMB. ay ear: iaeue we ahall be able to fern eeemetaaw Hw a eetiroateoftUabecfUeaiigratiea.efwyebwebaea now no reliable Jafonnatina ID" It ii to be hoped that tbvejfata eeaatieawli be repreeented in the ppteachlag eeareaeiea. If aay of them feel averse to timllng a diligati, er evea a meawnger, to the U, 8. Ceafetae, ttexeagat to, aet withstanding, be rtpnaeated ia the ejerreaftieay, ia. ar der that they may bare a vetoe, at least, taaV'eaab ions of that body. By reference e aaother celeawa, it will be Men how far Clackamae has pi sendee! ia tail matter. ID Wo regret to state Out Mr. Jean Hefctoeter, recently a worthy and respected ekiaea ef taw tonito ry, while on hie way to CaMtemiaraet aa death in the. JJiupqua moiinleine, by shooting himself lie was ia the actef rifle towards bin, by the mauls. broth against which it bad beea restiag , when it charged its contealiiato fab body. Haired a ahart time after the accident. , ID Three pieces fflTs cf rrianin) ef the lata U. S. Schr. Shark's ordnance, havei portion of the wreck, a few miles belew head. Means were being taken to preserve the pieeee if practicable. Tjik Lace Navy, Scene ef .tbeCsasdiia ore in an alarmed state aboat tbe UaMed Meant force upon the lakes. Added to the. sail our inland seas, they master a vary We have on Lake Erie, fifty-ive propellers, fifty brigs, two hundred aad am ers, besides having ia precets ef baaeW, tea ers, twelve propellers, twelve saaare rifgidviawai, aad an iron man of war of five hundred Mounted Riflemen It is ooaMeatly aaterled la the Eastern papers, that the oamraaad ef the mw regiment of mounted riflemeaie to he glvea to Ceptila Fremont, the ceUbreted explorer. . ""-t4-iiBjesiewaaee CO John Adams was at oae fbrw .filed apea try some one to contribute toieretga tfkdm wheai ha abruptly answered: "1 have aahlafYeVfr that . . - . . J .. .T ", purpose. There are new, atlehrtilaetr, sot one of whom will prtaeb ia eaah etjbara X"OW, 1 wiu coniriswe as atesa, aM aae alee, to clvillie thead ray err ?- '--! "esjsjyfsaa if Waaf Ouaati Wjn She wants a speedy set- ef gw bedary tanllnn, and the Immediate ef ehejeaiiieelea ef the United States over mtmmm tm fetiaeyy. me wants a aevoiepement ef hariieiaiiii.ariy ta estakWi the f.ct that ahe pos. eeaMwheemtf tae'raeaat of weaith and great e)esnia jMt ejalaeat degree. The steamer upon hat aaaeieeat rivew ' the locomotive upon her pro eaeejteeilas would be to her es blcaings, and could aetftul to eJerd a meet gratifying return to the entrr atkeag eeaiUliet who would so eetablikb them. The aeeaMar cireametaacee under which -lie labor at pro eat, aad has long oeatiaued to labor her recent origin her reraoteaeai from the highly civilized and great eeaemerekl aatieas ef the world do not wnnit her to shew her ewacapahiUties to the extent that he to ardeawy deairea. Is she btameable, then, in asking for aid, whea her eary capital is a few articles of her own ateeheiea whea there are miles and miles of her lieh eal yet aabroken by tbe husbandman when there ie aaareety eompetltion enough in her markets to exeoJa aa ejuwaragement for labor? Under her mild esBagieeable aad healthy climate, and the numer- which nature has lavished ujnn her, herself and receives satisfaction from khe fciaagthit her eferts will not go wire wnrdetf. The ie hteeauag in the waste and her noble forests the will of her people. ef the pretei ng necessities of Oregon. i, however, without saying a word for eaweaftoa the agent that opens to man the noblest lad meet extensive field of action, utility and good. rsreat Oh! hnmeasurably above and beyond all ssssfB, Oregea wants the means of keeping ignorance oaief harherders of giving her children that know ledge which is power, in order that they may grow tip the fuM etatare of manhood and perforin tliwir du tiee, aaahetoia their righu and bo co-lnborers in the great weik ef human improvement. It the United to this territory be liberal for the sue- 'el establishment of public tehnoU, and the grati ef unborn ages will be their meed. We may resume this subject again, when time and wfli permit us to do it better Msrvicc. WmtAT CaorIt is our desire to obtcin an at aeeriy correct as possible, of the quantity af wheat that each county cf the territory hns prolin ase eMag the present year. Will our farmer friend", thereMre, do at the favor to make up nn tstimate of she yield ef erepsin their, respective counties, and for ward the same to at as soon as practicable ? We are aware that it will be a difficult matter to arrive at the aetaal amount of this production, yet wc may lie nb!r to eeme pretty near it in this way, at least, near enough to give our friends m she Stales a good idea of tho great productive qualities of the Oregon soil. Wc weald prefer that tbe estimates should be under, rath er thea exceed the actual yield. When wo shall have ehtilied the desired information, we will puMMi it, ghmg to each county its estimated share of the gene ra crop, with each remarks as may nut b deemed smawewltti to tbe subject. faatf Mixiccv The New York Exprciw of the lfehaf May last, contains news from Mexico, receiv ed via Havana, from Yen Cruz, to the first of May. Goa. A Imeatw vent from Havana in the steamer Tweed, ea nut to 'France and Knglund, taking triih htm lie Presteaieffen of tear Utvrd hy PnrrAn. Oea. Santa Aaaa remained at Ifnvana, devoting Waaatf to asjatameats, apparently quite uninterested ia tsw.eJUrsof etates or nations. A large Spanish Beet waa cruising around the Isl and. 'We hear aething of the two Mexican war oaiaasetB. The people of Vera Cruz were every mo. meat eaaectlng ear forces to commence. the blockade aad IsmbeidsniiHt ef the Fort. Leotsrs from Maiatlan, San Bias, Sus., betray tho groateet eeaeternatiea on tbe west coast, in conic. ejaeaae af the number of U. S. vessels of war there. smarts wns constantly arriving in the city of Mexi aa, that Meatorey, or Naxatlan, or some other port on thp 'teste, had beea taken or blockaded by our forces, he they were generally contradicted the next day. TM mnuea teip uouingwood, eu trans, Admiral , waa at anchor offSan Bias, 7th April. Emi- flam the United States were still pouring into to tbe great consternation of Gen. J'a redes, leja them an army in disguise. He gives .- . A I . " aa CaMerma aa Met. Apprehensions are entertained that tha Marmeat, who were said to be crossing the weald overrun the wholo of Moxlco, and : st Their reputation has preceded them. Them) Is ae moatlon made in the Havana papers of i, bat a aay bad been lilting out, it is not that aay thtag would have been given out IT Paget Souadfrlmpesafoaei ,mmtJ fa teemaeh ., V " laweiamUef aasiaag mamr'shrtwemwaaih aiettaa,ewfmsw)om-e. ue -- eeamme. a At a .iUtAa tlAlo sseilkAai & .' i in) ooenuHrw . .-w. , ,m-t , If aval Orden have beea received at the Brooklyn Kavy Yard to gat tha ateeao of war Dale, Barton, and Trlhll, and tha Mfato Maeedonia ready for sea at Ta rreate,s etareTteace to mete orders, was iaeatheMitlmeleTaAaaSaiardyfwexamlBaUon. 'iwMa.were aha roaarfed at Norfolk on Sunday td ft erallha U. . mlg.flffaitea. The Truxton b to be ay caat. carpenter. hjaP.f hrig Ferry was to leave Norfolk yesterday ThaU.eOMlMtnbrldte, Cant Pennington, arrived at atosteleMeiaea the 4th of April from Montevideo Ws-s-sWilaaVUttr, MthMay. A Pekcious Document. We givu bslow, an a matter of novelty, a few extracts from the recent pro clamation of Gen. Paredrs, President of Mexico, It will be teen how much regard he entertains for truth, and how perfectly he U at home In his native brugga docia: " The old injuries, and the ofTences which have been repeatrd ever since lr3ti by the government of thu United StatcH aguinst the Alexicaii teojir, liuvu hreu coimnniinated by the act of sending u ininisti'r, to lie accredited near our government, with the churuvterof resident, as if the ri-latiotin between the two rrmilitirs had not been altered hy tin' act of incorporating Texas. At the same time, when Mr. Slidell presented himself, the troops of the United Slates occupied our territory, their squad nn w threatened our ports, anil preparations were limde for occupying the CuliVoruias, of which llu question of Oregon is only u preliminary ; and I did not admit Mr. Slidell, becuuse the dignity of the nution repelled the now insult. " lu t,he meantime, the army of the United States was cantoned at Corpus Clinstif uud occupied llid island of l'adre Vayin ; nfterwnids iiiutihcd towanls St. Isabel, and Ihojtag oflkt nam waved on tho left bank of the Kin Bravo del Noil, opjiosite the city of Mutumoras, after taking p.cwSjii of the rm-r with their ships of war. The town of l..irrdo was stirpriM-d by a party of their troops, and u picket of ours, on the watch, was disarmed. Ilottilitirs, then, have Ix-tn comiueucrd by the U. S. of America, in nuking new conquests upon our territories within the buiindarii's of the department ot I umatilipas und ew Uon ; und uIo by the advunce oftroojM iqwii Monterey, m Upjier California." Taking poutuion of I lit Hiti llraru ilrl Siirtr, liy thijf vf tear, anil adruncitif; Iruojn nin Mulinnuini in Upiitr California ! Truly the Mexicun I'resideiit's expositioiui uro most marvellous. He strums ut a gnat, and, without any difficulty whntever, swullou u camel. Facts, Mr. President l'aredes, alone will lie respected und huvo weight in tho world'n jiidginent they uro stubborn things, anil in this care ut lenl you cannot make them. After utthbiiling the ret.Mnihilit of a war between tho tun nations to the AiiierirmiM, and stating that tho intimation of the receding of the United States troops to the left bank of the Nun-,- w;u rejected, he (oleinnly declurcs thut Ire does not decree wur. " But the dtfrnrt of Ihr Mrxititn trnltiry, he eon titiues, irhieh tht troop of the United Stutm inrmlr. is an urgent ueccMiity, and my reuiiaililiiy will ! immense before tho nation, if I o not command the reielling of the force that iuvadeu it us eiiemte ; and i niter euminanueu if, rnJiu iiu uuy win runimrnrr di.kknsivk was, and all points of our territory thut shall be invaded or attacked, will be defended with all rtrength. il huvo rommanded the (teiiernl-iu-Cliief of our forVfriOii the liorthem frontier, to repel all hntlilttie offered to uk, which is uctual war uguiiiNt uny Mir making war on us; and calling upon the God of battlch. Ho will prcseno the valor of our troojis, the wiqucstionuble right to our territory, and the honor of thoso arms which (ire used only in defence of jtiMice. Our general will govern himself by tho rrtnl)lilud usage of civilized wurfure. With orders from me to I prevent, if poHhiblcthoell'iji'ion of blood, he will lurriiiutt to the (ieheral-in-Chief of the American-army that he ihall return to the other tide af the Itm de la AV er e, the ancient limits of Texas." Clackamas Coi:.sty Court. A secial tenu of this Court was held lust ueek, and some iuqioriniJt bu siness transacted. Mr. John Switslcr was authorized to keep u public ferry sit the Columbia river opposite Fort Vancouver. Mewirs. Woodcock, Cornelius and Parker were appointed reviewers, to relocate and im prove, the road leudiog from Oregon City to the Molal la settlement; also to review and locate a road to Champoeg county line. Mewr. Caon und Stephens were appointed supervisors for the purpose of making u road leadipg from the city limits to thu residence of Mr. Stephens, on the Willamette river, opposite to the town of Portland. The case of Mr. Simmons against Wornbough and Butler, for the recovery of tho amount of a promissory note, came up, and after evidence and argument, was submitted to the jury, who could not agree upon a veu'ict, and were discharged. Riot at Montevideo. Some serious and alurming disturbances broke out on" the night of the lfJth of March, in Montevideo, on the occasion of tho urrivul of General Rivera in the harbor, on board of a Spanish frigate. The troops were culled out. A pruvious de cree by the government and council of state had been issued, ordering that General Hivcru should leuve the country, and providing that ho should huveusuitublu pension to support him suitably in some foreign laud ; this was stuled to be out of consideration fojjiis former services to the country. Intemperance in Old Times. During n session of the MamachnsettM General Court, held ut Newton, in 1C39, " Peter Hoshnker, was censured for drunk, ennet", to be whipped, and to have twenty stripes sharply inflicted, 'hnd lined five pounds, for slighting ibe magistrates on what they could do, saying they could but fine him." (fir Tho rose in Bwcolest when it first opens, and tho spikenard-root when tho herb dies. Beauty belongs to youth, and dies with it, but the odor of piety survives death, and perfumes tho tomb. " My lad," jmid a young lady to a boy carrying aii empty mail bag, ore you a mail boy ?" " Ye duzen't think i'ze a female boy, duz ye ?" PUBLIC MEETING. Pursuant to adjournment, tho citizens of CUcka iniu county met on the 10th iitant, at the City Ho tel, when the meeting was culled to order by Wm. Finley, the chairman, and (. L Curry was excused from acting as secretary on account of indisposition. On motion of II. M. Knighton, W. G.T'Vnult was npniited secrotury . After the minutes of the pre ceding mot'linjj was rend, the meeting proceeded to business. On motion of Wm. Holmes, the following resolution wus adopted. ItrMolrrd, That Clackamas county send live delo gates to the r.nvenlion lobe held at Oregon City on tlm first Monday in November next. Mr. I h' Stewart submitted the following resolution for adoption. Whereas the citizens of Oregon Territory Im;Iicvc it to bo thejr duly to recommend to Congrcw to make some certain reserves for important purines, we would suggest first, Unit Um Falls of the Willamette and one I i 1 1 V east, one uuln west, one mile soiyth, and oue milo north m resetted, together with Fort Vancouver, Fort NcMiiully, Cuw DisapfKimtmcnt, and Cascade Falls of the Columbia river, be reserved for internal im provements within this territory, and would further re commend, that One sectfon out of every sixteen see tionsof laud lie reserved for srdool purpose, and all persons huvmg claims on the alsive s(ccifie(i lunds, bo grunted floating chums. Mr. MrCuncr moved to amend the same as far as relates to Oregon City, hy tner1ing the net of Con greM relating to lliirlmgtou and other tawns in luwn Territory When Mr. Taylor moved to amend the amendment by striking out all after tho resoUing cluue, and inserting the following "Thut our delegutes are .requested to ak Congrrss to make reM-nes of nil water-fall", chs, town Mte, ac, us they ma) think pior, mill that the pncetds thereof ir uiplul to the improvement of the h.i, mers, roads, ic, in said territory." After mum and unlimited iIim'isioii, in which M'-. Slcwnrt, Me Carver, Tu)loruml (Nilwell participated, the amend ment of Mr. Taylor vas adopted, and w;u pniM-d by informal!. (In motion of Mr T'Vault, the following resolution Wilsuilopled. Hrtuliril, 'I' our delegate to the contention to be hehl at Oregon Cit) on the lirM .Moudu) in .Nut em ber next, b" iiflructei to drall meinoriulii to tin Con grew of the linteil Slate, piajnig lr the eli-iiwmi of the lawn of the I'mted Mali s over Oregon, Without nl laeliiug it in Iowa or an other territory ; nlxi praying the cMubhshmeiil of a mail route to Oregon, uud the fx'idy pamagii of a law granting donation uf luml lo each citizen of the L'lllled States, rewdlllg III Ore- gon, us wa jr(iK-.l in was railed Dr. latin's bill ami prating the enrly rommenrement of Ibe great National Ituilmail, comieetmg the I' States with thu Pacific. Aleo, to diuft an address lo the Secretary of the, Nav, particularly, infonniug tlm kind and quantity of supplies that can ! fur iiilied inOregon.niid praying thut measure ( ndnpt ed In eimlire the pureliare of such supplies an ran li furnished in Oregon for the I luted Stalls Na) Mr. lejoy ntepi the following rew.lutiou fi-r adoption. ttemlred, That our delegates be iutnicted lo iir4 their influence to draft memorials lo Ihe Congress of tlm Cuitcd States, pruning that un Indian ngent lx ftpjsjinlcd, anil such sub Indian agents a may Ik deemrd requisite by that government, us soon us may Is-, fo. Oregoh territory ; and further thut roumuiwioii. er lie npN.iiiited to make I renins with the sewral tribes of iiichunHvtcst of the Ids.-ky mountains, end to do such other acts mid things us are deemed necessa ry by that government for the safely uf the citizeu in tin country. Tho resolution was adopted. Mr. Col well offered the following for adoption. Keiolced, That H is proer for the mliubilanls of this country to ineiuorialue Cougretx, for the purm of obtaining uppropriutious of mouey, to lie rtpeuded in clearing uwuy olsitructious to the free nuvigation o the Willamette river alsive tlie JmiIIs ; also, in luuking a cunal uroiiud the Fulls ; also, in clearing uwuy ob struction la-low the Full ; also, in improving the mouth of tho Columbia river. Thu resolution was udopted. Mr, T'Vuult offered thu following. Kenlrrd, Thai this meeting instruct their dele gates to tho convention to be held in Oregon City on the first Monday in Novemlnr next, lo devise roine ways und means lo forward the Ktithn und memo riuN of the citizen of Oregon to tho Congress of Uie United States, without sending a delegule. Mr. Colwell moved lo amend by striking out nil after tho resolving clause, ami inserting the following: " That our delegates bo instructed lo upjwiut a mes senger to Congress, whose duty it shall bo In curry said memorials am petitions, and remain-at Washington during thn sitting of Congress? acting in the catmcity of a lobby member, and who ehull be paid by tho citi zens of Oregon." Mr. McCurver, in on able sjioecli, opponed the origi nal resolutioii and udvorated thu sending of u nuri scnger. On motion, tho meeting adjourned, to meet again on Thursday, tho 15th inst. ut 1 o'clock, P. Al. W. FINI.UY, Chairman. W. G. T'Vault, Secretury. M TO CONGRESS. Vo direct thews roiiiiil(s lo the bono und hIuimv of the country, from wIiono impartial opittiotiH ulono wo expect correct conductions. First, would not our interests bo promoted by electing an individual to carry our me. innrinls. Azn.. In Wnsliinrrlnn 1 Hould he do any thing in conjunction with ConRrcssfto roltcvo our commercial ami pnuuni conm tion ? If lif could, timn instruct your dole gates upon this subject, that provisions bo mado for his election. We aro not tenaoious about claiming a scat for him in Congress, until wo are organised but when capital. V h:y.