Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 15, 1846, Image 1

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; For tho Oregon Bpectalor.
When tho Puritans landed on Plymouth
Ilnak. thev found tho country in which thev
wcro toaettlo, a vast wilderness, inhabited by
savages and wild beasts. All around them
looked dark, gloomy and forbidding. The tall
pino and the sturdy oak seemed to defy tho
tillora.toil. Tho dense forcstscullcd forth the
courago of the most courageous among thorn,
to follow fur on the hunter winding path, in
these frightful alxxleH nf Navngo triboit. Un-r
like the country they had left they saw no
neat cottage, occupied by the industrious
furincr and his tidy housewife no groups of
lightfootcd childhood, skipping their way
along to the villugo school no church going
bell salutctUlheir curs on a nauuath rnorn
no populous city, filled with tho merchandise
of otlior lands no gallant ship, with its
proud sprcud Nails, steered its couso for their
deep wutered barters no well fitted boat,
with its steam moving wheels, ventured up
their lonely rivers no canal bout urged her
way through tho mountains no Congress
held its anuuul Mission at Washington. No!
none of these scenes cheered them in their
newly udoptcd homo ; ull was dreary, cltfll
ilig and silent as tho house of death, save
when aroused by the hideous savage yell, or
the howling of wild beasts. lint now how
changed tho scene ! Tho tall pine and
sturdy oak has fallen by tho woodman's axe
the long neglected ficldsiurc well cultivu.
ted tho robust farmer rises with the lark,
and enters upon his well repaid toil the busy
housewife, with songs of gladness, plies her
evening care and interesting groups of
nnut, tidy children meet you every mile you
piist, and with well made hows and cheerful
smiles, greet you with ' (Jood morning, sir.'
Kach Sabbath their ears ore delighted with
the chiming of bells, loudly calling them to
the worship of thu new world's (Jcx;.
Travel which way you will, you may find
populous cities, filled with busy multitudes
engaged in almost every variety of business.
The harbors are crowded with ships, laden
with costly merchandise, and every naviga
ble stream seems alive with flat boats, sloops,
schooners, steamboats, and not unfrcqucnlly
the heavy laden ship ventures its precious
cargo upon them, and, an if not satisfied with
this, canal boats, stages and rail cars, in the
speed of their fight, must tumblo rocks out
of their path, and force their way through
the heart of lofty mountains, and woe and
destruction to whatever stands in their way.
Now tho lofty domes of the now world's
far famed capital raise their towering heads
in honor of the immortal Washington, and
there the honorable body annually meet who
have committed to them the government of a
mighty nation. .. .
Arc these things soT' Is it possible that
thin land, whicJ)Jut yesterday, wasasolita
ry wilderness, is to day, as the garde; of
the Lord ? Yesterday, a thorny waste ; to
day, budding and blossoming as the rose ;
yesterday, dcsolato without an inhabitant;
to-day , the favored peoples' of the Lord. How
has a nation been born at once ! Oh, thou
botd spirit of Columbus, which has ever
watched with anxious care, the budding,
blossoming, ripening glory of the new world,
tell us by what means this mighty change
has been wrought! And you, ye pilgrim
fathers, tell me how you thus secured tho
blessing of Heaven upon your posterity !
Was it by a careless forgetfulncss of its
laws? or, did you tho first Sabbath spent
on shore, erect an altar and consecrate your
selves, your children and new homes to the
God of heaven, oven down to tho latest gen
eration of your postority? How did you
command your children after you ? was it
by allowing them to grow up in idleness and
ignoranco around you ? or, did you consider
tho education of your children second in im
portance only to tho eternal salvation of their
souls? Did you leave them to stroll about
upon tho holy Sabbath ? or, did you by pro
.cept and cxamplo, teach them to spend tho
day in tho holy dutios of the sanctuary ?
And thou, mild, pacific, friendly Pcnn,
,toll mo, was there any thine under the bic
,clro tree of Kensington, or in the nature of
(the savages, that influenced them to keep sa-
.crod the oathless treaty seventy long years ?
.or, did the Great Spirit who witnessed the
scone and heard thy prayers, give thee peace
in all thy borders ? v
And you, ye bold, generous, noble hearted,
patrlotio philanthropists, with the immortal
Washington, the worthily revered and hoo-
.ored lather of his country at your head, tell
Oregon Spectator.
" Westward tho Htar of Empire take ha way."
Vol. I. Oregon City, (Oregon Ter.) TJrarrfay, Octotor 15, 1846. Wo, 1?,
me, from whence ye derived your wisdom,
courage, fortitude, discretion and deep pene
tration, which enabled you to meet the dan
gers of a long and bloody war with a proud
tyrant, and supported you under the pain
and oft repeated wrongs of the mother coun
try lirected you at what point to meet tho
enemy, and finally brought you ofT triumph
ant conquerors? was it inherited by your
ancestors, or, did you rcceivo it from the
God of battles, to whom your worthy gene
ral always prayed, and in whom he trusted
with implicit confidence ? Discoverers, pil
grinis, fathers, friends, heroes, statesmen, an
swer, all of you, answer my anxious inqui
ries for I too dwell in a waste wilderness,
surrounded bysavago tribes. Tell me, how
yo became so great, so exalted, so happy a
nation in so short a time. Tell me, in what
soil 1 must plant the seeds of peace, that
they may take deep root, and that its roots
may extend from the Pacific on tho west, to
your land of peace on the east, and from the
frozen north to tho extreme south, and grow
up until its top shall reach tho very heavens,
and its branches cast a goodly a pleasant
shade over the entire land. A.
For the Oregon Spectator.
As this formidable animal is undoubtedly
loose, there is no knowing the amount of mis
chief he may occasion whilst running at
large and disturbing tho cognitions of tnose
quiet people who know nothing about him.
Tho story goes thus :
A couple of Yankees, traveling south,
run short of funds : they resolved themselves
into a committee of Ways and means for the
purpose of effecting a raise. It was at length
agreed that one of them was to personate a
raro beast, for which they invented the name
of the Guiaskuitus, whilst the other was to
act as showman tell of his capture, quali
tics, cVc. Accordingly, at the next village
their bills wcro put up, stating that there
would bo a rare and interesting species of
animated nature exhibited to the people of
that town and vicinity that evening, at 8
o'clock ; admittance U5 cents children and
servants half price as the worthies were
determined to tako advantage of the excite
ment that existed about shows in that coun
try at that time. So accordingly, at the ap
(minted time, there was a itsgular rush for
admittance, where Jonathan, tho showman,
gravely received the quarters and dimes, and
politely bowed the visitors into a room, across
which was stretched a stout rope with a cur
tain that did not quite reach the ground, be
himTwhich was placed Jonathan, the Guias
kuitus, with those big feet moving and flap
ping about, that to a lest excited audience,
would have Jooked more like tho feet and
hands of a live Yankee dressed in coonskins.
At length, the time for the commencement
of tho performance had arrived, and Jona
than, tho showman, having stowed away
a goodly quantity of the shining spoil into
tho big pockets of his pepper and salt coat.
deliberately stepped up for the purpose of
opening wo periormance.
Ladies and gentlemen the Guiaskuitus
is not only remarkable for his ferocious ap
pearance, but for the terrible tones! of his
voice, with which he makes his native wilds
resound, when about to soizo upon and carry
off his unsuspecting prey. He was captur
ed upon the plains or the Penobscott, where
ho was found roving over the plains of the
circumjacent hjlls of the Pasaamaquody ;
therefore, ladies and gentlemen, before rais
ing the curtain, I will stir him up a little
with this sharp stiok, to give you a specimen
of his voice. Jonathan disappeared the
beast gave a Tew premonitory grunts, and
then waxing in rage, roared and rattled his
his ohain like mad. When curiosity and
excitement was wrought up to the very
highest pitch, Jonathan leaned out from be.
hind the ourtain, with terror in Ma leoka and
trembling in every limbj and exclaimed,
' Ladies and gentlemen, save yourselves, tho
Guiaskuitus is loose.' Pell-mell, hurly
burly, fainting and screaming, the terrified
spectators' ruhed out, whilst Jonathan and
the Guiaskuitus retired the back way, and
for aught we know, are now enjoying tho
rewards of their adventure, on the circum
jacent hills of the Passamaquody.
Aw Ox DaivEK.
For the Oregon Spectator.
Ma. Editor Would it not be wisdom in
this community to institute an inquiry at as
early a period as practicable, by what means
'this community may be relieved, from their
present situation, growing out of our com
mercial relations. Tome this subject is pe
culiarly interesting and embarrassing, from
my oarly communications to my friends in
tho States, written somo thrco years since,
in which the abandant supplies of goods,
their cheapness, &c. together with the then
high prices for the productions of the soil,
labor, kc, were then correctly set forth,
and which may have been one consideration
to induce them to emigrate hither: but who
would then have supposed that in the rapid
march of settlement in this country since
that time, not one step should be made to
keep pace with it in our mercantile affairs ;
and that the fourth and fifth great emigra
ting party would find not as many goods at
this day in tho stores of our merchants, as
there were in the fall of 1843, and that it is
now believed by persons having a right to
know, that there are not now sufficient mate
rials for shirting in store,; to make a shirt
apiece for each citizen, or to furnish the
male inhabitants one leg of a pair of panta
loons each, and that these articles 'which our
pressings necessities demand, havo in anise
quencc of their scarcity, advanced in value
so as to place them beyond the reach of our
indigent farmers whose nakedness is more
and more apparent, and under the present
reduced prices of labor and tho productions
of the soil, growing out of the controlling
influence of those who have the trade of this
country locked up, must produce embarrass
ments intolerable and not long to be borne
without a change. Its prevailing influence
is felt in every portion of this valley, and
with none so much as the farmer who must
supply his wants from his wheat field : but
how can ho'dothis when the persons having
chargo of tho H. B. Company's store at
Vancouver can only afford him 60 cents in
merchandise per imperial bushel, for his
grain delivered in their mills or granaries on
the river, and sells him in exohango for.
this article, or for cash if be has nq wheat,
naUt, for example, at from 20 to 25 cents
per pound, and iron for his plows, when they
have it, at12$ cents per pound, and window
S'ass, 8 by itf, at) IP cents per pano: and
ere is no one able to Bay to what extent the
productions of tho soil may be reduced, or
the prices of these articles of trade increas
ed under the paralizing influence of this mo
nopolising system, unless this community
take some speedy measure to counteract its
operations by communicating these -facts to
our mercantile community on our Atlantic
sealioard ; and let them know that we are
without ships to carry our produce to market,
and that wheat will not command cash here
at any-price, and that it is sold at Oregon
City and Vancouver for dry goods, and for
prices fixed by tho merchants and regulated
in value at each place according to the price
thiav reftMetivelvTnlaca unon their aoods. and
that under the present system of trade no
one expects or asks oredit; ami gooas are pur
chased for cash or wheat, at prices thus reg
ulated. , Let these who are devoted to the
prosperity and interests of Oregon, know
that of r abundant harvests and our redun
dancy of grain ia deceptive In value, and is
reallv of Tittle use to its erowers without
soanatalng to regulate our iateroourse with
its purchasers, and that our saeawy and wheat
is absolutelywajjffVlMMt paid out lor raer.
fihandise'at taapfeeeat MUav Do this oy
petition, or ' by jaeif some Sviadividual
among our cerittUaiay to represent our situ,
ation ; or both woild probably be the the
bettpUn nd we'shell hare relief pertakly
before the Bext three years, and' without it,
we shall wobably grow wm instead of bet
ter as the passage of the Land Bill will pro
bably ma increase cwr sbpulatlea.. -I
close this .by e-sequeet that seme individual
come forward ia defence of our riffhtf , as
designing persipis impute my oosjunuance to
motives of penes! aggrandizerneajt, Instead
of the general intents of the eoaatry.
Beautiful AtLaooir Night Ueeed the
vonnff rose, and it bent soMy to sleea.? An
gel stars, shrined in pare,, dew-drops, buag
upon its blushing bosom, sad watched Its
sweet slumbers. 'Mornina easac with her
dancing breezes, and they watap seed to the
oung rose, ana 11 iwose jvymmimm iwwwi
jithtlv it danced to and fro ia aMffee levefi-
ness of health and youthful intkmtm.- '
Then came the ardent sua-godaaiapaH
from thA P.at. and ha smote the voaasr seas
with his golden shaft, and it fainted. De
serted and almost heart-broken, it drooped to
the dust in its loneliness and despair.
Now. the eentle breezewho had beam
oamtvtliiiur nvAi-th f nilMlirf iha llaht
bark, sweeping over hill and dale by the
neat cottage and the still brook tunriag the
old mill, fanning the fevered brow of disease,
and tossing tne curl oi innocent enuunuw
came trioDin? alone: on her errands of raer-
cy and lovo ; and when she saw the young
rose, she hastened to kiss it, and fondly bath
ed its forehead in cool, refreshing showers,
and the young rose revived looked up and
mitt. and flutter out its ruddv arms' aa if in
gratitude to embrace the kind breeae;1 bat
i ei . tA '-
she mirnea qmcxiy awy on guuniuiw
task was performed; yet not without re.
ward, for she soon perceived that a aeueieas
frsjrrmnce had been mured uvea her wisjaa
by tho grateful rose; and the Mad sraaaa-
wasglad in nor heart,, ana went away .stag
ing through the trees. '
Thus true charitv. like the breeat wakh
gathers fragrance from the hwaUeet lower
it refreslieiflcooibk)usly reaps a reward is
the periormance oi m ontcee oi ansasaessi
and love, which steals through the heart Ilka
a rich perfume 'to bless and to cheer.
Exr.T.ANn's Tkstimony or AllXllC'A.
We coDV the following from the London
Christian Examiner:
The pilgrim spirit has not fled. America
is now strong in moral power, and as long as
ahA breathes tho'soirit of the rsliaiba of thn
pilgrims, we hope well, notenly for the Uai.
ted States, but lor Uhnetenoom ana tse
world. In the srreat effort to compass and
subjugate the world to the cross, she will
press into every field of action. Her eagle
stands with unfolded pinions, reaay taxe
hr flioht to the ends of the earth, and in her
upward, onward passage, to scatter blessings
ncher and more precious tnan arops irosaue
wings of the morning. Nay those pinions
never be folded, till the whole wprld, renova
ted and purified, liWl repose beneath the
shadow of eternal love. .
Positive and Cokpakative. Joe Mil
ler, the younger, shows his grammatical
knowledge in the following specimens : 1.
An attempt to poison yourselr is a 'trash"
act but a slice of fried bacon is " a re.
2. A showery day is "damp" but there
fusal of a young lady to marry yoa is "a
damper" ? A sovereign short ia weight
is "light" but a boat for the conveyance of
goods is "a lighter." 4. What you attach to
a window is a " blind" but a tashof Ikht.
ning in your eyes is "a bUnier." 5. Priape
Albert is called a fine" roan but oae who
refines metal Is" a finer. 0. A stiff old lady
is " prim" but a child's spsWng-boek Is
m primer." 7. A cracked; bead is a "aoreM
eflair but a aky-lark is " a Merer." ' 8. A
negro is a black"-4mt one wao.oieeae
boots is "a Meer. , A IsoWkfci. '
but a detached raesf of iaIVw
The Ibon .Busiaaes or
The produce of lroa?aVfts
from the pig, for the year l4f,1sl
citv. will be aa aveaaaeor'r
week. About one-fMa of J
form of nails. '
-si?- cr ''
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Ysarssssi wna
"HE jfcl
meaawaaaVaaa. -rA
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