DrulRTIO.N Of tfr.AMKN. I'llty ( OHIIMjIll UK U UgUIII alliidi) to tins Important subject iiillm column of tin uiiiHir. Within '" 'a"' lwo w,'"'kH "" 'glil or ''"" iiMiliit v rnllntrd minni'-ii havu di wirted tho service of tint I'. H. m liuuiwr Hhark, now l (? '" 1'1" Columbia river. Sumo M'rijiv in this (liimiimly urn iiiirrwl wild llin iiiiuii llmt we u )i I Ijuvm mi lawn npphcu ,n In Kill li i.aiw, I))' whli li IlivMt iliiw-rtniii cull lw uf- ri-.tri) mill ogam pl.irrd willnn Ihe jurixlu tiuu aud luntiul "f III" i umiiiniidiiig oilier -m nf tint ship Hut H l It lliwlakril notion The 'lialtlri Ullliuxrd lo ihn lawn of llin I 'mini Sl.ilm with ri'uril to th m MilturiliimlHiii ol M-jinwi mi uimgublo watrr, mid aim tlmr di"rrtiuii mil nf irlKnf rnlry, :in ul llm wver ot ami mint ngul iliiMili-r II lliry wrrn nut, in 1 1 KMint pMtw In il mgi in nf tin- iihibI diatrmi na-tiiii-i in iniiiiM luin with iclj)f drjiartnri h und ur nvulnof imwl, Iiwm id rijxTt uml hfr, would Ir-an ililuxt dml m rum-Mi Il it Im rontriidrd that thr I mlfil Si iirx tint not ) l mlnnled lirr legal juridii imii iir lln lirnlnrj, mid otiMipimlly, tin- munlum l.tus i iifurtul willnn tin- Immid of tin- I'mtul Stutm in uitlmut uiitliuriiv in tin loiiuiry, npl), tlwt hi tin- imt iiioii il li ginluliirr "f I 1 1, in thii li rnlur) , u law u.ih uiwil li) llmt li'iii-ir.ililr IkxIj', iiulhoriiiig iiiil rupiinug ilii-1 uilnlli' rxnf tin proviMunalguti ni i ii lit In l.ikn ugniawr of nil ium of nllidgnl dr. rtion. uml priwi iilr tin nniwir) riii-iiniirrn fnrllirir irn -t mil ii (rnti'iu miii rri l hot', that uonr nf nr li llnw i ilii u will it tin . r inlliii'ii'r in i n- ' ioriiig t rniidr III'"' '.iiim'Ii to iiIiiiiiIuii tin ir i iintiiiii' liO .iinl t.i furfi-it tlii- iiliint.ir runtrai t wlui li in' luiw in.nli Willi (In ir i inp'o) rrr ml ui Iiuim- mill nl ixir i lllrH Will lulinlll ill' If hllllUg-pluMi., .ul w.ll ii" .ill iroj r iii' j u In haw lli' in ug mi jil if ' I III till' -'W' I tl'l 'IIIJllliWIH nt wliililln Iiiw ' i liiloli' il I h ir i' i ht. i" ii lioimri d u lli III" i-i .11' il ll.r nllii i r nl lli' I . lir 1 1 ii r Is. iunuiigi4 i- mil In .irlilk glad w wn lo hi Uimii Tin rr ii it, tn II llll llllllrllll lli'r IMIUI' tllllli! 'lUlIlt llll'lll. lli n lit fnun nllii ni nf nlli r niliou- l iIiib priju I" in u- ' I" il Ihi-IIiw r lirr glut In m. ..li) thing l'i it h li I in li nlll ill) Hit It ' I i' It lll.lt .T rill. Il n tin I 'lull il Mali , nf uhlltrt. r null, nr hi lll.ill, Ii I. niMlIti l HI lltlll .1 irti"'l nl III it iniiripli. in Inn I. i.K . nii . il iii ilir iiuiinirtiil wnnl nl .li l! roti th-it , I n. i m l.nni in r .inil-friM I nt llin h i tiilm Mh Iiimim. 'A li. Hi. r tin wrtir m tin Jit i i il t ..I tin I" ' l.i'"i. ''lull t tin In mi nl ' Oi x-rliu" urn ii, i in lw m-iil' n il ; nii. 1 1 fur in n !i uili .'. . irn ni n 1 1 1 iii.' lulu- It In. in .hi iiinu. i ou n 'ii . lulling Hi' Nl. mi' nl .-villi tint diiuiuil'i fur f.-nN .ii lln i-IiiiiiMi r i.l tin l nlii'iidiii m .inn n : nr ,ln tin r il If tin inlni lion nt ,t willing IMitor, ir iil in I'i-t tli il !.! m irrMiiout tin ir iiuiuN, ii'l to Imlil "nt tin "'ii.il nt ili-ltiKr. tu tine) wlm I'light llniik f i iiiinii lo our nlnf.li) Mirtrain In iln in tin-Inirnli'i m tun nt In nig lilt in our limlxir nitliout liw ni lln ili'i' iiii'.iiii ol Iimmiij: our iliim.Wi I. n w lint ; lull in i illirr om'. It IMIinrr iiatm s! lli it miiii rnimti nr .iltr.n 1 i iiim- flmnlil ti K.ii'lit r In i illi.it' tli'r'i who .irr iln.ttiMu il, ntul nt tltr .inn' iiiin'. tn Im'il mil .i ti rmr Iii tlinwt wlm ini'lit lliiul. nf i oiiiiii to nur rein I, run full) :ioidm ut Ilir iiin'tiuir tint n .il r iiiko of oinpl.iiut ului lithe ut It litiuti ut llim i uuitiiuuil) liud liri n iri'Miiu.) t .illrd tn mid In iiunplrti' tlu pirturr, wr uri lold llmt l'ic uhilirn IiiiiI Irft tin) lup wlirii llm rwul dud only i lurid in Miit nf nur iiilii.pilnllii nhorr. Why, my il'-'ir Mr, will )nu r.iliiiuit nur flaliil's ' Tint whkIdiii nt cut li mil'ci liIiiii; li KiM.iltiri) li;m Ixrn l.nnl with w jm und im :inn lur tln rrlu f of llirruptmni nf MfH'Li, .ind nr hiiM' imw in fnrrrthr iinr.1 niil lrtw known iuiiiliid rniiiitrn i ; uut, iniwnM'r, In tint li.irlmroiu. xti lit urid li) Ilir writrrulxiw n frrrni in, In drrl.ir. injr tin in uutlnWK, lln'rrl))' rrlinivilirriill li'i;iil Irntriiiut, Imlli fur tlirir prnl.v lion Olid ngtnu.t tlirui ; lint iy milking it llin duty of rvcr) judicial oilier r to Imvn llll'lll urri itfd and i'MiiiiiiiiiI lirfunt n jilflien nf the jh lirr, und win u Im Iiiii ruiihou to Ixhexn lliciii to jr ilrM rlrrx, to ri'linnd tlirin tu thr viirj-I njj.iiu fimn wlirnrn lliry dcwttiil. In Iki dealt w till nrrunlin to lint I.iwh uf thu ruiintry from wlirnro tint vi-nhcI ciiiiic; mid wn urn iiilonui d tliul nadoni liuvr Im-oii urre1ed .mil rrliiriuil lo lint i sh-I linilrr thr provininiw nf theho Iiun. If, lioi!i.r, in iiLTordanco with tint nWrvii tiinn of thin wnlrr, it should npMjar Hint Uw rxorhit it nt denmndi uf nur nirrrhmitii for llieir yoodn thr (.'nut want of euui'ivtitioii that now cxioU Iho rim. iinued hcarcily uf iiioruhiindmo mccmury for our con Miinption thu low prim of wheal, the utaplo produc tmn of ihn enuutry, whlrh in pnld for ulono in dry UiumIh tlm cimntitntly inerenHinrjIiiijIi priro for froight, for ull ol which, prompt iuymont in uiikIi is demanded if ull uf thu him hern thu rcjnilt uf Ihn dcNurtion of livn Hcaim-n who kft Ihn whaliii); vvitwl whilo ut ecu, mid thoHo who dejerlrd (ho vrnHcl when in port, the imrmrtniii'ti of Ihn mibjert hui' Itcoti vnMly ovorlookcd hy our coiiuminity, iih woll an by our Inw-mukinj; au thority. If this lion caiweil our talt which in found in mieh grout ubunduuco on Uio Ulund in tho Pacific, to Im furnuiliud tw in npuriiur quantitic at $3 mt bunhel common rpht lnuthcr uiocr nt from III tu $5 our rhildron to grow up in ignorance, for the want of boolu to educate them tho first clam of Peter Parley ' primer or (pulling book, such its wo have purchased in the Slates fur from 10 to 25 cents, is now wiling for $1,00 ; if thii roally caused nno of our shipping nier chants who recently entered tho Columbia Klvor with two vessels, one of which was in ballast, having refua ed freight from Honolulu consisting of merchandise for two of his competitors In this place, even at 50 per cent on former prices, notwithstanding the entirely destitute condition the community was known to be in for want of good if wr could be ratWicd that ull of this has grown out (I the desertion of seamen, wo should not only be willing to assist in urrrsting them, but dd wo belong to the laW'tnaking authority, we would vote a body guard cf trn men for each sailor, to attend them so long as the rmol remained in port Although wc L-bruudnr our writer as not immediately I in thu tniiipin of truth himself, ho has however, dropt a I hint, mi m ridniful i lew, whirli may nerve to lend ' others to thr donr " lit usM'Cure,"iMi)ii he," vl from thr dniigi-r ol drwrtiun. Comfrtition wiu. riir.N i-.m-i.i.t -rill, ai-irr." Ah, that i ngliL (Jivu im bill thin romjirtitioii, nud wr have ull wo uk for, without regard to lawn for or ugalnxt drsrrting wtnmcn. Wr nIioiiIiI havr giKiil pnrm fur our surplus irnJin:r, mid gix! one huridrrd prr rmit. brlow tho prcm ut pncis, with trry ui (.miimoilutiiig men hunt, who would uut lln u i iiiixidrr lliriiiwlve.i ubuned, wliru their i iMtouirrH piihlinln d u Imt of their retail pricm, thut utbrpi might lw tempted to ronw in rompeution with lln in. Wr ha, downier, nward to them this credit, thul lliry probably do dot differ from other merchant uiidi r miiulur i iiLiuniituiii.rM. Wn only i oiiiplaim of tin n; i in tniiitnuci by giving fuel" tn lln- world, und link ri In. f by inviting other prrwian of trade to rom pete vnlh Ihrin by rtuting thu moduli nprrnndi by u Ineh llu mi high niul rrdurrd pnrm fur our surplus prndiK.'r are nhtitim il by allowing that tint liiefcan lilr np ratimiM h.ie uut ki'it pace with thu wttlrmcnt nf thr i uiuitn In do ug thin, wr bar no diKMtifjii In inixripriMiit or ahiu"' tin' rncrch iiiln : but wnsrek the gnnd nf u nrglri.tril ami lirlpli-M i (immunity, who und for lln-ir niipn nirj lanhing of their hard luriiuu. M. M .MtCARVKK. Fur tlnj Sk.i tatof Ms Kihtiik Pirmit inn to sty through the iiiedi inn uf llin S ( lator, that thr Ori.i.om imttituti: m now ojm ii fu: thr rn iptiuu of pupil). I mil happy to hi) to lln- piililu and 'o all who urr inn rriJid, thul thr tru.ti h.ui foproMibd fur lln- wi ral depirtmentx, thai nur Itnarilmg rrbwil t uiMni-urm tlm prirrnt Irrm iiiulrr brigliti'r"?iu'pii " than at uny fnnnrr jtrn ml I Ik I a iibaMirr iii announcing the lum'.sot our former d m In r. Mr. Ai.im.on Himhn mid Mri. W il iin.i ai lint wlininnri i litltlid to high roufidiuir, m p-'rvm-will qualilm! lor their work, and happily aihil"l tn Hie illitli nf their riljMCln. 'Jelirtllentji. 'I in iHi.inlin ii partmrnt i ui c harg nl .Mr. Jain-n Piiftr and lii i in llrnt lad), und wn h.nr ciery an. ..ur.ili' i tli.i'. all li iuiililr ikilutlarliuii will in- gnrli in Imth pujiilit ami pitrnii", and Ih'it thr eoinfort and hvalth i f thr w hoi im will ! uiiipl) pmtidnl fur. nd 31 unr mtriuiliV obji 1 1 nl thr Oregon Inxtitlltu ii tu promote pu t and muruht) ,:iii utial ui funning the i liarai 1. 1 ol lliu )uiing fur i uiinein r and iwful. inif.rl mih!i attention will U- Ixlnwid IIkII the miliiu'ri, mori 1 mid bub.tc nf all rotim ctrd with tli.-Mhi.ol Comlortihlr nxmiK air provided fur thr m hula. Tuition tan hul fur u dollars p"r ipiar tir, nr turuty.foiir dollan. u jrur. Hu.ird, two dollars r wirk, inrv.imli, application rliotihl If made to Mr .lauun I on i for llllonii itiuii nil mi) muit not llientioued, iiply Iii thu -ubierilirr or rithrr of thr tnirtcrs. In Miliinitliug thr nlmwi, I will only add, that thwe permin who hai: for man) yearn lahnnd and stnig glnl through . inlurni'-!!!' n't- and diKuiuogrmriits 'whirl, fi w ran appnrint'-) lnproidr, to some rxtrnt, lur lln- htrrari wnnu of this community, firl uiifngti. id p'laMirn in riroinineiiding thr Orrgon Intitutu tu the l.unrahle i niiMileratloli .uu! patronage uf the fru ml of idiu at.nti In Uli ilf nf tin trutri'n, DAVID I.KSI.IK, Ch'm Sab ui, Augut III, IKIS Jar BMtueirr. i tiltrWaa a great day for Van couver,' be'ing that on which the first public exhibition on thu "tW' took place in this locality. A race course, one mile in extent, waa lately laid out upon the plains adjoining tho Fort, and riders could bn seen, for days previous, coursing and training, with keen and anxious countenances. The weather proved very fa- or able, cool and dry, and as the hour of ( 1 o'clock) upprodched, vast multitudes moved to the sceno of ac tion. An elegant stand had been erected at the win ning tiort, upuu which stood the worthy judge, (I. M. Ogdeii, Kwi.,; surrounded by numerous friends and a iiriiuani circle ol tint lair sex, lionored also by the prrs I ence of Capt. Ilowiion and officers of thu if. H. Hch'r. Khark, und C'apt Haillia and officers of II. II. M. H. Mudestc. A noble array of horses were on the ground, , tantefully decorated, and arranged by the committee to contest the different handsome prizes, a list of which is herewith given. The gaudy and " jocky" dresses of I the riders were much admired, and the hsppy temper- , uiiiuiii, Ncmiaiiii unu iixiiuic m ufwun ui uio re sjsrlcd Judgn went proverbial. CITY HOTEL, BY H. M. KNIGHTON, Oregon City. The traveling corrnrranity are respectfully invited to call. Tho City Hotel k uadergo ina reDaira. and the Drocrietor feel safe in saing that when ebmulotsd. his casteeoera will feel more comfortable, us every necessary attention will bn . rendered to make them so. His table shall not be ' surpassed in the territory. Those who favor him with a call from the wet ide of the river, will receive horw frrnago free. Jan. 30, 1846-1 tf Blactemithing. f hlei I "J ' u . 1'iui ia uu tva r WM larly that for tho " Ladies' Kate," were eagerly con I tested and great prowem displayed by the riders. It was gratifying aim, that these sports passed off with rrgulurity und eclat, and without any serious accident A handsome pavilion was pictlied iu the center of tho race course, where the omccrs of Inn ' Modeste enter ELOI 1c HcDOifAIiD, "UTAVING rehled Mr. H. Burns' old stand in MM. Multnomah City, on the west side of tke Wil lamette river, are now ready to stroolv their friends m. .. I . ... ., . I " . . i ne heats, parucu-1 and customers witn au wnoa oi manmactared iron and steel. They have a large stack of assorted iron and steel on hand, which will enable them to supply all orders in their line with despatch. They have now on hand a number of Diamond and Cary Plows of the best quality, axes, drawing knives, moruaBg chisels. and edge tools of all kinds, warranted to carry a gaod Xotlv.e. I 11 Hi: Subwcnher will sell Lot in the town of Ha-1 lem, ut public auction, on Thursday, the 10th ' of Sept. next. Trans One third in twenty days the balance, on mx und twelve montlm. The sale will op. ti at Iti o'rlork, M. V. II. WII.L.SOX, Agent. Salem, AuguM 1 1, 18-1C. 3tl5. taim d at dinner a numerous circle, among whom were j edge, or no charge. All of which will be sold at a tho officers of the Khark,' and much happmew and j moderate price for good pay. good ficling prevailed. Communicated. 0Customers coming from the eoMsido of the Wil- Wo acknowledge the receipt of the uccon:;anying lametto river to our shop for iron work, will be ferried " list of horws, ownrm, riders, heats, prizes, ic. &c. ffcc of "K"- Feb.19, 1846-ltf whii li wr find too lengthy for insertion. Ki. I T&V6T11 flwrl Ttaairf- NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of Oregon, that tho undersigned is now occupy ing the stand formerly Kept by many, on ne west wile of the riter. and hopes to give general eatie faction to all who may call on him. Term Ready pay, 2.r cents per ineaL Price for horse over night, 75 cents. All kind of produce will be received for the same. Aim, 1,000 Hide Waateal, which he will tan on Miares, or carh or store pay will be given. Hides will bo received at any time at the above stand, and aim, Hides coming dovm the river, can be left at above the ails, where the under- signed will receive them. J. V. SMITH. Linn City. April 30, l84C-7tf. Application for Divorce A I'l'LICATION will be mado by the undersign il id, to the bun. county court of Polk county, at I jr Sharp's shop, the next special ti-nn of said court, to lw hold on Moti-' jned will rcceiv day tin- luili day ol uctoiier next, within and lur said rountv, fur a derrer to dissolve tho bonds of matrimo- ny now sulMrtuig between hunsclf and his wife Sarah Ann Colwetl, the suid Sarah Ann being a non-resident of this territory. ' NATHANIEL VJ COLWELL. Aiifruft 20, IS-lti. ltl.. J I To all whom it may coacera. TJOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned 1 will apply to the lion, the county court of Polk enmity, at tlie next special term thereof, to be held on Monday the l!Mh day of October next, for a decree of divorce from the Iwnds of matrimony now subsisting between him und his wife Eleanor Mcbaniel, formerly .M'im Eleanor Hun ton. ELISHA .McDANlEL. AugiMtSO, lti-lb'. Itlfi. Hat Mannfiictdrj, Ongom City. JOHN TRAVERS fc WM. GLAHER, Having associated themeelvee together in mann facturing Hats at Oregon City, are now ready to supply their friends and customers with hate manu factured in Oregon. Although the profits are small, they confidently hope, by "their prompt attention to Dimness, to do ante lo lumisn nau 10 ine uregon ciu zens at reduced prices. Wool, Ixtavr r, otter, raccoon, wildcat, muakrat, mink, prairie wolf, and fax skins will be taken in exchange va fur hats. February 5, l&lS-Itf j for thr Sprttator. n r i: r i ini.it'TiMi. i I am rripimtrd tn fiirni'h the following notire of a iiinrt painfully herein mg visitntiuti of Providenre, in ' thr "uddrn rviuual, by druth, of Kiley, tlm Uurdum of Andrew 1). and Polly .Smith, uf Yamhill comity. Thi'drr-eoNM! miii born Jan. 1st, 1639, in the State , ol NiwYork. llr emigrated to this country' in 1W3 i witli his futhrr's family. In tlm summer of M3, hr iittruilrd u cunip-nieetmg, nt which tunc, with several other of thu famil), he gau his heart to Uod, aud Ik'ciiiiu it hoivful subject of renewing grace. He noon juiiud Ilir ,M. II. Church, iu which ho remained a iiiMrnt, liiiiulila und growing disciple of 'Christ, until Im wan n moved to tho church tritimpaiit. The partirulurs of hw death wrru us follows: ( n Woiliiiwluy, Iho 32d tilt., ho left Ins father's hoiihe, tn the allenionti, nccouipaiiii'd b) uyuuugrr brother mid another lad ubout 10 years old, and went 'into the water above the falls of "the. Yamhill river, ', for tho ptiriMim) of bathing ; and tho bottom of the ! Mrram U'liig nx:ky and uiicuvcn, il is tliought that lie suddenly iobi ins loouiig iu waierociwceii uvu unu pi fret deep. Hr w as Been by tho two bids, struggling in thu water, a if strangled ; but as they were unable to swim, tin')- could uhurd him no relief. Shortly after ho disupprurVd, others wuro at tho placo and diligent wurrh was mailo for thu body, which was discovered itliout six o'clock the samr evening and conveyed to his father h liniiso. Hut tho spint hud returned to mm who gave it, hence, ull ntteinpu to rcsuscituto woso tin uvailinir. Thu dav followiiiL'. tho funcrul services were uttonded by u lurgo und deeply affected tuucmbly of sympathizing tnemis, ona xno solemnities oi mo occa won drew tears front almost every beholder. Hut while we thus lament win early departure of our young friend, we ure consoled In thu reduction that he lived long enough to endear himself in the affections and esteem of all who enjoyed his acquaint ance, and to leave an examplo of filial affection, ear ly und ardent piety worthy of the imitation of the youth of our land, and avail himself of an interest in llim who is tho resurrection and the life. ' That life is long that answers life's great end." DAVID LESLIE. Salem, August 15, 1846. The Lynn ladioa wear n stylo of bonnet, sitting very much back from the face, and called by the ex pressive name of " Kias-me-qulck-berbra-mothereea-you." It is the opposite of those long looking, poker tsh bonnets which ore called " Ki.me-lf-you-dre,H we suppose. PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS!!! 810,000 Rneardfor everyone to attend to his own business. TH E subscriber begs leave to inform the pubCc at large, that he has established himself in the lilackvmithiug in general, in Oregon City, where he w ill keep on hand an oMnrtment of Plows, which can not be ftirposscd in the States. Persons wishing to pur rhaxc plows, can bo accommodated with them, finish ed or unfinisheO. Also, Patent Pitch Fork, Hoes, Axes, and all kinds of mechanics' tools. Aa the senber hasjiad long experience in machinery, he feels hiinielf competent to execute all kinds of mUl work, A I'l'LICATION will bo made upon bill filed in smngie machines, ana inraamng macninee oi wo wm im. the Tualaty county court, at the next July term ' approved patent. of the county court, to be holden on Hie last Monday ' G'nt,e'!e' wh porchaee ny f the above uilitrco, mil uu well u t;au aw mwimw. w iiih i.i.w on Main street, Oregon City. D. C. INGLES. February 19, 184G-2tf To all whom it aiay coacera. IVOTICE is hen. by given, that the nndcnigned 1 will ujiply to the huu. the county court of Polk county, ut tlie next special tenn thereof, to lie held on Moudu) the lilt'; day of October next, foradrcrerof divorce from the bonds of matrimony now mibisting between her und her htuband Nathan WocWry FKANCES WOOSLEY. August 20, lr'lfi.-ltl.'i. Kl.lZBETII GlLLIIUS, r. Martin (ui.iims. BILL FOR DIVORCE. in July, I84G, for a divorce to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between Martin (tillihau and Elizabeth tiillihan. Said bill is filed by the Mid Elizabeth, and till persons interested may attond and defend if they think proper. j W. O. T'VAULT, Junu 27, 18 IC-ttl2 Sol. for compl't. Notice. THE Mibscnhcr have, this day, formed a co-part-ncrvbip, for the transaction of general commis sion business, ut Orrgon City and Portland, under the name and tle of 1 . . nsTTiuaoxK at o. F. W. PETTYROVE, ' A. E. WILSON. Oregon City, July II. 1646-13tf iV Adailaiitrafor'n Notice. OTICE is hereby given, that the subsenber has lirm ilnlv niioointed administrator of the estate 'of Dr. John E. Long, lato of Clackamas county, de- ceUacd; und bus taken upon himself that trust, by giv ing bonds, as tho lawMirecU. And all persons having demands upon tho estate of the said John b. iong, are required to exhibit the same ; und ull persons Indebted to tho said cstute, ure called upor?to mako payment to PETER . STEWART, Oregon City, July 23, 1846-13tf Adm'r. Herae for Hale. "" HAVE four superior Saddle Horses which I will M exchange for Oregon Scrip. & IDTEast corner of Third &. Mala streets, Oregon City. July 23, 184G-13tf Notice. ALL persona are hereby cautioned from trading for or receiving a certain, note, on Vancouver, for $50, signed by FT Budroe, and witnessed by H. Fettle, and dated about April 4, 1846. Payment has been topped at the Fort. 8aid note waa taken from the trunk of the subscriber, with other monks, la a black pocket book, on or about the 95th of May. 4846. GEORGE URBEN. Oregon City, July 9, 184V3tI ' v Farm for Sale. Tho subscriber hereby notifies the public 7i.il generally, and those in particular who wish l!t!L to nurchose an improved claim, in an eligible part of tho country, that his claim Is now offered for sale. Said claim lies on th Wallace Prairie, adjota InirJax. Forco and Jno. Ford, formerly known asB. I Del Cour's claim, having a log cabin and a FxaMk J barn, and also another set of logs for a cabin, whisk I was once put up, and haa been removed and afcoet two hundred acres enclosed, and anoni suiy acres ot that old land, upon it. Said claim Is abort 3 Bailee from the Salem mills, and 4 miles from the O.tfen Institute Terms reasonable, and conditions easy. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber at Salem mills. JNO. B. McCLANE. March 19, 184G-4tf Farm for Sale. MThe subscriber offers his valuable claim, in Tualaty plains, for sale., There are on the claim 80 acres in cultivation, under a good fence, with a leg-cabin thereon, and also timber for a framed dwelling and barn, a quantity of shingles, Vc. Persons wishing to purchase a good farm, will do well to visit the above, u It will be sold on good terms. May 98, l846-9tf ",,. A.COOK. The OKfMa 0aetMfr. TMFive dollars in advance : if MpaW tB tho expiration of three montas, six doeklLaad if Met paid at the eapiraakmof six months, the tuiHsjwh serve the right to ojiscontinus. UT Advsrtisemews Inserted at one dollar and ifty . cento per square of sixteen lines or less, ha Itst insertion, and seveaty-crve csats far each NkstssMat iasertioa, A Haeral deewcekai to yearly aV irtsaw, UTAH kinds of JOB WORK haafcesBaryasse U4 at tha shortest nebce-paysM at tat aaraaet. "