Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 23, 1846, Image 1

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Tlio lasl' accounts from America provo,
whut iiiuny of tlio readers of tho signs of thu
times have long foretold, tliut tlio An do
Saxon race of tlio nortliorn portion of tliat
i:ontinoiit urn destined to become tlio lords
iiikI nnWrt of tlio whnlo of it. Tho lawn that
govern tho oliti;al existence of Mates ure an
invariuhlo iih those of tho material worid.
Corruption und decay cannot onduro ; ifidy
are hut tho process necessary to bo gone
through heforo another condition of existence
is attaiuod. Utter confiiNion and anarchy,
the weakness of u state, n Hituk in ignorance
and sloth, as no longer to produce men capa.
lile of coriimanding others,' is equally uhhor.
rent to the feeling of mufikiud. They know
the evil, though they cannot remedy it, and,
to escape from tho uucortainticH and turneries
of u condition in which there in neither rule,
head or order, they will accept almost any
form of authority, provided it jiossosscs the
great and important element of government
(Kiwcr. So far from the truth arc tho
dreams of some enthusiasts of human liberty,-that
the great necessity of man in a bond
of strength within which society can exist
und act ; the destruction of the old fornix of
that compact is inevitable, when they become
worn out, effete, or unsuitcd to the character
of tin uge ; but they must le replaced by
new ones of equal efficacy ; and o imperi
ous is tile necessity, tliat in all history we
cannot find un instance of ierinanent stis.
cnsioii of all government, or ruling energy
not even among savages, whose condition
the perversions of oetry and philosophv have
represented tho most pcfect of all. On the
contrary, history is full of examples of one
form id' government decaying, and another
rising from it, an strong kin! vigorous as its
predecessor was weak and jxmerlexs.
WImmi nations have not the internal vigor
t clloot these changes within themselves, und
are falling deeper and deejM-r into decrepi
J inli' und degradation, they become suliject.
I to the nearest und strouge-t state. Na.
iioii.il pride survives national piwcr. and for.
t i ll 1 rule is oft ol l detested, own while it is
.li-ed; but the murmur is usclc; it is the
penult of ueakucss and incapacity in men
and kingdoms that they must obey ihnsctvhn
have (siwer and ability to direct them. This
is tlu principle at the bottom of " auuexa.
lion," an extensive development of which wo
must evidently be prepared for.
The process wus anciently called " eon.
quest," lint modes of acquisition vary with
times and circumstances. The old and bar
barous plan of openly seizing a territory by
the fining hand, even when as well peoplisf,
and, perhaps, as wisely governed, as the in
yading state, has Uen generally abandoned;
it was dangerous, and often led to hard knocks
and small profits. The experiment is now most,
ly tried by civilized countries on whut they
call Imrlmriaus; thus Franco has "annexed"
Algeria to her dominion, and talks of doing
the same with Madagascar. The whole of
our Anglo-Indian empire is the product of
gradual "annexation," sometimes receiving
a temiKirary check, as in Allgauistan, but on
the whole constantly progressing, and even
depending on that progress for existence. We
-.hoiild bear this in mind when we feel tits,
posed to censure whut we call the avidity of
our American kinsmen in the "annexation"
oi i exas to incir territory. There is not an
argument we use against them we have not
wholly .disregarded in our own case ; they
have not taken a step which may not be pur
allelcd by many in our own history.
With respect to this annexation of Texas,
of which so much has been said, wo cannot
see why England should wish to prevent it,
nor how sho could have prevented it, had she
entertained the desire. Formerly belonging
to Mexico, but peopled (where inhabited at
at all) from tho northern state', it declared
itself independentof thu imboellityof tho Mp.x
ican government, which has uttorly ruined its
own fino torritory, and has now noithor au
thority, credit, nor respect. Tho settlprs in
Texas wero all Americans, and to share in
the advantages of tho only settled govern
ment of tho continont, thoy wished to become
u part of the Unitod States. Inasmuch as the
union placos tho coasts and harbors of tho
country in tho hands of an aotivo, ontorpriz
ing, and commercial pooplo, Europe at largo
will gain by it ; in tho hands of Moxico it
would remain a desert. Tho world progres
808, and tho spirit that animates it will not
pormit any stato to arrogato to itself rights
over a torritory it can neither colonise, nor
Oregon Spectator.
T -T
Vol. I.
" Wetftrard lh Htnr of Empire talus iu way."
Oregon City, (Oregon Ter.) July 23, 1846.
No. 13.
defend ; it must do' and act, or yield to those
who can.
If this should scorn to partako too much of
tho "good old rule," and the doctrine that
might makes right, it may be observed that
the "annexing" principle is in active one ra-
I tion in other parts of tho world with which
; wo ourselves aro intimately connected. Tho
Americans have as complete a justification
j of their policy provided for them in our pro.
' I! l.l! .1 Ill .'..
i.xuuiogs in inuju, tu iney couiu desire. J lie
last Indian mail states that wo,are about to
assemble an army on the banks of the Sut
ledj ; for what purpose is not doubtful ; we
never assemble an army in India bt(i for one
end conquest ; or, as we may better call it
in connection with our present theme, annex
ntion. And how do wo defend this nolicv 7
i On the simple ground of political necessity.
itlim the past week, one of our ablest po
litical writers has thus Mated this necessity:
" A slate which cannot govern itself must "he
governed by its ncighliors for the interests
of humanity are at stake. Without an effi
eient eovernriient, a territorv wxin become
a public nuisance, the harlior of disaffection
and outrage, the focus of intrigue, the nur-sen-
of revolution and war. It is enough that
a territory is in so disorderly a condition as
to entail on its neighlmrs the necessity of con
tinual, inconvenient, and expensive precau
tions. It is enough that it involves a more
oppressive jiolice, a larger standing army, or
any other interference with the liberties and
immunities of peace. Such is the state of all
that region cifajoscd within the Tpper Indus
and its tributaries. Bloody revolutions, an
insolent ami rclKJllious soldiery, a ruined and
distracted ieople( keep Northern India in per
petual alarm; Slf-pre-ervation compels the
neighbors to abate theiiuisance. Such is the
necessity, if not the duty, which now devolves
on the Great Powers which Providence has
made the centre and source of order to the
Peninsula." Nearly the whole of this will
apply as well to the government of Mexico,
as to that of the Punjaub ; " bloody rcvolu.
lions, an insolent anil rebellious soldiery, a
ruined and distracted people" all tho "ele
ments of disorder aro in full play in Mexico.
Such a government by the side of the pow
erful and Mill growing republic of the north,
cannot stand. "Annexation" is destined to
have u much wider range than the state of
Texas will it spare Mexico itself? It is a
question to which the answer, as yet, lies far
in tho future; hut events seem to denote the
extension of the race of the north tho de
scendants of Saxon blood over tho whole
continent ; and this will bo tho result not of
policy or calculation, but of necessity. Mexi
co is about live times the size of France, with
no more than half the population of England;
tho government is without authority, arms,
or credit, for tho treasury is bankrupt, the
army unclothed, unfed, unpaid, and in a state
of revolt. Frequent revolutions and changes
of rulers arc tho symptoms of public uneasi
ness, us tho restlessness of the patient indi.
catcs tho inward disease, but the changes
bring no relief. So desperate arc affairs, that
men can scarcely bo found who will accept
public office. Such a government can nei
ther dofend its torritory without, nor improve
it within. What wonder is it to find it fall.
ing to ruin, though not a hundredth part of
its capabilities have over nccn developed.
Tho annexation of Texas is regarded with
apathy ; not even tho appearance of rcsis.
tanoe is made to it. A squadron of ten ships
in tho Gulf of Mexico, and two thousand men
landed in Texas, provo into whoso hands pow.
or has passed. So that a passago in the last
Mexican mail scorns to point out probably
enough tho futuro course of events : "Unless
a miracle takes place, in half a century Mex
ico must becomo a portion of tho American
Union. It is already breaking up at the ox-,
tremitics. Tobasco and Yucatan furnish no
supplies to tho central government ; Texas
has gona, California is meditating revolt, and
New Mexico and othor northern states are
speaking also of annexation. Is it possible
for 7,000,000 of inhabitants, 4,000,000 of
"ii-jiu are inuians, 10 resist the encroach
ments of the Anglo-Saxons? Must not the
red skin give way before the white ? Has
not tho north overrun the south ? The Ameri
can president JefTerson asserted sixty years
ago that, in tho natural course of events, the
American union must extend to the Isthmus
of Panama. Tho union is daily occupied in
working out that prophecy, and I seo no
means of preventing its accomplishment.
The diplomacy of Europe wilt not Iks able
to pruvent this consummation ; which, look,
ing at the disastrous consequences which
have every where attended the rule of the
Spaniards, will hardly be considered a ca
lamity by tho world at large. Such inter,
ference may bolster up a decaying empiro
where it is in contact with the other powers
of Europe ; thf ir mutual jealousy renders
the seizure of the prey difficult. Thus pro
tected, the empiro of Turkey still Mands
erect, though rotten and decayed; Russia
would seize it, but that she is held in check
by bngland and France. When what arc
called the Great Powers can agree in a di
vision of tho spoil, that they show but very
little regard to the national rights the par
tition of Poland bv Russia, Austria and Prus
sia, is o proof. The interests of Europe, with
Mexico and the United States are those of
cominerco and trade, and these will be bet
ter served by the diffusion of the northern
race. The great territorial posscsslbns of
England are to bo north of the St. Lawrence,
and do not interfere; with so rich a region as
Texas and Mexico available, American en
terprisc will hardly seek the cold and barren
jvastes of the Oregon. It is evident that the
possession of that vast tract stretching from
the southern boundary of the Union to the
Isthmus of Panama, will bo tho prize of the
most energetic; and as no third party could
interfere to prop up the weakness of Mexico,
except at a most enormous expense, the is
sue of the contest is by no means doubtful.
Whether this spreading of the American peo
ple over such on immense surface may not
weaken the power of a government which al
ready" needs concentration rather than ex.
pansion, is another question ; but tho defect
is ono which remedies itsclf--spaco remain
ing fixed, and numbers always increasing.
But such being the tendency of things on tho
other side of the Atlantic, it becomos us to
look into tho nature of " annexation," and
not to bo frightened into paroxysms of pas
sion whenevor it is named, as if its only
meaning was that of robbery committed on
ourselvos. Tho decay of weak, bigoted and
ignorant nations, ought rather to remind us
of tho only terms on which power is held,
cither by states or individuals that of pre
eminence is knowledge, justice, and general
utility. Tho curse pronounced against the
tree that only " cumbercth tho ground," is
novcr suspended; tho ignorance and misrule
of Mexico, if long continued, make England
tho " annexed" of some wiser and stronger
power, whoso legions might be encamped on
her fields, as once wero those of the Roman.
Tho Romans themselves fell before tho race
of the north, when strength and wisdom de
sorted them. Decay is tho penalty of nations;
and in whatever shape it falls upon Mexico,
it is difficult to say that it has not been do
served. Front the Baltimore American.
Indian Jauraal.-An Indian (State.
The Choctaws havo elected one of their
chiefs as a representative t' congress. His
namo is Pitohlyn. He is said to be a man
of intellect and commanding influence among
his people.
The election of a territorial representative
by the Choctaws is regarded as a step to
wards the organization of an independent
government among tho Choctaws and the
neighboring tribes, with a view, to ultimate
admission into the union.
Tho accomplishment of this design would
work an important change in our Indian poli
cy, and would tend to bring about a new sort
of relation between.our government and th
red men of tho west. The Choctaws are
among the most civilized of the Indian tribos;
they have, to some considerable extent, made
themselves familiar with agricultural pur.
suits, and with habits of a settled mode of
life. The want of these habits has hitherto
been, tho grcaobstaclc in the way of bring,
ing the Indian tribes into friendly assooia
tions with us. The general feeling of thu
American people has always been well dis
posed towards the admission of the Indians
to all the privileges of our government and
institutions; but the traditions and habits of
their forefathers, and their attachment to
hunting, in preference to any occupation of
regular industry, have had too strong a Iwld
upon these children of the forest. , No at
tempts to civilize them have yet had any
complete success. The present movement,
however, coming from the Indiana themselves.
seems to promise well. A representative of
the aboriginal race, sitting in the great coun
cil of the white men, a brother amount brath-
...ill !..- - !;.. I J - .
ran, win (.-uiyiiiiuie a living uona oi consocia
tion to draw both nations into friendly coales
cence. And who, of all that shall assemble
in the capitol, will have a better right to sit
there than this son of the soil f
The territorv which Pitchlvn will renre-
sent in congress, is said to contain some eight
thousand Indian warriors. They rmnain of
many tribes and fragments of tribes, meat of
them having once dwelt on this side of the
Mississippi. 1 ho lands which they bow hold
arc guaranteed to them by the government
of the United States in consideration of the
surrender by them of lands which they once
occupied in the states. As a measure of poli
cy nothing would be more advisable than a '
friendly uriion with these tribes. Thefron
tier would need no bayonets nor armed regu
lars as a defence against Indian aggressions
u me policy were once tound to be practical
ble of fraternizing the tribes as the settlew
ment ot white men advanced towards there.
The Albany Argus, referring to this subject
strong urges the policy " It seems tousV
says that journal, that the admission of the
Indian stato into our union, with a full com
munity of privileges to them,, as much an to
the -vhite citizens of our country, would tend
to make them fast friends, not froJn fear of
our army, but from love and respect for their
white brethren of tho United States," It
strikes us that this is the true way to turn
the edge of weapons that sagacious men fear
may yet be used against our countrymen.
Thu North American Indian in character is
noble, and, as all history shows, peculiarly
grateful and true to his friends. He bates
with the same warmth as he loves. The in
fluence of members (elected by Indian voters)
residing at Washington, and participating in
all the proceedings of congress, and thus act
ing as the natural and proper guardian of In
dian interests, would be a constant source of
confidence to tho tribes, in the justice and
propriety of any legislation which might af
fect them. Such political and social ties
would be the best and most enduring guar
anty of permanent peace and friendship, and
would be bettor than a standing army of a
thousand soldiers.
Winter of Mo-'O in the U. S. This
winter appears to have commenced with great
severity. Tho thormemcter has stood several
degrees below zero throughout New England.
Jn ono instance, the "feed-pipe of a locomo
tive actually jrote up while the tram was tm
der way from Boston to Worcester ;" and of
course the cngino was stopped for want of
CandIes. Prepare your wicks about half
tho usual size, wet with spirits of turpentine,
put them into the sun until dry, then mould
or dip your candles. Candles thus mado last
longer, and give much clearer light. In fact
they aro nearly, or quite equal to sperm, in
clearness of light. (
(ttr"Wllore does tho fire go to Paddy,.
when it goes out?" Faith anf its aisy.to be t
tellin' you the like o' that; yhero should the
ure go 10, x au at an, out io,wnsre you at
ways find ft again?" Andparp.fs that,'
Paddy?" Wfjy at tlio end. of & lucifersJ
to be euro." '&A7.
Kr'The Hwon"river hai. become the,
greatest thoroughfare, in the Uaited .frefrs.
tatiitics show thM not leu than 100,000 pas.:
sengera a month go up and down the rive .