Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 09, 1846, Image 3

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families an- nuting their iihibIk ami drinking
thfir li'ii and colfim, when our morcliantH can
alliinl it, Irrmi tin ltH nncl uupx, nmtiy nr.
litalutof clothing, und otiuirarticlcHuliHoliitu.
ly iK'ccHsnry for onr consumption, aw not to
In; purohaHfil in lli country ; our children
arc growing up in ignorunco for want of
.school books to cdiicntc thr-m, und there Iihk
not hocn plow-niould in the country for
iniiiiy inontliH. Under these circuuiMunces,
niir friend of the PolyiifHinn will not, we
hope, vi(jw us uh too scusiiivn wIk.'H wo con.
tmlir liiu cniiiiiiiinii'iitiiiii UK iMifrii-lidlv. tin.
limed, and unenlled for. Wo hud hoped eneh j
meceeding upring for u change in thin Htato
if uHuirn, until hope, that never-failing friend
ut man, has ulnxwt ccum-iI to coiimI iih.
I have not hpae.o in thiHconitnunicution
to jshnw the iinntity of lumber und prixluc 1
tioriMiil'noil for fdiipiiietit ; the jiriees giveji ,y
mi.-rdinrit.s; the manner in which it is paid for; I
jhe inerctimngvuluoof the merchandise, which j
nix an onwurd und uiiwuni murc-ii, iim- mm 01
the value of our improved farnw, the more ,
purehasoM the Juger their value, and par. '
ticiilarly m, miiici the credit nyMem Iium en.
tindy ceused; hut we purjiovj, if we ure p-r.
i mted, to mjiii up and give the particulars
in .succeeding number of thin paper, until
tin- public shull Im- fully apprised ol our con.
htioii. It, after a brief und frank statement
four real condition, we hall yet not attract
the attention of the commercial world, sutfi.
. lent to have them furnish us with our ne.
icHsary supplies, hc shull then institute a i
lurther enquiry, by what uiifrieiidl ciiukc
'his beautiful country, with ull its -oiiiiiu-r.
ml advuntuges; with spacious harMtrs und
rivers ; with a soil und climate unsurpassed,
and filling with an industrious und enterpris. .
ng tanning comiiiuuitv, lius thus long la-eu
negh cted by its L'overnmoiit deserted by it-
Wiijh of trade, and left a prey to the insutia.
Mi- nppetite of avarice and iiiuiiomU whilst
!'n- enlightened inurch of this aje ha.s taught
II.i.i.a.vi i.vi;.n K.mji.am the hast like.
i'. V)!' all (oiernments mi earth, tiie in-fits
j'.'n tree mull- with ull the rest of the wurlil.
I'ul.Kl'llt'MV, Jlllie U.'i, IH lt.
. Mr. ,'." In your lust puper, I :; that you
htne noticed the return of the road company (
lirty that left I'olk county u few weeks ugo,
.mil stated thut they have returned " uiimuc
cessfii! und discouraged." It is true they re.
turned, but not discouruged. Unc id' thu
party turned back be lb re reaching theCuilu. i
puoiuli mountain, und three others iii after
erussing it; but Muj. Hurris,Cupt. Scott and
Mn, Henjaiuiu Ilurcli, Win. I'urker, and .Mr.
ISogges continued some ncventy miles fur
ther found iioihiug in the way of u prui-ti
able wugou roud, und they were preventou1
trom going on only by the hardships of buy
ing to stund guunl every night ; they there,
lure relumed to iucreusc the number of the ,
purty, und were successful in procuring the.
following named energetic and ttersevering
men, vir. : (Japt. Applegute, Kobcrt Smith,
Uiuisev Applegute, David (foff, Hen. Hurcli,
John (Jwi.-ns, J. Jones, V. .Spnrtsiiiiiu, B. '
usbuni, uTnl .Mr. (ioodhue. By the addi
lion of tliiise men, the party is .sufficiently
strong to Insure sufety uyuinst the uttucks of
Iniliuus, and to greatly lessen the hurdships
if the tiip. The party left the Uickrcnll on '
the li'id iust. in line hpirits und high hopes of
bringing the next emigration in ut the head (
of the Willamette valley. They left with u
firm determination never to retrace their
steps never to abandon the noble mid phi
lanthropic enterprise, until they ahull huve
found a gxxl wugon road, if such u thing be
Yours, respectfully,
Mahtin Gillihan. )
APPLICATION will be made upon bill filed In
the Tualaty county court, ut the next July term
of the county court, to be holdeu on tho la Monday
In 9ly, 1846, for a divorce to dissolve the bond of
matrimony between Martin Gillihan and Elizabeth
Gillihan. Said bill is filed by the aald Elizabeth, und
nil persons Interested may attend and defend if they
think proper. W. O. TVAULT,
Junu 37, 184G-9U3 Sol. for compl't.
Farm for alc.
MTho subscriber ofleni hie valuable claim, ia
Tualaty plaint, for sale. There am on the
claim HO acre in cultivation, under a Mod
fence, with a log-cabln thereon, and aim timber far a
framed dwelling and barn, a quantity of shingles, c.
Persons winning to purchase a good farm, will do well
to visit the above, ai it will be sold oa good term.
May 28,1 84 &-9 If A. COOK.
It i our painful duty to record the death of Doctor
JOHN E. LONG, secretary of tho territory, who u
drowned in the Clackamas rivrr, near this place, on
(Sunday, 31st ulL, wider the following melancholy cir
cumstances : Ho le.ft bin residence on the north utile
of I lie. ('tacksman, about one o'clock, to visit sown pa
tients in tho town mid neighborhood, on a ftkittUh home,
recently purchased of the Nez I'erce Indian; tho horse
was diw-uvered by a nutive, standing in the rtreitrn,
with tint loam rope entangled about hint On Iih being
taken to the Doctor's residence, fearn were entertained,
ami irimiediule search made for the deceased, and the
body won found in an eddy below the ford. It was
pr.edily taken from the water, mid rneilical aanstancn
iimtuiitly eulli-d with n view to resuscitation, but to no
,.(; -t t,r vitul mrk -had tied ! the body having re
iiiuiii' tl, from cafeulation, morn than an hour in the
water One hoot being found on an Mend below, with
n Hpanuh (ur attached, the moat rational conjecture
ip-, that the horui proved rertive in I ho dream, and the
pur lircutning entangled in the rope, the horne, in trrt
iiiK hirnwlf, inflicted severe blows, i ut to render the
unfortunate deceived incapable of reaching the shore,
in- vmi- rontuaioiMi were visible on tho temple, face,
und cheat. On hearing the new of the fatal ncci
dent, numerous fncnili in town hatened to the pot,
hut imforliinifely, only to realize the Initli of the sad
event, and sympathise with tho bereaved and ttflncled
widow. I n Tuesday morning the corpse was removed
from l lie li'iiiw of mourning to the Catholic Church in
tin place, where the funeral -rvic: was performed hy
I'ather Deiiii-rw, usnrfed by Father Accoltie, and the
remain uitered in the Ciithnlir ennlosure, in the pres
erve f n uiiinerouf Mwirilly of friend, desimos of
pnyini; the lut tribute of rpe:t to u departed friend,
and evincing the high estimatum in which the) held
th- lamrnted ilr-crnseil.
In rnmmiiniratinj the uhoe ad intelligence, we i
feel it due to the memory of one highly etteemed
and ixi much ticloved, that wn should give, at least, u
bncf rketrh of hi useful life. Doctor Long was u na
tive of England, the sun of a respectable plivnicinn,
und was bred to that profession. He immigrated to .
the I 'ruled Males in IKI3, where he followed his pro- .
texKioii with ntieli siii'om, and enjoyed the confidence
und ete-m of an egtrlintv scqumntunce. In ltvUl '
tli deceased emigrated frutu tle states to tluV countrj , i
where he ei-niei) content to i"pend the remainder of
hi lift. ':: hi arrival in tlregvn, he took a firm and '
iieriiii'U Mirnd in f.'inr of organizing a temporary gov
eniiiient, sufficient to pr.-serre peace und good order
in the. country, unUl it !;tuld receive greater security
in the protection of the United States government.
I'nmi tin stand he never swerved, but continued one .
id liV most efficient sumrters and faithful servants of I
our provisional government, filling many important of
fice, und discharging their arduous and responsible
iluiie wnn unimpeacnante correctness una proinpu
Hide ; continuing at the same time an extensive prsc
tire of medicine. In the death of Dr. Long, Oregon
ustainn n loss, which can never be repaired in the per
son of one man. The government lose urn uf her
most valuable public servants, in whoso fidelity and ca
jwcily she has manifested her confidence, by repeat
edly confenng upon him the emolument of nigh and
responsible office. The community have lost a favor
ite ph)Mcinn, whose place will not be easily supplied.
In no place, perhaps, will the loss be morn seriously
realized or deeply deplored, than in the chambers of
tho sick. Tim Catholic Church mourns the untimely
death of an exemplary member and a beloved brother.
Iing will hi virtues live in the recollections of the good.
The Mount Heod Roud.
We arc happy to learn from Capt. Barlow,
who has just returned from the Cascade moun
tain, where he has been constructing a road
to udfnit the passage of wagons direct from
the Dulls to this pluce, that the mad is now
complete, and thut the wagons which were
lull in the mountains lust full, arc on the way,
and will reach this place in thp course of two
days. We have not room in this number to
say more of this laudable enterprise.
ImUnu Difficulty.
Some disturbances have recently taken
pluce lietween the Molalla Indians and the
whitps in the Molalla settlement. On receiv
ing tho intelligence in this place, a volunteer
company was formed and marched to that
settlement under command of Col. Jas. Fin
ley, with much promptness, which we are
happy to say, resulted in an amicable adjust
inont of tho difficulty. We regret that we
cannot, at present, apeak more fully on this
subject, which wo regard as ono of deep in
terest to tho citizens of Oregon, Wo hope
to give it a farther notico in our next.
(Kr Tho proceedings of tho day, forward
ed us by the committee of arrangements in
the celebration of tho fourth of July, at tho
Methodist Institute, in Champoeg county,
reached ua too late for insertion in to-day'a
paper, they will be given in our next, with
tho ofation-dolivcred at that place by W. G.
T'Vault, Esq. Wo hopo this will be satis
factory to tho committee and all concerned.
For the Spectator.
Forgivsj me, friends, 1 mean no harm;
Don't think me a dictator
I would but speak a word or two,
Though I'm no legislator.
Much has been said abtwt the work
Of making and retailing
Of ardent dnnks ; but still, as yet,
All scheme prove unavailing.
Home say If it" had never been,
Distilling now were ended ;
Korno think it right, just as it reads;
Some say 'twerb best amended.
Opposerw say, " You might aa well
Forbid me tea and honey ;
What e'er I buy la all my own.
If bought with my own money.
If I raise wheat to feed my hogs,
Or turn it into whiskey;
What need yoa care, yoa meddling dogs,
If I feel some less tristyr
What is the spirit of our laws?
To read them is no bother:
Do at you pUatr mtk your oum ttlf,
But juttly by anelktr.
A man may kill himself, 'tis true
The surgeon will but own him ;
Hut if he kills another man,
Sure as he Uvea they'll hang him.
Make liquor, then, and drink it too
Much as you please to measure ;
Hut if you aell or give away,
We'll take you or your treasure.
Your money, then, well take it all,
Or we will cure transport you ;
" But if we have no money then" T
Yoa may depend we'll hung you.
Au evil which is great indeed.
Needs equal pain to stop it:
Or all your talk's but talk indeed,
You may as well just drop it.
The liquor law.
Ship .ewa.
June 21, Am. barque Toulon, Crosby waster, from
Honolulu June Sd, to Benj. Stark, jr., supercargo.
June 36, Am. ship Mariposa, Parsons, master, from
Honolulu June 3d, to Benj. Stark, jr.
Passenger per Toulon Mrs. Whitlaker, 3 children,
1 servant; Messrs. Shelly, Armstrong, Rogers, Over
ton, N orris, Brothers, Powell, French and his two sons.
Passengers per Mariposa Mr. tc Miss Wad-iworth.
Consignees per Am. barque Toulon Benj. Stark, jr.
supercargo ; Thos. Powell. Thos. Knight, Mrs. Jane
Cooper, Rev. Geo. Gary, Geo. Aberaethy, Dr. Marcus
Whitman, Samuel Norris, Percy B. Shelly, Moody,
The Toulon brings an assorted cargo, comprising
sugar, molasses, coffee, cotton and woolen goods, hard
ware, crockery, etc, etc
MTbe traveling' coBanunity are rcspectfuHy
hrraed to calL The Chy Hotel W tmdrrgc.
mg repairs, and the proprietor feels safe) in
tying that when completed, his castomem will feel
more cowfortaW,, M every necessary attention will be
rendered to make them so. Hie table shall not be
surpassed in the territory. Those who favor him with
a call from the west side of the river, wiM receive
horse ferriage free. Jan. 30, 1846-llf
Tavern aU Tannur.
M NOTICE is hereby given to the citiieas of
Oregon, that the undented now occapr
iag the stand formerly kept by Mnlky, mum
west side of the river, and hopwto give general satis
faction to all who' may call on bias. Term Ready
pay, 85 cento per meal. Price far horse over aJffct,
7S cent. All kind of produce will be receivedfor
the same.
Also, !, IIMen Whim, which ha will
tan on shares, or cash or store pay wiH be givsn.
Hides will be received at any time at the above stand.
Multnomah City, April 30, 184G-7U"
ALL persons indebted to Dr. M. Whitman, are re
quested to make payment of the same oa at be
fore the 1st of October next, when, on such debts aa
remain unsettled, a legal course will be take for eel
lection. Wheat, delivered at Oregon City, wiH be ta
ken at tho market price in payment
Oregon City, Juno 35, 1S46-2U1.
MARRIED On Sunday evening, 28th ulL by J.M.
Garrison, Esq.. Capt. ROBERT NEWELL, to Mi
REBECCA, eldest daughter of Samuel Newman all
of Champoeg county.
On Sunday, the 14th ult., by Rev. Mr. Boon, J. W.
of Polk county.
On the 3d uart., by the Rev. Lewis Thompson, Mr.
MITCHEL WHITLOCK,lateofClaycounly,Ma,
to Miss MALVINA, eldest daughter of Wm. Engle,
Esq., formerly of Virginia.
On Saturday, tho 4th inst, at Green Point, Clacka
mas county, by Elder K. ruuier, r. vtiuuiaot v.
In the evening of the same day, in Oregon City,
by Rev. J. L. Parrish, Mr. J. B. JACKSON, to Mise
imcmi m k. miImm of Rv. Hsjw Clark, in
Tualaty Plains, on the 30th ult, Mrs. CHARLOTTE
SOPHIA, wife of Mr. Peter H. Hatch of Oregon City,
aged 38 years, 4 mouths and 13 days.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned from trading for
or receiving a certain note, on Vancouver, for
$50, signed by FT Budroe, and witnessed by H. Pettie,
and dated about April 4, 1846. Payment has been
topped at the Fort Said note waa taken from the
trunk of the subscriber, with other raoalos, in a black
pocket book, on or about the SISUi of May, 1846.
Oregon City, July 9, 1846-lStf
To all wheal It may cncera.
HJOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned
1 will apply to the hon. the county court of Polk
county, at the fin term thereof, to be held on the eec.
end Wednesday in August next, for a decree of divorce
from the bonde of matrimony now nbaMiag between
him and hie wifo Eleaaor McDaalel, fwrajrlv Mi
Eleanor Bunion. ELISHA MoDANIEL.
June 18, 1846-3113
,Ts ail whaa It MM.V e
OTICE k hereby given, that the uaaensned
will aHpiy to tae aoa. we cotuuy court ress.
eeaaty, at the fat torn ttareot, ia to rteu wewsj.
mi WedMeday ia Aarns for a dome af awrca
Jhm18, lMtia ';.
ft V McDOff AJLD,
rented Mr. II. Bums' old stand ia
Multnomah City, on the west side of the WIN
lartette river, are now ready to supply their frienek
customers with all kinds of manufactured boa
and steeL Th-yjyvi a lar stock of assorted boa
and steel on hsidv which will enable them to SBfaly
all orders in their line with despatch. They have new
Whand a number of Diamond and Cary Flowa of the
beet quality, axes, drawing knives, nMrtisrag chisels,
und edge tools of all kinds, warranted to cany a geod
edge, or no charge. All of which will -be aakl a a
moderate price for good pay.
"DrCustomeni coming from the east side of the Wil
lamette river to our shop for iron work, will be ferried
free oV charge. Feb. 19, 1846-ltf
Hat Manufactory,
Ortf o City.
H aviso ajawciated themselves together ia aaaa
facturing Hate at Oregon City, are bow ready
to supply their friends and customers with hate meaa
factored iu Oregon. Although the profits are ssaaK,
tliey confidently hope, by their promp. atlrnskat to
busineai, to bu able to furnish bate to the Oregea eitl
zens at reduced prices.
Wool , beaver, otter, raccoon , wildcat, musfcat, raiak,
prairie wolf, und fox skins will be taken in exchange
for hats. February 5, 1846-Itf
Plows! Plows! Plows!
10,0(M) Reward for every one to attend to Ms
men business.
TIIE subscriber begs leave to inform the aubtic at
large, that be hue established mawtf ia the
Blacksmithing in general, ia Oregea City, where he
will keep on hand an assortment of Plow wUfJi aaa
not be surpassed in the States. P 'aoae wssssif dp:
chase plows, can be accomaodauid with thf sastb
ed or unfinished. Also, Patent Pitch To nkif '
Axes, and. all kinds of mechanics' took, t Jieaia
scriber has had long experience in machinery, he ftela
himcelf competent to execute all kinds of mill work,
shingle machines, and thrashing machines of the beat
approved patents.
Genlteir t wishing to purchase any of the above
articles, T -Io well to call and examine for themeebee
on Main rtreet, Oregon City.
February 19, 1846-3tf
Farai far Sale.
MThe subscriber hereby notifies the aahtto
generally, and those in particular who warn '
to purchase an improved claim, in MeJalte
part of the country, that his chum k bow oJarel la.
ale. Said claim lien on the Wallace Prairie, ajjjaia.
ingJas. Force and Joo. Ford, formerly known ael.
Del Cout'h claim, having a log cabin and a French
barn, and aba another set of logs for a cabin, w(uch
WM.oace put up. and has been removed.'' and about
two hundred acfree enclosed, and abeat aixty acne of
that old land, upon it 8aid claim, ie about 3 Bulee
from the Salem milk, and 4 milee, from the OreM
Institute. Terms reasonable, and coadilioai eaey. For
further particulars, enquire of the sokecriber at Salera
milk ' JNO. B..McCLANE.
March 19, 1846-ltf 4 . vs,.
, The OKiap.Sawotalar.
' Txam-rFire doBaa ia advaaoe ; (f aot.MMt aaH
theexpirioaot.awMaaahs, ix dobWiMV,
paid at the eftpiniiaBW dx aaoataelhe1 iMmWa re-
Ti i-z '-fhjif ' ,i;v;'
V AdvttleoX iarted at oaa;dav'aal trty.,
eeaaper aqaara tfif)iaM or' bM. f tV A
laNrUou, and avaaT'-. nk W'ti'miW
kautka, Allkiil.M to yafrae.iisa
trAl V'Utgmgk
r 1