uiu boat-yard," wcU caulked, gummed, and even ri)Mrd, with !? P?.1 I& (or ""f "" if mat in tlm punctuality & theee boat, that " ua lima wait for no man, the boats will do Ihn name." Now, in candor, Mr. Kditor, wide from all jeetiug, und without Ibo atighleat wiah It wcnad any one, I do think we abould apeak of our Oregon faahlona, thea tre, ainuaemenU, boat, and Improvement with be coming diffidence, lent other ronimunitlm might jurt y my of Im Hint wn had indulged in"outrngroiM und lidiculouii rucr-m." X. Y. For Hi a Nptctntor. I Mr. Editor Our fnond, Mr. Douglas, in tlio Sjicctutor of (ho 1 ltd insl., iloriien, in the most tmqiiuliliwl loriiH, tlm diurgc of rum bulling nt Vaurotivrr, uml clmllohgrw me to ihn prcxif of the assertion, by bKliinjf, indi vidually, on ail of our fi'llow.dtizenx for ten timony, und no nthequltfriiativo i left mX. hut tTproi:od in ucoordiinci) to his rcoticst; ho will, 1 am Hiiro, pardon mo if I wit lliiH amoWxt tlm highest millionth;. und I will produce one at least, whoso vcrarity will not, I am Huro, bo enlleil in qucsti'm hy our friend. When I, in my kim-ocIi, adverted to tho fact that rum uim wild at Vancouvdr contrary to law, the htati'iiicnl wan bawd on thr thousand tongued "Iiiiki, and I no qualified my re. inurltN ; hut in Mr. Douglas's ennfcHsjon, found in the paper alluded to, tint nrattcr of iloitbt is fettled, arid w arc now furnixhod with tho authority of no Ii-m a pcrMonngn than Mr. Douglas hiuiKulf :a IIkau uis Tkstimo.ny! "If," Kays he, ''witlrcff-rcirfo'to th"uil' plies, he had told his hoarer that Hit .Ma jesty's Ship MlMi' now stationed at Fort Vancouver, had, with other supplies for ship use, from the stores of the 1 IihIvhi'h Ituy Com pany, received xexeral vault ol rum; or if, referring to the H. II. Company's own hhiH, he hud mated that a tonall nllnivnue" of spirits is daily served out to the crews of the com. jinny's vustuie, and tliat other classes of the company's m mints, according to long estah hshed linage, receive on certain rare ovca. iions, u hiinilar indulgence, he would have told the plain and simpfe truth," Ate. These fuels, Mr. Douglas, who has charge of th nulling pst et Vancouver fully admits, and upon his tvHtiiii'in; m the matter, I place the ' most implicit conli hiiic. It was not my in tention to charge. our triend with having kept a tippling shop at iiuenuver, and I wish to correct .such, if anywhere av, who may have come to Mich a conclusion ; but i confess, I had not supMU4 that the law in relation tc ardent spirits (and which may be found in the first number of the Spectator) hud been so wantonly dUreparJcd. Wo knew, from iivrMjnul observation, that ruTT,it.voiisidera lili! quantities, bad found its way amongst our citizens from some quarter, undhoditf. clo.surcs hero made. furnishes a key to the mvstery, and we ire now broadly told that ca-ika of this article have been furnished to , Her Majesty's olliccrs stationed in Oregon, ' but that in "their high character wc enjoy the fullest security against its abuse," iVc. And now, my dear sir, having heard much of the hollow and ceremonious professions and hyx)critical grimaces of courts and men in high places, and disgusted with every thing , which savors of uristocratieal or monarchal i parade, and smitten with tlm love o'f repuh-1 lican simplicity und honesty, I cannot admit I that runk or men in high places are guaran tees against the abuse of our laws, nor are they so framed as to justify such a conclti- sion. liaised, as I was, under these s!mp!o institutions, which tend to bring all on an I (quality, 1 cannot perceivo those high guar-1 hntees or pledges of honor which aro said to nmunato from rank or station in high places in society. With us, men givo pledges of honor and character alone from their moral conduct, und the bacchanalian carousals which camo oil' in tho Tualaty Plain on Vancouver rum last winter and spring, at tho expenso ol tho good morals of our farming community, gave mo abundant and addi tional ovidonco to admiro our simple and re publican usages, whilo it sorves as a moral worthy of tho consideration of a prince or the strongest appendage of nobility. Our laws mako no distinction in 'favor of the offi cers on board of Her Majesty's ship Modesto, nor of tho Hudson's Bay Company's servants. If their ships visit our ports, our laws will protect them, and according to the usages of all nations, we expect them to submit to their provisions; but should those officers, through the plenitude of their power, determine to disregard our laws, it cortainly could firid no justification with one filling the high ju dicial station which Mr. Douglas occupies. IJe has sanotionedour law-making authori. ty by accepting ono of the highest judioial offices under our organization, According to his own confession, he has disregarded the law, not only by giving in small quantities, but by selling ardent spirits by the cask; nor can ho find justification by dealing it out ub dor pro-oxiatlng contracts to the servants of tho Company. To admit that principle, deal ers in this article would only be required, when tho prohibitory; law was about being passed, to contnxt for tho supply of all their old customers, and thus defeat the object and intention of the law by a pre-existing con tract; and as for tho argument of long exist ing usages, that pays the poorest tribute of till. Why, the very toper may plead his long indulgence in tho use of this article, with as much propriety. I should not httve noticed tho subject Wan, but ff r my anxious desire that the mattershould be fairly placed beforotho public. SAMUEL PARKER. a For the Spectator. Mr. Editor You have invited discussion upon the propriety of "taxing litigation. If I understand you correctly, too cloar position ) ou advance is thU, that there should be rais ed u tax ujon litigants for the purpose of cre ating a fund to pay jurom. It is not stated whether this fund shull go to pay grand or petit jurors. 1 presume the fund intended to he raised is to be appropriated tO'the pay of all jurors, and in this light I shall discuss It; but cry briefly. The services of grand ju rors go to the benrft of the public generally, and tlio money topty them shoulaba raised like any other general rcverfue for public purposes. Petit jurors tervo for the benefit of the particular cuse they try, and as' their services are made necessary by the particu. far act of the parties to that particular suit, statesmen have considered it iusl to tax tho losing party with the pay of the jury in that particular case. A man cannot rightfully object to pay the cotta occasioned in un indi vidual case by his individual act. But let us consider the proposition to tax individual litigants to pay grand jurors, who sc,rve for the w hole community. Our laws tell us- that when wv consider ourselves injured by our neighbor, vo must not take justice into our own hands, hut must appeal to the laws and courts of our country. Our'country hoR laid a general tax upon all its citizens for general purposts. Wo will suppose A to have, like othcn, paid his general tax; but he is injur ed ami must uppcal to tho law for redress. You tell him in suhstnnce that your courts will give him justice; hut if he fails he must pay a second general tax, in addition to what he and others have paid, because he has been unfortunate enough to get into a law suit that our country lias two ways to raiso a re venue for general and public purposes which concern us all alike, to wit : first, by a gen eral tax upon property ; and second, by a chnrgc upon those who apply to it for the administration of justice. In other words, our country makes money by a sale of its justice. Can any bhc say that our country should make a speculation by tho sacred ad ministration of justlco? Is there any reason why u man, who is invited hyourlawto apply to the legal tribunals of tho Country for redress of his wrongs, and who aWs so; but because ho has not Deen able to foresee a failure of his suit, should be doubly taxed? But if tho fund intended to bo raised be ap plied to tho payment of petit jurors alone, the hotter plan is Wax up the pay of tho jury in the particular cause against the losing par ty in that case. And tho reason is this, that if you raiso such fund, your tax will fall un equally, for some litigants will pay nothing, befng unable, whilo thowholo expense of all petit jurors will fall upon the few litigants whoNaro able to pay; and who, in such case, must pay other men's jurors, as well as their own. I think that when this matter is un derstood distinctly, there will bo no difference of opinion as to its'injuatice br inexpediency. Ono word as to costs in general : Tho idea of high and exorbitant costs in a young and poor community would seem to bo erroneous atonco. Cheap and ready justice, as hear men's dodrs as you can get it, is the true rule. In some countries all men are allow ed to sue; but the costs are so heavy that a poor man is practically excluded from the courts, for the reasearTnaVI costs mutt be paid in advahoe, where the officer chooses to demand it, exoept. nethaps, Jn a lew instan- ... -k--- ces C. . For tha ayatatar. Launch. S4dom has Vanoouver exhibit ed such a state of excitement as on the 8th inst., whan numbers Had collected from dif. ferent parti of tha couatry to what tb ta posinecene of; tho launch of the new vessel, fwmo from curiosity?' other halibut it as a prosperous, omen, vof 0jo flourishing state of tho country, comparing it witft a few years past, when all was a wilderness. Mr. Scarth, the Company's ship builder, was not a little proud to see such a concourse of people as tumbled, to whose politeness I am indebted for tho following measurements. 70 feet 10 inches keol, 76 feet over all, 18 feet breadth of beam, and 14 feet below ; tonnage regis ter 74. Judging from her appcaranc, she will carry a largo cargo on a small draft of water. At hair past 4 o clock a signal gun was fired ; in anjnatant flags were seen to fly from tho masts of tho different vessels in the harbor, from tho eataWUbmcnt, and down tho dock-yard. A platform had been erect ed at the bow, and there stood the amiable Miss Douglas with a few yclcct friends, who had been invited to assist her in the cere mony of christening, escorted by Capt. Bai lie, who had that honor conferred on him, and I could plainly percsivo many a gallant en vied him his sow fortune. The roasic words being pronounced, "Success to the Prince of Wales, was loudly reiterated from hun dreds of voices ; the dog-shores were knock ed away from their deposit, and with a bottle suspended by a colored ribbon .from the stem, she glided majestically on the bosom of the magnificent Columbia, amidst th deafening cheers of the surrounding spectators. ' Too much praise cannot bo given to Mr. Scarth und the superintendent of the dock-yard for the arrangements they had made for the safe ty of spectators. Not tho slightest accident happened to mar the truly pleasing and ani mated scene, and I have only tp express my best wishes that not only all' expectations may be fully realized, but as tho country ad vances in prosperity, we may bo often invi ted to witness -similar scenes. AN OBSERVER. - For the Sjwctator. Welcome the day that God bath bleat, " The type of Heaven' eternal reat" Mr. Editor What indeed can be more pleasing and gratifying, than to. witness the great improvements that are now almost dai ly taking place in our infant settlement? Among the rapid .strides wo aro making, one of the greatest, a; tending to our salvation hereafter, is that of our moral and religious improvement. It is but a short time since we were present at tho consecration of the new Roman Catholic Church at Oregon City, and on Sunday last wo were again invited to witness a similar scene here, und when we take into consideration tho infant state of our settlement, and the great difficulty of provi ding the necessary ornaments required, re flects great credit on all concerned, and when finally completed, will equal, if not surpass, anv in Oregon; its dimensions are as follows: Length 81 feet, breadth 36, height 20; gal lity," width 80 feet, breadth 12. There is also a neat parsonage house, 20 by 30 feet, attached to it, nearly completed. Tho Rev. Father Do Vos officiated in tho ubsenco of Bishop Blanchett, having been duly delega ted to act. Having delivered a most impres sive and solemn discourse, most appropriate to the occasion, he dedicated ft to St. James. Another discourse followed, in which he call ed the attention of his congregation to the great facility now afforded them of attending Divine Service, compared to a few years past ; and he implored them to avail them selves of it, and haying invoked a blessing on the new church, tho ceremony waa con cluded. The church can accommodate about 800 persons'; on tho present occasion about ono hundred and fifty were present. AN OBSERVER. To Co eahre wa fesvs fiartilii wa Imm Ihsywa tsjMafthba as lathis laty kavs ban saaiNsi. sasssa. assavwiSK SMa aauiaW, sssy sasM f fifes per- waten 'thtkaaV MAMUED-By tka lar.J.S. Orssai, iaTsali fMat,,at4 s'elsek, P. H, a tse 4 ist,JAVJ Tsmlsty' DAVI6' HUX, I, Cilssiili, Urn LUCIlf SsVlsV BON, lata tfMiaMsxi. . ir Br the ssaaT. ft tffUA. r.ti.aaiiMi u.. Mr. ALAMO HlNMAN.stjasatesf tk state sf. Nj;.Y,! Ji5w ia HmOmm IssMlli,' to MM MAKTHA ELIZABETH JOUlf GEJt- SUBH, u per raswa raaMeaas hi Tsalssy flslsa. m MffUIL ALL paiBoas iaMt to ,. u, WkMsMSksia as aatosjafcaiijs rUwassaat M-, fan Ike - - ' 11 is. in nis iililiir regain usaattM, a legal eesae wil fcs 'teksa tm aet leetioa. Wheat, Mrre4 at OimCily.wHbtfta. cfaattlMBwriutafieetaOTawatr . . a NOV MITH, At. Oregon City, J 85, 184MH1. The CsUlspMiak far . jk Caytehi Asr Cask isihsj asf jlfiBsitaHUwihraff.rallBii, isaitaasl asBsstaaaam mai i in iMisI nlig Haasa -C IfaCnLl poaiaa." Fertenas JT,"1J'" MasMlaskt I"JIjsItb K hBLWSl- "CakV sLCaak Mtbaard. If aoarirateiaJatoaslelsasiisssiihiilJUi (nn, tae aaore niiu etsft wm, sa' ttaay.W osVe4atMUteasetiaa,iaGwCIr. May 8t), 184Vtia . CITY HOTEL,, BY H. M. KNIGHTON, " Oreffaa Cttj. Tba tmeBfif eosBssaakv sis leaaaatMy ti'SH iarited to caQ. Tke City Hatel ia tsali Jttal. fag repain, aad the tnarinar fcehaafcut aayeagthat whea eawalilaa, his easiaaaasi wsl fast mew comfartaale, as aviary aicaawuy ajtassisa wM s rendered to make tbera aa. Hie teste aaal aat W tuipaaMd la the territory. Tboaa who fcvar hfaa with a call float .the west aide of the Hver, wU'reOrta horae ferriage, free. Jaa.S, 18W-Hf Tartrm ui Tvamj., - NOTICE is hanhy gJtwitesX Tuin ongos, that Uw saiJsssgaaiisi dawag laa atasa iisbjwj aayc i west MeoftaeriTar,asdhapaateg fac&oa to au was aaay eaa sa ata. pay,25 eeataaersaaaL Woo far 1 75 ceala, AB klaoVof awsaai wM so the aasw. Alaa, l,w HialeB Waualetl, whieh ha wat lan oa aliano, or caaV or otara say wfll ko gifsa. HMwaiaotoeoiva4aAaaytaaosaihashsaasBasi. C. D. SMIT&( Multnomah City, April 30, 184-7tf-. VV ' Klaplramirhiiifl uiuvauuuimugi ,- XEiJiOn McDOW AUb grgTAVING rented Mr. H. kW oU KM. MuUnomah City, oa the west aide of the WaV lamette river, are now ready to stiffly their fasais and cuatomen with all kiaoa.of aaaaufacnirad am and cteeL They have a large atook of aoairtaii iraa and atcel on Land, which wil aaahle thoaj tesafft all crdera in their foe with daay lalah. Tfcoyhavoaasr on band a naaber of Diasaead aaw Cry flswa ofaao beat quality, axaa, drawiag kaivss, saartamagf.fkiaw and edge took of all kinds, warraatod to.oerv a'aasd edge, or no charge. Ail of wkia wfT hTssUwU moderate price for good pay. -'- , D'Cnatoreeta coming from tho east side of thoKTi lamette river to our ahop for boa work, wil ha Insist free of charge. Fob. It, lMCltf Hat Manufactory, Orafos Ottft JOHN TRAVERff & WM. GLA8ER, JTbTatlho Baaoclated themnrrto togotharia M-Mt r ' facturiag Hata at Oregon City, as asw to ailpply their friends and eawjaaass with aoa i factured.ia Oragea. Althoneh tho they confidently hope, by their prompt bmiueaa, to be able to fnmiah hats to tho isaarjr to OrofloaoM. aamsml m maultaam1 analmoi t Wool, beaver, otter, nceooa.1 prairie wolf, and fox skiaa will bo toaoa ia far hats. Fobraaiy,Mtw4 Plows! Plows!. Plows! For the Spectator. Shocking ileadeiii(tlmoil) d narrow escape.' 'An accident occurred on the 18th inst. in the Columbia river, for a time alanning, but happily resulting only in a good soana; in our sweet waters. While two of the junior officers pf H. B. M. S. "Modeate," wtb a friend from the shore, and three of the craw, ware enjoying a pleasure sail in the pinnace, a auddea squall oaughi her, and instantly upset her. The party wore for SO miautea in imminentdanger, immersed in the water, hanging by the boat, until the ship'e cutter (wnien fertunateiy was sailing m.ooanr nmiuiU tn arul Maauad them all from brink upon which they hung between tas aid L; the next woria. ne pinnace was wwaup .t ft t J .... J i Vm.oa dcWwaanavAWJ IMlDOJVi M two wwnuw w iw yij -l. 7 r asf r- - mm I r . gtwy. t 10,000 Reward for everyone Mastoid Aar oam outkteM. 'J " THE sabacribar begakavoto IssmWwtfpasMsja large, that ha has Hihnaaii saawatf si lao BiarsanHarag la general, u uraaaa.usf.waaas a wuiaeencaBaaaaa sswiuuiatssn not bo aorpaaaae ia tho Stotoa oaaae piowa, eaa bo aece odorimfiaMud Aha. As.aaa all kind, of lasssaalsftoah. Asenosaa- seriber has had long eiperJease ia ssaaUaoty, M Jbob enwffmwWsi VWBlsPvWfH W WMsaWsti Wmt sasssasaW "aV emsBBB) wwWsJ I'H' Til ' I llln IIiji 'Til if fill r BfHotWfataals. . . ' tt i .rfe , GaatlemoB? wiahism-to psMhaas say. sf ll)s.assv arijeks. will do yAHJtmmMt oa Mala strost.OifckMBfc ' JlbTWrSSSPt nvVLssmt, ' i4J P. crytM ' -" ...- ,. J,,., !, "J M .' 7 Kaaosawtr. Jm 10. Tsaam Frra iii o t . z , -. - rr .if i f - . ttriirfi sf sat sssnssa to'mmu '. lit? ""V . -J m hm i