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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1846)
THE SPECTATOR. H. A. O. UCK, KPITO. J. rUMlWO, TK. Oregena City, Jnc H. I THE LATE ELECTION. We have not been faTorcd with the official return of the election at present, but presume the following will oiler to those made in 1818 and 1800. Thus those of l18 and 1820, with further con. cession of tlio free navigation of the Colunv bin river south of that latitude.. The jmL lol of tlio forty-ninth degreefrom U Rooky mountains to its intersection with the north, easternmost branch of tho ColuinbIa,l6 thence down tlio channel of that river to thasea, had been ottered by Great Britain, withan addi. tion of ii small'detachcd territory north of the Columbia. Each of those propositions had been rejected by tho parties respectively. In October, 1843, tno envoy.extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of tho U States in .Loudon was auinonsou to mane ainuiar be found correct: for CUtkamat County Hirnm Straight, A. I.. Lovejoy,W.G.T'Vault For Ckampotg Angus McDonald, Jesse Lconey, Robert Newell, A. Chamberlain. For Tualaty Joseph L. Meek. I.awrence Hall, D. H. Lownsdale. For Yum Hill A. J. Hcmbree, Thomas JctfenK For Plattop George Summer. For LtwioVf. F. Tolmie. For VMemvr H. W. Peer. For Felt No election. stood the question when the negotiation was ' shortly afterwards transferred to Washing a -in; imd, on the 23d of August, 1844, was ' forinully opened, undor the direction of my immediate prodoccssor. Like all the previ j ous negotiations, it was based upon principles of " compromise ;" and tho avowed purpose ' of the parties was "to treat of tho respective ' claims of the two countries to the Oregon ter ritory, with the view to establish a permanent Imundary between them westward of the I Rocky mountains to the Pacific ocean." Ac 'cordingly, on the 20th of August, 1844, the ' British plenipotentiary offered to divide tho ' Oregon territory by the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude, from the Rocky mountains to the Mint of its intersection with the north-(.a.-ternnuui branch of the Columbia river, : and thence down that rivor to the sea; leav I ing the free navigation of the river to be en joyed in common" by both parties the eoun try south of tl is line to belong to the United States, and that north of it to Great Britain. At the Mime time, he proposed, in addition, to ield to tiie Tinted States a detached tor ntoiN , north of the Columbia, extending along , the Pacific and the Straits of Fucha, from HiiMtiiich't harbor inclusive to Hood's canal, und to make free to the United State any port or ports .-outli ot latitude 4 degrees which the might desire, either on the main PRESIDENT POLK'S MESSAGE. We copy from the London Evening Chronicle of tlio 24th December, so much of the President'n Miwapi' a relatee to Oregon, not being able to inwrt th whole of It in the present number. Wu nlo learn from the , Chronicle that there is a democratic majority in both j branches of congress in the house a mnjority of near ly two to one in the senate a majority of six. John W. Davis, of Indiana, is speaker of the house-. From these facts wo may reasonably hope that the measures recommended by the President will I promptly carried oat, at least so far as to afford us their protection, and establish soino regular system of communication between us. The vpirit and ntylc of the measago are such as will meet a hearty retonse from every American ; and indeed they are mich as erea a Briton can but admire. All must admit it n , hhrh time some decisive measure should be token to nid or on Quadra and Vuncouver'H island settle, fatally, a question of thirty yearn agitation be- With the exception of the free ports, this was tweea the two nations. tlio same oiler which had been made by the My attention M'as early directed to the ne. I British, and rejected by tho American gov. gotiation,'which,on the 4th March last, I found j eminent in the negotiation of 1820. This pending at Washington bet ween the U. States i proposition was properly rejected by the and Great Britain, on the subject of tlio Ore. ' American plenipotentiary on tho day it was Ka territory. Three several attempts had submitted. This was the only proposition of en previously made to settle the question compromise offered by the British plcnipotcn in dispute between the two countries, by ne-' tiary. The proposition on tho part of Great gotiation, upon the principle of compromise ; Britain having been rejected, the British pie but each had proved unsuccessful. nipotentiary requested that a proposal should These negotiations took place at London, ' lie made by the United States for "an cquita in the years 1818, 1824, and 1820 ; the two ' hie adjustment of the question." first under the administration of M r. Monroe, when I came into office I found this to be and the last under that of Mr. Adams. The i the .state of the negotiation. Thoueh enter. negotiation of 1818 having failed to accom- mining the settled conviction that British pre plish its object, resulted in the convention of tensions of title could not be maintained to the 20th ot Uctooer oi mat vear. v tnc au article of that convention, it was " agreed, that any country that may be claimed by ci ther party on the northwest coast of America westward ot the atony mountains, Mian, to gether with its harbors, bays, and creeks, and the navigation of all rivers within the same, be free and open for tho term of ten years from the dato of the signature of the present convention, to the vessels, citizens, and subjects of the two powers, it being well understood that this agreement is not to bo construed to the prejudice of any claim which either of the two nigh contracting parties may have to any part of the said country; nor shall it be taken to affect the claims of any other power or state to any part of the said coun try ; the only object of tho high contracting parties in that respect being, to prevent dis putes and differences among themselves." The negotiation of 1824 was productive of no result, and the convention of 1818 was left unchanged. The negotiation of 1820, having also fail ed to effect an adjustment by compromise, re sulted in the convention of August the fith, 1827, in which it was agreed to continue in force for an indefinite period the provisions of the third articloof the convention of tho 20th of October, 1816; and it was further provi ded, that "it shall bo competent, however, to eitherof the contracting parties, in case cither shouU think fit, at any time after the 20th of OcteBer, 1828, on giving duo notice of twelve months to the other contracting party, to an nul aad abrogate this convention; and it uhall, in suoh case, be accordingly entirely annul led and abrogated after tho said term of no tice." In these attempts to av ;st tho con troversy, the parallel of the forty.ninth do spree of north platitude -had been offered by the United State to Great, -Britain, and jn uny portion of the Oregon territory upon any principle ot public law recognized by na tions, yet, in deference to what had been done by my predecessors, and especially in con sideratioii that propositions of compromise had been thrice made by two preceding adminis tratious, to adjust the question on the para, lei of forty-nine degrees, and in two of them yielding to Great Britain the free navigation of the Columbia, and that the pending ncgo. tiation had been commenced on the basis of compromise, I deemed it to be my duty not abruptly to break it ofT. In consideration, too, that under the conventions of 1818 and 1827, the citizens and subjects of the two powers held u joint occupancy of the country, I was induced to make another effort to settle this long-pending controversy in the spirit of mo deration which had given birth to the renew, ed discussion. A proposition was according ly mado, which was rejected by the British' plenipotentiary, who, without submitting any other proposition, suffered the negotiation on his part to drop, expressing his trust that the United Slates would offer what he saw fit to call "somo further proposal for the settlement of the Oregon question more consistent with fairness and equity, and with the reasonable expectations of tho British government." The proposition thus offored and rejected re. peated tho offer of the parallel of forty-nine degrees of north latitude, which had been made by two preceding administrations, bnt without proposing to surrender to Great Bri. tain, as they had done, the free navigation of the Columbia river. The right of any for. eign power to the free navigation of any of our rivers, through tho heart ot our country, was one which I was unwilling, to concede. It also embraced a provision to make free to Great Britain anv nort or norts on the Case of Quadra and Vancouver's island, south of this oarallel. Had this been a new question, coining under discussion for tho first time, this propoettton would not nave been maue. The extraordinary and wholly inadmissible demands of the British government, and the rejection of the proposition mado in defer ence alone to what had been dono by my pre deccssors and tho implied obligation which theiracts seemed to imposo, afford satisfac tory evidence that no compromise which the United States ought to accept cati be effect ed. With this conviction, the proposition of compromise which had been mado and re jected, was, by my direction, subsequently withdrawn, and our title to tho whole Ore gon territory assorted, and, as is believed, maintained by irrefragable facts and argu ments. Tho civilized world will seo in these pro. cecdings a spirit of liberal concession on tho part of tho United States ; and this govern ment will be relieved from all responsibility which may follow tho failure to settle the controversy. All attempts at compromise having failed, it becomes tho duty of congress to consider what measures it may bo proper to adopt for tho security and protection of our citizens now inhabiting, or who may hereafter inhab it Oregon, and for the maintenance of our just title to that territory. In adopting mca sures for this purpose care should be taken that nothing be done to violate the stipula tions of the convention of 1827, which is still ' in force. The faith of treaties in their letter ' and spirit has ever been, and I trust will ev cr bo, scrupulously observed by the United i States. Under that convention a year's no-' tice is required to be given by cither party to . the other before the joint occupancy shall terminate, und before either can rightfully j assert or exercise exclusive jurisdiction over ' any portion of the territory. Thi notice it would, in my judgment, be proper to give, i and I recommend that provision be made by ( law for giving it accordingly, and termina-1 ting in this manner the convention of the 0th of August, 1827. It will becomo proper for congress to de- (ermine what legislation they can, in the mean time, adopt without violating this convention. , Beyond all question, the protection of our laws and our jurisdiction, civil und criminal, ought to be immediffre'ly extended over our citizens in Oregon. They have had just cause to complain of our long neglect in this par ticular,nnd have, in consequence, been com polled, for their own security und protection, to establish a provisional government for i themselves. Strong in their allegiance and i ardent in their attachment to the U. States, I they have been thus oust uxn their own re-1 sources. They arc anxious that our laws I should be extended over them, and I recom. I mend that this bo done by congress with as little delay as possible, in the full extent to which tho British Parliament have proceed ed in regard to British subjects in that terri tory, by their uct of July 2d, 1821, " for re gulating the fur trade and establishing a crim inal and civil jurisdiction within certain parts of North America." By this net Great Bri tain extended her laws and jurisdiction, civil and oriminal, over her subjects engaged in tho fur trade in that territory. By it the courts of the provinco of Upper Canada were empowered to take cognizance of causes ci vil and criminal. Justices of the peaco and other judicial officers wcro authorized to be appointed in Oregon, with power to execute all process issuing from tho courts of that province, and to " nit and hold courts of re cord for the trial of criminal ofTcncos mid mis. demeanors" not mado tho subject of capital punishment, and also of civil cases, wiiero the cause of action shall not "exceed in value the amount or sum of two hundred pounds." Subsequent to tho dato of this act of Par liament, a grant was mado from tho "British crown'.' to the Hudson's Bay Company, of the exclusive trade with the Indian tribes in the Oregon territory, subject to a reservation that it shall not operate to the exclusion " of tho subjects of any foreign states who, under or by force of any convention for tho time be ingr between us and such foreign states re speotlvely, may bo entitled to, and shall bo engaged in, the said trade." It Is much to be regretted, that, while un der' this act British subjects havo enjoyed tho protection of British laws and British judi cial tribunals throughout tho whole of Ore gon, American oitizens, in tho same territo ry, have enjoyed no such protection from their Gvernment. At the same time, the result il Urates the character of our people and (heir Institutions. In spite ofthiBnogleot.thoy havo multiplied, and their number is rapidly In creasing in that territory. Thoy have mado no appeal to arms, but havo peacefully for. tificd themselves in their now homcu, by tho adoption of republican institutions for thorn solves ; furnishing anothor cxamplo of tho truth that self-government is inherent to tho American breast, anil must prevail, it is duo to them that they should bo ombruccd and protected by our laws. It is deemed important that our laws regu lating trado and intercourse with tho Indian tribes cast of the Kooky mountains should ho extended to such tribes as dwell beyond thorn. Tho increasing emigration to Oregon, and the enro and protection which is due from tho government to its citizens in that distant re gion, make it our duty, us it is our interest, to cultivate amicable relations with the In dian tribes of that territory. For this pur pose, 1 recommend that provision be made for establishing an Indian agency, nnd such sub agencies as may bo deemed necessary, be. yond tho Ilocky mountains. For the protection of emigrants whilst on their way to Oregon, against the attacks of tho Indian tribes occupying the country through which they pass, I recommend that a suitable number of stockades and block house forts he erected along the usual route between our froutior settlements on the Mis Mitiri ant! the Rocky mountains; und that an adequate force of mounted riflemen Iks mis cd to guard und protect them on thoir jour ncy. The imtr.ediuto adoption of these re commendations by congress will not violuto the provisions of the existing treaty. It will be doing nothing more for American citizens thnn British laws have long since done for British subjects in the snme territory. It requires several months to perform tho oyuge by sea from the Atlantic states to Ore. goii; and although wo have a large number of whale ships in the Pacific, hut few of them ailbrd an opportunity of interchanging iutel ligence, without great dolay, between our set tlements in thut distant region und the Uni ted States. An overland mail is believed to be entirely practicable; and the importance of establishing such u mail, at least once u month, is submitted to the fuvorable consid eration of congress. It is submitted to the wisdom of cuiigre; to determine whether, ut their present ses sion, und until after the expiration of the year's notice, any other incuhurcs may Im Adopted, consistently with the convention of 1827, for the security of our rights and tho government and protection of our citizens in Oregon. That it will ultimately bo wise und proper to make lilwral grants of land to the patriotic pioneers, who, amidst privations und dangers, lead tho way through savuge tribes inhabiting the vast wilderness intervening between our frontier settlements und Oregon, nnd who cultivate, und are ever ready to de fend the soil, I am fully satisfied. To doubt whether they will obtain such grants as soon us the convention between tho United Stutos und Great Britain shall havo ceased to exist, would be to doubt the justice of congress; but, pending tho year's notice, it is worthy of consideration whether a stipulation to this effect may bo made, consistently with the spirit of that convention. Tho recommendations which I have made, us to the best manner of securing our rights in Oregon, ure submitted to congress with Sreut deference. Should they, in their wis om, devise any other modo better calculated to accomplish tho sumo object, it shall meet with my hearty concurrence. At tho end of tho year's notice, should con gress think it proper to make provision, for giving that notice, wo shall I'rave reached u period when tho national rights in Oregon must cithor bo abandoned or firmly main tained. Thut thoy cannot be abandoned with out u sacrifice of both national honor and in terest is too clcur to admit of a doubt. Oregon is a part of tho North American continent, to which it is confidently affirmed the title of the United States is the best now in existence. For the grounds on which that title rests, I refer you to the correspondence of the late and present score ury of state with tho British plenipotentiary during 'tho ncgo tiation. The British proposition of compro. mise, which would make the Columbia tho lino south of forty-nino degrees, with a tri fling addition of detached territory to tho U. States, north of that river, and would leavq on the British side twethirds of the whole Oregon territory, inoluding the free naviga. tion of tbe-ColumWa and all the valuable I i r i