BfilBM J' lifhl liinlustir l'"" l.i-pl up Uilli uclt Hjiirit. Tlii' tln-sii-i "film Iwlii n-u lln-ini' of uni versal tuhiiiriitinu, t-nnihinitiK nciitnom, elf. Hiiinif, ami ruse. KitIh, rounlry iliinc-i'i, liiuiiiM i-i'lil, anil yun, was the onh-r nf tin-i-vi-niti,; ; "nil if wh il mil yet noum tluit liihliiniiulili! ilnuci', the I'nltii, still we live ill lnH-rtif HcciriK 'l M"") introduc'ril at our city hnlN, a tfi-ntletniiu, who known ami iIuiiccn it well, nml who lately vi.ite.l tlm Kaliiiitini; 1'lniiiH, luiviiit! liimllv viiluiiteercil to iiiHtru;t tin1 ()ri'(;finiiiii heuutti-s in in iiiiriuauii'M. Vtinnmvir, '.. 7, H0. I'nr lli" Sin-i tntitr 'I'lIK liV..Nr.i.KS l A I'aII.MCII I.N OlII.MI.N 11VKII THAI' LAVS IV Till. N Mil.... Mr. I 'ililor In iii)liiiii' u illi an uu ila. limi in tln liril iiiiiiiIn'I nl" lli'- Njh-i tutor, I ir.iKsi. In Miint i.ut .iin ni tiic aitvaiitaiH sliotilil mlopt micIi ii law nml allow such pn wliiili t)ri'nii nlli'in to tin-liiiiiiiiii-iiniiiii. vj(.,M in citi'ciii. I how, sir, llmt tins inly tluit an- not in hi- (omul in tin- fertile anii-mlmi-nt-' "ill Im- fairly ami properly mi. pluiui nf tin- Willi-) "!' llir Miv.t.ippi, or in .h-rntim! hefiire they nrc" satictinm il hy tin: any Mali- i ast of tin- Uoil.v mountains. ,(.,,,,., I h'i' to lie informed as to thnTul. With a soil in tin- U'lllaiiiilti willey, ami viintnyp to Im- ileriveil frnin allowing a man otliiT Niitioiis ol Uncoil, iinti- iiiuil t" lliui t hold t Hi-paratc pan-i-ln of Innd in this if tin- iiIIiimiiI .1.-pu-u. -J tin- -.'rent willi-j f rounlry, ami .".iiet-ially this U'lipfit to arise ol tliii Mni-iji, nature Im. I. i-n fur inon- rIM ,;,t., -,rivih-e;f tn the whole eoplp at lirnlilii- in In r ttfi. having l-i.hi-il tin- wil- i pr.iit ami in future, so that when I o to ls mi tin- I'm Hi' (-iinl in man) iiislnui-i-1 the ,i to vol.- liir my ruiuliihite for a re. tin-liarn-iior -tenle plum-, ami mountain! prcsrntntive, I mnv Ih-YiiIIv informed im to t i li.i- rein-veil lli'- liiriui-i on tin- shiiri-4 -il the For tlii- rtjwriinfir Mr. tvlilor I uniicf nt the close of the Or ganic laWH ii note from the "i;c;ntnry, (I niip. iohc it iiiiim be, though the not (i dot-snot nay it is from him or umlur his hand,) that thoro nro two prop'iM-d amcnilrm'iitH to the present Organic Lawn the onu to prevent a laro numhrtr of citizens from entering or record iti n larn tract of laud together, and hold iiiK the Hume without Mjrvnally occupying, by more than one of the partners. I also notice that there in another amendment pro. fxised, intending to allow all claimants or jhtsoiih to hold two claims the one of 000 and the other of 40ucrcH, in different places. Now, sir, it is not my object to discuss the merits of either of the promised amendments tit this time, hut I hope the friends of those nun-udmeiith, of the last, w ill come out and jive us rfime good reasons u-hv wh .iriher east) uith perpetual ra-, liirni-liin;' the benefit, to be derived from the proposed .. ill-tin-t i "p- in sprmv "'"' '-'II- ""' .tim-mlmeuls. A VOTKR. I'.n Hie ol nun ii nl lliiit i'i II ''.'el v I. nil- In Ii i n tin- i.ii' . .iinl ili-'M-. the inlori nt lb it inwiln.ilili i l.i . f our l-K l"H I Itll llMII'' I .1-1 n II- I' I- II I il- a- I' I- u th them, tliit linn lillli- ill'' "llllll llllsiil iniisl tie i -isiiii ii i'iC'i 'ii i nilei i it hi t pn w nt i in le-nls from I I II ll. . Well l.i i 'In . ui.l, I. He Ire. in i th !i .n inn mi-.' 'he l.tiiu'-l -, liilji Illi i. ihli-'i 'I'n lln' I'.ditor ii' lln' Sirrliilor : .Hlii I notice in wilitT editon,il that you lllie i-oine mut w-l IVitllklv and C'ilfi-xeil Miurseif to-lie ' a (Irin'.erat of the Jetfer-i-man school." I alsi understand from the reading of un artii le, that )ou think "that it uoiilil In- 'mi! Hihe) to discuss (Kilities hi tin- i ' iiiiiii-- ol the .SH-ctiitor." Will you please to mlnrm a siih-erils-r in what wuv he tin. . .mi) lin ia'ei .itflTii il iiiU olitaiii the priwlee oll have titkeii, us I n '. mis i " t- tin m in ne 'i.uilily .mil . .mi le. i eitam dial Mii,mli-un to eM-ltnle the -i in it- iii.sii" tn, in that nl a i . "i .i diM II--.HXI 41I ilti('sjito-jether lfsi,pleai-c -, h t u- I.iimh more i-Nplit-itl). to the break. miii ,nl. int. i"i '"- "I"'" "''' M,"iuils ami creating new ones, "niTo- mure s !l '"'"l'''" I bili' no doubt Vol! Would leave i no riii'-JiiHHi ' ' p,,r-iiis.iin wish to i-outribute an artiele - fl l ( .t ln " 'ii' -u"i i "i i-iiimi in miii:, hi nun TIMKS OF II0LD1N( COURTS. The regular sessions of tho Supreme Court will he held at Oregon City, on the find Men. days in June and September annually. The Criminal Court will hold it regular scsfiio.-i ,-,;; thu would Mondays in June and Septembt-1", at Oregon City. COUNTV COURTS. In the county of Tuality, lat Mondays in April and July. ChamKJcg, second Mondays in Mayj and August. (Jlatxop, wcoiiil Mondayw in April anil July. Yam Hill, first Momlayn in May and Aug. Clackumas, third Mondays in May and August. Vancouver, third Mondays in April and July. Lewis, last Mondays in May and August. I'olk, second Mondays in May and August. The Presiding J iidgen of tho County Courts are Judges of Probate, and Probata Courts are held monthly, and the day of holding the court apointcd by the judge. Plows! Plows! Plows! 910.000 Rararlfar crrryonr to attend to hn own buinrxi. TIIK mrwcnlK-r Ix-ifn leave to ibform llie puMic nt lirffr, that lie hit mUldihrtl lumelf in thr lllaclmiulhini; in (rcnrral, in Urrgon City, where lie will k--p uu huud an amorunent of Flown, which can not Ik- MirpjiMrd in III'.- State. I'emoiw wihing;to nir rUatf plow, can Im accominodaU'il with them, fininh i-l or iinfinUird. AUi, Patent Pilch Forku, Hon, xt', and all kind of mechanics' took An the trnU Minlor haM had lonjj expenence hi miicfiiwry, he fctU lilm-K-lf coiniH-ti'iit In executo all kindu of mill wor,:, fliinyti- mat .n-n, and thr.vlnnj tnacliineH of tho mt npirovsl p-itnitK. iitl-iin-n wwliing In pjrrliam any of the above urtirliv, will da ucll to cull unil oxamini for tlicmwlun on M .mi strcvt, Oregon Cil). I). C. I.VKLKS lilirimr) III, lfi-IC-2tf -. I Ii i 'i I in i.m.- In ,.111' nil 'II M- --, - I'll CITY HOTEL, BY H. M. KNIGHTON, OrrfM Cltv. The tnm&ag etJMMlty tM i taHedtocaJL Th Cky fkMl Ii i I . . - mm an renum. mna ins anartMaai wuMaLii faying that when completed, iVtmkltikimmUS. more comfofUUe, m every ntmjmttm WU rendered to make them a, flk tMe JkaaMla HuriNwI in 0m territory. TImmwImImw UmwHk a cat) from the wet ridfl of to tinr, iM null I homo ferriage free., lMC-ltf The Red House & Porttud, JUST received, pet TeaJwef Kewte,.. 'iiiiiii nt tliif MialMMifcituu SO cwm woeoeleibiNfcaLaUt4anlm 3 anuii miikn i mmtSmmTV .Mill -awn tad eaw wmm aharea aad pitch IMw 1 winnowing imehiwi MAitei meJex SO boxw eftdLW Uehr, "-i . T7 IU an. bead exee aMBWiBHW4fa .V),000 cigan; SO ken wWtelMic ' 100 kepi palate l-3de. iiiFilai ettfc SO btjlioeeMee; a5kapfaeyii xuu Doxeeaaepj SO caaea book aad ekeei 4 SO dox. cane eei ckaJiat W 4 SO d.eajMfile; ISUBi 4 cam wearied aria :' 1 bale rlameak Tiet S pwcee atriped 12 dot. linen dw 12 docredfkaaol " Vd pad jaaajfdaj daakpaatei aaajeleaieail 200 JccotobeViMiiukileet'ii U fi belee txtn aeery lijbji Ihi tmh 3 caaMBepopriaeii 1 eaasUiafcvahetaka: ..i .iln I I: imII l. mjbjii irrv '.uu . i; miii in, in. n im i i . r ,, .. ...t i tl . . "iiimis nine, .il piu.-nt '" '"" l" .1"' (1,"l "' Mr' J,,,'rv'. ,,!U"- i .. th.- .... I- il. tl.jf th.-iin- .. n m ,i,"""r w "A!,tii, r iiiiv other that m:iy, in. HmIhI Shi.- ImT th.n j,.;,,, I,,,!),,,, i hn. rxirti-il. A SI HSCItlHhK. i -in. Vl'i IiiiIIimii nl TiilheUjVtiill. 'Il -" ,., ,,., ,. ... ' Hi Umi I lTl iit- lill-lie I III. ii III I" lie nml li liiill llel I i mi). 1 i l,,.TJ M"rtiiaavi, iii-r t iivjirj iiiUiiun-: pel ll HI tnil- -I wju-:i!ii ii'feavre l n 1 1 a l i.i million oilslii I-. . '.i t nil nil lliT Ir17"i I I lit- pel iniiii I, i tor7 K1.' id. nun; nf i t t u. the mp Is pill limn nt -"-' iigllloll k, unil-, -iiul, ut (. 1 1 nl- pet iinnl to .''. "J-H. llllll; "I, iheie eii-iiil-fil( 17- llllltl'ill lill-ll- I-, U.illli, .It !lllii nife nl Mil lent- per liii-ln I, n:i I. (Mid, iiiiii. l-'riiufiu i -tiiuiiie m . e iil.uilil iiii.I Milne m' ihe, i hie!" ugrieill. i nips i !' the I mte.l State., it re-ull-thnl I ml tin i nun i- the mo- valiiiihle of all tin . mp-. Il;i eniiii-s next, ami niilv iut In IiiU IN jlllle, i-M-eeds llllll nf l licit . H hlell imiiii-1 llnnl, alt-nil .'ill per cent, anil ilouhle trfi Mttou, uhieh .-t.nnl- liuirlh. ( hit-, I il uill he -i, -I, im I lill'li mi the ll-t, and .-iiiiouuleil in that M ar to :il, (Mill, (Mill. I hllM-thll--eleeleil live of llie iiin-t Milllll. Iili i riyi. (.iinl I may nluin-t -ay their entire imp.) aiowii in Ihr I'niied Slates, fioni uhieh thai j; 1 1 'lit lepuhlic deiixe.s nil its iiillli. (II'iIicm- I'm- artteles, tuoiiiilv find iheir vf'nKiiifiireigii Thelwii lirst ami littler article-, are ncliil all i-mii-iiiuj'iI in .titiiiuiiig the Viirioti. -peties of .-loeli i.iiws-l in W nit count i' ; the value of these . three remiMiiing aijcles aniuiiiits to over half Lull ilie crops grown in lhn Mutes. Now, irtliis dalii he innei't, and wo Imve the re. 4il of the commissioner of patents hefoie ih, it HiiiAJAl-Tihvinus to tho mo-l Miperlieiul Misener tmil, in that one article alone, the iul milage in favor of the Oregon farmer is us two In one. i inue heiird il said, ami per. hups truly, that in lhn Males u farmer, with uu ordinary Mock of cattle, who raises u ihouMind hiishels of grain mi his furui, has for wile of that iiiautity perhaps '-'00 or .100 hushels, the remainder is consumed in his family and hy his stock; while in Oregon thn farmer who raises 1000 hushels, has for murket 7 u- riOO the Imlanct) is coiistitned hy his family, mid in futteuiiighogsund fowls. When I have leisure, 1 proposo to point nut some of thu many other advantages, in my pltiin furincr.likn stylo. 1 uni, &c, M. M. M. IkV HMO IKT.I ii- fiilliiiMiii: "iii(; uiuiiiiiijiM'il iii s-., ulii'ii Iter -tj. tii.-.'ii Vh turm,iiti il IMInlinr'li, Sir Jamt-K I'ri'Kt.tln- I .eril I'pimM, ami Miii-tratrn nf tla-nl) li.uyit; nM-rli't mi tin- immune nf h'-r arnviil. V I SiiMi 'J our Forni'kt' utir, Juhnir Cnpr ) II.-) Ji.liin- I'urrol nr )i- u.-nikili )i-l' llr an- i r It.nlnf -nnrin .l' Il on tin- ui.iikni I wmilil y.ail, Vi-M Inn- ii nn-rr). mi-rrv innriiiii. lie) Juinit-, c Tin- fntfil." gini-" tliry loud did roar, lint limili-r iinl tlii lliiilifUKiinr.-, Ami lliniii;lit it urn. mi unco' lor Tn im' iii in tin- inoriiiii. ll.-y J.iini.-, r Anil hwi'i tin- riiMle tlmnilirril louil, lint liiK-r it t MHisiry loud, ml tin llllllll-K llll.ll'IYtUud .'-.h- i .ill) in tin- iniiriiiii. Il.-y Jaiuii'. V. 'I'l'.i ( j..'4-. hli.-'s .'oiiii to (Jratlim 1'irr. .N.ii- l'riivirt nml im Ilailn- In'rr; 'I'li'-y'r.- in lln-ir U'.l, I nun-kin f.-nr. Sin .'..Hy in lhn innriiiii. !!) Ji.iiii.', tr 'I'ln- (Jiii'i'ti linn rnini In Hrandnn Ktrcrl. Tlii- I'niMMt mid ih.- Kr)H to inc'l, And tin ).t think tluit i-Iic'h to unit, Your wimkiii in tlm iimriiia. ll.-y Jninir, ..' My liord, my linl, tin- Qncrii is h.-r.-, And now my Nml In limkit ijui-it And wlnil KelK h.-r mo hooii uMrrr, it's Imn-ly nine in tin- inoniin. Hoy Jiiini., r (in lirini; In nn' my mltc o' kIiiIc; Cniiii', lIuilii'M, is-.) will ciitch her )-l: Itnn, run, my l.unl, )-r' owcr lat-.-, SIiu'h Im-i'Ii tlirongli thu Iowa this iiinniiii lli-y Jiuuii, &.c. Awn. to Dnlki'ilh, y.i matin hit-, To inak' your lnt Hmlocy ! Tim (Jm-i-ii Hhe'll wiy O hi-! O fie! You'r.i luzy loons in thu inoniin. Ili-y Juiuie, Sec. Blacksmithing. i:LHO. dk KIcDOffALD, HAVINU rrntd .Mr II. Hum-' old utand' in Multnomah City, on th wryt.'w'de of the Wil- lanutti' hut, n r now ready to mipf-lytheir friends i i .uu. i-.4nuiii.-ni wii.i ui. kihux u. niuifu.auiun.i iron I and ftecl. They huvn a largn Mock of amorted iron ' mid i-li.l on laud, which will enable llicin to xup)ly all nrdert. in their line with denatcli. They have now ' an liiind a inimlwr of DiatiHind Cory Plows of lhn , ll iimlity, axes, drnwint; kniven, mortin'uc rhiwU, ( anil etlo tool, of all kindf, to carry n good ..igi', or no ciiurfjr. ah oi wiiicii win do miu at a moderate price for gond juy. 3 i Cuitniiiern rniniiij; from the eoM n Je of the Wil lamette river to our chop for iron Murk, will uo e-m.d fn-e of rharRe. Feb. 19,1 f40-1 1 f Irliiwoiilc- Noflfv. THIS membeniof thn Maikiniu Fratch.nitv, ia'()r i'Koii Territory, nro ronK-tfutly reueHted to meet atllioCity Hotel, in Uncoil City, on tho illit iiut, to udopt hoiiiu iiicoKurrH to nliliiia u charter for u lodge. JOHKl'll HULL, I'. G. STEWART, WM. 1. DOUIU1ERTY. lVbtiar)' 5. 184C. Administrator's Notice. ALL iK-rnon indebted to the ertatc of OeorRe W. I.e llretun, d'-ceiiied, nro hereby requested to make immediute pn)ment to the. cMh-cnber. JNO. II. COUCH, Adm'r. fliecon City. Feb. 10, ltj-t6-itf ."tlall CoiiI rncts to Lcl. SEALED ritOPUSALS will Is received at the office of tin- wNt.t-iter gcni-tal, in (Jregon City, until thn J0th in1., for carrying thu mail on the follow iDjj rouK": Itoi-TK No. I-From Oregon City to Fort Vancou vrr, once in two wcelu., by water. Riiiitk No -J. From Oreron Citv to Hill's, in , Twulity county; thence to A. J. Ili-mbreeV, in Yem ! ii:n i..... ....... u.. ..!. v mil III IU.IIIIV , tllCIIWC IU IlllUJCn kTfl.lM. , Ull. ! nullity ; thence to N. Ford', I'olk county ; thence to ttri-cii Iimtitute, Champoeg county; Ihenco to Cntho Ii. Mi-vion and Clianioej; to Oregon City, once in Inn week, on lions hack. Thu contractor will inter into bond and security, to In appro", cd of by the rswUmuter general. W. U. T'VAULT.i M flrn Oregon City. Feb. ,r., lcMfi. A. Lawrence Lovajoy, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. WII.I j practice in tho Supremo and Criminal t'ourts of Oregon territory, and in tho fovcral County ConrU. O Olfice, comer of Main awl Second atrecU Oregon City, Jan. 'JO, 16-10. lyl NOTICE. THE uiibwcribera havo purchohed out tho utock of the Oregon Milling Company, and ull the hi ternd of tho utockhotdom in the Inland mill. They will, hereafter, carry on tho btuuncm of the milU in pnrtnerihip, under the name of tho " Oregon Milling Compakty." Ordeni for lumber and lath will be filled with driqulch. The flouring mill i now tilted up for manufacturing flour luiuiblo fur exportation. Tenns of grinding uiadn known at tho mill. JEO. AHERNETHY, ALANHON UEER8. Oregon City, January gfl, 184ft-ltf Administrator's Nolkc. . ALL pamona Indebted tn thn cauite of Ewing Young, lato of Yam Hill, .Wceaned, nre hereby notified to make immediato iymeiit, mid thureby nave rod, or this in lhn lnt call, wild eatata having been ordered to be immediataly rloaed up. A. LAWRENCK LOVBJOY, Adm'r. . k'Ani.rv O lnjR-tivl ' 4 bake Maekaaaw Vl wkandbeenniliaiii -151) Ug4 eager, 6V&, , r eele at t ces lor caidi, by F. W. PETTYGOT, At the Red Hicee, OrefM City, aai at Tmkk li iiiilc belmv thb cky. Jaav ,ltM-tl Hat Manufactory, JOHN TttAvSBT 4tWfe GLAIER, H aviso annciated UMeBaelree taaaaW k. ajatav facterinf Hate at Oiefaa OHv, hm naaV' to eapply their friende aarf ..aaaaaW Ha ' 1 liiiii factured in Oregon. AhMiaak aV araft aa ajMaX,. they confidently hope, by Mr aieaaat aMaaaa t l,uaine, to be able to faraiaa tMeTetSe Taljal ajj zena at reduced prieee. Wool, beaver, otter, nMtm,wfUMtmtmli,mLk4U prairie wolf, aad fex akteWMaWlaaalaaaae for hata. Feeiaafjljlai-iar NOTICE. I HAVE in More one baft ef t M. Dr. Win. II. MoCut of New. Toalon, und conaifBedte Mr. Jebs L A I can learn notUav. ef Mr. lajaw, ataaMkatb) not claimed in two meatae from thii dMfeit be tid lor cnargea. Any proteeela ataaag m aaaja. ar- mililii.aahailb-r eHHaaTf Jleajeia. tt-r luying charge, will be twiMiil to aVeaWaaar. FETTYOROVE. F. W. Oregon City, Jan. 99, 1846. Swl NOTICE. THE haitav Aaii'av'aWr leariac nulla for the aaneatof aaalaatallai fear aw exportation. wiU be aaaAaa.teaaaatavlBliaa'l .length of Uio bolt aad the aaaajMallarw prevtoua to boitiar. ooaaw a Mnall gnat would kaaHy r-tmrmmi9 iaar. v"aT VeeeeflV aw paBaVawMF awwaaaj in Jaaaajlaaeeae flour chert before the hewer weaU be tmrnt, quently.if the griat abeaU be while wheat, aa4aaw wheat have been grotai atevleaito the.aaM taaw put iu the honcr,upetMbraflawwwawlS would get the fair of aariag wheat We waVaaaW fore, he.t-after grind oa the feaewkgteta:,,Ito ev ery butliel of merchaatable wheat, aawaaBalJkaW Winchcater or Territorial baaM, tMrty-akaaBawef flour will be given in exehaage. U,BseaBa)4eetBje Inparial or Vancoorer nteaaarti tmlij aMe ef iaar will be given. In aH caaee aW wear'af Whaat will be given in exehaage for fdwheete tf40 aVas of nring wheat for eaHsg wheat,' th, wwat wal W ground on any tenna tKat ia Bet aawahaatalla. (JEO. ABKB1WTMT, - ALAN80K Bim. Oiegon City, Feb. 9, 184fr-ltf ta,a 3 I wal TawN lurnU npiie wbacriber willoflbrferialeiaa few M. uurriberof Iota, aituetedoa the k I'.aun, itibb; n uia t mmirmmm nvwr, . footof theUubumwraBMkj. JUItoi wte for a town, hoahaea aWietin by I men who have vailed the river, aa thow navigating hdttriag the aBaaiataaaaii, I be unneceaauvto eay aay thkW liaU Nil The ituaUon orVtaW grKaad ie eVr.Mwl wal w tan feet abtna. thCMgheet watae waaat iaf MiJt w ' the croaaiiig of the built tho coming opened. TO PERSONS wuunNO.Ta Tram The portmaater geaeral hai ItuHN-a to carry the bwM Atai in Miaaoari, for ewe tibealr. nf the office, poet pakf, wW ha oi iiiu untteu Htaiea. Ae,eae; uuruei win reacu weauei be adviaable for, Iheee a UieiKfrMea la' the eaw. enorttniity. letuealxlraMmi iDM,aaMMiHliha "' jf!9B0Knp Febuary 5, 1845.-311 s - I- ; H nl (& ' j, "t, jii"Ca''i" t i aaaaaaa Lath BAJT.,.... .Uttfis c- .i LMMMIM BjaakBBvej.. i flaBBaa'naraaTaBBaaa. -xKUI?aall 'aJlfg-ai? ; . ii "rvsaV! iimw M'jMMIlMrflKM) WeWWaVMaawsFaW1: ''TC'W&'i.S awflPWi .,V.aJ j '- xmsssiim