iw m Timurn S ( 'I i-liiti' '" "" 'iiffnii, mil kiiIij. r!ui 'fiTlV I" l!'-l llliull S I, lli il rum tin lnjlhr IIiiiim nl Hi prrsrii htiiiri 'V "''A""' Trrrilnni, 'I'h. it in addition li, .mill inn! silvci, HiMisiirv tlruli-H, it)i- il nnli'iM on H'lln'iil ini'ii h.tnls, .mil l'ihkI incr chuntulilc w In-ill -'it lli' utarl.i I irn i', deliv ered nt hin li plates '- ii I- cii-lniiiiiry f'"r reliant I" n-n-m- wheat nl, ilntll l- luwlul ti-mli-r for lln- pauimil nl lues, and nnl'iii'-nts n iiiIi k-iI in the courts t" trefoil Iririlorv, iinil I'H lli- 'UMiii-iiI "(' tiii dcbls i-iiiiliiu ti 'I m in-yii I'-ii H H , win-re no -l"--i ial rniili.iit li.t- In i ii in. nil- Ki tli' "" liur . ".'. Tin- r-iiial . state nl ii im'Ii wduul, cinupunv, IkmIv i-ilili "i "irmriiti', i-liiilin hii, ln-i, in lln-ir V--I- and chat. ; iilv, town ur i its imM ii m improve, incuts, i liiinii'l iiii'I 'ihiii-iI in virtue of occu iiiih ,m-i iiml ini'1 ill!""'-'' ' 'Ii'' in-un Im. twee'll tin I llltril Stall's Hll'l irellt llrituiil, shall Im- miIijci t I" i--i uti'ni. t" I"- lllKl-ll ami -il'l in i "nliii' ! tin- provisions o! this ui I, i i-pling iiml vanny .iii.in-l shall not III- I i.sdi'.'il iih an I'l'il "I I'"' estate "f ,ui id Ii ii'liuii hi !i'l imIiimN. hi i-vi-i utmii; ami im IiiikI i limn, "I iinpnivi on nls iihiii a liui'l l.iini. In lil in i npliiij.' I' tin- laws "I" ilic iiiiiinn, shall Ih-siiIijim t in ri ruiimi; .hi. I ii" t i . i"ii c ' uti"ii shall U- i nut. Ii .1 ui all mi-il, i ' cp l lli' "ii" "I "I tin- plllU lliwll'isi l.l"l till i-MH llll'ill lllls Ih-i-II iMI'.l I t"i .ui tllin- "tln-1 lliiili tli'- lime ,'jii i 'I ii"Mi l lli- I'.irtn . S :i. Ii. ii. hi-fi atti i. an-, win nl i-M-rii. IM lllil l"ll Hi'lllllsl til'- "''l. I liltl ''Is, ami i.iuii "i 'its in.MTU "i iiii;.'..w.iiiimiI, ..I ,ui ill ti li'laul hi ili I' li'!. nit-. It sliull I"' tin- ilut "I tin -In I ill "I- tin I i. liner, In I. v V -in l i M'l lllli.ll. lp"ll -ii 'i p.ill "I ill' stall' nl siii )i ili I. li'!, ml m .li f' ml. nits. Us III'. si-. ..i lln , III, IV illii i l. il tin n- i Msts n n iis.iii.iIii il"iilit i.l -n Ii 'I' I'-mliint .r !- I. inl.iiits In in;; tin i --i i.i li.li- ..ii. i- 'I -inii '., .(.. r' . " -' ' i ti 'I , Im! it ii" -'i' li ''in ' li' .ii liall hi yii ii. tin n. in a'l i a-. -. tin j,H... an. I halt' I- "t -in h 'I' t hint shiJI In . I . Mill lli-HI all'l "!'l llllli -s siu-h ili'lriiilaiit- i.iiiitanl until n t tin -ah Up i. ii i-i-uti'U "I tin ir t'lUii i i t pi 'ji' rt ' I lllll"V i im lit'-. j I. W In li ur i i u'l -ii -li.ill i-ili I" .uiv -In nil' ir 'itlii-i "tin i. iiam t tin- pi"-ii-il "I am ilrt'i iiilaut "r I -1 mlants, il hi , -In ur lln have I a i 1 1 1 1 - -. it -li.ill In lau. till I ii -in li .li l.'iiil.ilil 'i '!i ! ii'laiils t.ii I ii ii 1 1, as ri nipt Ir .in i'i i uti"M, tin I I! -w mg ii". n-it , t"- it "in- I'lhli . "in i "W .iiiI i all', "in' h"isi ii ,i,i' ..f i attli , Iim -In i i. hu lii al "! li"ir . Imiii-i li'il'l aii'l l.i'i In ii liiriu. luri', U"t l.i I'M ri il in aliH' tlui'tv iliillais, in s.ii' 'ii i ui in tin- li'iu-i. "ui- I" 'I innl tin in i --.ii In -ili liiii; tlii'H'l ii I'U i i is tun ui tin liiuulv , funning uti'i.-ils nut tn I'M I in value lilts il'illar-, mil' ui"iitli's jr i isimi I n tin' "ii 1 1 i' ut if tin liiuuls , all mi') I ia 1 1 lis' in ri'ssars iis, ami nil tin U -K - "I juimiIi' lllil.irn s, Mill In I'M ncil ill Mlllli' lllll' lillllilll'il il'illars hi tli ; ami it .shall In- the iluls of -mil iillii-i-i-i null" -i'i-iiti' uny il lln- almso M'iiiil ii"n rts . .". Aus -lii'i ill hi ntlicr I'llii-i r, Irs iiir an i-Nis'iitimi upii tin' piopi-ilv nl ans !. tf in lit i it ur defendants, shall given! least lit". li'i'M tlass ii'itiri' nl' tin' time anil ilai'c ul sin li sail', i Histiu up u ritti'ii notices nf tin1 sauie, at lliicciil llii' luo-t iulill'r i' ill tin' i-uiiiits in hit li such salt' mas I null1. II, ,ii iiiinits ul' inn ili si i-iitiiiu wluit- CUT, sluill lir -.old mi CM'( til lull, ur li ir. i in- nf iiiiv ulhiT piiNi'ss issiinl h ii ii olli. i it, (iir li-ss than tiwi.tlurils ui' its alun at tin' lime nf Midi Mile, after ilciltictiu all ei'ciinilirani'c.-i. 7. Imii-the iiiimw nf ascertaining the salui' of any imMriy lesieil uion hy any iiHiriT, liy sirlitc of any cNecutiim ur order uf ilc, liiunili'il mi any judgment, order or jli'iTci', it nill he the duty of the oll'icer Tfitkiii),' siieh levy, to M'lect tsMi disfiLMit hoilhi'li'ildeis, residents of the eouiilv where stu-li levy may Im made, to value .said pro perly. Said oll'icer iiiuluujj Mich -levy, is nuthuiied to administer an uatlTto said ap praisers, to value said properly at uliut tho huiiiu is ssorlh, clear u" all cncuiuhruiices; and Miid iiipiaisei.s ,-lmll make out, under their hands, a written statement ul'tlio valtto nl' said prupei is, and hand the same to the illicer making such lesj, ulnise duly it hliull ho to append the ha mo to his ictuiii. "j H. Wlieniivt'i- uiiy property levied upon liy siilun of an eM-cutiou or order of snln, iciimius uusoJd on I he return lu of .-.ut'li Oregon Spectator. t T'mJtlZJtr Ax -xJSZy Ji5 " " ' Wtntwftfd tliH Htur uf Krniira tukr iu way cr-r-3 Vol. I. Oregon City, (Oregon Ter.) Thnnday, February 19, 1846. No. 2. s ril, it shall lie thrs duty of thn ofTicrr M re turn tint sauie, with an (indorsement of liin doings iheruon, wliiidi return xhall wmsti lute u Inn uin such property wj n-muiiiing unsold ; the deH:nduut or defi:ndunts shull luise thn riht to tho Kissi'Rsion of such pro. MTty, liy lixcctiting und dfiiveriny to tho of lieer lioldiiif! said writ, a lind with mn and siiliicieiit security, to the acceptance of said 'illicer. in doulile the vulue u'.'suid prnK;rty, eiiiiditi'iiicd for the delivery of said proiM:r. ty at u time und place to Is; up,oiutcd liy said oll'icer. I). If llie projMTty "f any defendant or dele iidunts, taken and sold on execution liy sirtue of this act, should full to sell for a sum siiliicieiit to satisfy the delit, clr.magcs and costs, due und aci riling iis,u sufjh cxe eiitiuii, the olliccr shall make rctuni of his doings tlicreiiii iiccordinls ; and another u ril of execution shull JftUe(, to Uj credited lis einlorseiuclil liilidi;' liy thW clpfk or jus. lice, ssith the sum or sums presiously puid or made on any previous execution ; umii sluch ssrit of fiTiiiinu lhe pniHr oll'icer shall priM'iid in levy and sell, in the mati ner hcreiuU'fure prescrils'il, milking return "I" his linings thereon as in other cases. $ III. That if it shull nps-ar uxm the face nf uny nt nf execution, u- by en. durseiiieut theifon, made liv the oll'icer iisu. iii' the same, tliut any one of the crsoua a.iiust shum the same uiiiy In; issued, is, or are mils-security for anyone or more of the M'rs"iis h(!iiiiist s hnin such cxoculion mas hase Is-i-u issued, the olliccr executing the same shull first sell its much of the pro. perty of the piiucipul defendant or defend ants, iiained in such eM-culion, us lie may lie aide to find, h.-'fiire hr shull sell any of the (iiupi its-of such security or securities, un. less such olliccr may Is- otherwise directed l such security or securities. $ 1 1. When any person or mtsoii, other than the defendant or defciidunN, hy himself, In iself.i.r themselves, his, her, or their ajjent ui attorney, shull tile u claim, in writing, uitli the olliccr holding such execution, set tiu; fmth that such K.Tson or H'rsons, is or are the owner or osvnern of, and have just claim to, uny personal property levied upon hy such oll'icer, hy virtue, of such execution, specifying the article or articles, item, or items, of protierty so alleged to he owned and claimed, it shull lie the duty of such olli ccr huvjiig levied on such property an afore. said, forthwith to summon six disinterested h"iisehoii ix to determine the question rais ed hy such claim; r d the triitiof the right of such property s. I lie held lieforo some justice of the ieuceof the proper county, in which said procrty may he found ; which justice shall attend upon the summons of tho oll'icer executing such execution, and shall president such t rial,. ssveuring the said house holders summoned to try the right to tho pro petty aforesaid and witnesses introduced by the parties ; und if uny person or persons, panics to such proceeding, should consider himself, herself, or themselves, ngrieved hy the determination nf such trial beforo such justice, it shall I hi the duty of such justice, ijkiii the application of such person or per. sous, to certify to the county court a true transcript of the proceedings had beforo him in thn premises, under such limitation and restrictions as aro ircscriled in regard to oth er ciises of appeals from judgments of jus tiees of tho peace; and furthermore, to take from thn person or persons returning tho pos. session of the jmcrty in controversy, a Ixiuil, with fluflictent security, conditioned for the delivery of the sumo to whomsoever it may ho dctorminod to belong by tho judg ment of thn court on said appoal; and if tho claimant should fail to cstublish his or Iter right to such property on tho trial of such upjical in the county court, and if, in tho opinion of tho court,' tho appeal was taken for deluy or vo.Mition, it shall bo tho duty of such court trying tho appeal, to assess in fa sor of !ucli execution plaintiff, six per cen tum on the amount of such execution, if such amount shall Im less than the value of the prosily claimed ; or in cam tho sum due on such execution shall bo more than the property claimed, then wix per centum on the value of said property claimed ; and in all cases where a trial of the right of pro perty has been had, tliQ decision thereon shall Imj conclusive between the parties to such trial, so long us the same remains unrever sed : Provided, That no officer shall bo liable to any prosecution for taking any goods in execution, in the possession of the defendant or defendants, unless notified or informed of the ownership therein, previous to his 'sale of such goods under execution. VI. The clerks of the county courts may, ujoii request, issue executions direct ed to tho proper officer in any coui.ty ii: this territory, whose duty it shall be to obey anil execute the same, and make due return thereof to the officer who issued tie same, according to the provisions of this act; and whenever un execution shall bo issued, in any county in this territory, or from the su preme court, dire; ted t to the sheriff of any other county, it shall he lawful for such fiher iff, having received such execution, and dis charged ull tho duties required therein by law, to enclose such execution and forward the same by mail to the clerk of the court who issued the same, and on proof being made by such sheriff, that such execution wai mailed u reasonable and sufficient time to reach the office from whence it issued, within the time prescribed by law, such sher iff shall not be liable to any amercement or penalty for the failure of the safe arrival of such execution, any thing in this act to the contrary notwitlistanding : Provided, That no sheriff shall .send by mailany money made on such execution, unlessfco lie espe cially instructed to do so by thfaJpintifT or hr ugeut. B 1.'". When any property may In; taken on execution hy virtue of the provisions of this act, the officer taking tho same may re-It-use such property by the defenduut or dc fendants entering into bond with sufficient security, in double the amount of tho value of such proicrty, conditioned for tho deliv ery of the sumo ut such time and place as may be named in such bond, to such officer, to Iw sold according to lasv, which bond shall he bv such officer returned into the office from whence tho execution, by virtuo of which such property may have been taken, issued, und such bond shall be valid in law, and an action may be had thereon whenever the conditions thereof may havo been viola ted, and on recovery being had thereon, the amount due on such execution, shall be as sessed in favor ofTfieT'plaintiiT: Provided, That property so taken be of sufficient value to satisfy tho same, und if not, then tho value of the property so taken, together with twelve per centum thoreon. 14. No real cstato of any testator or intestate, shall bo subject to execution upon uny judgmont against tho executor or ad ministrator of such testator or intestate, un til tho devisees of such testator and tho tor retennnts of such real estate bo first made parties to such judgment, in the following manner, to-wit : Where any judgment shall bo obtainod against any executor or admin istrator to bo levied of the goods and chat tels of tho deceased, and execution issued thoroon, shall remain unsatisfied in wholo or in part, for want of personal estate, and there is real estate in this territory, it shaU do msvtui tor tne piaintin in sucn juagmem, to filo in the proper court, where such judg ment is obtained, a petition against tho ex ecutors or administrators and heirs and do visees, if any, of tho deceased, setting forth tho facts of tho judgment, nud tho want of personal property, and that thoro is real estuto in this territory, describing tho same, and setting forth in what county or counties tho same is situated, and praying said court to award tho proper writ, or writs, of execu tion against the same; and tho clerk of said court shall, upon filing auch petition, notify the persons against whom it is filed of the pendency thereof, requiring them to appear on the first clay of tho next term of said court, and show cause, if any can, why tho proper wrh or writs of execution shall not bo awarded; which said notice shall bo giv en to residents by summons served by tho projxjr officer, and to non-rcstdentn by pub lishing the same in the nearest newspaper for four weeks successively; and if a sum mon, it shall tie served on residents ten days lieforo the sitting of the court, and bo published to non-residents as aforesaid, the court shall, at the first term, award the pro. per writ or writs of execution, directed to , the proper officer of tho proper county, un less good cause to tlto contrary be shown, and tne nonago of heirs or devisees shall not, in any case, be good, cause to suspend execution. in. Whenever any property shall bo sold on execution by virtue of any of the pro. visions of this act, and the name will sell for more than will satisfy such execution, the interest and costs accruing thereon, the shf iff or other officer making sale of the same, shall render the overplus to to the defendant or defendants, and then, and not till then, shall such officer be discharged thereof up on the records of the court, to which he shall make return of his proceedings con cerning such sales. 16. If any estate shall be sold upon exe cution issued under and in accordance with tho provisions of this act, upon any judg. .ncnt or decree rendered by a court having jurisdiction of the matter in controversy, winch may have resulted in such judgment, and such judgment or decree shall be after wards reversed for error or errors, none of such estate, so sold on execution, shall be re stored in consequence of such reversal. 17. When mutual judgments aro exist ing in any county in this territory, it shall bo the duty of the officer or officers in whoso hands the execution may be, to set off ono Execution or judgment against the other, so tar as tho same shall entend; and executions may he certified from one county to another for the purpose of allowing such set-off; and it shall bo the duty of tho officers, when any such executions shall come to their hands, to allow the same. IB. The innocent purchaser shall be en titled to his suit against the judgment cred itor, cither in law or equity, for tne recovery of the money paid for such estate. CERTIFICATE. I. John E. Long, Secretary of Oregon Tor ritory, (L dcreby certify that the foregoing act, in relation to "Currency, and subjecting property to Execution," is an accurately printed copy from the original, truly and cor rectly revised by me, und now on file in my office. J. E. LONG, Sec'y. Crime in tub olden time. In the course of some remarks recently made in the Brit ish House of Commons, hy Mr. Crawford, he stated on the authority of Hume's History of England, that "in the reign of Heiuy VIII. there were confined, as debtors or criminals, at one time, in the jails, 00,000 persons; that 72,000 criminals wcro executed for theft and robbery alone, in the reign of Henry VIII.; an average of nearly 2,000 a year: that in 1500, in the county of Somerset, 40 persons aro stated to have been executed iu ono year, for robberies, thefts and other felonies, 35 I ournt in tne nana and ;w wiuppcu. i ne ra pines committed by idle vagrants were intol erable; at least 3,000 or 4,000 persons inov ery county were living by rapine, assembling in troops, committing spoil in tho daytimo, and, magistrates intimidated from executing their duty. In 150774" act was passed tak. ing away the benefit of clergy from person!) committing robberies in the daytime. WANTS. Virtuo wants more admiration, Wisdom more suppliants, Truth irnoro real friends and Honesty mora practitioners. . Tho trader wants mora profit, or leas en vy of his more fortunate neighbor. ' . Tho Printer wan more subscribers, pvm tual payment, and lead duns. Religion wants less said about thp theory, and more done in the way of practice. Philosophy wanta residence, arid Fidelity an asylum. ' Love, Charity, and Banks, want to be kt' better credit. ; Prido wants lo bo discarded, and Modest Diffidence introduced. -.!