Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 05, 1846, Image 3

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I,ee IllM MIlD'HS Mini llclllll WHS llllliil ill"
m.'i'iH'M "f lii1 liil'lli""!- Thus, after pass,
inn vcars ' t t mini i'XcHtiro in ttn midst
of perili mi'l flankers utter linvni sustain.
hI no ordinary sham of ln-reav nm-iilM, ilis.
apiMiintiiicntH uinl trials, vhiiici-ci with hi
work on fon'ijfn shores, under tfn lirr:li'n
if mi All-w ! Providence, ri'tiinii'il to the
place "I" his nativitv, ciijoyinj; the attentions
ot ii numerous, circle ill' I.iikI anil svmpithi--ins;
friends, wiin tins (Ii-ViImI 'iTViint (' (IihI
i iiiiIiIimI, nitii'iillv, In i tnluri' tin lmt suffer-
Hi;'- nf life, llll'l liaviiu.' encountered the last
enemy, death, his spirit passed tmiiiphiiit
We are in FnMi.in nl'cheeriii'.' evidence,
;'lltlieril I'l'llll "UNI- "I" l"s l,Ht '"Til -KIII.
Ii 111 1', which nssiin h hi licit llipnii'li all Inn
-nil' riic.'i, anil c pen illy in the l',v' nlli't,
In uiis Mi-tamed mi'l cheered hv :i lirin 1 rn-t
in In- S.iMiiir, winch enabled him to say,
"I 1.11'iw tlmt inv U'll'inicr livi th."
U'c have seen a h Iter, ilictnti-il lv him,
which nas itui'iii'.' hi- List i Ifirt,, m which,
a. .1 (hii-tinii father, lie i''iil,s in ihi inn-t
'.i Iiiil' luiii!iiii'-c nl h'M infant l 'I 'hi- r, an
'ii.m nun i'ii her nnv t" tin I'. S.
With ri - t,
i. l.liSMK.
i :.-iti:;itt . Ian. '.".'. I "-I'!.
I'AKM lllJl'.SKS.
t in r fa mi' r -h mid in; -nt'-ii in hin! I
l,i ir h"d-csi," luru1 r than iln y an Inn h "r
. i l. ; fillt lll'A l'H "ll'-ll illl'-lll,'' III Tf t'-illl
ii i .. .i! nl" ni ni' can " 1 1 'nn, aiil n hen
iii. . :'i tlii i I 'ii ' c ' ! ! li ! a r in I
mi , i nr'u !"ii! nith uirl m- - nil"-1 n il'i
' a! ! i'uu' . an i ,i'i' r ii xi ii- Ii, n ,
.i I ,ii a ' ' n.n I, irn filial 'l-i"ll. Mn I m
i ' . uiii ni i l" l.i-'' a .1 jn ' 'in ii;
.ii. !. i '.' (. ii I" ."i 1 1 1 j hi ,, in!;., , i .
I ii vi''i ai' 'i il -iirr'ni.i'ini:' 'n cs.
-' i . 'i' t i ! I i pr '-pi "I, ;iii-l, a ! ii-
' I.'.! I I '.'i III . ill. 'I'm .! tc I in.
:. . :r '.Ma-; II Im-lT"" iii" n lnlc v n- -' i '
. ," iiimI iii' wmiIiI al'l, M.cl. Mi'i in u'ni '
ni'lj "'u v "il -"iii.'l'ini". T'ii r iii-
iti a v illlu' iifh i t "I tin- l.- in A
I'l ..'.' . i r n it "li'' in ! il imi. it in-.
...ii . ii,. i ,' i '.i-i i c I In t .ire ' i . 1 1- U
tli .. .Mill ll'iilif tilt 'il '1 r''inrc hill
, I l..'.
Dp p.inil on yniir own llhrts. Dure, to
think for yours If, jh'Ijm', decide, act.
I'crsonul independence of action indicates
HtrcniJtli of intcller:t,WI hits the effect to cul.
tivato it. A 1 1 mi'l ininil is inactive; mi'l u
hahit of liiicciion weakens the ovvor nf the
I mind to arrive at flcfinitc cnneliiM'in. S mi"
I are turneil aii'l inllucneeil tooinueh hv the
jii'l"iniiieiit of others. They ulni'M think by
I Ik rowed thoughts. To consi'ler the npin.
j ioiiH nf others is ulvvuvs safe to dcspii-e
tlicin, presumptuous; hut reformers arc
I'mind onlv iiiii'iii'.' iiitlepcii'lent thinkers.
i Sir Isaac Newton, in all his higher anil
mi tirpas-ei Hcicntific attainments, was his
nun teacher. The saufe inst v he said nf Ha.
con, the author nf iiiiluctivc phiht-'iphy; of
liplace, the paraxon in mathematics; of
1,'ichc m ni'taplivsic, aii'lol every man who
has heeii a pi'ini'er in tiny purtieular depart.
, ui'iil.
to ratsoN.s wism.vr; to bnd let
tkiw K.v.vr
Tim io)ilniruiti-r i!ii'r,il has nonlniclril with Mr. II.
IIijMNn locitrry tlii mail from Orcijon Cily to Weston,
lit f,utv, Ta- a.... f-!. -..! lj.tlt.rM irtttil.! nl ttttu
. ... I'to-..,, ,, , U,,l IIIU .III... --...w." I...-....- W H.l
, of tlin oflif.c. Kit pi(.', will bn furwnrdnl to miy wft
of lh IJaitrii .Stairx. An tin- mail h-iiI mA, by Mr.
Iliiro, will fi-wJi Wcntoii .Brly in iIk rru-oii, il would
! be lulviitobln for iIiom) wifliinir to corrpond with
llifir fm iiiIh hi I In- i-iitt, to iiviill llirminlteH of I lux
ojijiortiinily. I'o-ia-'f) only fifty cnln on Ktiiirji li" U.
Tin: I'fiwhii oi Mnvi.v. 'A man who i-
luriiisli"i nith a '.'uuie.iils from ihe mini, will
convince his ant'cnii-t much sootier than our;
wlii draws them from rcawinand philoviphy.
ti'dd is a wniidi rl'il clearer of the under.
M.iii'liii'.'; it dissiimtcs everv ilouht nnd i-rnt-I'le
in an in-liiiil', iiccommiidatei itself to the
ni' me-t cati.ii'itics'1; silcuci lie- .,i;d and
cliimoniiis, and hriuys mcr the ni'i-t ohsti
iiatc.iud iiilli'Xi'i'e. Philip of M.iced'in was
a iiiaii of ui"st unitiei'ile reji.on this way.
lie n-1'uli'l hv it all tin wisd-'iu of Alhcli,
'inl'iiiuded their lati -mi 'i, -true' t ora.
I i's dninli, and .it leii'.'lfi ar"iii d them nut '!
.ill their liln tin ,. Ail'l'iiri.
' i.'WKUNS Alin; 'i'n KMTuilS.
I ,' i "I'lui'l ! my ii n ',i;.i'i, I i a. i lul.
.i lie! all lil IIiiil' ai ! r-oi,al a' u .
li i il his hi c iiui'"S" di ra' i In! t'"iir
i'.n. Wh ,i' " rl w.i -nlii .' I I" j'lii
h h iui tinny "f that l.iiid. :i'. I th- .iit- j-
;. .eh d, iiN I,, v i.il! did, t'ii- III..' f. 'it'
I pr. , anil tha a ic n -paper .i IiV a
:,i 'i i .ii h, in nhii li Um .ue thai V uld pa
had .i n"h! i i a pl.ii . i.iv ans.cr xw--, that
I nl I .i int the pi i c -i parati if ivired,
aie' 'i .niih'T ii.i.dit have as ni,ni c-.piXii
li ,'ia-t I In dltiihllte him-ell', hut that"!
.! I ii"i tase iipoii iu !' -in ad his di true.
'.' , .in I that ha'tiiiL' ciitravlcd with my suh.
' iih. rs tn furnih llieiii with what mi dit Ih
. 'her ii-efiil ur cntcrtiiiiiine, I cmild nut till
th' :i papers with prhatc ullercaiiiiM- in
nlu. h they had im cui'i rn, nithfitit h iii'j
tie in iiiamij'-! iiu-tici'. Now many our
piin'i rs make sin scruple in trratifyiii" the
malice nf iuda'duuK, hy false ai cusatioii-. of
ihc fairest chaiacti rs uiii'iii inr.sclvc., auir.
ue utiui.' auiiiidsjty even o the prnduciii" of
liii I-.. Tlii'-c thin;.'- I 1 1 1- 1 1 1 i ! i a- a cauliou
to a"iiu! pi inter-, and Mint lhe may he .n.
ou.-ai d n M to pollute the pn , aiid i!;-.
.'laccthc pi'ofi ssinn hy such inl'auioii- prai'.
iii i -, hut refuse steadily, as thev may m c h
t Miinplc, tlmt such a ('our.-c of conduct will
imt on the whole, he injurious to their inter.
Hi'kki: rut to Flioiit. Hurkc had once
jiscn in the !lnu-c of Omunons, with some
jiaperM in his haiiil on the Milijcct of wIul'Ii
tic iiiieudi'il to make a motion, when a rouL'h
In nn ineinhcr rudely started up and .-aid
" Mr. .Speaker, I hope the hoiiornhlc .jcntlc.
mail does not mean to read that liine Imn.
die nf papers, and to Uire us with a loiif;
speech into thu hnryain." Mr. Hurkc was
mi swollen, or rather so nearly sullocated,
Willi rajjc, as to he incapahle of utterance,
and alisoliilcly ran nut of the house, (icnrtrc.
Sclwyn remarked it was the only time he
lio had cvor wihi the fahlc rpalied "A lion
put to lliyht hy the lirnyintr of an ass."
(O-" Keep a .sliurp look out," say they
who distrust tho honesty of mankind, or
tueilitato soiiio undcr.hiinded adviintiicc.
VVheti tho thief is htenliiip, hv, no doubt,
" lunps u Mhiirp lookout."
i Mo! I.' TV. A Jll-I 'Hid n :i'iii'..He ni'i li -.
M ''" niti'lilv ri'Ci.iilllH 'id i 'dfjll' i . '" 1
-el- i .if i '. iv j're it I i lent v !iii ', :i i,, n i ,.u
; !i. jt-'s-es-i d on". t l.ee.'iili li-all ihi virtues
vvhi'-h it aceiiini.iiin-; !di tie - 'i - in
p.ti'i'iii"-. 'I rai-'.s.ind ( ii r ' -v. l'r nre.
. lid iii'd c- the color lii'.i I" aitil'd, M "i"li
lint larit'".' a- they w.iuld he w ilh'iut it.
I S'lii.!.. Wl an tei the vlu-ofa
-in'1 ' It cist, the ..ivi r ii'.Miin ', '-lit i- lie-
"lld pliee t"V tin tliill.' and 1' llliu'.' tie
' --id and chi erh tl" lnsSai d I - 'mi. ii
'.I; inn- inali'i ul'ti' - t' in'" r minis
' lllllli d Id 1 iVl . ri Veil"! In '" tlldlli -s, l'd"ac-
the d.irl-i in d p i!i with ' iii-'d ii' li' 1 1. A
mi'i- m 'In- lir'.n ! lull - a I md ! ;' a
1 .' a--iiit l'rj' I'd ii ..!!'.( ti. nit' lin-i' a
limfiil von. and ,i happv hu-'.'inl. It a-lds
a c'i.ii III I" l .HIIV '' co'atej-'l1 t I eedftlie
d.'li. ruied, and uui-i sl'ivclv mine r-i niMe
mi .iii'.'el if Pjr.nli-r.! .Who will n l'u.-c to
From UnUr'i liny, (liitnmhiu Hirrr, mcr the 12A
of Marrh, l&l.V
Mrh 17. II. H f'o. Irinti- Vnriroiivr, Mott, mailer.
Jinit l.'i. II. II. (,"o. Uiriiif Cowlitz. Il'sth, "
July 13. Alli"rir;uii bng Cliriiuiiiim, iS)lvmtrr, "
1 " Ml. .Swlili ' Bull, ,
Aii;r. !". II. II.Co.wlir 'iilhr, SciirhoroiiKh, "
Spl. .'10. H. II.Co.Klir. Cttilliro. ScailKiiuiieh, "
, Oi:l. 1 1. II. II. Co. Inrqiie Vnncomer, Mott, "
' " Aiiiticiiii lrTiin ' 'IViilon," Ctty, "
I " I". II. It. M. .Sluoji Wr MoJfiilf-, CaH. Hnily, to
i iiKr.Ti;inn.
Mrh 13 llnrfpir Cowlil;, 'II. II. C) llralli, malr.
April 'Ji. AiiiHri(-uii1'ng Clu-iiauiU", Sjlvcuter, "
Mny 1 7. II. II. Co. Mdir. Cmllw.'o, .S'arlxirougli, "
( " t!7. II II. Co. Ii.inam Vancouvfr, Motl, "
July 'Jw. II. II. Co. Kinnie Cowlitz, Hiatli, "
S'pl. t. .-.vvf-ilili brig Hull, , "
" III. II. II. Co. Kbr. Cadboro, Scwboroiiijli, "
" " Amrnriiii brig CliriiaiiitM, Sylvcvler, "
Nov. ti. II. II. Co. Kolir. C.i(l!oro, Scarborougli, "
I In ll.ik.'rV liny, wind bound, Jnnnary I.I, l-1fi,
Aiii"iic.iii li.iniiQ Ton'on and II. II. Co. banue Van-
!.! of iiflictK of II. M. S. Moueute, now lying at
iV.i.i''iiinrr, Oiliimb.li nvr .
Ciiptti'ii, Tiiovivs Hmi.uk..
La-mi naiitit, T. M. Uoiisr.r,
i T. ;. IJiuki'
' T. I'. CciiM
, Ma-it-r. (!. J. (ii:.:(js
SurgfMi, Jmi (iirnoN.
I I'm mii 1-1T .mil I'un-r.J. M. HiDir
i .Mali'. A. A. I). Di'mmh.
A-Mrlant .Mirgcnn. A. (tuniiON.
I MnL'tiipiiH-n, A. T. D'IIort.v.
! " J. MoNTGOMKkir.
" It. T l.i '.or.
M.v-irr'ii Awiiianl, Tiiomvh JHr.
Clftk. (i. I'kispb.
Cli'rkV AiciKtunt, J. White.
(iiinnrr, J. HirKMtN.
Ilnttirtviiin, J. J-tfv ..
Ciirjtftitrr, Wii.mim Klucott.
1)1 llll In Ihii rily, on Monday th" SHtli nkinio,
at lln- ri-Mdi-iici" of Mr. W II. (Jny, Mii JULIA
ANN TKATL'FF, aged about It yeaiv.
BY H. M).KNl6AT0N,
Otmtmi Citv.
The trTli8f community ore reypeetfnQy
Inriled to ealL The CJity Hotel in undcrgo
"t fDniw. and tha eronrirtor (eeU kafe in
wiyinff that when completed, hia untoiWM will feel
morr conifortaVc. w -rry necfrwy aUcution will bo
re iidtred to take thrm no. IIm tabU khnll not ba
aiirpiuH-d in I lie Ijrriiory. Tliows who favor him with
i h col! from Ihe wnt fido of til rivrr, wilt receive
home fernage tt. Jan. .11), lMfi-ltf
The Red House & Portland,
JUST receivrd, per Tol. tf New York, on con
Mgnnicnt, Ihi f ''lowing prU, r-'x :
V) cn woodrn cioclu ; 20 bbl. dried applen;
.1 -mit 1 1 nn'b; 1 do, crow cut awi;
.Mill mot and ww cella; mil) cranSu, plough
rbalm and pilch fork;
, winnowing in.icliino ; 100 eutu cut naih;
SO Un- id!rrn' tacfcn; fi boxett caraenten' loot;
'i dox. hand axrn; !H boxes mauofae'd tobaccar
SOOO cigam: Ml kegs white lad; "
100 keg paint ; 1-- doz. medicine cheaU;
M brigs ltio cotree; i!5 bap pepper;
21 V boxea noap ;
."ill ca-h boot and thots; 0 do. ulipperr,
tM cane neut chain; 40 doz. wooden wst it.
60 doz. narsaparilla, II) bales isheelings;
J ca;i amorted IprinU;
I bale dainark Tartan idiawln;
5 jnt-cpn rfripd jeana; 6 doz. aattnett jackets;
II! a. linen duck pant ; 10 doz. cotton do. do.
Iii doz. red llannel nhiru;
200 doz. col ion lidk'fn; C caaen white cot. Harwell,
0 bales extra heavy indigo blue cotton;
i! raxm negro prints ; I cawt black velveteen;
4 baleit Mackanaw blankeU;
150 rarkit and bb!. mdaiwsi ;
4.r0 bag fiigar, tec, Sic., for tale at reduced pri
rex for cajili, by
f. w. pi;rryoROVB,
At the lied Hoiw, Oregon City, and at Portland,
12 inilra below thin cily. Jan. SI), lft46-2wt
Hat Manufactory,
Oregon City:
H aviso nmociated themwlven together inhttan
facmring ilaU at Oregon City, are now ready
, to unppiy iiirir inendx and cutora-ni witn hat num
1 factured in Oregon. Although Die profits are email,
tbry confidendy hope, by their prompt attention to
, busimw, to be able to fuml-h hats to the Oregon citU
tfiwt ai rruuet-a pners.
Wool, beaver, otter, raccoon, wildcat, rawknt tad
mink hhnx will be taken in exchange for hat.
February 2, 1B4G-Itf
I HAVE in rtore one box nf medicine, ehipped by
Dr. Wm. D. Motratt of New York, pr bttmue.
Toulon, and conigned to Mr. John D. flutter, Adra.
Ak I can It-am nothing of Mr. Rutter, if (aid box b
not cl timed in two months from thin date, it will be
old for charges. Any proceeds ararsg from rame, af
ter paying chargew, will b remitted lo the shipper.
Oret.611 Cny, Jan. 29, 146. 3wl
I. Prai-" the -e.i. I lit Ki p "Il lilld.
'i. dlis hi-c their teeth, hut not their
untun .
:i. A hand-avv is a "'xxl thiir.' i uuiisli.liut
iii.l t'i -have with.
I. A man's hc-t fortune or his nnr-t is
his If ".f'c. en are h nv vial chiio-c her.
.". Of ill vvihl Inmi-Is the ni-i-t ilaiiL'i lulls
i aslauderer: of all tame fuc- a tlitterer.
!. Win ii a nurti's cost i-.threailhare, it is
i av l' pick a Imht'Thriiii' h',it.s.
7. Never .scald your lips in oilier people's
". Kinps anil hear-; often worry the ir keep,
i). I)ruiileiiiiiss is voluntary miidtiess.
.flail C.'oiil mct- Co Lcl.
CJi:l.r.I) PROPOSALS will be received ot Ihe
J? i.irite nl tin jiotiiial-r g.-neral, in Oregon City,
until I Im 2lllli nut., fur carrying the laail ua the follow
iiitr routes:
KoiTi No. I. From Oregon Pity to Fort Vanrou- I - NOTICE.
ver. i-iHfin tviw..i-k, by water. rjllIE Mibecnbern having fitted up their flcuring
IIoiiti- No. 2. From Oregon City to IIiII'h. in J. mitU for the purpo of manufacturing llour for
Tnalitv county: llienc- to A.. I. Ilnnbri-c-, m lam ,Xportaliun, will be unable to grind grifti for toll, the
Hill roi.ni) ; ih-nee to Andn-w Muiih, am Hill i.-ti-xtlt of the bolt and the uppirotus for cooling flour.'
county : llienr.- to N. Ford'-. Poll; county; the.ire. to j-iouh l0 bolting. coma!n m Urge a quantity, that
Oregon In-tiliile. Champ-Teg roiinly; Ihfiiee to Cixtho- K rma j-fjst would hardly conunenco famn(- into the
lie MWuii and Chainpx-g to Oregon City, onre in ,iollr c,, (0 )ne ,0ppfr would bo empty, conre
,two Uveky, on lioriie back. i .jurntly, if th grit liould be white wheat, and upriug
The rniitrjctor will niier.into bond and fecunty, Ut uH.nl ,ave ,. jrround provioos' to tlie (-rlrt beXlg i
be approved of by the porimai-ter R,'l'f!J. put in the hopper, the person bringinif Uio white wheat'
W. tJ. T VAUL'I , . .V. Gen. j uij cet tle ,)our 0f fprjnr whti We will, there-
Oregon City. Feb. ii, 141!. forf, hereafter grind on the followuiajtitnis: For e.
. ..-. T...nlnrr . rry bunhel of merchantable wheat, Mieamred in the-
. LaWieECe LOVeJOy, Wicheter or Territorial budiel, thlrVy-iu pound, of
Attorney ana Lanwsclfor at uxw ana aoitciior Hour will be given in exchange, ir measured in tao
In Clutiievry.
Imperial or Vancouver ineaxure, forty poands of flour
will be given. In all cone tho' flour of fall wheat
will be given in exchangi for fall wheat; and the flour
(rj-Almn-t i very ami hh nmnnn is prrt
ty. Il'a wife will always look umiahlc, she
n ill H'lrays Inol; prdty to her hushand.
For the Oregon SM-ctutor.
My heart it i Imrdeued und had,
Whal call I ierfuriii for relief?
ConverMtion vvhete run it be had?
And comfort for internal grief
The hi id- lliej are joyous in air,
The lieuMti- in the fu-ld ilud delight ;
All inserts in livi'linem hurt",
And llowew un emilmij and blight
Hut me uli ' ni) Iwurl U die wat
Of horrnw mli-iiM' und forlorn;
ItoveHHiiplingM lie deud at my feet!
Her tendril:- are parted und Mrli!
Illect Ouidiner! in merry draw neur;
Ingraft me unew into Thee,
IieM. bin led lo) iojii I appear,
Noi I'ruii io iM-rfcctntii cuii mo.
M. J. B.
Oregon Cuy, Januury 20, 1840.
Cdiintv CoiitlA
ILT'Ofllce, corner of Main and Second vtrcets.
Oregon Cily, Jan. 20. 16. 1
VXTILL pnietire in tho Supreme and Criminal
T w courts of Oregon lerruory, una in me !rrai , of mw wllplll ,,.. ,-,- ,., No h,ftl u41i i
ground on any trmu that u not merchantable.
Oregon City, Feb. 2, ItMS-ltf
Towu Lot for Sale.
The mibncriber will offer for sale in a few days, a
number of lot, nituatrd on the lower part of Ids
claim, lying onjho Wtllsmatte river, and just ut,lho
foot of the ClackhmaM rapids. As ihe eligibility M tilt"
cite for n town, huxbeenatteftfd by nearly .aUnfutfcal
men who havo vwted the river, and-'pjwtleWyly by
tho navigating it during the FUmnter staaan.'it will
be imnecevsarv to sav unv lliinir farther in itn favour.
havo purehaw'd out the dock of , The. ditimtiou of the ground is dry, level, and at least
illing Company, and all Ihe in- Icii feet above the hbhert water mark; and from It to
dew in th" Hand mill They , the crWuig of Ihe Clackamas, where a bridge, will be
bum lite coming eeaon, an unon icvei ivau ihh vu
c-wned. C. E.JJICKETT,,
City Hotel, Oregon City.
Febuary 5, lt'45-3tl . ' c
iTlllMlllll! Ttotift. V-
HE memlierxof tlieMARO.MC FitATEHNtrvSn Or-
egon Territory. ure reapetfully requested to meet
ut the Oily Hotel, in Oregon City, on the sJlst iat.,
lo adopt icino inea-ures to obtain n churter for n lodge.
Febuary , I "
fTlllE HuWnlmn h
JL the Oregon Milli
lerel of lliu hluckliolde
will, hereafter, rarry on tho biisinesH of Uio mills hi
partnership, under the name, of the " Oregon Milling
Company. Orders for lumber und lath will he filled
with defpatrh. The llouring mill i now fitted up for
manufacturing llour suitable for exportation.
Term of grinding made known ut tho mill.
Oregon City, Jajiuarypt,,lri4C-ltf
Administrator's Notice.
perMuw laueuieu in uio eviiuo
ny ). FLEMING, Ftm ttik o.' pIAssSciatios.
Teiun-Five dollars in advance ; If not pSfi anti)
the i-xpirittion of three months, six ,doUa. and if uoi
paid ut tho expiration of nix month, tjje. directors re-
. llm Haalift Sn Jtua.utllMlia .
Young, late of Yam Hill, deceuwd, aro heroby
notified lo make immediate payment, -and thendiy
Havecifl.uH this is tho lost call, said -e4ato having
been ordered to, bs immediately closod lip. .
February 9, 18-l6-3wl
of Evving I wrve tho right to discontlplie.
IT Ailvnrtitttmitnla liM-rted nl no dollar fclld fifty
rent per "mini of iJxteen lines or leaii.'fat tlinlrs
insertion. kiwI .t-i.--iiiv.five cenis for eacllTiubseqiMttt
insurtloii. A libtial deduction to jeMly,wlyVrtW,B
ttli-AU k...4 of 'Jon WORIBdmeMWj.
led at the Jtotf"t nplior paymrti in nOtfjmH Ji ..
ft i