Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 05, 1846, Image 2

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(1 . 1
R, I
t i
.; I
York or London would tin. Our mutter must
be original. It is not our aim to admit ant
article that can l offensive.
"With the present nuinlNr our sheet is tin
furled to the breeze; he it for weal or woo.
wo confidently and respectfully submit totho
ordeal of puMie opinion.
Ort'iion City, TtinrMlny, Feb.
The editor, m making his how to the pub.
lie, as the conductor of a public journal, is
well apprised that it i" a timchonorod custom,
To Coiirem'o.ndknts. Anonymous com.
----.- munioations will not bo published. No com.
b. ft, IX l. ., , ..,.,. .... ....
IlltlUllUIloll siloum I'l' -l'lll 111 llll.'.ll UK' IUII
riddressof the writer the address is ulwitv.
kept sacred, Ix-inur inorolv a guuiantoo to the
editoi tlnil the contents of the communication
uio worthy of credit; and in no c.isc is the
and one from which ho is not dispos. d to
.hrink, to give a lirii f opisof the princi
ples which will govern him in the discharge
of his duties. The public ure informed al-
ready that the printing pros-., type, and
address- made public or i en to otlurs with
out the consent of the 'correspondent.
New F.migua.nt has complied w itb the roqui
sitionof the editor, and is pulilisbc.li
OiibF.RVEK is rejected wi ulcouiH of his lie-
materials, are owned by the "Oregon I'rin- ini! rather personal,
ting Association," and that as-soeiution ha j A settler, in Oro.-nn, is also rejected on
adopted a Constitution to govern the concerns aceoui of beni" anonymous.
of the association, us well as the pubiihinir of j ClTV G,Vh,:.vMi..r. The time has ar.
a newspaper; consequently, the Spectator ' rjU( i-r thoiotcdi mid compb to orani.ii
will haw to keep within tlu pal. of that con. .,, f ur fit (Jnroiatinn. Uur mayor
jstitution. otherwise it iolutts the tommaiids iin, trUsteos, are doing up business, in tin
jf its owners. A large maj iitv "f the eit- r,,,lt W!IV
Izeiis of Oregon are .migrants fiomthe I'.S. I Our advice to thorn is, first, "ho s v u.u
and fir the lu-t tw. my year-, politic have j art. ri,Tlt) tlt,M L, ,,u.," Cientlein. n. diir
there b n the order of tho duv, and most of u) ,( tm(,s r, ,l0 streets.!. dogs,
the public journals adoeuted or oppovid piu hoL's and advertise in tin Spccta.
the measures and principles that were adopt- ' tor
ed or proposed to h adopted, bv the govern
went of the Unit-d Stutts; hi nee it is to bo
presumed that a portion of the litiven-of
Oregon have biousht with them tin ir view
Oij" Will sumo of the. old cttl( is in ( ire.
egon, be kind eunii'.di to piepare an artn 'o nr
the Spectator, "iviii;: an account of tin li-
sons Miller this fearful monster, aleohnf, u
stalk tluoiigh the land.
To parents 1 would nuv, cuard your rising
progeny from places of icMirt more diingor.
oti'i than the lion's din. Thou guard, Ob
guard, your chibliou fioin the iisu of iinloiit
Hpiritu from n yliiNs of wine, which fu.-duorx
prompts to approach their lips ; tin V b.iouift
moderate ilriukers, and liy tin, chum , '"
meiitablo to toll, they pave their way in 1 1 in
driinkard'h grave, Like a short meteor, ill. v
blaed, ami were oliscured b the limit s of
To the tiU'eetionate hiisbnud I would -.'iv,
behold the w i It id voiir Im-iii Voiiii. ami
beautiful ; her smiles in ty fir awhile glad
lieu your hen it ; her sw.et voiee m.iv fall
upon you i ear like the 'oft 1 1 I Iv of tin
.l)lian harp; her t mler arm intiv olmg
in Hind voin neck with all in ti. n 'th '
ioiijii;;al love ; hi r lsotn liviy swi II with .i
heart lull nf .It votini in vii. ir hiippinosi, and
V'Hl may lcooi nl the bllsl id iniitillil .'I
leition. Will .ni iinp.in eniit e.'ion i-i tljrs
( "iiiiaiiion of mir happiness, liv p.utiit,..!
Ini" in tin' ii i ut urdi'iil Tunis ' ll Mm tin.
and jin cipit.itmu it m tin dim turn ol Mr ,11W. ,.t r(, f ,,,... ,..(.s will hi. nm- inllniind.
W ., stnk.tlL' llllll oil the lle.i.l, llttlll'. .I l.irL'e ' thosf rusV cheiVks p.ltp'i illd li'mtnl .ilid
irusli acro-s the front pan ! it. Within a ;ib . iiibv lips blist. ml I v th. ' .'nun' ll-od
few minutes H r.,r. oi alt. r tins ,.,p,H i,. ,"- " , u"' ' "'" "" .'" '"" I'"' " ' h
,,,,,, It llllder till' llllllli III t M'l -ill I'liil i ill
ed, ii Sum... ' t-lamlir. cm,. . rv m u ,,,, , ,m Iliir.,i1M. , . '. ln ..
naviiiL' ills loir Mntiuiiiii 0 i'". in. s,nne s.tw
Thase "ontlomt n attendinu ''i it li'th cueu' ir '
aw, bittei I e in tin ir iru ud
'I'wo.Tliiutis Law. The Illinois Slate
Register, in alludin,,' to the decision of the
United States supreme court, pronouncing
the two.thinUluw unconstitutional, says:
" Though the immodntc eireels of this de
cision may press heavily iiwn our fellow,
oitiens, wo have no doubt thev will tend to a
irreiitlv i. formed svsti in of ciedjt in our
stale. Willi a good crop the people of llli-iiiii-
inav eiuoiuo liiini I lit ir personal indebt
eilni'ss dinini; the pros, ut vear."
Well, if the people of Illinois can, with one
crop, pu their indebtedness, wo of Oiml'oii
oti'.dit to bo abb to do the same. We un
certainly not more in debt, and we cart nie
us iiiueh, if not moie, win at totheuere than
lli.-v can in Illinois.
SrmiiL's Akihents. .Mr. Wallace, while
t iii'ityed about his business- in tin saw mill
ol the Orcirou MiMiii" Compuiv, received a
severe injury on hi h, ad, n t asi-ined bv a
slab oouiintr in contact with a circular "-aw.
1 f I-', blor, it is ii j iiiv i'i ii I i ' i
aililio in in, li iiIht am I a pr d - or nl n
Slimier. t ice I ml In.
tin- fain st elutia. ti r mid.
( autmu-. tin n s. nl.1 n. I
r. piitatioiiof ar- I, 'low . i -i
solit.irv wiir.1 that w u l i av. '
I d' in-v to 'i!:1 ' Ii s mi 'i i I. ii . 1 1 if
'! iiiiiv ' u'
i'n- llll.
'i ; -a '
' i .?, . " i
-i ton
t' i v..
i 'i.i is. I jiant Ii t lor I iiic i ii'. ii. ii
lll 'l lit' ill i.ll I , ill It !'.' "II ll l
. I t i in in', ii:,'. i i i , oi I t1 it i ii '
i i . . i i . .
I I WO ll'l'i I ' ,l . Ill IV ' III 1 ' I ' , II.
ii.- ." i- 1 1 ,o . ii ! '.
" '"' I M.W r.MIi.J! I
inl.i . i-l!1 ut.. I rYf-v.litf li.n. At! Ii. imti i.irhi n ' rtif tulln f i (i I i . t r , . .nl In
. .. . . , ,. ,., . Mini' . "t'li uini iiifitn ii"ii-"'i v'i' "ii, I'liiin ip iiii.iii iniir i n i- hi in c i ii i n
of policv, entertained while n siding in the ..,.,,, , . I . , , v.
'. . i i ii i larlv doenbinir tin loi itionot the nntrv.its ,ind ..s.i 1 1 . in.iMr-ut. . i i '
Unitctl Stutes. It miirht alo be exriected
by a portion of the cititiis that the "Ore
gon Sptctator" would be a political pap' r;
but reason and good sense argue ihlici.iitlv.
Situated as we arc remote from the civil
ized M'ttlunents of the United States, and
at this time having no protection but thai
which is aflbrdctl us by the provisional gov
eminent of Oicgon, and having but one in
"Mist to re; result, ami that inttrcst the
v.-. fan of Oregon and th citizens unanim
)Us'v. Happily shuattd in a In althy, and
fe.tile part of the continent, with a aluhri-
ctf ntuud allotht i paitit ul irs that wniibl be iliiie with ,t m.iIh n tit of u i ' n
of interest to the citietisof the United th. m. T i I1 -.laiid. t. nnv i mo ''!
St.ltts? ill. kn' w I . at'.i ' lot . i'
If some m ntlem in would irive us an nrti- pun i in t i, tn. a" i ! a l i ic !
clo describing the l'ulls, the irroat iialuril oii,;'i-il ui.'.r.'i an i tbnilif . th. o'
atlvauta' is iriscnttd for all kin Is ..f iui.iei o ,is,.ii't -r. - -t I --- m . in, uiii t 1 11
cluneiy, It no doubt would ho intero-tin '. ' a jii. v. T'n tii.-i .I'n.n ! 1 1 lau ' n r.
Also, the jiaitietilar looationof Ore.'on ('in. vei, tb. vr air tint In I", itln-s
its ot"iit, jiopulatiori, tiude, maiiufaotui' s. p,teiiinis "ban tin vajor -.I.ut a-.
Aiciiv. This would all be nowst .the n oib tin-1," nis tro-
uwav (s in .Missiiini and other St ites.
I I nr l sj . , .,
Vr.l'.'h'.-ir Ii. . it i'. . ' ...
'O' 'I III ' il"l ' ', Mid III. 10. i t-
i i ! i i or imii .1 ii' I - nn t i ii.
it- ; ni i tbe 1 ''! w ,ii ' tribute 1 i .1. ,, i t.
"il I r, , ; i'i-, Ml o, .1
T. I! Iv I,
ii ti . I. M
' ' I. . r r .'.
i iii '-:. ' . ,', 'i
! Ii
,' I.I.
V, ,
111 '
I ll' III
t tl
. I II
i .. l-.ll Mi
III ll, 'r , ai. 'I I
U. b III .
-. il it '. oi ti! '
' t
i a '
' n I n
In hi S't t
v. ii '-n:',
-. .'
. t i .
i v. i: . i
i i i'. r I i'n w .i
. i i in i -in '
I. I'll ,1. .s ,i .
I', wi . i .
t mu! 'ml. in ii.n .
I r mi sj , t iti r
.Mr. Ilnnoi, i.. . ha ti II .w
t "I!'.
n- t
(&A Contiov. rsy in politics, is in reli
ou-tliinate, the soil vielding a nth nwurd irion or un thin-.' rise, is seldom attenlidj
o th industrious cultivator, with an alum- with anv trooil result, tor eit.'ier partv ion
.1 ..r...n. ... . ....! ...!.. e. il fieri in ir Tin), i rt t be, I. ii.nnni.ii nTi nn.
.uin e ii uior ji-iiiL-r inn silriUv.M,i .i un- s. . -,.v .
ghbe, t. invite the attintion und inv.stmi-nt troversios of any kind; tiny onlv serve -1 1 !-l "--. .j' ' . .ru'ir n
ifcapitulitftii.thci.stablishiuiiitofinaohiiic. c-onl inn men more .iceply in the opinions tin v ,m lII,',-N n,. uin-l. w,. hh... ..r . .uvi i m tl
rv. Iininediatelv upon the coast of the had previouly foiund. "' like di'seu- io- its obj. n tb. hip: ;w' oi iVm.'mIi bunnii uomm.
mightv Pacific, with bavs und rivers trav- of princ-iph- or policy, .t wo like tos.etln m ' iiulv.
,j ' It ! . f tn. M , i )i ,n ,,, .,, i i ,
' i, " t' d to the Dr. n Mi i ,ii. 'I ,n i,
i h. wa i b e od an ' i l, i u I d. o ..i I
' " .it th. Ni vv I '.n .'' ii I . iili . in t . -i,
I M.I' ' uii I ,o win. b In- i iiiuiin ' a in
i it. iin. nid in ' - ' ii'. "J b. r i i di -.'Ii.
Ill It-ell. , in Vel. Ill '',i pni" .fl-V 1 hfi I. ' on Ii
nn . on o .mil I t ,i" n io on mi on, and atiiv-l .i
iiiti'iiiii o tl i inn . ... . II,
d III. l.lbot . in tb. , !b . .
rr-ino our rich and fertile nluins. allbrdini. earned on in i inuiilv and di"nihed in nun r.
- o "' -' - ' i ' -.-.-- -...
tin Wii'.ni ,i!ti , n l ll ill ol tin de; i."b il a. 1
i. ... . .. . i i . .i.i.i ... ii ... .. .
ii most urn, ii iwf vei, hi iieti..i ;ii.i; i .imii iihl' iini aiis oi ureiioii. vir !. n
can VMI .ibitt in t.e tan ll ' ini'V. am! tend u: on .in. I nn i ol. I ibe uml. it In
the guat-st facilities tocominerci, and must, , (j--'(. ai(. iC,uld bv Cant. Kmoiitov astound mv nad. i, w.th tin- m-'t Imntn .t mi- n. v. tii d. votnui, al 1 aid-.r, wb.,-1,
with the inttlligent and intirprising Anglo, that a IJALL will be ivenat tin Citv Hotel cl.is-io i '. :uii'i su. h will i.. t hi .p.iti' will I . e;uue the hi"h end import mt t-ns;
Sa.ons. in a short time, become one of the t l i ,":.,., c. ..' n fi' m a (.lain unedm ..t. d m-'ii. . -.i 'in d t . bun. Tl. v o-k . n-.'ioss, d ,' .
- i & u 'iut 1 1 1 1 iiii unit
"reat t c mmerciai countries on tht I'acific.
are wi I
....: r...A .1.... f .. L' I I...I.. .. :n t... n l-
-uu-ii.;' iii.ii vjiim. n. uiiu ici'iy nil! lie j. rv. ,,. ,.,.., ,.i ,,.., i. .,
. . . , ii,, ' in. ii, .-. . .i tii'.i it ,
nniortaiiiing, won, as wo nn, mat it wouiu 0I, tiat wcusion
Ik; bad policy to break open old wounds, and
.Mv ii'jni is t. warn th.- int. mil. i ' .! in
'III' .1 ll "I ll. .111 .O'l
Win ii I -i e bun " ut. I in" b"bv and in v ad ni' -,i n ' 1
i tin ll piV oiieb - i.f s.,e il l', t , ud pio-ti.i. .k.oii' i , .eio
. '.' lit" 'II to tin l.i-l.
t'i it tl' Illti les, nf lie missi o
t tin I inted Si it. ., In
. o the iii Mint ui's in tin
I " ' ' ' V. I (KTOur readers ure respeufullvrrferred "" " Pl'y" - - "' -.,.,... p,o., .,,,., . .,, ,., t piimiii. tin
Ui d'uug so, cnate new ones, to iliscu,s jioli- , ' I in ' tin Ini.'lt ii'iiik-i ts o .oiniv.n u i v. ..' -., i.t iiiuimd a -am bv w,it.rt
tics in'the. columns of the Spectator not- ,0 ""vert.scn.ent ot -' " lttgn.vo, ., u, v h , lMlll. , b,,',,,,,,,, ,. ,' 0n. with a la.,...- le.nior.'. tn m, m
with-tanding wo an now, as we havoal- n,ro,,a"t ';ft""pl-cc- Oenth men, he , ,,. , do; ' f and ., I,,, v. tun i,., ,!, p,. of M.
wav It i n, and over shall be, a democrat of
the Jellerviniaii .school. Udk-ving the prin
pics tuught by that great apostle of liberty,
re Ihu true principles of u republican gov.
eminent that the great object of such
frivr. runipnlw lu 1r lrtMis U"Hc uml ii,, .....
f . . , ., ' , nov for thu territory, vice .M. A. b'ortl re
by which the greatest amount of good can be s;,rn,
Jone to tho grcutest number of it, citizens. J H. M. Knighton marshal, vice J. L. Meek
It will bo our objeet to give foreign as well -"''signed.
us internal news. Our ineuns of obtaining Rumor. Wo are informed by a respecta.
news ut present ur limited; but as the coun. hie gentleman, who, a shoij time incoJ ic-
try inprove.s, facilities lbr obtaining news f coived a letter from Captain (J rant of Fort
will improve. Our columns will ho open Hall, stating that Doctor White, Indian agent
for the reception of literary productions, ' for Oi egon territory, and his wIkIc parly,
ami all scientific gentleman are invited had been cut off by the Sioux Indians, he-
to contribute to enable us to givn as much twoen Fort Hridger and Fort Larramie.
general information as possible. Situated as jCupt. Grant writes in tho positive. His in-
wo are without tho advantage of exchanges, formation was from Mr. Hastin-.'s, who loft
It is not to 'he anticipated that we tan uinuso Now York on the ilth of July last, and must
interest tho reading portion i)f tho column- . hive passed the :ceiio of i;iubacri in Outo-
uity totho extent u;iowsiiapcr pjiblisjn.d iuN. her.
d' rstamls his business. His stock is well the all' union. mbraei . l wiv. - - ohib'ti u .Mi L- lined ho fiii wif. m 'H.'l-.nnd
assorted and cheap all things done up in ' '"' l h'dd him hiipiioj ihopih s of the in l-!'l., -.. .ml wit. di. d, leaving ; i
order. An advertisement looks well on Ore- vhwi '"' 'l; Ins m al of d.-iyae, f. , ,i , hi, ..
upon the pio. s.e.l lollowi r, ol Llnist, I am In tin iiitninn of I 111, M . L'-o oiubail..
gon paper. nadv t'.e.v out in the laii'.'iiauo of in m.i. id..n tin ('iiliunbi.i nv.-i mi a s, eond vi "
ArJ'ot.NT.Mi:.NTiiv thu (ioVEH.N'oit, Ffhrit. ' 'on "Obtb.it mv lio.il! woio a fountain ol to tin- L'mted Stalls, uhoio ho aiiivul in
nry .1 . rVTTT. (J. T'Vuult prosocutiiiij attor. tears, that I un lit weep day and ni"ht over .Ma- , HI I. IU attended the session of tho
tiii.i.iii.s.i iiis..Miiiii.iin-iii .,.',. ijiiLiiaiio.oiiieiiiitf'iii .ll.e.isiliflinii.
It i, tndv iistmiishinL' to behold how (oiii. mg, and was appoint! il agent to sohcn fuuibi
pletely the habit of unnecessary dunking, fm the "On-iron Institute, lie immediately
jiervadeslbe vaiious classes of eonmiu'iitv ' eoiunieneed his lubois in behalf of llio Insti.
from the hitdn st giadi to the lowest lioui lute, whi.-h ho intended to prn.ncute by Ira
tho palace of the pioud to tho cottairo of tho ' voting I'Monsivnly one or two yearn, and nf.
most liunibh down deseemls tho iinivciv.il torwnrds loturn toOiegou. Iliil an All.wiso
custom. Oh, Oregon! mv adopted e- mntrv! I I'lovith mo hud otherwise dccieed; the ligors;
once-you wore fre-i' ; von wore not contain. , In uuoithirii winter wore too much for bin
inatcfl hv tho ini'hrintint; fluid. How is it ! previously impuirod constitulioti. The of.
now? Your loltv forests and feitilo prairies i ii ot,of a sevoio cold on his elohilitate-d '.s.
I .1... ......'. I.! :.... I v.. I. i ...i... i.i ' f
ni.-iuonie llio MH'llei oil His ailivai. I oil Il'lll, soon lievi'l(ilji 1110 sum svillHOiii-i wi
that iaial disease, winch teirnnnutesl lur. use.
fill life on the lv!th of March, I8'l.r), in tho
forty.second venr of his ugo. HIh funeral
vvus' attended on tho 1-lth. An appropriate!
ili-t oiii.so was eledivoicd by lhe Hcv. Mr
iliook, fiom Job I Otli ediap. 'J.rth verse, "I
know thai my Itedewiior liv.;th " Mr
present to the lover of nature a field most
lovely for him to feast upon. Although your
sIioich arc made wicred by the sopulednos,
and your hills hallowed by tho uiioofiined
bones of the aboriginies, yi't vtill tin ir !
generate sou.s, ere long, ling tho hist knell of
tjioir dcpuitwi eounM'y, should youjr udoptwl