Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 05, 1846, Image 1

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'The jT'Utnllvr. Committrr. rrcommmd that thr,
following Ijmi be. ailojited:
Wr, lh" vf,pli wj Oregon Temlojy, for purpfmrn of
tnutii'tl iruteelioti, nti'l lo irrum peuce mid prorpen
y umuug ouiwUi-a, agree, lo uilo( the following
lawn iiml ri-gul.itiiiiM, until nucli time iw the, Uiu'cd
Sillier f Ani'TKM rlti-nil llirir jiirimlicllun ov r im.
Hi- H ciiiii'tiil, thcrrfurr, by the free cilircunof llm
gun Territory. I tint l li nmd territory, for piwcn of
lriiiirury got eminent. Imi dividid into not lew limn
limn nor inoii- 1 1 1 ii it Inn ditru:l, mbji-ct lo Im -tiiuled
In a u'r-.t r iiuiiiIht when .hi i.iercane ol mpti
Utloii rhull ri'inrr.
Kur llie miiw nf fiting tin' principle of i ml nml
frllgHIIM lllr'llt. lit lllf btrHlll llll I Itt mill HllrlltU
Oregon Spectator.
rT s- -r ,js 1 , ijjVg-arT.t.,. , - -- f - r -
" Wcrtw.rd tlii Htar of :Empire taken IN way."
Vol. I. Oregon Oily, (Oregon Tar.) Thursday, February 5, 1846. No. 1.
! "Ii.ill hut i- power in ptw law for ru'ving revenue . ARTICLE iff.. -LAND LAW.
! riihi i by ilii- levying .imi ' ullei.img i,f tniM or III" ! 4 J. Any rwnwt. now holding, or hereafter winding
iiorwol i;oti'iiiiiiiil ilinl in.ty hcreulterlie wlupieil nupwrig iin-u(.r on rti-f r-li.ui'lif, fcrnet or other ob- to wtublwli u claim lo land in Una territory, xiiull de-
Mr i riiiirtril. Hut llm follow 1114 ufin ieiw ron. jeem 10 h'ii rouiN uiui riuiui, cither liy tin leryiiijr 1 gnaiu wi exiemoi nw ciami ny nutural txmnuuncn,
n.dered ailicli-n nl omiii'l mining the If
i.ik Irmlur)
or by mark nt llie coment anil upon tha line of fiicIi
claim, anil liuvo tlii extent and bouudanoi of mid
claim recorded in llio offico of tlie territorial recorder,
in a hook to bi ki-Jrt by him for that purponc, within
:ilii" in of 11 fund l.u or llm 1 IwMcriiig of cotnpinier; lo rrgubtlu
1 tin- iiiteicotirn.; 11I llir ir-iiple Willi lint iiiliun tnlieniui
MtTH'l.l! I. ntntilli ;.t 11IK1 m nml 4 ro.tiU : tuil.-cUre.wur,
0 I. No rn-rnni deiiie iinilL' Imiwlf ill .1 in-'irenblc (nlilif.ru iii-urrct lion nr ren I iiivmoii : to brutiih; for
nml ofil.rlt niuiiiiir. rh.ill rtrr he niole.tnl iiimu ,n . 1 the iirmui xiiil'. arming nml ilutf:iiiliriiinT the militia, twenty dayi from the lime of making naid claim, oro
Oiiml of In- wmlc ol tturrhip or n I11011111 miiIiiim iilc I .iii-l Inr ciiliniy lortli lb imliii.i lo execute lh- Uwi of vided, that llinw who nhall l already in (wnrmon of
' '.' Thf mli.iliii.nii" ol nml lemturt 'lull uitt.i)N lire,"!!, lo n l.nv- lo reul.ite ihe ii:!;o.hii.lioii, Imid, liuJI bo allowed twelv: montlii from the niajij
" 1 Milled lo the lien-fii' ol the n1 of h ile 1- eor- i m inul.ielnre or uile of iinh-ni n! , o lejfuljlis. Ihe 1 "f """ acl l" fil'' " dexnjition of hut claim in the re
hii ami Intl ht jury, of u iroinrtioimle n;.n .. ni i- nirreney .mil internal oliei of llm eomitryj to creato , corder' office : and, provided further) tlutl the Mid
Ihhi of th- -',ile in ihe li;il.iliire, nml 1,1 jihIk-liI mlernor irihunaN .imi inferior olliceni net emary ami clauiMiit nhall ntaU; in hi record, Ihe mze.blmpe and
iuiecjiiu', ac online lo me I'oiirMi 01 tommmi 1.1U mil iirotnlnl lor lit Ui'm- iiniclen of rninnartt and "- " men cnuin. aim civo urn name 01 me aa
ll fom h ill ( hul.ih. , iiiiIi-m fin iMpit.il olh ii- crueriilt lo i im ui Ii I iv. to priimote the general wrl-
mi-, where the- piiml hll l eneiit 1,1 the imp- f.ife ol llm -opli ol I )ri join, ni.t ronlrary lu the rpint
Inn u'li.il. l fiiiilmll Ik- mmler iti , tinl ! 1 fuel nt ilni m'trumeiii, ,unl .ill powen riol hereby 1 iprem-
, I) ill lejf.lleil relimlri Willi the H-iile. 'J'(e Hollne Of
Id pn M-tit.il . i-h ill iiiuteiie ii'iiiu illy on the lirnt
' 'I i.i'ilnt in In 1 mln r, at mi Ii plan- an may ha pro
tided ht Int. mi'l hull. um their lnt inrrlilii; afler
the n!ipt'n:i ol llm iiotrnmi nt of iomi(.t, pMceixl
in 1 ', 1 1 nml "h line the ilutu - of 1 ( n inrt, retordi r,
in i in r. a. 11I. 'ii. m ireli l. or oilmr ntiV em riece-ary
I In 1 ill) iiilo elhel tlie pruti-..iiiit ol tlni riHiipict.
, 'i ' Tin- itieiilite eiwer hall le- ti-M'd ill one
l rwiii. il.itnl lr. ihe ipialitieil toti r at the annual
e'ei lion tllm li 11. h !(, niH,-r to li'l t ir lll('li"; to re-
'mil tin.a mil In-. iIiim; Ii ('..iiii pinloni .mil re-
1 liri .. I l.l n llh( lh. IihmiiI Hie Ii pe.lr.i-i-
1 in 1 ill nut 11 in . ir, f. ri e .11 in. lerniory to reN- I
I .... . .... .. .. it...-. v.. ..1 .. . .L.. .. .... .1. .. .1... 1
1 .. .re i,,.,,! It.t.i 1., I. ., ,1 .0 eiommendMichl? r "''"" l' ''W-. or mx liu ndred and for-
" ;. ..0 ...,.. (..,. irz.iTT..'V"
t - .1 th. ...i.;.. Inr lie ' 1. 1. ... I tert Imi vtlneli "... -""" 1; . -.- " mu.
1II11.1 he. 11 iwil h. III" II .11-. nt Itipri-M nta
't'. -Ii ill In ..e ll hedillie llltt. In Jiri X'llll l to
1 ihe t'otiriini Inr hi- approh limn Ii In .ipprote, ho
I Ii 111 -il'ii 1' ; il not. le -lull n turn it. u lh h.- ohjec
'.mi., I.i th. Ilmi-i . a'l.i in. Mo 1 -ll 1 I can' the ob-
,. . 1 i,u. ., le- 1 nit ! il it iri;eoii ii. jy ,-n t , and i-Jiuil
iii.mil in neiin-idei liu- h.li : if, alter Mnli rrCoiMil-
'rit..ii, .1 mip.niy o ittn-tli rd-ol llm liuiwi i-li.tll
or'linliellill liiinirhmetitu illlleleil Sn m.iti ill ill I'-
Wipnted nl In- lilcrl) hnl h) the jiidnieiii ., In
p.. !, or ihi lutt of the I mil; mid liou.il tie pnliiie
rmjeii, iw m ike it nei n-iry lor liu cumrnoii p t.i
limi In taki liny " r-nli . piopifl) , or to 1 111 .11 1 .' 1
iHieiilar m rtici , lull 1 ihiih m itmu ii ill m i.j. i t
th i.nn' , .tiil 111 tin Ju-t 1 hi (tai'oniif rii.'lil-.imi im
'l. il m iinilereliil and iln Liri il that no lav.' mi'ht
nter l l 11. nl. , "I Ii n r lorn- in raid tern 1 1 . In i"
h il , 111 any maiiiii r wh iln r. .11I1 (! ( Willi : ill. 1
p kid ri ulr.n'L- or eiii;.i' n.i nl , "Imiii In! .in
illmiit Iriod pretioii-lt I'Ulinil
0 .1 K'liyiini. mnralitv uiui kimt!i .'e S-tn i.e. . ...
mrt In (."() u'iiii fllnn ill mid (lie I. .,., 11. -. . m 111
' i'.d, Inri.K and He lie .iim- i I i.n i.'x rh.i.l In. -rtir
le- 1 iirniiiaijed The 1, Inert yirnl I mil -hall .1
.n- h. i.hxrtnl Inttaril. lie Iluli, in-; (In 1 in.il
.ml prorty fluH nnr h" IjImi Iroiu 'Inm limit
1 1 in- nl , uinl 111 Hn ir pmir-rf, rii'lit" u.d . Irols
jomin claimaiitn, and thu recorder may require the
applicant for nucli record to b: mad'.- to unxwer, on
hu oath, touching the fact.
(i. All claimanU hall, within hix monliii from
Ihe lime of recording their clumui, make permanent
impTnwmi'iilji upoji the H.'ime, by building or enckr-iui;,
unit ul-" become un occupant upon rMui claim within
one year Irom the dale ol hucli re on, or in ca.ie not
occujhcd, I hn r.r-on holdmi; Haid claim nhall pay into
Iho trrarury the Mini of lite dohan. annuull), and in
caju ol fmluro to occupy, or on failure of payment of
the rum a love rttttnd, the claim nhall be conrideted a
abandoned . provided, that no non-ieMdcnt of thin ter
ritory hall hate the benefit of thin law. and, provi
did further that liny rmnlent of tlii- terntorj,1 alr-rnt
on hit pn in buinen for two year, may hold hu
claim ';. paying lite dollar annually to Ihe Irea-iury
i) .1. ?o imlltidual fcli.ii; Iw allowed to hold a claim
rii'ht 1
h i'l netir In intaihd or ih-1nrh.il.
:t 11
11 ' nnl law liu ttnr .iiilhorii d ht lh 1, pre. 1,1 ii.
., IV- Hiipe ; hlit lau- Inninli .1 .11 jut.ei .mil 1
fn nut) -h ill, ftom tiiin tn I me I, in n. ..f p .. 1
iij: mja-tii. I., in;; ill u I" linm. u,d inr
p- in ami lii.rnl-h'p Ui'.h tin in
' i 'I In re rh ill II. III illi. ( lite-t imi.nti. .1,1 If,
rtili.ih- m r iiil Ii iriln'. ill.iruiM. ih.m l.r tin juii
l-l III' lit "I - IIII.1-, V. hi feul i.e pirtt -llll. hit' leili
4l It 1 (.ht eti il.
'i ."1 n r-on -hill h- i;.-piii.. .,1 il,.- 1 jji.i ..1
h ir lig arm- ill he ' tt n il 1. i.e. . m 1 m. .1-1.11 ih'
i. iri lu 1 or -e inn rh ill h- i;r.intei , ,. r. . ili.ni 1 1
III" pn - li ill lint le. re.tr.iiiu il , hn k r-.n -I. . le
t Ir -il I .r llm ili.e nth ii.1. , im th -.,. . ii pr -
1 .1 i. llm 1 u'lil "I nei lint !- uihl 11" .11 I 1 -.
Ui' Hi. luiM.r lln-y liuy I'l nil pinj r. im! I 11 ll.e
lu'hl ol pi hi. nil 1 HI he di'li.id
,l' Tin iot. r nl lh, L'lite-iiiin nt h.''le il.ti
Jul mi, Ihr.e ih-lnn I ih pulni-ut th. 1- .'u,
' un?" and jinlii ml ; nml im p- r-.'i m - ..a- Ir
1 ilill! lo nil" t.l lllire lleparllll. Ill-, rh i.l 1 i n .. in. '
1 I ll.l ritter- pMMjly lielnllgtlli; 'it eilhi r nt III. nlll
r, 1 i pt m r.ir.-. In n-in iliieett ! or j. riu.u. ii I
AKTK 1.1: U J
'I. The ' ;i lalite powei rhali Ih ve-l il i'i a I i. i-.
of It'pri nt.ititer, ttluch rh ill 1 on-i-t i.l ui, , . in ,n
1.1 im'Ti'iun' lh"in III im mbef, u Iiom luiuiher. .-h 11. imi
he Itll'ri llreil Ul'ili' Ihall l ll ,lll one r, ,-,n In h- , 11 I'
ll il ht the qualified 1 1 dorr at llm nnni.U en .'tiou.ifit un.'
Im 11 ll iliMriiJ 11 n prci-entatinn in llm lalmnt 11 - jk pt.
llioii,,ijmTuii liulimii and Hn- Mid iihiiiIho nun
(i-i'li inylmrili-liiil for ttluch lh"t -hall N- ilu.i.'i,
mil .11 rit,ii t.ii'aliry ht death, riHgiuilion orniln r
r,ie, the ex, etitivt hall i.-ni,. his ttiil In Urn ihilru I
ttlnre mii h taraiiry ban nccurriil, ami cnw ,t m-tt .
(leciiim In Ik- lii-ld, giting riillii lent lit at le .-t leu
1l.1t- pret unfit, ol llie liiuo mul pliiv n holding ra.d
i' ',.111.
i ',' The House of Iti'prrM'Ulaliteo, ttluu .i-h m
Weil, h-ill I'hooHi a rH-:ikir nml iIm other ullii r-, le
liulgen nf Iho qualification!! and tlei'lum nl il- iimi.i
Uth, mul nl iimiii il own adjournment 1mm ilaj lo
lav. Two-lliird-iiif Ihe IIiiiim' rluill ontilute a iiio
Turn lo tr.in-ai'l hii-uleiw, but n mii iller iiuiuln r 111.1)
mljoiiril fniin day tn day, m,d unit Ih- aiithouzeil h)
law in cuuiliei 1110 iilleuilatiro o tilwnl 1111 iiiIh i,
(j .'I. 'I'hu Hoiim! may dttrnnum the mien ul ite urn
ircdincn, pilineli iln iiuiiiIkd fur ili-onleih beh.it mur,
aud with Ihe conciirriiii'i'Ol'ltii.uiil.,i-iI l( meiu
her, but nol a wcouil time for Iho name olli'iite, .Hid
uliull havo all powcrn iiecennary for it legirlntuie of n
reniximry(jovcniiiieni. not in ronlravcniioii unit the
rcMnctiuiu iiiijxiM'd 1 Inn ( Irgiiiui! Law.
o !. 1 liu iioiiMo ot Uupri-M-nlalivi-H rhall, from limn
fti.t ll I
ml I"
rluill !) oni. .1 law.
t.dual be allowed to hold more than one claim at the
natim tunc. Any pvr-011 coinjilying with llm proviMoiu
ot there ordinances, -hall In- entitled to the ranie re
course agajlut tn-rparw a.t 111 other cani-n by law jiro.
f)4. I'.irtner-hipt of two or morn prroit.i hall bo
allowed to lake up a tract of laud nol exceeding six
hundrrd and forty acre to each pervou in ict'd tiart-
'. I nerwup, nubject to all tho provuionn of Ihn law ; and
AH I (.-I,, au, J., MIM-l. tU.riHnillll. .M .t.u.l. Ail .!.. nA.lu.u
hall each record ihe pirticul.ir parts of naid tract an
lay be allotted to linn . provided that no member of
raid partnerrlup nhall hold a heparate claim ul the tune
of the exl-tpiice of raid pincen-hip.
t j. The boundary linen of ull cluimn rhall hereafter
conform, an neur ai may be, lo Ihe cardinal pointn.
$ (1. The officern elected at the general election,
hild on Iho firnt Turwlay ill June, IH-J5. nhull be L'jo
oiricew to uct under thin Organic Law, and l.'ieir oft!-
l.tt llfiffi ul III 9 Au tllAtt rftkpB in ft MkJ i nla altt-a
in. I and qii.iinie.1. and in r.wul llie office be- I ','" , T Til 1 """""'"" ""'
1 . . 1 conmact. are lien-hv declined v.llul nnH leimL
. ..in ' t.u Hit lit ileatll. re-lglialloll or otlierwiw-, llm , 1 - 4 1 . . .1 . . ,
,, . . ., f ,1 ,r ,, 0 AnirndinetiLi to this iiutttunn-nt nuv lie pro-
Hl.nt rl n 1 eteni-e Mm lllltll ol I e otllC Mill' , ' .1 1 .. .1 11 r i . . , "., I ,r
,, ,.;. 1, ,1 , ,-,, ,, 1 ,. , .... hwciI hy tho llou-e of Hepri-vutatiti:-, two-lh nit 6f
tin .ac.t'rt rli ill In-lillul hy rlicUni. llio gotcji.T ,1 . l .,r , , ,
..,.,. ,- ' ,i,ii., . I "" vmb"w coucurnng therein, which ameiulmentn
-It. 1.1 linn. ti.e -1 111 o tjollarn iter annum, an .1 . n l i ,i - .. ' . .,
, ,, .. 1 1 """"" , ; nhall 1 m nle public in all parti of Oregon, and be
lull in n-.ii.i n Inr hi- nenicet. ttluch nuin may l . 1 .. .1 n . .1 . , , ,
' . . ' . . I read at Hie liu Ll ut the nevl .neeeil.ter iveneml elee.
iiu-.m-.iI ui tl iiiiiu-lu-ii al uiit tm.-j liy law. provided 1 ,. . . . ,.... . .? ,, .,
tin -a'lr' nl im '4-ii mur rliall he alleted during Inn
In pi - ll. r.uie . it
re if tutu .hall ! liken Ii) ay en ulld noe-,
un i'il iit.i'i ih- jo.1r11.1in. If any hill hall
imt l' n t .riie.l ht the giitem-ir in the lloiit. of Itipru
.n ,i'ii.n w thin three iliy S'.nda) t-xCej.ied, ufler
'Imi int Ir . 11 (in , mi d 10 h, m, llm Mine nhall be-
un a I r.t n like 111 miif . the governor had
-."Unlit, .ih 1 In- II'mi- .f If. p.inetlutiten, by Iln
n'li'i.iniiu'iit. rh .I p 1 .em 11- r' iiirn 111 which cure- it
h 1 ' im' In 1 nine a i nt Th" giikeniur nhall conlinni
111 1 Iln tttn teir-, ami until hi- riiccerwir ih duly
g. in
on-, in. mil. nun-, qm) wnrranti), certiorari, and other
ni'gin.il reiinil.iil write, and hoar und determine Iho
.line. The -iipieiue milt nhull haw Imwvr lo decide
l iimiii and annul any lawn contrary In tho provinloas of
lliern unii'let nl coiiipiicl, mul tvlieiieter culled upon
lit Iho lluiirvuf Kiprerentatit'en, Iho nuprrme judgo
hall gite Iiih upiiiiiiu touching tho validity of any
pending iiieariire. The lluiw nf Kepreneutittiven
ma) , hureafler, provide by law for tho nuprenio court
' having original jurindiction in criminal cuscn.
1 1 II. All officern miller thii compart rhall takr an
to time, fix thu rainricii 0f llm dilli-rent ollieem im "!1'' lu W'" ,0 w" ' .' , "lly -wear, that I
jointed or elected under thu compact, provided llm ' Wl" ""I'l" U,Ur,'Uiiio l.awn ol llie provuionul gov
pay of Doofllcct nhall bo iiltcml diiriug llm term ul' e""w,,t "f Oregon, no far in naid Orgumc Lawn uro
""""""j or nniiii inn pay olllm lloiinn In-incrcan-' . ' ""' w".v """'"' "" ' - wihiihi
k by uny law lukiug elli ct during tho w-nwon ut ttluch
rocj- aiiviuuun m muue.
lion, und u concurrence of two-third ii ull the mem
bers elected at naid election, may ium naid amend'
mentn, ami they nhall become u part of thin compact.
I, John E. Img, necretury of Oregon territory, do
hereby certify, that Ihe foirgoing in a tmu und correct
copy of the original law as paed by the repreeenta
tiven of ihn people of Orecnn, on the fifth day of July,
A. !., I8-I.ri, and oubtnilted to the people on Iho twen-ty-Hixlh
day of tho name month, and by them adopted
and now on file in ray office.
J. E. LO.N't!, Secretary.
N. H. At lh DnfAmitttr titinn. lS.I.ri. nf (Im ITniikJi
Miih1i4 111 Jiiim und Miiliiiibira and at Mich Platv nf UMnr.nt ..ii..-i itwti.. ,(.. r i. ....k
I Ii I "vJ"fc . . inhr-tiiiu lw IHilllut..o VWII
1- b) l.nt ilm ti d I he nuprc urn court nhall Ii.ie u rumnir i'i..r,.in tl... t-.illnurm.. i..in.l.nnN n it... IU.
V:l. TteiT.
no camir al I
llmr flDmHiAv i
r- ".r7'P--tw
execute. ;V ty
0 itwnemrm Mil
ledge of anroAwr eftMi
J. if a -.-ti.
any nnvaia huml.i
otrt liquors reMA
lured iri Orejrott, (lii
and reauirea to
Huch illicit mini
und Hcize the dMUbfj
cr the same to tto
juiitice of the peftc
immediately to Imm Nf
tho house and
whom such wamat ahajl ,!)
lunner searcneo; aaa w.OH
spiritou liquors ar CMUThi
pnimioes, or any.'aBpleaMiaw
that have the aMearaae 'af 5
uxtxl or constructed for we
fucturinp; any kutdof
ciinccr who shall have
to execute said wsrra&Valalf
apparatus, implements aai i
and dciiver tlie same to thi
ol" the peace who issued tat
said officer shall also arrast
persons in or about whose
paratu. implements or spi
I'outi'l, and conduct Mm or tasato'
or justice of the peace, wl
liu to proceed anast saoa
inals, and dispose of , theJrtiolea
cording to law. , fr
ri. All fines ni ftmMm tm
ucr hum nei, Bnauae, osss esu ss,
ant and witnesses, aMtaaenar-
oiTtceru ennsed Iqi
criminal or crimlaakt-
duty of all officers lata wl
fines and penalties awr eoaMLw 1
as directed in this asetioa. ' Prf,
6 6. This act.
to prevent any
iii such lrquoTC'f.,aawBia'MI1
linlf n ninf nt nam ian" " ;"r-rf?..
k i tu.. :. . .. .'.' ' '.-".-i'.'-iT.'a';
tary to publish this aet baVaWaawSfr
printed in Oregon. , ' tilXM!ri
I. John E. Long, sacramjrjr ffjH'lPhS5
nuiuuy i-cnuy, inmi ue ssrapsHBT-weajafgnW jtai
ili.nl cniritu ! Imitir. anal aySiXMiBW'--.V
Iy me. . nflf&M5 ftti&
lasanpr MBMBwa
-"- . --"T ;
" tx . - imB t
aaaiaa; aaaaat jmPM(
h WlnnVlBWHraaBYK
li'i nl aj til a
wWli' '
tptiMmrat' WmmmMK' V-
SomTSSSHm1- "
MMtltifJam- J'.l
?ivmjKt. 'A -m
ti in l. -eitue. I'lii giiterutir nhall hate jwtfer to
i mii, tie Ihi legi l.ituri un extraordinary ueuunionn.
J -. 'I'he juihei i! mtvrr nhall be velcd in a bu
pn ui" ciiiiil. and null inferior court'i of lav, vquily
.'in! arbitration m may, by law, frum tune to time bo
i -..ihlih"d The miueiiie court hlmll cotcint of ono
lii'l'.'e. tt hn rh ill le elected by lint lltiilrc of Kepre
eiii i! te-. and li.ild hie ullice lor four yearn, uml until
Ii -.ii-i .-. ,,r ii dill) cl-i;led Ulld iiiahlied. The nil
ptime i-niirt, cveipt m cwi olherwino directed by
Im.. ciiiiipict, rhall h.tve uppellate jurisliclliill only,
iii 1 1 mi. ill In- (.(i-i'tteiiMvti ttiih tlii-t territory, mid
-h ill hi.'d 'hu -e-Mini- auuuilllt, hcginiinnron the first
t.i. I
a rii'riiilcnilingcnulri.loterulliaferi(irciiurtol ,mn,c law ........ urnIKd. lo wit: Strike out in tlie
ll -hall hate litter lo luo wntn of lluben cur- ' .10, .mtin,, nf -,1,1 Inu, ilm iv.nr.lj ... .....,.." Al
t f ill " - I'ti'l aw iiviu rt lliwivi iirti
to amend tho laud law no at to ' permit claimant lo
hold mx hundred ucren in the prairie, and forty ucres
in tho timber, though naid tructn do nol join."
Stalen, nr a nibjrci of tjreiit liritniii, and faithfully
demean Inynelf in office. So help me Hod.
0 III. Kverv'freo inslti Henrendunl of a tvhiln mnn.
nolo power of impcuchiiiL' : Ihree-fourthn nf nil tl... inliubititut of tlik territory, of the aire of Itventvinn
AKiuben must concur in an minuchnieiil. Thu gov ' yarn und itpwanln, who nhall havo been mi inhabi-
. .'. -I l.n lli,njj.(.r I7..B. ...... .... ..
.' ..-.-. v, .-n'wiiiiiiiven nuaii nave llio
wer ot impt'ucliuig ; Ihree-fourtlm of n
n must concur in an iminuchnieui. Tin
( ! nil !!! (tt. .,... ... t .t ... ..
"'wi " n "Hiwm uiiuer menu iiiliclcn ol cnin
pact, nliall bo liahlo to iiiipeucliineiit lor ireunon. bn
bvry, or any high crimo or mindemeuuor in office
-Jjjagmenl in Mich oacn nliall nut exlcnd further lliun
removul from office, and (liimliliciiliuu in hold uny
offico of honor, trust or prolit under thin conduct ; but
tho party convicted mav bo dealt will, ..,.,.r,i:.. i,.
4 C. Tho Houm of Henrecntatlvrn nliall have xnv
r lo lay out tho territory Iiilo auitahlo ilwliicln, uml
iWwrlion tho k prenontnUou in Uielr cwu body. Thuy
t.tut nf thm territory ul tho time of itn ortrauiution.
ahull U' entitled to tote at tho election of ufficep, ci
ti! mid miliiury, and bu eligiblo to any office in tho ter
ritory: provided, Ihul ull pen-nun of the dencription en
tilled tn vuto by the provision nf thin ncction, who
nhull omigrate to thin territory after organixation, nliall
ho enliileil to the light of ciliitenn after hsrlfjr, reaided
nix monlliH in tho lernlnry. -
If 1 1. The election for nil civil officer, provided f.ir
hy thin compact, nhall bo held the first Monday in
Juuo uuuuttUy.
AN ACT to prevent tho mtrodiicUo.t, sale and distil
lation of urdeut npinln in Oregon.
J . lie it eruKtKtl by Ihe How of llqire
scnlativcs of On'mt Territory, That if any
pr.-.on slmll hereafter import or intmduco
any urdont spirits injp Oiojron, with intent to
m'U, luirtor.fjivo or initio the same, and bliall
oiler tim same for sale, trade, barter or gift,
he nliall be lined the sum of lifiy dollars for
cacli and every sncli oH'ence, which may Ik
recovered hy indictment, or by trial before
a justice of the peace, without tho form of
6 2. That if any person slial! horcafAer
sell, barter, givo or trade, any ardent spirits
of any kind wliatcvor, directly or indirectly,
to any person within Oregon, he shall for
feit and pay tho sum of "venty dollars for
each und every such sale, trade, barter, or
f;ift, to lie recovered liy indictment in tho
county court, orhcfoiu a justice of the peace,
without tho formrdf pleading.
An Infalmblb '.
Spirits. Take oae
lution and an equal j
oou conscienoa
spoonful of salts i
to a few sorim of a' aleaf
woes," which you wffl imt)
in every part or Vb
ticcially rtnder the
herb called disguise.
ful of tho blossoms of B9fa.j
ii.iiiiiai uwijr mimmjm wmmt
meso wun tne nain or-
vou can procure a frUM
cordial of true frianoaainM
tn tbn voIiia nf ks aaJ4LlA
ono ingredient espaouUljii.aail
tcrfeit-s. There Is a
vended by onf 8elf-
tained easily enotuta.'iaBv Will
sauds are imposed apaa. I-Tlal
turo of it wita tha aaora
infullibly spoil the
whole to art electuary
of consent of ooateat.
of cood judaMat.'aofl
taken acoordJutf-io taa
0030". A tried t
ble, wear
matter if
wife, get one;
stay at home wil
your eveninn laal
honest, iVuaaXflaia
piness at knaia I
voring aaaaj'-wa4
uept you win M
x. '. a? . '
soon Deooawfaaajl
w . m ..
editor, ot waaVSfr jir
i .-.:.'
r,- " "--n.