Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, November 18, 1848, Image 4

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An exchange paper gives (ho following convenient n,,lil
fixing in the mind the succession of sovereigMs on the 15 ri
First. William the Norman:
Then W l'nm his s n
Henry, Stephen, and Henry
Then Kichard and Jhi.
West, Henry the third ;
Edwarda. one, two and tliretr;
' And agiin. after Rich.ird,
Three Heariea wv s"e.
Two Edwards, tlnid l!ichnrd
Jf rhtly 1 gucs;
T'o Henries, sixth Edwnp),
Queen Mary. QueenResn;
Then Jamie, the Scoftsman,
Then harlrs whom they slew,
Vet received after Cromwell,
Another Charles too ;
NtM Jinv-s t li second
Amended the throne;
Then L",r,d William and Mary
Totietln1! j Jiiiie on.
Till nne. (I'Mjryo four.
And fourth William all past,
Hod iOiii us Vict iria,
May she I0114 ho the last!
Cora .1ont romry, editor nf -J, a Vordarr
an ijJnulisli and .Spanish pap m published in
iVevv i'ork, ihns writes: The iVertlo n of our in
stitutions and the prospective pnu'er of the Uni
ted States cause the greatest anxiety in Europe.
The shouts of down trodden millions hail her
growing greatness and see in it a promise of
brighter, beter days to them and heir p s er
j 1 y T The rain-bow hope spm unh ip,jy Italy.
Crushed Erin sees the thnldom of thr AJnxon
broken, and her warm hearted chil hen tree anil
happy. The wretched and the oppressed ev
ery where look to America as the yoim izinnt
that is to restort to them their rights. These
hopes sVtll not be blithe !. The he ic hi fi.es
lighted in H76 shall blaze on every hili top uf
nope, until tyrants shall he overt hi oivn and
c ich s rf learn that he i n man. An ark of
stfety now. Hit' fuitod .Stales shall ho t!ie truid
in t star to liberty: They e.v'end a welcome ami
prolf-r ho nes, j)leuty and freedom tn all who
visit t'te 1 1 M'iii iiv lues mnv prolonu for a lime
heir t'dte i i r eistem o hip hey will be router!
in th the nineteenth century, finally -and
France. An exchange pap"r says, six candidates
are in the field for the I' residency M. Lamartine, M.
Thiers, Louis Nepoleon, Marrast, Gen. Cavaignac and
Caussidere. The Orleans party, it is said, will sup
port M. Thiers, and M. Baranger,- the celebrated ora
tor, has declared openly in his favor. The Legitimist
party, stands divided between Thiers and Lamartine.
If the elections were to take place sumi Ihire, is little
doubt of the result for Louis Napoleon. Under the
prestige of the Bonaparte name, and with his rvw.nl
discreet course, he possesses a popularity which might
ensure his election. The feeling exhibited by the
French people in his favor is of the most enthusiastic
character. If present appearances are sustained by
nf future, events il is supposed almost every electoral
college will give him the vote. The election of Luo
is Nepoleon as colonel of the Uh Legion of the Na
tional Guards has been definitely declared. Thus
Luois Napoleon is on the stage in another character.
Another aspirant to the bead of affairs is Prince Danch
Fenber;, the on of Prince Eugene Beuhaurnoir,
grandson of the Empress Josephine and son in law
of the Emnernr of Russia by his maniage to the Prin
cess Olga, who, though a foreigner, is still a favor
ite w ill) the French people.
THE Fall Term of this Institution will commence
on the 1st Wednesday in September. The school
is under the superintendence of the Rev. Cusiiing
Eki.ls, A. M.,and consists of two departments. The
Primary department is taught by Mrs. Eki.i.s, and
includes, Spelling, Heading, and the Elementary parts
of Arithmetic and Geography. The price of 'tuition
is 2 dollars per quarter of It weeks.
The other department is taught by the Principal
himself, and includes Reading, Writing, Grammar.
Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and the sev
eral branches of Philosophy, with such Classical studies
as may be desired. The price of tuition in this depart
ment for Heading Writing Grammar, Geography and
Arithmetic, is 3 dollarsfor the higher branches, 4 dob
Jars. Arrangements arc made to furnish Hie mo.st
approved books. For Spellers, "Webster's Elemen
tary" is used, and will be sold at cost. Other
books will be furnished to each scholar as may
be needed, for the use of which a small per cenlage
will be charged on the tuition bills.
A boarding department will be kept in the Insti
tute buildings by Aaron E. Puiidy, Esq., exclusive
ly for the school. The highest price for board, is
one dollar and fifty cents. Students are expected
to furnish their own bedding. It is confidently be
lieved that, under the present able Principal, the
mental and moral interests of the students will be
carefully provided for, so that parents and guard
ians of youth may commit them to iiis care with the
utmost confidence.
By order of the Board,
Salem, August 20, 1848
the main street house.
Tun Largest and .most commodious Public House in
J S still kept by Ihe undersigned, where the public
are entertained free of charge, as the proprietor
always takes pay in hand. Thanky for past favors
suit yourself as to the future but if you choose to call
you ma rest assured I will do all I can to render your
slay agreeable. MOSS.
N. B. I will rent the above described property for
three years if I can find a suitable tenant. MOSS.
Oregon City, April 7. 1
Refer to Kilijorn, Lawton and Co., Oregon Cily,
Geo. Abernetiiy, do.
San Francisco, April 1, '48. Is.