Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, November 11, 1848, Image 3

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In the course of a few weeks the time will arrive
for the assembling of the representatives of the peo
ple to consider upon the public weal, and perform,
we suppose, the annual "quantum" of legislation.
Some have thought that a 'Home Government would
reach here in lime to suspend or relieve the opera
lions of our "Provisional" government. Willi such
a change, we presume that our present government,
howsoever imperfect it may be, will continue to ex
ercise its functions. In view of this, and the next
session of the House of Representatives, we have
been "counting noses," and find that there are
vacancies in the body of the "congregated wisdom,"
which, it seems to us, ought to be filled, -and indeed
there is little time to lose, in order lo effect this.
The "gold fever" appears to have 'afflicted' the ser
vants of the people as badly as it has the people them
selves. From lite best information we can obtain
relative lo the members of the House, two for Benton
co. have n. r. c. (gone to California) two for Polk
g. t. c, one for I ualatin c t. c, two for Clacka
mas ;. r. c, one for Charapoeg g. t. c, one for Linn
g. t. c. Lewis county has been deprived of its
representative, unhappily by death. By this compu
tation there are ten vacancies and but thirteen exis
ting members of the House of Representatives uhich
mill not be sufficient to form a constitutional quorum.
Unless a new election is ordered by the Governor to
fill these vacancies there can be no public business
transacted by the Legislature.
The whe'ls of our g ivernmcnt need the screw
driver, it cantnt be denied but lhal there are sundry
screws loose sora where, and we ought not lo let the
machine fly into "Hinders," just as our "Uncle Sam"
is on the eve of paying us a visit. No, lhat would
never do. Resides there are important matters lo be
adjusted Ihe war business is to be investigated
thoroughly, the pay of the volunteers to be allow
ed and our "White House" generally put in order
for whatever may turn up. Let there be, at least,
some vitality about our government.
HI The Washington Union of July 7lh presents
the ralifi ed Mexican peace treaty in tujo languages,
with the President's proclamation signed at 11 o'clck
on the 4tb of July, which paper says, Ihe date of
the President's proclamation coincides with the date
of the declaration of American independence. Many
of our public transactions' are completed so as to
signalize more and more that important day. Mr.
Rive's convention with France was signed on Ihe
4th of July; so was the treaty with China. The
act by which the annexation of Texas was sanctioned
and recognised by the congress of Texas, arrived at
Washington on the 4th or July. The subsequent re
cognition, by the convention of the people of Texas,
took place on the same day; and now the ratified trea
ty with Mexico arrives at Washington on the na
tional anniversary, and the President's proclamation
auouncing il bears date on the same day.
TVOTICE is hereby given to persons ac-
J t quainted with coal localities, that by procuring samples
or the gam ; and leaving them with Capt. Nath. Crosby Jr., at
P-irtbuJ, or Gov. Geo. Abernethy, at Oregon City, they will be
forwarded to the N. P. S. Co., at New York, for the purpose of
being tested. The Steamer will require from 6000 to 6000 ton
tf. Wm. C. STOUT.
PER "Eveline" and ".Sabine," and for sale, in
addition to tlie'r former stock, at
the following goo us viz I'ln.t and fancy prints, Hanncl, fancy drills,
berkley checks, ticking, a.iutiug stripe, krcmhnj, li-l At 4 bro.
cotton, bro. d-dling. ca h neretts, hnnen drill, long cloth, cotton
carpet, cotton urn .rellas, foolscap and letter paper, ink, quills, oil
ones, crockery &. glass w ire, castors, looking glasses, dutch ovens
covers, sauce-pans, coat & vest buttons, hair blushes, razor strops,
braces, boous & snoes, dressing cases, tea-caddies, cigar boxes,
gic in & black tea, raisins, fi.,', coffe, sugar, salaratus, pepper, to
bacco, sperm ..t while oil, tar, chalk, sperm candles, wash-tubs,
wooden buckut-i. biskets, garden hoes, axes, nails, mill-saws, &e.
to be sold low for cash or produce.
FOR SJLY Fil&YCISCO, California, with
despatch. The new, A 1, coppered and copper fastened Brig
SAlJKN'K. Na'h'l G'rns'ij- Jr. master. For passage only, having su
perior accommodations, apply to COUCH k CROSBY'S, a' this
cry and Portland.
UPPER, sole and harness leather, in lots to suit
buyers, for sale at Portland, by
(tf) F. W. PETTYGROVE and Co.
BEEF, PORK, SALMON and BREAD for sale low
for cash, by W. F. GOODE.
.Oregon City Oct. 13 '48. (If)
EW GOODS at Kildorn, Lawton and Co.'s Just
received ner LlenrY the following eroods :
Bro. sheetinp;, do. shirting, do. drilling bed ticks,
ribands : bl'k, green and gun powder
tea: coffee: sugar: pepper:
glass: nails: lead: smo
king tobacco: etc. etc.
All of which will be sold low for cash or produce.
Oregon City, Sept. 1, '48. S2s.
Oregon City, Portland, and Champoeg.
Wi EEP conslantly on hand Ihe usual variety of gro
MM. ceries, dry goods, hardware, and other raerchan
rise and deal extensively in Oregon produce.
July, 15, '48. 15s. david m'lougulin.
FOR sale at the NeJ Store on Main St., the cargo of
Brig Eveline consisting of a large and extensive
assortme nt of
Dty Goods, Hardiuarc, Crockery, Groceries,
Agricultural Implements, Boots and Shoes,
Stoves, Fire-arms, Paints, Iron, and
Ready-made clothing.
The aqovc articles are of superior quality, and will
be sold low by 3s.) , H. CLARK.