"FRANCE IS FREE." The rough shod foot of the people tramps Through the silken rooms of royalty, And ovor the floor the mirrors and lamps Lie like the shattered monarchy ! They have grasped the throne in their irony, And have borne it aloft in their mockery; But as if the ghost of a king might he Still wielding a shadowy sceptre there, Thoy dash it to earth, and trample it down, Shivered to dust with the Orleans' crnwn. And shout with a voice that ronds tho air, "France, France is fkre!'' Oh, joy to the world ! the hour is come, When the nations to freedom awake, When the royalists stand agape and dumb, And monarchs vitti terror shake! Over the walls of majesty ' Upharsou" is writ in words of fire, And the eyes of the bondmen, wherever they be, Are lit ixi their wild dewre. Soon, ioon shall the thrones that blot the world, Like the Orleans, into the 'dust be hurled, And tho world roll on like a hurricane's breath, Till the farthest slave hears what it saith, ''AllISK, ARISE, I1E '( T. B. Read. ECF The "Californian" says, from a gentle man recently arrived in town from the Atlan tic coast, wc learn that Commodore Stockton has formed a company for the steam navigation of this bay and vieinity Two iron boats have been oruered, one at iYew Fork and the other at Philadelphia. It is stated that one of these boats may be expected here. In addition to the above, we learn that an order has been forward ed by one of our largest mercantile houses for the building of a steamboat expressly for the bay, which maybe looked for here in the course of the next six months. Gold Mines in Russia. -The Emperor of Russia has astonished the powers of Europe by producing nearly five millions sterling in precious metals, which he invested in French and English stocks. It would seem that an immense geld mine has been worked for some time past in Siberia, and from the de scription of it in the "Journal des Debals, it is very similar in extent to the gold mines of this country. In the year 1846, the amount obtained from the gold mines of Siberia was valued at over twenty-one mil lions or dollars. Let a few more similar mines be discovered, and a complete resolution will lake place in the comparative yuIuc of gold and silver. (Californian. (CP Tho New Orleans Picayune statos that on the 13th July, a portion of the levee oposito the Ursulino convent gave way and sunk. Some 15 or HO persons" uuho resided near tho place mere gathered on the bank viewing the river and men at work, when about 200 feet of the levee in length, and 80 feet in width suddenly gave way, and without a momeut's warning six human beings were ushered into eter nity. The scene is described by those who w itnessed it to have been the most heart rending they ever looked upon. OREGON INSTITUTE. THE Fall Term of this Institution will commence on the 1st Wednesday in September. The school is under the superintendence of the Rev. Cushing Eells, A. M., and consists of two departments. The Primary department is taught by Mrs. Eeli.s, and includes, Spelling, Heading, and the Elementary jarls of Arithmetic and Geography. The price of tuition is 2 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks. The other department is taught by the Principal himself, and includes Reading, Writing, Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and the sev eral branches of Philosophy, with such Classical studies as may be desired. The price of tuition in this depart ment for Reading Writing Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, is 3 dollars for the higher branches, 4 dol lars. Arrangements are made to furnish the most approved books. For Spellers, "Webster's Elemen tary" is used, and will be sold at cost. Other books will he furnished to each scholar as may be needed, for the use of which a small percentage will he charged on the tuition bills. A boarding department luill be kept in the Insti tute buildings by Aaron E. Purdy, Esq., exclusive ly for the school. The highest price lor board, is o'ne dollar and fifty cents. Students are expected to furnish their own bedding. It is confidently bc-lievt-d that, under the present able Principal, the mental and moral interests of tke students will be carefully provided for, so that parents and guard ians of youth may commit them to Ids care with the utmost confidence. Ry order of the Ilwnnl, WILLIAM ROBERTS, Chair'n. Salem, August 29, 1848 NEW GOODS AGAIN. JUST received per Riig Eveline, and for sale, in ad dition to their former stock, at Couch and Croshy's, OreognCity and Portland, Rlue and fancy prints. French silks. Rro.and while drill. 3-4 and - bro. cotton. Irish linnens. Gents and ladies' hose. Silk, grass, linnen, and colt, hdkfs' Cotl. and welch Manuel. Shirts, gloves, buttons, suspenders, thread, tape, pins, needles, plates, dishes, tea setts, cups and sau cers, iron Mils, enamelled fry pans, tea kettles, tobacco, axes, medicines, coffee, tea, sugar, molasses, syrup, bl'k pepper, vinegar, paint oil, turpentine, pilch, nails, glass, shaving and bro. soap, locks, files, buckles, etc., etc., etc. 14s. Continued, the main street house. The Largest and siost commodious Public House in Oregon, SS still kept by the undersigned, where the public are entertained free of charge, as the proprietor always takes pay in hand. Tuanky for past favors suit yourself as to the future but if you choose to call you may rest assured I will do all I can to render your stay agreeable. MOSS. N. R. I will rent the above described properly for three years if I can find a suitable tenant. MOSS. Oregon City, April 7. 1 C. L. ROSS, "N. Y. STORE," COR. WASHINGTON AND MONTGOMERY STB., SAN FRANCISCO, UPPER CALIFORNIA. Refer to Kiluorn, Lawton and Co., Oregon City, Geo. Abernethy, do. San Francisco, April 1, '48. Is.