Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, October 21, 1848, Image 3

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Geo. L, Curry, Editor and Proprietor.
Thanks. Cnpl. Goodwin of the brig "Evi lino," lias
our thanks Tor his usual polite attentions.
Gold Mania. Every mi" is still excited about ih'
"filthy lucre" and mostly engaged in hearing1 and
repeating beautiful stones about El DonAims. Really
we. are on the eve of a crisis! A new order of things
is about to commence Extraordinary discoveries of
the precious metals are to bring about I he great change.
The limes are big with events truly no man fcnow
utb what tomorrow may bring forth. .May it all tend
to the b n -fit and happiness of the great family of man
our confidence in our fellow men inclines us to be
lieve that it will.
A parly or about lu'only persons started last week
for Powder river, another company follows in a Tew
The news. In other columns will be found the
substance of the ncos by the brig Eveline. It seems
there is a chance for the organization of a Territorial
government for Oregon before the expiration of the
present year. Upon the arrival of Mr. Meek at Wash-
ington the President sent in a special Message to
Congress, recommending an immediate answer to our
wants. Congress, under the circumstances of the case,
could not have adjourned with decency, withouthaving
passed som ; measure of relief for this country. That
relief will doubtless come in the extension of the ju
risdiction of the United States ua consumation most
devoutly to be wished."
News of the week. We have received a letter
trom a friend who left here with the wagons for Cal
ifornia, dated, at the Umpqua river on the 22nd ult.
The greater number of wagons had crossed the river
and uere moving safely onward.
Various reports are in circulation relative to those
wti went hence, by land, to California, that are U'ilh
out the least foundation in fact. YVe. have authentic
information that one wagon only, belonging to the
Messrs Barton, we think, could not succeed in getting
through the ICanyon, inconsequence of recent exten
sive fires having felled so much limber in the road as
to render it impassable, and uus th -ivfoiv eompell d
to turn back. One of the yo.iug in u alticlied to this
uagou, in pulling a gun out from the b tck pan of it,
shot himself severely in the arm.
We are also reliably inform -d lb it the numb t of
p rsons who have gone by land to California is C60,
the number of uagons 40. About lot) persons have
gone by sea making altogether an emigration of over
If 00 souls.
P minting Material. Our paper, this week, is so
crowded with the news, that ue have barely room
to say, that, by the "Eveline," wo are in receipt of a
supply of type our wants in Uiis respect having
Ireen kindly supplied by friends at Use Islands. Capt.
Goodwin aids the Press; in 'Ore gon, by bringing this
material without charging ("or freightage,, thereby pht
ci'iir ns under great obligation. So good-bye to the
ugly w and homely b u;e trust to look upon their
like no more.
A Tenant League. One, of the funniest and rich
est schemes is set fortli in the city of New York,
un;ler the title or the "Tenant League." The idea is
to lake the necess irv "measure to rid themselves
of the present burden imposed upon them in the
shape of bouse rent!"
'I he N. V. Chief P .lie has made a report to the
Mayor, from which it appears there are in that city
5 )i houses of proslitulion, with 2,673 inmates: 160
police officers ; 65 gambling bouses: It mock auction
shops 215 junk shops, nnp 115 second band clothing
shops, all receivers of stolen goods.
UPPER, sole and harness leather, in lols lo suit
buyers, for sale at Portland, by
(tf) F. W. PETTYGROVE and Co.
BEEF, PORK, SALMON and BREAD for sale low
for cash, by W. F. GOODE.
Oregon City Oct. 13 '48. (If)
Tf EW GOODS at Kilborx, Lawton and Co.'s Just
i-. received p r Henry the following goods :
ttro. sheelinc, do. shirting, do. drilling bed ticks,
ribands: bl'k, green and gun powder
tea: eolTee: sugar: pepper:
glass: nails: lead: smo
king tobacco: etc. etc.
All of which will be sold low for cash or produce.
Oregon City, Sept. 1, '48. S2s.
Oregon Cirv, Portland, and Champoeg.
EEP constantly n band the usual variety of gro
ceries, drv ci ds. hardvvare.and other merchan
diseand deal "extensively in Uregon produce.
July, 15, '48. 15s. david m'loughlin.
FOR sal" at the New Store on Main St., the cargoof
Brig Eveline consisting of a large and extensive
assot tin ni of
Drv Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries,
Agricultural Implements, Boots and Shoes,
Stoves, Fin -arms, Paints, Iron, and
Ready-made clothing.
The above articles are of superior quality, and will
be sold low by (3s.) ,H. CLARK.
Refer to Kiluorn, Lawton and Co., Oregon City,
Geo. Abernethy, do.
San Francisco, April X, '48. li.