Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, October 07, 1848, Image 1

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FOIl Til E
Here shall the Press the people's rights maintain, Unawed by influence, and unbribed by gain."
TEHMS OF THE "FREE PRESS." Tb.! w.rds had the effect of calming for an instant
One copy, per annum, in advance,) three dollars the tury of Lagrange, -he dropped the weapon which
and fiftj in, ea . tor six. months, iw i d illars. ha held, and turning pale as death, while bis eve
. . m .
auTtnnsi.iii.-t.irr Mjudit, i2iuin r ifw.j m. quaueu Dciore the sieauv gaze or Lamartine, he mut-
msertion. two dollar-each subsequent insertion, one tered between bis teeth, "Thou art nut a true Republi-
advi8,m,,8,f8', d n y y can, nor yet a true patru,t, but I verily brieve thwart
Curr. ncv and nro.Iiire taken at their rash value. an honest manl'-and sank again upon the seat at
thii council board, trembling in every limb, andappar-
Lauka.xjk ad Lamartine -The Paris correspo.. dent ently exhausted with the effort of passion to which
of th.i Lo.rJo i Atlas tells the following tale of the he had given way. It was lb.n that his neighbor La
Revoluti m: Caussidiere, managed to seize the pistol which he had
'It is now Ken-rally kno vn that the decisive shot be- plad n side him, and, by this presence of mind save d
fore the Airairs Estrangi res, which has been repre- tM,! assembly from a dreadful catastrophe, for in the
sented as a chaue.- one, and which changed the fate of space of a few moments, Lairan'e arose, and, with
tha empire, was fir d by Lagrange, the condemned ilUi mosl frightful yells and bowlings, b gan to rend
conspirator of 1832, who by hu own confession, find- tu' clothes from his b.ick. and tear the flesh from bis
ing that affai.s were likely to take a favorable turn for bosom, while uttering tb mosl fearlul imprecations
royalty after all, determined to risk this last step in and blaspb 'uiies. In an instant the whale assembly
ord r to arouse the anyry passions of the people. In was in a state of upro ir--the terror of the scene was
this b.- but too well succeeded, and the results we mucn greater than words can possibly describe,
have seen. The Provisional Government, although in It was evid mt th it th fierce excitement of tlv last
dread of the well kn iwn incendiary priucipl s of La- few days Had turn dtbe brain of Lagrange, and pro
grange felt compel! d to nominate him ti some post duc d a fit or raging madness, lie was secured with
of emin'nee, and arc irdingly we b. held his name difficulty, and borne to Montmatrc, where he now
figure away most m ij. stically as governor of the Hotel remains, I believe a raving maniac. Much commisi ra
de Ville for two days! At th end of that time hi was tion has been felt for Lagrange, who it cannot be
displaced by another, and nothing farther has since d uibl d, is a warm aaJ disinterested, though misgui
been heard of Lagrange, wh as creator and fathi r of d d Republican. His absence fr tm public affairs is con
tlv. Revolution of 18(8, had of course, attract d &ttt nlion siJ Ted a great reli C, an tils violence was much dreaded
at first. by th' othi r mrtubi rs of the govi rnraenL He is one
It appears that on the Monday following the flight Hhe haudsom. st mn vxhom it is jossible to b hold,
r.f l.MiiiK Philinne a arand round was hi d of all a,,u iu,s u K i hm,f,t ,,m me ueiermmaiions
the revolutionary leaders ass. mblrd o dictate terms to
the Provisional Government. The wis- and calm d. -meanor
of Lamartine seems to have irritat d in no
small degree the boiling, passi nate nature of La
grange, whose excitement was so fi rce and t. rrible
that several membrs of the ass mbly prepared t'i
withdraw in alarm.
of llii lower class; in n for. . the accident which has be-
fall, ii him is considered by many almost a proidential
Mineral Discovery. Mr Blake of Akron, Ohio, has
discovered a min ral, in the neighborhood of that
L iinarliu ' alone bl.'iichi d not, place, auhfch pro:nis s to be of great value. He has
and the 'sang froid and self-possession displaytd in visit. d Washington, and received a patent for it.
Iiis replies only served to iuer ase the savage auger of wbjn first dug up, it is of the consistence of fallow,
his opponent all the mor, . At length, exasp ralid gradually hardens in a few days, so as to resemble
beyond control, tha infuriated r. publican drawing siaie: and finallv. it biciums as hard as rnrk. It is f
th to watt r and
When ivriueed
apouai me neau oi .lie Minisicr. vmi.iuiiiu rs (k ' m . . . . . "... . " ... 7"
lit ntllllif.tV tiwl f I Villi It V flilif k llnn.i..1 1 1 it l it...
me from taking thy lire n M-at, once-upou the i..- w " -P " u nit we
stantrshrKkedh.ilb r doubl Id fury. aVl he calm auP'a wf black paint, and may be spread over
glance or Lamartine met his eye. "Your unn ion- vvo.0, canvas, etc. Roofs have been guarded by it
science," coollv replied Km Minister, "and the ult ruse- against tire; and as it does not absorb the rain, it
lessn ssor suco an ouira.-. 0,r. should I mil. tin re Ph cts the rafters from decay. It consists of about
will still remain my colleague, who, all to a man, one-half of silica, ono fourth of alumina, with less
have resolved to die rather than submit t. violence, Portion of magnesia, black oxide of iron, sulphate
or to return to the senseless anarchy of, 93!" of iron, lime and carbon.
a pistol from his pocket, rushed lo.iard, L .m.rtine, lhlJ co!o, 01- injig(l, jS impervious but
and exclaiming, -lhou art no true patriot ! p unted fir d U, . fi
thv weapon at the head of .he Minister. 'VWi.ihiud rs . t . , .... ... ..