Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, September 23, 1848, Image 4

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The Sabbath sun was setting slow
Amidst the clouds of even;
fOur Father,' breathed a voice below,
Father who art in heaven !
Beyond the earth, beyond th cloud,
Those infant words were given
'Our Father,' angel? sang aloud,
'Father, who art in heaven!
'Thy kingdom come,' still from the ground
That child-like voice did pra :
'Thy kingdom come,' God'1; ho.ls ivsound,
Far on the starry way.
'Thy will be done,' with little tongue,
That lisping love implores:
'Thy will be done,' the angelic throng
Sing from seraphic shores.
' For ever,' still those lips repeat
Their closii g evening prayer;
'For ever,' floats in music sweet
Ilifih midst the angeis there:
'Tliino be the glory ccr more,
From thee may man ne'er sever;
But every christian land adore
Jehovah, God, forever l '
Saving Cartridges. During one of the late battles
in Mexico, an officer of infantry perceiving his men
were firing with great rapidity, but not with good aim,
as be thouhgt; called out to them "Be careful and not
waste your ammunition; take good aim and never
miss your man. Remember I have given a receipt for
every one of these cartridges." Pretty soon they charg
ed into the Cbaparel, when they closed with the enemy.
One of the men charged a Mexican, and as he run him
through with his bayonet, be roared out, 'Captain look
here, I have saved one cartridge. (Delta.
Auction op Ladies. An auction of unmarried ladies
used to take place annually in Babylon. "In every dis
trict," says the historian, "they assembled on a cer
tain day of every year, all of "the manageable age."
The most beautiful were first put up, and the man
who bid the largest sum of money gained possession of
her. The second in appearance followed, and (he bid
ders gratified themselves with handsome wives, ac
cording to the depth of their purses. But alas l it seemes
there were in Babylon some ladies for which no
money was likely to be ofTered, yet these were also
disposed of, so provident uere the Babylonians.
"When all the beautiful virgins," says the historian,
" were sold, the crier ordered the most deformed to
stand up, and after lie had openly demanded who
would marry her with a small sum, she was at
length adjudged to the roan who would be satisfied
with the least; in this manner the money arising from
the sale of the handsome, served as a portion to those
vbo were either of disagreeable looks, or that had
any other imperfection. This custom prevailed about
fire hundred years before Christ."
Man being the only animal that laughs, docs so be
cause he bas.no tail to shake when he is pleased
THE Fall Term of this Institution will commence
on the 1st Wednesday in September. The school
is tinder the superintendence of the Rev. CoiBma
Kr.u.s, a. M., ana consists of two departments: The
Primary department is taught by Mrs. Eells, and
includes, Spelling, Reading, and the Elementary parts
of Arithmetic and Geography. The price of tuition
is 2 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks.
The other department is taught by the Principal
himseir, and includes Reading, Writing, Grammar,
Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and the sev
eral branches of Philosophy, with such Classical studies
as may be desired. The price of tuition in this depart
ment for Reading Writing Grammar, Geography and
Arithmatic, is 3 dollars for tho higher branches, 4 dol
lars. Arrangements are made to furnish the most
approved books. For Spellers, "Webster's Elemen
tary" is used, and will be sold at cost. Other
books will be furnished to each scholar as may
he needed, for the use of which a small per centae
will be charged on the tuition bills.
A boarding department will be kept in the Insti
tute buildings by Aaron E. Pubdy, Esq., exclusive
ly for tho school. The highest price for board, is
o'dc dollar and fifty cents. Students are expected
to furnish their own bedding. It is confidently be
lieved that, under the present abie Prencipal, tho
mental and moral interests of the students will be
carefully provided for, so tbat parents and guard
ians of youth may commit them to his care with the
utmost confidence. '
By order of tbo Board,
Salem: August 29, 1848
THE undersigned hereby gives notice that, during
his brief absence from the Territory, Tbeophilcs
Mag&uder, Esq., will act as bis lawful attorney for
the transaction of any business in which be may be
a party interested.
Oregon City, Sept. lltb, '48. A. L. LOVE JOY.
JUST received per Brig Eveline, and for sale, in ad
dition to their former stock, at Couch and Ckosdy's,
Oreogn City and Portland :
Blue and fancy prints. French silks. Bro.and white
drill. 3-4 and 4-4 bro. cotton. Irish linnens. Gents
and ladies' hose. Silk, grass, linnen, and cott. hdkfs'
Cott. and welch flannel.
Shirts, gloves, buttons, suspenders, thread, tape,
pins, needles, plates, dishes, tea setts, cups and sau
cers, iron pots, enamelled fry pans, tea kettles, tobacco,
axes, medicines, coffee, tea, sugar, molasses, syrup,
bl'k pepper, vinegar, paint oil, turpentine, pitch, nails,
gl ass, shaving and bro. soap, locks, files, buckles, etc.,
etc., etc. 14s.
the main street house.
The Labgest and host commodious Public House m
IS still kep ibr the undersigned, where the public
are entertained free of chabge, as the proprietor
always takes pay in band. Tiianky for past favors
suit yourself as to the future but if you choose to call
you may rest assured I will do all I can to render your
stay agreeable. MOSS.
N. B. I will rent the above described propertr for
three years it I can find a suitable tenant, MOSS.
Oregon City, April 7. t