Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, September 09, 1848, Image 1

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ins a
"Here shall Hit Press Ihe people's rights maintain, Unawed by influence, and un bribed by gain."
I L.U.M9 ur I int. " r iut.it. mean
One cop, per a..n m, (in advance.) Hirer dollars
and fifh e nt, cash- or six mouth, d ll.:i.
AnviviVnsix;. E n- quar , - lm s or It ss,j lirst
ins. rliou. Iwo doll irs-i a h Mibs. quei.l ins i lnoi, oi.e
dollar. A r. asuabl d.dueiioo made on )aiiy
adverlis ni wiis.
I'urreun and produce taken al Ihtircasb ulu-.
TilK .UK vii.AN 111 K OlMMljN I.X i in: Au-
.M. I'lie pre alen uc might nl.u.L say the unain
m mis iipinii.ii . I e ami) so wo gather liout conv. r
s.itioiis wild these oiim i -i in i',iirof die otcopaliou
oflii c.iit.iln. litis opinion ht gau to Inn. ils. Ifiulo
(Sic minds of out ollii rs afhr (lie ai uiy had 1 11
Pu hl.i. .iiiil il has v.citi'ird sm h ln i.fclh sine lb
tcvup.lio.i o iSii (i.i; tlaf ll.il but .w can n -w
be It mod ebo dissem Iro'iii il. AI.uin n.Tic is ulo
earl) in Hie mar mere l.rvojablc to the p oj I ut
Mr.i.alhoun, (i n. Ta lor, and lb. r distinguish, d gt n
tlfuieu.ol orcup)iug ;i forlilitd line and abandoning .ill
of Lie r si oi Ihe len t on ,h..erhang d Hi. ir i. ms and
ai" no o slro ig ado ilisof otcupalioo. Anions the
Zi n ral olli.ers oi ..r ..run , to ii.miiHi, ' tgj.s.iiid
Worih in. re ;il one tone Mrongl) in rami-of oi np it x
a line, bill tee hear that these gallant and abl. nlhc. i
have iviilly utodni.'d. il he) h:i t not cuttr I) chang d,
I. ii. r opinions in this icsiel.
(ieu.Scoli has snb.nilled his iems in lull to (hi I'r. s
id nl, a. i.l lias s.i.jgo.MO.1, m. th ci usid r.il.o.t i 1 1 it
r.i.iija'. lluva iu.la. .i'.eilhug our d.lli ulliis unlb
tsl. to bold Ibeeily of Mexico and l!)c ;lu r chit f cit
ies of I be Itcptiblie-lo lake possiss.on oi'llie minis and
public lauds, and I mm l!u .n, as or. It as from nth. r
sources or revenue. In ruselbe nnaus of pa)iug lb,,
oxpensi s oi the war and at ilii'M.nr lime It. orcnp) all
lb porls a id seal) unl, a i.l llei I I2ie imposts on all
urlici s uitio t.i.'ed ml Ai. .wo .no: liir. if n lountrhs.
until t it expenses oi i.voar are th fraud and an hon
orable peace is cooclu.ed.
2dU. to occup .if iJ hid i a c. i : mi I in . in Ih m.in
iii r suggested b) lien. I'.i) lor, Mi- i . Ihon n and ol.'u rs
3dly. I'o .ccupy the u de' e mmn u d r marital
lau. u.ilil peaci! is concluded. Ex. j.ape:.
I'uKAi' timks in Mi.xn: ti .Mexicans s iy Ibal
even tiling is changed mm . n coming o( Ih Am r'
cans. "SigiiMr," .u in old Spaniard, "our lans,
our vi ry iiatur s nude f'iy u change. I sain a
.Mexican rein- n i"M ' t n is. IOsl u-.-s
carried bv : A ?:vr m:?!i v ceied justirc from the
Alcalde in a 5Ml..aof. j" ! :ui a r.Jiristiiiu, I heard
2in idd man tell hi sou it mnis sinful to sl.ul ! Won
16 uic 1 what uro wc lo cxikcI?"
Mkxican Mii.itaky CuNTincriiuN "Taiiiif. The
ni.'wly inoJifu d dutiis tirou the l't.ll..miug iuiimrls into
the ports of the Mcxic uicas. app ar thus, Id commen
ded by M-c'y v Valk. r wiln a iev .o augm. iil the
reenu :"
that Ih 'duly oi silk, fl ix, hi'inp or gr.:ss, o lion,
w.ml, uor.-d.d or an Iran u 'tclures of lb sain .or of
cil'i. r, or of mixlur s Ihei.'of. iMilVi', I as, sugar, mo
lasses, (oh nr i, ami all m inufaclurvs Ih r of, including
cigars and cigarilos, glass, china, and sloneua.e. inn
and sled, and all manufactures of either not prohib
ited' he thirl) pi r cent, ad aloft nr. On opp(r and
all ui.iuufaclures (h reof, tallow, (allow earn! lis. soap,
iisb, b ef pork hams, baco , loiigues, bull r, lard,
cb.'i s.', rice indian corn and nnal, polal . s, wb at,
rye, oals. and all old r'grain, rye m -al and oat meal
float-, wheal and sper.n oil, cl cks, b tots and shots
pomps, b o'.e'S and slippers, bonnets, uin, caps,
I) r, al , porter, cid r, limb, r, boirds plank scan
ning, sbingl g, lath -s, pitch, tar, rosin, lui p nline,
spirits of Im p iilinc, vi 11 gar, apnl- s.sbip bread, bid s,
It alb. r, and uiauufactun s and pap.T of nil kinds,
-tw. tit p r rent, ad valorum ,nd Jhese rcdinud rates
sliall alsiapplx lo all gi.mls on which I In? duties
ar- not paid. r. in. lining not excetding ninety das
in d posit inlhe M. ican p rtS", introduei duudi r pre
i Mis r guhitions en rocing military contributions.
l b xporl duly oi' M. xico as r n vv d, is div sled
o'' tin loll iwiiig i x;,i lions, i.ll ind rior transit duties
lhe proh bilo.i of exports established in certain cast s.
Upo.i uold. s.lvt-r, bullion, lliis duly is as totlows
On goid, found, or wrought, thr. e p: r cent
SiU.r, coin.d, six p r c ul.
Sih.r, wrougbl, with or vvilbnut c rlificate of
having paid an) dui) lo (he Mexican (io rnmi nl,
s un p. r l nl.
Mlvir, r. I'm. d, or tun, wiougbl or in iugols, with
nr Ihnal cerlilicale t.f baing paid lo Ihe M. xicaii
Hum mined dot), st v n p. r cmiI.
(iold, uuwroughl, or in a stala of on; o;- dust, three
p r cent.
;.l r, uuwjoughl, or in a state of ore, stive n p. r
c -iilr
v U m gold o." silver in any form is taken from
an) in. i Kir M .x.can cil) in .n;r inildar) oss ssion, the
xjiai'i tint) niusl be paid tin iv lo Idi i.tlic. r of the
U. :k cnunuamhiig, and bis ci rliiicale ofsucb pre pa)
in.Mil mii.si b pi.wluctd al tin Mi ican purl d . -p.
rtaiion, olbcrwis.- a double duly will be colli cUd
upo.i the arial ofs.icb pdd or stiver, ul the Aitxicati
port id t xporlalion. V lieuevi r il is praclicabl. , ail
i.ner.ii.l laxes of cm ry discription, whellur upoa
pi rsoas or properl), exaetid b the ioernmeiii of
Aexico, or by any Deparunenl,"tovvn. or cily Ibir.
o.', should be' collected by our military nlficers in jmis
s.ssio.i, and appropriated as military contributions
towards defraying Ihe expenses of Ihe wixr, excluding