Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, June 10, 1848, Image 3

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A day or two since we received a pamphlet of eight
pages entitled, "The Oregon American; and Evan
gelical Unionist, devoted to "a great many things
too numerous to mention, and "edited by Rev. J. S.
Griffin," but when and where published, we are left to
guess, as it bears no date. We should have been glad
to have noticed this publication differently than ue arc
obliged to do to have hailed and welcomed it as a co
laborer in the great work of human improvement.
But ils reverend editor would have i( otherwise; and it
i well (hat Ihe identity of the author of the introduc
tory article is established, for we imagine it would
have been difficult to have made the public believe that
a minister of the peace-breathing gospel of Jesus
Christ could ever have written it. After some incom
prehensible remarks in which Americans, Anti-Americans,
free principles, equal rights, monopolists, and
Romanists, are unmeaningly jumbled together, the
reverend gentleman thus facetiously observes:
"Under these circumstances and governing influen
ces, our principal journal established under a com
promise to meddle with the interests of neither parly
as found in both tticse subjects, religion and politics.
These straitened circumstances have had their full in
fluence in producing the frequent change of editors in
that print: in the last of which, our foreign parly felt
their share of grief; and our ex-edilor, having been
furnished by our Catholic friends with their printing
aparalus, is now conducting our second public paper,
which is extensively regarded as committed to foreign
By the term "printing aparatus," we presume is
meant printing material. It is a fact, that the Catho
lic Mission furnished us with some eichly pounds of
type in the same manner as the reverend gentleman
himself furnishes the Hudson's Bay Company and other
merchants with his wheat or potatoes by being paid
for it. We alone arc Ihe sole owner of the "Oregon
Free Press" establishment, as tve can show, if it he
necessary; but we perfectly understand this right
reverend gentleman, and were it not for the respect
we entertain for his profession, he should be properly
handled for his mean insinuation.
We are "committed to foreign principles, are we,
Mr. Griffin? well now, really, it's a capital joke pray
vlial are you "committed to," for although, as you
observe, "Truth may grapple with error," yet we 'de
fy reason or understanding to have any thing to do
with your "Introduction."
Supreme Coi'rt. The Supreme Court has been in
session in this city since Monday last. Several cases in
volving important points and principles of law have al
ready occupied Ihe attention of the court. We have not
heard that any final decisions have as yet been given
To P. G. Stewart,Theo. Magruder, J. R. Rohb,F. Prigg,
and A. Priest:
Gentlemen. I believe you were the committee
lo receive and disburse the donations made by the cili
zens of Clackamas county for the relief of the Immi
grants of 1817, while in the Cascades and on the river;
and as the time has nearly arrived when the public
will in all probability be again called upon to throw
in their mites for simular purposes, will you be so good
as lo inform the public, through the medium of the
public journals, what disposition was made of the
funds placed in your hands. Hv so doing, you will
greatly oblige a donor and the public generally.
Oregon Cily, June 7, '48. a DONOR.
Interesting to the Ladies. A correspondent writes
us from Fort Waters that the young men of the army
have responded lo "the two addresses fiom the young
ladies of the valley," and desires us to publish tie res
ponse. We shall do so with much pleasure when a
copy of it is received. This letter should have come to
hand some lime ago.
You can know that a girl is not a woman, if she
puts her hand over her mouth when she laughs. It is
the most tenacious sign of girlhood.
So says some one who fancies he ought lo know all
about it.
In If lis City, on the Slh inst., by Rev. H. Johnson,
Mr. William II. Bkrry, lo Miss Mary Coffin.
Departed this life (of a bachelor,) on the night of the
Slh inst., our much esteemed friend, William II. Berry.
His desilion was caused by the darts of Cupid. He
bore his afflictions as a christian, and at the sight of
his Coffin he smiled and surrendered his mortal body
thereto. When Berries are ripe they should be
plucked. (Communicated.)
ALL persons returning from the army, and having
. horses, arms, camp equipage, or any other pro
perty, belonging lo Ihe Territory, are requested lo de
liver the same to the Commissary in Oregon City and
all persons having unsettled claims against this depart
ment will present them for adjustment.
JOEL PALMER, Coms'yGen'l.
June 9, '48. 10s.
LL persons are hereby cautioned against trespas
sini. in anv manner whatever. UDon mv land
claim, silualed on the north bank of the Columbia ri
ver, immediately adjoining, on the west side, the claim
on which Fort Vancouver is silualed.
SOME gentleman left a small Sorrel Horse tied to
my fence cn Ihe morning of Ihe 17th of April last,
and at a lale hour of Ihe night of the same day he was
observed to remain in Ihe same place, without having
been fed or watered during the day. I took him, put
him up and fed him, expecting the owner would call
for him in the morning. No one has yet called, and I
take this way of letting the owner know where he
can find his propenv. S. W. MOSS.
Oregon City, May 28, '48. 9s.
NE HUNDRED head of Spanish cattle for sale low
for cash. Apply to the undersigned, at Mount
Pleasant, Yamhill county. GEO. GAY.
May 17, '48. 7ls.
Refer lo Kilrorn, Law-ion and Co., Oregon City.
Geo. Arernetuy, do.
San Francisco, April 1, '48. Is.
General Com mission Merchants,
And dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Oregon
Produce. f. w. pettygrove, Portland.
a. e. wilson, Oregon City.
david .m'loughlin, Champoeg.
Oregon Cily, April 7. Its.