Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, June 10, 1848, Image 1

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"Hero shall the Press the people's rights maintain, Unawed by influence, and unbribed by gain."
Tun Poetry op a Steam-Engine. There is, to our Apples and Cranuermes. Our family is indebted to
thinking, somtthing in v fully grand in the conlcmpla- Capt. Crosby, of the "Toulon," for these Oreeon fruits,
tion of a vast steam-engine. Stand amid its ponderous We hope the present limited supply of these fruits is
beams and bars, wheels and cylinders, and watch but an earnest of a most plentiful harvest. TheTou
tbeir unceasing play how regular and liow power- Ion brought, among other things, six barrels of apples,
ful! The machinery of a lady's Geneva watch is not Should our Oregon neighbors send us apples, cranber-
l ies, anu oilier irons, uu leui uoniiuciii me iiujauiuuiu
of our shores will return the best products or the Is
lands. It is delightful to witness a lively trade spring
ing up betiueen the Islands and the western coast of
America, especially Oregon and California. This trade
must necessarily increase from year to year.
We came across the above in the Sandwich Island
more nicely adjusted the rush of the avalanche is not
more awful in its strength. Old Gothic cathedrals are
solemn places, preaching solemn lessons touching sol
emn tilings but to him who thinks, an engine-room
may preach a more solemn lesson still. It will tell
him of mind mind wielding matter at its will mind
triumphing over physical difficulties man asserting
bis great supremacy 4 intellect battling vvilh the ele
ments.' And how exquisitely complete is every detail!
ioiv subordinate every part towards the one great
end! houj every little bar and screw fit and work
together! Vast as is the machine, let a bolt hut be the
tenth part of an inch loo long or loo short, and the
uhole fabric is disorganised. It is one complete piece
of harmony an iron essay upon unity of design and
execution. There is deep poetry in tbestcam-engine
more of the poetrj of motion than in the hound of the
antelope more of the poetry of power than in the
dash oHbe cataract. And ought it not to be a lesson
to those who lauirli at novelties, aud nut no faith in in
ventions, to consider thai this complex, fabric, this tri- and are already earnestly engaged in the Nubsery.
"Friend," which excellent journal, by the way, made
its appearance on last New Year's day, in a new and
handsome dress, typographically speaking.
We can assure Mr. Damon that it will not be long
before Oregon will produce an abundance of fruit of
the finest and rarest quality. Much interest has been,
and more is now being given to the cultivation of fruit
trees in this country. Numerous choice descriptions
have been introduced and are in successful growth.
Several of the most experienced orchardisls who have
lately come among us, have taken suitable locations
umnh of art and science, was once the laughing-stock
of jeering thousands, aud once only the waking phan
tasy of a boy's mind as he sal, and, in seeming idle
ness, watched a little column of vapor rise from the
spout of a tea-kettle? Illuminated Magazine.
Let Justice be done. The. desertion of a number of
men from the American army, and their capture and
execution near the city of Mexico, has given rise to ma
ny remarks calculated to reflect on the patriotism of
certain adopted citizens of this country, it has been
thought, and we. confess that this was the impression
left on our minds, that the battalion alluded to u ere
mostly from the Emerald Isle. The N. Y. Police Ga
zette contains the nanus and places or nativity of that
infamous set of scamps, from which, we are sorry to
learn, a large portion were Americans. They are
classed as follows :
Americans, Oi; Irishmen, 3V; Germans, 16; Scotch,
4; and one each from England, Nova Stolia, France
and Poland. We publish this account, that unjust re
proach may be taken from the shoulders of those who
do not merit the censure. Let all hear their part.
Haleigii (S. C.) Uegisler.
As to cranberries, any quautity may be had in their
season for the picking of them. Strawberries have
been so thick lately that we are just beginning to get
glimpses of the ground that has been covered with them.
Then will come rasberries, dewberries, black, blue,
and various other kinds of berries. Is not this enough
to make any tropical mouth water as badly as ours
does at the idea of the oranges, limes, and lemons down
there. Pray let us have an exchange of such luxuries
"Whatever Is, Is Night." A merchant was one
day returning from market. lie was on horseback'and
behind his saddle was a valise filled with money. The
rain fell with violence, and the good old man was wet
to the skin. At this time he was quite vexed, and
rnurmered because God had given him such bad weath
er for his journey.
He soon readied the border of a thick forest. What
was his terror on beholding on one side of the road a
robber, who, with levelled guu, was aiming at him
and attempting to lire? But lite powder being wet
wan me rain, me gun uiu not go oil, and the merchant,
Some amusement was created yesterday by the ap- putling spurs to his horse, furtuualely had lime to es-
nn:ir;inc! of siv brass nieces, at the Lustont House, la- LUl,t
w - J 7 . . '
ken from the Mexicans, at the late battle ot Lerro
Gordo. Five of them were four pounders, and the oth
er was a six pounder, and excited most merriment, by
its inscription, w hich was in very large letters, and
read thus: "El terror del Norte Americano," (the ter
ror of the North Americans.) evidently meaning the
As soon as he found himself safe he said to himself.
" How wrong was I not to endure the rain patiently, as
sent by Providence. If the weather iiad been dry and
fair, I should not probably have been alive at this hour;
the rain which caused me to murmur, came at a for
tunate moment to save my life, and preserve to me my
United Slates, although they are as much North Amur- properly.
icans as ourselves. Poor silly people: vvnicn nation
showed the most terror for such plav things? The Cost of the Mexican Campaign. The Rich
American Eagle. mond Republican sums up as follows the losses of our
troops iu the various battles in Mexico:
It is not the noisiest waters that are generally the Palo Alto and Resaca, 400 killed and wounded
deepest, nor has it always been found that that spirit Monterey, 500 ditto Uuena Vista, 800 do. Cerro Gor
vvhicb is most inclined to vapor when danger and do, 500 do. Churubusco, 1000 do. Mexico and neigh
disaster are at a distance, is the firmest in breasting borhood, 1600 do. Total, 4,800. One-third of this num-
them on their near approach.
her, probably, covers the killed.