Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, May 27, 1848, Image 3

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, GEa L. Curry, Editor and Proprietor.
The Election. The interest in Ue election appears
to increase as the trial-day approaches. From all sides
v come the sounds of prepcration. The people of Glack
amas, it would seem, are highly favored in having a
number of candidates to choose from. By reference to
another column it will be seen that a section of the
county has put in nomination a candidate of its own
selection, by a public meeting. It really seems to us
no more than proper that, at least, one of the three
Representatives for this county should be from the
country, and especially, as the Representatives hereto
fore have most always been from the city.
In Tualatin county, we learn that S. R. Thurston,
Dr. Wilcox, and David Hill, are in nomination for the
Legislature. VVc have been told that Judge Burnett
is also a candidate, but do not know certainly as to the
In Yamhill there arc some half dozen candidates for
Representatives. The principle ones are Messrs. Rice,
Gilmore, Hembrce, and C. M. Walker. YVe know of
but one candidate for Sheriff Mr. Frasier whose an
nouncement may be seen in another column.
We have been requested to slate that in Champoeg
fthc Canadians had a meeting on Saturday last, at the
house of E. Gregoire. Dr. Borgic was cfiairman, and
W. Portcous, Secretary. Dr. VVra. J. Bailey and RobL
Newell were nominated for representatives E. Dupuis
fbr Sheriff and VV. Porteus for Justice of the Peace.
On the same day another meeting uas held, by the
Americans, at the Waldo Settlement, which nominated
Messrs. Rector, Dunbar, Ciiapman, and English for the
Legislature. The Canadians nominated but tvio can
didates, giving to the other portion of the county the
selection of two more, which they propose to support
provided their nomination is supported in turn,
It is thought that A. L. Lewis will be elected repre
sentative from Vancouver.
Temperance Movement. Judge Burnett addressed
the citizens in Tualatin Plains on the subject of temper
ance, last week. A.E. VVait,Esqr., also addressed the
' VVashinglonians' on Monday evening last. Both per
formances have been commended.
Clackamas City, May 18, 1818.
Pursuant to a previous notice, a number of the citi
zens of the eastern portion of this county, met at the
meeting house near VVm. Arlhuis, sen.,-and organized
themselves by calling J. Foster to the chair, and J. P.
lingers secretary. The object of the meeting being
stated by the President, Mr. Hull offered the following
Kesolved, That the person who shall receive two
thirds of the voles of this meeting, shall be considered
the candidate for a representative in this neighborhood.
iHr After several ballolings il resulted in the choice of J.
ft P. Rogers whereupon Jas. Holman and P. Fosler re
quested that their names be withdrawn from before the
public. Gen'l McCarver, being present, was requested,
by a vole of the house, to address the meeting, who
rrr " did so in a few pertinent and appropriate remarks.
Mr. Holmes, being called, also made a few pertinent
remarks. The meeting then closed with a resolution
that the above proceedings be published in the "Free
Tress" and "Spectator." J. FOSTER, Ch'n.
J. P. Rogebs, Scc'y.
By Geo. L. Curby.
Stand up, erectl thy image hatil
The impress of a God! r
Bravely and boldly walk the path
The good and great have trod '
Be free to think, and having thought,
Be true to thy own mind ;
Yield not one particle of aught
Thy judgment hath designed.
Thou art as good as any man,
Whate'er his station be;
Though selfish fools for Uiee may plan,
Keep thou thy spirit free,
To choose and to perform thy part
With fearlessness and strength of heart
That ever win the light.
And, as thy hammer drives the nail,
So will thy influence strike,
To fasten, (hat it cannot fail,
The object that you like.
Thy hand is useful, let thy soul
Be just as useful too,
And exercise its high control
To think lo judge to do.
We arc authorized to announce the name of Wir.
J. Berry as a candidate for Representative ot Clacka
mas county at the ensuing election.
The friends of Geo. L. Corry have nominated him
as a candidate for Representative for Clackamas county.
Geo. L. Curry, Esqr.
Sir You will please give the name of JonN S.
Snook as a suitable candidale for Representative in the
next Legislature, from Clackamas county. By doing
this, you will much oblige MANY VOTERS.
TnoMAS A. Brown, at the solicitation of his friends,
has consented lo become a candidate for the office of
Sheriff of Clackamas county, al the ensuing June elec
tion. George E. Fraser will be a candidate for the office of
Sheriff of Yamhill county at the ensuing June election.
TO be sold at Public Auction, at Fort Vancouver,
for the benefit of the Underwriters, on tfie first
of June, 1848, a lot of damaged goods, saved from the
wreck of the Hon. Hudson Bav Co.'s Bark Vancouver,
consisting (if 50 pairs of Blankets, 100 pieces of Mole
I k n, ISO Shirls, 48 looking-glasses, (small,) 100 pairs
oi inhoes, 200 lbs. Tobacco, etc., etc., cel.
Sale to commence al 10 o'clock, precisely. Terms or
sale cash, payable on delivery. AlCBIOTT.
Fort Vancouver, May 24, 48. 8s.
ONE HUNDRED head of Spanish cattle for sale low
for cash. Apply to the undersigucd, at Mount
Pleasant, Yamhill county. GEO. GAY.
May 18, 1848. 7ts.
General Commission Merchants,
And Dealers in Oregon Produce.
A GENERAL assortment of merchandize constantly
on hand.
No yes Smith has retired, as a partner, from the con
cern, and tno business will be continued j heretofore.