Oregon free press. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1848-1848, May 06, 1848, Image 2

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Geo. L. Curry, Editor and Proprietor.
From California. Messrs Saxlon, Martin, and six
other persons, arrived at the first settlements at the
iiead of the Valley, on Tuesday last, from California.
They were only fifteen days from settlement to settle
ment. They were attacked by the Rogue river Indi
ans, at the "Point of rocks," who succeeded in steal
ing from the party some sixty-five head of horses.
The escape of the little company with their lives may
be considered, under the circumstances, most miracu
lous. By this arrival we do not get much news, nor any
very encouraging information, concerning our sister
territory. The emigration from the Stales to that
country last year amounted to only thirly-five wagons.
Mr. Saxton informs us that five wagons of the last
year's immigration, that were at the forks of the road
on Mary's river when last seen or heard of, it is feared,
have been cut off by the Indians, as Ihcy have never
arrived in California, nor in this country, as far as he
has been able to ascertain.
We learn that quite a large number had contempla
ted coming over land from California this season, but
from some unaccountable reason had given it up. Sev
eral families intended coming round by sea. The Brig
Henry had arrived at San Francisco.
Mr. S. states that during the attack at the " Point of
rocks," he observed a Molalla Indian among the assail
ants, one whom he was well acquainted with during
the time of his residence here. He is of the opinion
that the news of our Indian difficulties has already been
spread among the savages of that section of the country,
who are gathering in for their share of the plunder of
the coming immigration. t,ouiu noi some eariy step
be taken to insure the protection of the immigrant ?
Expenses of Government. Some people are very
inquisitive in this world, really. We have been im
portuned repeatedly lo give information relative lo Ihe
receipt and disbursement of Ihe public revenue just
as though we should be favored by the government
with intelligence about such matters.
Our fellow-citizens have contributed liberally lo .as
sist the Government out of its din-cullies, and il is no
more than proper that Ibey should know how that mo
ney has been expended, where, anu unen. remaps
the whole of Ihis liability may yet come back upon the
people to discbarge, 'till they are actually cursed with
taxation. Therefore il would seem lo be their right to
be informed in some way about the business.
The monthly publication of a statement of Ihe finan
cial condition of the Government with the receipts and
disbursements of the revenue, would be interesting
and acceptable. Such publications would help to fill
and greatly enhance the interest of, the Government
Latest I telligence. Letters dated the 2Glh April
have been received from Walla Walla. All very qui
et there the murderers dispersed and flying, and the
Indians most willing to make peace.
Letters from Fort Hall, dated the 7th of April, men
tion that Mr. Meek (Messenger lo the United Slates,)
and party, arrived there in safely on Hie 22d March,
and continued on his journey without loss of time.
The Morraons were quiet and flourishing.
The Barks "Anita" and " Cowlitz," bavc crossed tbo
bar and gone lo sea.
Go the Whole Ticket No Scratching.
In the course of a month, we shall be in the midst'
of the excitement of election times. From present ap
pearances; the contest in this county will be for the
office of Sheriff, for which there are already some three
or four candidates in the field. Much interest docs not
seem to attach to the canvass for Representatives, or, it
is not lime yet, perhaps, for Clackamas has never been
"backward in coming forward," on such occasions,
with at least a baker's dozen of ambitious aspirants.
We have been cogitating for some time upon this bus
iness of the election, and as it is a pretty important af
fair in the judgment of the "sovereigns," we have
come to the conclusion to put in nomination a ticket of
our own a " bran-span new" lickct, none of your
caucus doings for the benefit of broken down political
hacks but a purely independent concern, for which
we shall go the " entire swine," tail and all, if need
be, and we urge our friends to go it with us. Won't
the BiiowN-ilcs be astonished? How the HoLWES-mcn
will rally in desperation and Hanner's friends be lost
in dismay. But we can't help it the country must bo
saved, and that salvation is only in the Free Press
ticket. Therefore let there be a grand rally a long
pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, aad elect
For Siierifp,
The claims of General Patronage to this office are
many and indisputable. Since iie failed to be chosen
to administer the afTairs of the "Spectator" office, his
purse has of course suffered from depletion, and ho
has become decidedly dyspeptic. He is,beyond doubt,
commitled to the mercantile interests. Most assuredly
fie is personally known lo the merchants of the Falls
City, and may consequently rely upon their support
and influence. He is not only an unflinching JefTerso
nian Republican, but also an uncompromising advocate
of every thing that is popular. His peculiar views may
be expressed in " short metre." He is with the people,
whether they are for or against striking out the word
" regulate," in the Organic Law, and inserting " prohib
it," because he knows "vox populi vox Dei" so three
cheers for General Patronage.
For "menial luminaries" in the "congregated wis
dom," we go with a "pcifecl rush,"
For Representatives,
Tficsc "three worthies" cannot be defeated, and the
county of Clackamas is bound to prosper in their suc
cess. Of the candidates for Sheriff,ono thinks he can carry
the county, does he? Another feels sure of tfie City
vote, while the third claims every vote in Columbia
slough. Is that the way you have divided it among
you, gentlemen? But it won't do. General Patronage
is wide awake and up to snuff, and we calculate that
he won't be beliind in the race. Then up with your
bats for ourside, and let there be a grand rally at the
polls, on the day of election, for Palronagc, Advertise,
Subscribe, and Pay in Advance. Hip, hip, hurrah!
cock-a-doc d lu-doo !