When grasping tyranny offends Or angry bigots frown : When rulers plot for selfish ends To keep the people doun: VVhen statesmen form unholy league To drive the world lo war: When knaves in palaces intrigue For ribbons or a star: We raise our heads, survey their deeds, And cheerily reply GllUR, LITTLE MOLES, C.RUR UNDER (illOU.ND; There's sunshine in the skv. When canting hypocrites combine To curb a free man's thought, And hold all doctrine undivine That holds their canting naught; When round their narrow pale they plod, And scornfully assume That all without are cursed of God, And justify Hie doom : "Wo think of Heaven's eternal love, And strong in hope reply CJitufl, little moles, r.itni under ground There's sunshine in the sky. T' VAULT and THURSTON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, And Solicitors in Chancery, Will practice in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of Oregon Territory. Office in Oregon City. 1 ts. KILBORX, LA VVTON, and CO., General Commission Merchants, And Dealers in Oregon Produce. VS1 GENERAL assortment of merchandize constantly jttk on hand. Noyes Smith has retired, as a partner, from the con cern, and the business will be continued as heretofore. Uregon City, April 7. its. P. G. STEWART, Glock and Watch Maker; Oregon City. LL orders executed with neatness and despatch JL laL on reasonable terms. r . COIVOMJEB, ' ' " THE MAIN STREET HOUSE". The Most Large and Commodious Puulic Jlousn 1J1 Oregon, 73 S still kept by the undersigned, where the public J3 are entertained free of charge, as the proprietor always takes pay in hand. Thank y for past favors suit yourself as to the future but if you choose to call you may rest assured I will do all 1 can lo render your stay agreeable, MOSS. N. B. I will rent the above described property for three years if 1 can find a suitable tenant. MOSS. Oregon City, April 7. jyl is I'crcny given lo nil who may have do A-1 mands against the eslale of Isaac Whisman, de ceased, late of Tualnty county, O.T., lo present their demands, legally attested, preparatory to adjustment, on or before the 281 h dav of December next. Also all who may be indebted to the said estate lo make imme diate pa) menl. DANIEL 11. LOWNSDALE, Administrator. Portland, March 28, 18'i8. iuU4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Its. SURVEYINC AND ENGINEERING. THOMAS A.BROWN offers his services in the above capacity on the most reasonable terms. Applica tions will be answered" at the store of John II. Couch, UregonCily. luu'J FOR OAIIIT, S.I. THE fast sailing coppered Brig "Eveline," Goodwin master, will be dispatched for Odbu, S. I., about the 20th inst. For passage apply lo the master on board, at Port land, or lo 11. CLARK, Oregon City. April 7. Its. F. W. PETTYGROVE and CO., General Commission Merchants, And dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Oregon Produce. v. w. pettygrove, Portland. a. e. wilson, Oregon City david m'loughlin, Champocg. Oregon Cily, April 7. Us. MAIL ROUTE. PUBLIC notice is hereby given that Mr. Jai has been appointed agent by ail Associatu imcs Knox i (ion formed in Linn county, lo carry neus papers and letters from Oregon City lo Ittd Institute, and from thence lo Hale's Ferrv. All persons on this route, desirous of having their papers and tellers carried by Mr. Knox on liberal terms, W11 avail themselves of this opportunity. llf. MJOTICE Is hereby given, dial on the first day of May mvt. heivvpf'ii the hours of 10 a. m. .mil?; I shall offer for sale (o the highest bidder, at public out cry, lb" personal property of Isaac Whisman, deceased, consisting of some leather, wearing apparel, blankets, ( (c. Terms of sale: All sums under five dollars to be paid irt hand all over (he dollars a credit of twelve, mi. nibs will be giveiilo the purchaser upon his bond with approved security. Sale lo be at the Portland tannery, on the. road 'leading from Portland to tho Tualaly Plains. DANIEL II. LOWNSDALE, Administrator Portland, March 28, ISIS. luut FOR SALE. fk GRAND bargain. The undersigned offers for i m sale at a grieal bargain, his land claim, situated at the mouth of the Columbia River, a 'joining Astoria. The claim is generally so well kinn n as to render it unnecessary lo speak of its desirable location and nu merous advantages. It Iras several houses upon it and a p)rtion of it is under f nee and improvement. It will be sold without re.? rvation. For terms and oth er information, applv lo thu undersigned on the premi ses. (Us) JOIIN McCLURE. GEO. L. CURRY, Manufacturing Jeweler. Oregon Cily. TOB-VVORK performed with neatness and despatch at satisfactory racs. . , its. C. L. ROS8, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER. "N. Y. STORE," lOAi WASHINGTON AND MONTGOMERY STS., SAN FRANCISCO, UPPER CALIFORNIA. Itcfer lo Kildorn, Lawion and Co., Oregon City Geo. Arebnethy, do. Oregon City, April 8. Its. OREGON FREE PRESS. Published every Saturday. Geo. Li CuriCy, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS. One copy, per annum, Three Dollars and fifty ceil Isfor six months, Tuo Dollars. Payment in variably in advance. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. For each square (12 lines or less), first insertion, 2 Dollars. For each sub sequent insertion, one Dollar. A reasonable deduction made on yearly advertisements. currency and produce taken at its cash value.