J OREGON FREE PRESS. Geo. L. Curry, Editor and Proprietor. OREGON CITY, SATURDAY APRIL lo, 1848. For toe States. VVe understand that several com panies are making preparation for a return, over-land, to the States. VVe have heard different statements as to the number going which we conclude will he from SO to 60. They intend starling about Ihe 1st of May, by the Southern route. I, silcnced--fnr they did not renew uie fight blloui our troops beyond the Tuchie. Hen! THE LATE ENGAGEMENT. VVe have several items of information concerning the battle of the I ilh and loth ull., on Jhe Tucanyon and Tuchie, that does not appear in the official report, as published, which we have obtained through con versation with individuals who were engaged in the affair. It appears that on the morning of the 1'ilh, after the detachment of the army (numbering loo men) had travelled nearly all night, they came upon an encamp ment of Indians at the mouth of the ucanyon, which, from all that we can learn, were undoubtedly the ene my they were in pursuit of. The Indians professed friendship, but at the same lime were hurrying off their cattle, burses, and womeij across Snake river, which did nol look much like the confidence of friendship, to say the least. Large herds of cattle, and bands of hor ses covered lljp surrounding hills, which were ac knowledged to belong to the Cayuses; some three or four hundred bead of which, in obedience to orders given, were herded by our troops, to be driven to VVaiilatpu, or Fori Waters, as il is now called. Some of our men were exasperated at seeing the ene my escaping, and one of them, firing, killed an Indian, who, with others, was cr issing the river in a cajioo. VVe have since ascertained, beyond flispule, tbatTE lojl'oit was in that same Canok. Indeed, il is be lieved, thai mosl of the " murderers" were in that en campment when il was surprisi d. That it was the loss of lb- ir slock that brought on the fight, il is altogether piobable. Hi-fore any hostile demonstrations wen; made on either side, a few Indians rode boldly up and drove oil' a band of beautiful hor ses which some of our men yvere (jriving in to lake to the Fort. The detachment, with its reprisal properly, had ta ken up iis line of march to return to Fori Waters, when Ibe Indians commenced gathering in from the adjacent bills, brandishing their weapons, and. scouting the war-wboop, and shortly after, commenped firing upon our troops. The ballle was thus commenced, and although U)e delacbmenl continued its retrograde movement, the troops that pom posed its rear-guard, were almost continually engaged until evening, either in facing about and charging upon the enemy when Ibey made any stand, or in holding commanding points on "the route, essential Jo the general safety. Tbc en campment of that nigbl was surrounded by the enemy, who kept up an occasional firing all night; during ubich time they succeeded in getting back Ibeir stock, nor was there much effort made to prevent them, from what we bear ifin fact the slock was nol actual ly given up. On the next morning, (Ibe loth,) the en campment was hardly broken up, and the troops in marching order, before the samp desijllory attacks of the proceeding day were recommenced, with increasing boldness. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the de tachment reached the ford of Jbe Tuchie, when; Ihe enemy had strongly posted themselves in the brush and undergrowth, and resolutely and bravely pontrsl. ed the passage of the river. After a good deal of hard fighting, the Indians were driven from their position, and, indeed, nor even follow ended a campaign, the consequence of which, we fear" will be to embolden Ihe enemy, and perhaps tend to bring them allies. II is said that six Indian scalps were taken on the Tuchie, which, really, for the sake of hu manity, vvc trust is incorrect. We are endeavoring to punish the savage for his barbarities not to imitate him. Capts. Thompson and Maxon, and Messrs. Riu neahson, Purvis, and Olney, have been named to us as having greatly distinguished themselves by brave und serviceable acts. Latent Intelligence. We arc Indebted to the po liteness of Mr. McKinlay for the following items of news, which we extract from a letter from Mr. Ogden, dated le 13th inst., at Vancouver: ' I have only time to toll you that McArtiiur Is arrived, All quiet at Walla Walla. Some of the Cayuses are returning to their lands all wish for peace, 'ibe Little Chief calls out loudly for it; staling, 'there has been enough killed, and let us have no more fighting.' It is said Joe Lewis and three Cay uses have gone to ihcMor mons if so, be will never return. Ellis and all his family are dead in all, 60 members. They died at the Buffalo Plains. McBcan writes the navigation is free, for boats no danger to be apprehended. Under (atc of April 4lh, Maj. Magonb writes from Fort Walers to Mr. Jennings, at the Dalles, as follows: By express from Walla Walla we learn, that Ellis is dead, and some GO of his men. This has cast a withering bligbt'on our prospects with the Nez Perces. They, we are informed, have bad a big feast with the Cayuses, and Ihe supposition is, that they are disposed lo lend their aid, The Walla Walla chief looks upon us as his enemies and if this should reach you before any party leaves the Dalles, it might be well for Ihem lo come bv wav of Umatilla, Mr. Taylor died on the 2Uh ull." Thi wounded are generally doing well. From a letter from Mr. Craig sub-agent for the Nez Perces to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, of the same dale as the above, we obtain the subjoined: The Indians appear unsettled the Walla Wallas especially. The Yellow berpent says ho was lold that his property should not be disturbed but they lake his cattle and horses without asking for them. He says be knows the Americans and their way of doing busi nessbe asks the reason why bo should be deprived of buying powder and ball: b0 is not a murderer but if be is lo be deprived of such things he' does not know what he may become. Ellis and GO of bis men have died of Ihe measles, while in Ihe buffalo country. The ballanpe.,of bis party have returned. It is not known bqvv hay will apt. They say when they move camp the Cayuses come and camp close to them, and they cannol gel clear of them. Hvc Crows' is said lo be with Joseph (chief of the Nez Perces) at Ibe point of death. 'Tamsuckic' is in the Grand Round, on bis way lo Fori Hall. Joe Lewis, with Toloquoit's 2 sons, have gone lo get Ihe Mormons. The Young Chief,' Stickus and others, are going into the mountains lo slay until the war is over. The olber Cayuses are with the Pel luces ami a few 'cultiis' Nez Perces, waiting for the arrival of the Americans to fight them one time more, and then leave for ilk!; buffalo country, and abandon their own. Tb se reports come from V Valla' Walla. ' Wehiptuleek' has arrived there and delivered up nil the goods, in his possession some horses, cattle, etc. etc. sa)s he does not wish lo be an enemy lo the while map, Ass'l Quartermaster Goodhue writes from the Dalles to the Commissary General, under date of theSlh inst., thai the appointment of Maj on Lee to the chief com mand had given general satisfaction, lie says : A